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Legacy: The Hidden Keys to Optimizing Your Family Wealth Decisions
Legacy: The Hidden Keys to Optimizing Your Family Wealth Decisions
Legacy: The Hidden Keys to Optimizing Your Family Wealth Decisions
Ebook209 pages1 hour

Legacy: The Hidden Keys to Optimizing Your Family Wealth Decisions

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In LEGACY, Dr. Richard Orlando explores the five most important family wealth decisions that directly impact us, our loved ones, and our legacies. He offers wisdom, stories, and step-by-step advice for optimizing these decisions by aligning them with our values, purpose, and faith, in essence, our spiritual capital.
Release dateDec 13, 2013
Legacy: The Hidden Keys to Optimizing Your Family Wealth Decisions

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    Legacy - Richard J. Orlando


    The Hidden Keys to Optimizing Your Family Wealth Decisions

    Richard J. Orlando, Ph.D.

    Legacy Capitals Press

    New Hope, Pennsylvania


    Copyright © 2013 by Richard J. Orlando. All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, or other—without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review. For permission send an email to [email protected].

    The essence of the client stories in this book is true; however the details of the stories are fabricated compilations. The names and other identifying details of any individuals mentioned in these stories have been disguised in order to protect their privacy.

    Biblical passages in this work come from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering legal, financial, or tax service. If legal, financial, and tax advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.

    Legacy Capitals Press books are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions, or for use in corporate training programs. For more information please email [email protected]. Or contact your local bookstore.

    ISBN 978-0-9894810-0-7 (hardcover)

    ISBN 978-0-9894810-1-4 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-0-9894810-2-1 (ebook)

    1. Personal finance  2. Family relationships  3. Spirituality  4. Next-generation planning  5.  Estate planning  6. Wealth management



    To my family



    In this insightful and much-needed book, Richard Orlando, trusted advisor to many of the world’s wealthiest families, shares the essential strategies he uses to help his clients make value-driven decisions about managing their wealth and establishing a meaningful multigenerational legacy.

    —Chip Conley, New York Times bestselling author of Emotional Equations

    Richard Orlando’s financial management advice shows we can live a connected, service-oriented life in touch with our values while building an enduring family legacy of success. Orlando provides critical guidance for navigating major life decisions to make sure they strengthen relationships rather than driving families apart.

    —Keith Ferrazzi, New York Times bestselling author of Who’s Got Your Back and Never Eat Alone

     I’ve long been an admirer of Dr. Orlando’s groundbreaking work helping families integrate their spiritual and financial ideals. His book is an excellent resource for those who still feel there is something important lacking in the wealth management experience.

    —Hannah Shaw Grove, author of The Family Office

    "Richard Orlando’s new book, Legacy brings into our consciousness the fundamental role of spiritual capital in a family’s flourishing and in the happiness of its individual members. Richard teaches us that when a family’s human, intellectual, social, and financial capitals are joined with its spiritual capital it stands a strong chance of avoiding the universal cultural proverb ‘short sleeves to shirt sleeves in three generations’ and the suffering it defines. My reading of Richard’s book affirms my strong belief in his conclusion and its message offers great value to families everywhere and their advisors."

    —James E. Hughes, Jr., author of Family Wealth and Family, and coauthor of The Cycle of the Gift

    "Richard’s book brings a new and challenging perspective to the estate planning profession. Legacy is filled with stories, principles, and a framework for those of us who want to expand our value to our clients. In particular, the chapters on wealth transfer and preparing the next generation make a compelling case to factor the next generation into the planning process. I would recommend this book to every advisor and family who is ready to look beyond conventional wisdom as they plan for their legacy."

    —David A. Stein, partner and head of U.S. Wealth Planning, Withers Bergman, LLP

    Given the uncertainty and volatility of the financial markets, Richard Orlando’s book is a beacon of wisdom, savvy, and experience for legacy and investment managers. It is the ultimate wealth preservation and growth book for all to savor or aspire to. I recommend it highly.

    —Ernest D. Chu, author of Soul Currency former Wall Street Journal staff writer, former member of the New York Stock Exchange

    I have had the privilege over my professional career of advising many families on their wealth transfer decisions. It is always very complex, as no two family situations are the same and there are seen and unseen dynamics at play. Dr. Orlando approaches this topic with wisdom and principles based on considerable experience. This book should be a very valuable resource both for professionals and anyone with wealth transfer opportunities and issues. I recommend this book with enthusiasm.

    —Ron Blue, founder of Kingdom Advisors and Ronald Blue & Company

    A MUST-read. It will forever change the way you think about your family and estate.

    —Paul A. Pagnato, managing director and partner, Pagnato-Karp Group, a Barron’s 2013 top 100 financial advisor

    "Richard Orlando provides practical wisdom and excellent insight into the complex set of subjects surrounding legacy planning. He expertly argues the what, how, and why questions, pointing out that optimizing these decisions is about intellectual, social, human, and spiritual capital, not just financial capital. Recommended reading for anyone serious about the subject of legacy."

    —Bob Doll, chief equity strategist and senior portfolio manager, Nuveen Asset Management

    Richard’s passion for helping people navigate the increasingly complex world of financial choices is laudable. His approach demystifies and simplifies, giving investors the peace of mind they deserve.

    —Elliot Weissbluth, CEO of HighTower

    "Dr. Richard Orlando’s book, Legacy, provides the necessary guidance to help families optimize their family wealth decisions and prepare their family for the wealth. In particular, his focus on next-generation preparation does an excellent job of pointing out what wealthy families need to provide to their children. Following Dr. Richard Orlando’s ‘Ten Principles and Practices for Parents to Raise Their Children’s Life IQs’ is a great place for parents to begin this process."

    —Rowland M. Smith III, C.P.A., CSEP, M.S.T., tax partner at ParenteBeard LLC

    "As CEO of an international company, I have read many books on leadership, wealth, and success. Of these, Dr. Orlando’s book is in a class by itself.  Legacy provides principles and insights that can assist business owners and entrepreneurs in their pursuit to prepare themselves and their children for the opportunities and responsibilities that come with success. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in creating a positive legacy through their company and family."

    —John Rakolta, Jr., CEO of Walbridge

    After playing basketball in the NBA for the past twelve years and now planning for the next stage of my life, I couldn’t have read a better book. It is filled with practical wisdom that’s guiding me and my family from success to significance. I wish this book would have been available earlier in my career. I strongly recommend it to professionals who want to make the best possible decisions regarding their wealth, success, and family.

    —Michael Redd, former NBA player (2000–2012) and member of the USA National Men’s Basketball Team (gold medal winner, 2008 Summer Olympic Games)





    Chapter 1 Navigating Your Legacy

    Chapter 2 Preparing for Your Legacy Journey


    Chapter 3 The Pursuit of Happiness

    Chapter 4 Transferring Your Wealth

    Chapter 5 Next-Generation Preparation

    Chapter 6 Giving and Sharing

    Chapter 7 Taking Care of the Business of the Family

    Final Thoughts




    About the Author



    Live your legacy.

    Family life is a journey with predictable milestones: Every fork in the road, speed bump, and change of direction requires a decision to be taken. Whether it is a decision related to the recent global financial crisis or a liquidity event, a marriage or divorce, a death, the birth of a baby, a career change, or some other issue, all individuals and families will face important successes, conflicts, and transitions that impact our wealth. As our wealth rises, it magnifies any relationship issues that exist among our family members, blurs the lines between love and money, and makes decision making more complex and sophisticated.

    How you plan for your legacy and answer the five most important family wealth decisions will directly impact you and your family for generations to come. My purpose in this book is to help you and your family lead flourishing lives in the context of wealth. This book will help you know how to answer these five questions, as well as secure the reason for your answers.

    Too many people are misinformed. Legacy planning is not really about making an end-of-life plan or focusing on which financial assets we will leave to our heirs and charities. Legacy is about how we choose to live each moment of our lives. In this sense, planning is not about leaving a legacy, but about living our legacy. It is about reaching our human potential and intentionally making a positive imprint on the world each day of our lives.

    Most of us do not have books written about us when we die celebrating our individual accomplishments, vision, and philosophy, like Steve Jobs. Still, Jobs is a great example of someone who has a powerful and far-reaching legacy. The impact of his legacy began decades before his death and created ripples around the world, and not only in the technology sector. As an inventor, an entrepreneur, a filmmaker, and a philanthropist he touched so many people’s lives that after his death Harvard Business School’s Working Knowledge Newsletter printed a special section entitled The Legacy of Steve Jobs. In one of the articles for this special section, Regina Herzlinger, a faculty member at Harvard Business School, is quoted as saying:

    The life of Steve Jobs is like a biblical saga. A mighty prophet emerges, visionary and charismatic, but he is imperfect. He deserts early allies (Steve Wozniak) and has other troubled relationships. He is widely spurned because he is so harsh and demanding. He is in turn betrayed by his closest ally (John Sculley), but ultimately the clarity of his vision and charisma triumph, and he transforms the world. The transformation in communications he creates gives ordinary people the voice to topple mighty businesses and governments. Would you expect any less from a mighty prophet?¹

    Whether you find Jobs’ example inspiring or intimidating, because he set the bar so high, the point is that he didn’t know his ultimate legacy when he began his career and experienced his setbacks. He lived his life step by step, decision by decision, just as the rest of us do, guided by his talents and interests. In the process of living, he made his mark.

    Like Jobs, all of us are creating legacies for ourselves, whether or not these are intentionally planned for, or will be captured retrospectively someday in a book, magazine article, or movie. In Legacy: The Hidden Keys to Optimizing Your Family Wealth Decisions, I’m going to encourage you to think about your family wealth decisions in the context of your legacy. In these pages, I encourage you to answer what I believe are the five most important family wealth questions in terms of their meaning, value, and purpose.

    How do I ensure a happy and fulfilled life for myself and my family?

    How do I transfer my wealth to my children and others I care about?

    How do I prepare the next generation in my family for the opportunities and responsibilities of wealth?

    How do I best give and share my resources with others?

    How do I ensure that my family business (whatever it may be) flourishes?

    The Origins of This Book

    Over the past quarter of a century, I’ve worked alongside, and for, financially successful individuals and families from around the globe, paying keen attention to the attributes that led to lives that flourished in the context of success. I have wondered why some seem content in their success, why others seem to be motivated more by fear than love, and how they answer questions such as those posed above. Among other types of professionals, my clients are entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and professional athletes, some managing first-generation wealth and others managing second-, third-, fourth-, or fifth-generation wealth.

    I have functioned as an educator, a business consultant, a life coach, and a trusted advisor to some of the wealthiest families in the world. I have sat with such families in their living rooms and boardrooms, reviewing their balance sheets, estate plans, and life plans, and having conversations with them about what matters most to them. They’ve shared with me their visions, philosophies, heritages, values, hopes, and dreams, and their deepest fears and struggles. In addition, I’ve trained, coached, and collaborated with other trusted advisors who serve affluent individuals and families. In this book, I intend to share with you my discoveries from helping my clients, as individuals and families, make their decisions.

    Legacy planning is spiritual in nature because it ultimately starts with intentions and wishes that transcend the tangible world and are imprinted on the lives of others. Having said this, tangible assets that allow for outcomes such as the creation of a vaccine to cure a disease, the purchase of a home for loved ones to dwell in, or providing water and food for the impoverished are manifestations of an intended legacy to positively impact the lives of others. Utilizing global positioning technology as a metaphor for navigating the decisions that lead to your legacy, I will show you how and why your spiritual capital is the most powerful GPS navigation tool to optimize the way you and your family make your most important family wealth decisions.

    I’m going to use the concept of spiritual capital throughout this book, so let’s take a moment to understand the concept. Spiritual capital is a metaphor for the spiritual dimensions of our lives, our spiritual resources, as being a form of capital. Although the concept of a divine spirit or God has been around since the beginning of time, the concept of intangible spiritual resources as being a form of capital in the same way that financial resources like cash and hard assets are capital is relatively novel in the context of family wealth.

    Spiritual capital is

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