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Four Days in Barcelona
Four Days in Barcelona
Four Days in Barcelona
Ebook47 pages27 minutes

Four Days in Barcelona

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In this 20 page article I discuss our four day trip to Barcelona. The article presents a day-by-day account of the tours taken; fast facts about notable aspects of the trip; the itinerary; planning notes; and resources used. Selected photos from our trip are also included.
The tours included: Afternoon Tapas Tour (Walking); Gourmet Tour (Walking); The Gaudi Tour (Bus); Montjuic & Panarama Tour (Bus); Picasso Tour (Walking); Trixi Tour (Pedicab); La Ramblas; and the Hop-on/Hop-off tourism bus.
Fast facts regarding Barcelona, La Ramblas, Gaudi, Tapas, Tour costs and Our accommodation are dispersed throughout the article.
The Trixi Tour (Pedicab), Gaudi Tour (Bus), Picasso Museum (Walking), and Tapas Tour (Walking) were the highlights of the trip. The Gourmet Food Tour and the Montjuic and Panoramic Tour were disappointments. The article also discusses lessons learned from this type of trip.
Icons visited during the trip included: La Ramblas, La Boqueria Market, Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, Picasso Museum, Poble Espanyol, Placa de Catalunya, Gothic Quarter, La Ribera, Placa Sant Felip Neri, La Placa del Rei, Placa Reial, and Placa Sant Jaume.
(Article: 7,400 Words)

Release dateNov 16, 2011
Four Days in Barcelona

Graham Kingston

IntroductionOS Wayfarer is not a business or an enterprise but a passion!At its core, OS Wayfarer is about self-publishing eBooks, especially our travel eBooks. So far, we have self-published eight travel eBooks.OS Wayfarer is sustained through the partnership of Graham and Katherine Kingston. It is our passion for travel, and my (Graham’s) passion (some might say obsession) for personal computing, photography, and project management, that has resulted in OS Wayfarer. Fortunately, Katherine knows her history, provides great editing, calms Graham’s exuberance, anchors the outfit in some reality, and ensures a measure of class.We endeavour, for less than the price of a cup of coffee, to share our travel experiences with you. We hope you enjoy our eBooks.Our approachFour key principles underpin our approach:•We love to take a “Do it Yourself” approach as much as is feasible: in respect of our travel, eBooks.•A cost-effective approach is always front of mind.•A commitment to maintaining standards is important to us.•A desire to share our knowledge and expertise thereby helping others to enhance their travel experiences.We strive to be professional; and to adopt practical, affordable, achievable, and effective approaches to the development and publishing of our eBooks.Our backgroundsTravelWe are retired baby boomers and we have been at this caper, in one form or another since about 2009.We travelled as a part of our professional working lives but to less developed countries. We lived and worked in Bandung, Indonesia (four years), Kitwe, Zambia (four years) and Kuching, Sarawak (two years). These wonderful opportunities provided a rich experience for our family and instilled a desire to travel (perhaps it was always there).We have travelled quite a bit since retiring and intend to continue. To date we have visited various parts of the world: for example, Athens, Prague, Isle of Skye, along the Queensland Coast, Istanbul, Bucharest, Budapest, and Barcelona (it just so happens that all these visits resulted in an eBook!).Earlier we travelled to Spain, Portugal, and Morocco, as well as Italy on two Insight Tours.ProfessionalI (Graham) started out as a Radio Technician before becoming a technical teacher, and technical teacher trainer. This foundation led to a very enjoyable career as an adviser, program/project tenderer and manager, and independent consultant in international development assistance.Katherine commenced her career as a primary school teacher before becoming an ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) teacher, Self-Access Centre manager, and IELTS (International English Language Testing Service) Centre manager.

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    Book preview

    Four Days in Barcelona - Graham Kingston

    Four Days in Barcelona

    By Graham Kingston

    Copyright 2011 OS Wayfarer

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



    Day 1 - Placa de Catalunya, Tapas Walking Tour

    Day 2 - Gourmet Walking Tour, Gaudi Tour

    Day 3 - La Rambla, Montjuïc and Panoramic Tour, Picasso Walking Tour

    Day 4 - Hop-on/Hop-off Tourism Bus, Trixi Tour

    Conclusion: Highlights, Disappointments and Lessons Learned

    Fast Facts: Barcelona

    Fast Facts: La Ramblas

    Fast Facts: Tapas

    Fast Facts: Gaudi

    Fast Facts: Our Accommodation

    Fast Facts: Tour Costs

    Appendix A: Planning

    Appendix B: Itinerary

    Appendix C: Resources


    To think Barcelona is to think Olympics (that Archer!), Gaudi architecture, Picasso, Wine and Food (especially sangria, tapas and paella) and people watching on La Ramblas. The challenge is to try and absorb all these highlights in just four days. This article presents the story of our four-day trip and discusses the variety of tours we took in Barcelona: guided bus, walking, pedicab and hop-on/hop-off bus tour. It also discusses the highlights, disappointments and lessons learned.

    The tours included: Afternoon Tapas Tour (Walking); Gourmet Tour (Walking); The Gaudi Tour (Bus); Montjuic & Panarama Tour (Bus); Picasso Tour (Walking); Trixi Tour (Pedicab); La Ramblas; and the Hop-on/Hop-off tourism bus.

    Fast facts regarding Barcelona, La Ramblas, Gaudi, Tapas, Tour costs and Our Accommodation are dispersed throughout the article.

    The planning, itinerary, and resources used to organise our trip are provided in Appendices.

    Day 1


    The 08:00 flight from London Heathrow arrived on schedule at 10:45 and once the formalities of immigration, customs and baggage collection were completed we joined a short queue for a taxi to the city. These formalities can be tiresome in some countries but we didn’t experience any difficulties with the quick and orderly process,

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