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Do I Have Purpose?
Do I Have Purpose?
Do I Have Purpose?
Ebook77 pages35 minutes

Do I Have Purpose?

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About this ebook

The question of life purpose is prominent in the minds of many people. Many are asking the question, "Why am I here? Is there a purpose to my life?" The intention of the book is to bring a different perspective to the subject of purpose - a perspective that will bring a sense of rest and freedom.

This book has been born out of my own journey as I have wrestled with the question of purpose for the past 35 years and have really sought to understand God's perspective on this issue. My desire is that you use the book to guide you in meditating on God's Word as you seek to live a purpose-filled life that pleases and glorifies our Lord Jesus Christ.

Release dateJul 9, 2012
Do I Have Purpose?

René N. Kirstein

René Kirstein is a Christian Life Coach in the Western Cape, South Africa. Her passion for coaching God's people to live lives of excellence was borne out of her own frustrations in trying to live a life pleasing to God in the midst of generalized Christian jargon which is seldom explained in practical terms. In a desperate desire to connect with the Living God, she found herself falling prey to New Age teachings and practices, together with the 'positive thinking' movement and the rest of the plethora of self help materials available at book stores. Though experiencing a measure of success in her work life, she found herself disconnected from the God she was seeking, and bound by a life of frantic busyness. While on this journey, René began to search the Scriptures, looking to find God's teaching on the 'how' of effective living. As God started to open His Word to her, René encountered the Living God and began to experience the freedom and rest that is described in the Bible. The Lord showed her that He has given His people all they need to live the life He has called them to, but His people allow themselves to become disempowered as they take hold of the teachings, traditions, practices, and wisdom of the world. Only through the teaching of God's Word can God's people truly find the rest He has purchased for them; only as we walk in full obedience to His Word, can we live the life of excellence and power that defines a life truly surrendered to Christ. My desire is to share the things I have come to learn so that the Bride of Christ may rouse herself and get herself ready for her Groom Who is on His way to fetch her.

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    Book preview

    Do I Have Purpose? - René N. Kirstein

    Do I Have Purpose?

    By René N. Kirstein

    Copyright 2012 René N. Kirstein

    Smashwords Edition

    ISBN 978-0-620-54007-0

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy.

    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture is taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE, Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    Cover Photo: Copyright by Noël Mortimer

    Cover Design: René N. Kirstein

    All photos used by permission


    Table of Contents


    In the Beginning …

    Too Complicated!

    Start with Relationship

    How do I Live a Life of Purpose?

    What Stops Us from Living Our Purpose?

    What are You Really Looking For?

    So, What Now?

    What is God’s Purpose for Us?

    About Rene N. Kirstein

    Connect with Rene N. Kirstein



    The question of purpose is something that is prominent in the minds of many people. There are many books and seminars that deal with this subject and yet there are still many people who are asking the question, Why am I here? Is there a purpose to my life? This question lies in the hearts of many of those who struggle with depression and many who finally take their lives in despair.

    I, myself, have wrestled with this question of purpose for the past 35 years and have really sought to understand God’s perspective of this issue of purpose. My search began shortly after I had given my life to Christ when, as a young teenager, I was part of a group of people who were sent out to invite other teens to a youth rally. Part of our assignment was to hand out a magazine which explained the Gospel in a way that made it understandable and relevant to the teen culture. As part of the training, we were taught to tell the recipients of the magazine that within its pages, the readers would find purpose for their lives.


    I was intrigued by this and read the magazine from cover to cover, several times, trying to see what it said about purpose, all the while thinking I must have missed the section that told us what our purpose was. As a young teenager, I was too shy to ask the trainers what they meant by saying that this magazine would tell us what our purpose was, but a seed had been planted in my mind and I set out on a journey to understand what God’s Word had to say about the purpose of life.

    The intention of this book is

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