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The Cure For Cancer
The Cure For Cancer
The Cure For Cancer
Ebook123 pages2 hours

The Cure For Cancer

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About this ebook

The Cure For Cancer is proven science.

There are no gimmicks, nothing to harm you and nothing expensive you must buy to cure yourself of cancer.

Cancer is caused by poisons damaging DNA in the nucleus of the cell and preventing those cells from natural program death called apoptosis.

All cancers are caused by poisons, toxins, drugs, chemicals. 100% of all cancers.

This book is about recognizing those poisons and how to avoid them; as well as teaching you safe alternatives to the poison foods and drinks that are the core of what is called "the American diet".

You can cure yourself of cancer and any other disease WHILE you still listen to your doctors, except the parts about death, dying and no cures.

And for those who are not cured, the worst you will do is significantly improve your health and add precious time to your lives. And to be quite honest, you will actually save money as you stop the excessive eating out and learning to get your food addictions under control.

And yes, I said get your food addictions under control. Your mind is where those addictions are. Those foods and drinks give you sensations. But it was the sting of death and disease; as you now know.

This book empowers YOU with the knowledge you need to cure yourself. Much of this knowledge has been around for centuries. Doctors turned their backs on this healing medical science in the past 75-100 years. The rest of the knowledge has to do with guiding you out of your current diet of poison saturated foods and drinks; a big part of what you call food, is only pure poison.

Doctors know most of this medical science but won't tell you.

Get science working for you, significantly improving your health, on your way to what very likely will cure you.

The author of The Cure for Cancer has Published other books such as:
How to Avoid Dialysis and Cure Kidney Disease and
Self-Care HealthCare Guide

The Author is an expert in cures, natural healing, herbs, vitamins and Organic Gardening.

Table of Contents

1 - Laying the Foundation for Your Cure
2 - Let's Get You Started on Getting Rid of Your Cancer
The Perfect Diet
3 -Poisons in Your Water
4 -Poisons in Your Drinks
5 -Poisons in Your Food
6 -What Else You Can Do To Speed Your Healing The Best Things to Eat to Help Cure Cancer
7 -My Final Words.

PublisherTerry Cooksey
Release dateSep 19, 2012
The Cure For Cancer

Terry Cooksey

I wrote a book about how I saved my life when doctors said I would be on dialysis or dead by 2008 or 2009. I didn't get any help from doctors. I cured myself of arthritis, headaches, heartburn, dandruff, bleeding gums, gout and more, as I was trying things to help my kidneys. I am not a book author who picked a subject for my next book. The book is the information that saved my life and cured me of every chronic disease I had.

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    Book preview

    The Cure For Cancer - Terry Cooksey


    C u r e


    C a n c e r


    Terry Cooksey

    SmashWords Edition

    Cover Art by

    Terry Cooksey

    ISBN-13: 978-1-939147-22-6

    ISBN-10: 1-939147-22-0

    All Rights Reserved – 2012 © American Publishing US

    The Cure For Cancer


    Terry Cooksey

    Table of Contents

    1 - Laying the Foundation for Your Cure

    2 - Let's Get You Started on Getting Rid of Your Cancer

    The Perfect Diet

    3 -Poisons in Your Water

    4 -Poisons in Your Drinks

    5 -Poisons in Your Food

    6 -What Else You Can Do To Speed Your Healing

    The Best Things to Eat to Help Cure Cancer

    7 -My Final Words


    ISBN-13: 978-1-939147-22-6

    ISBN-10: 1-939147-22-0

    All Rights Reserved – 2012 © American Publishing US

    1 - Laying the Foundation for Your Cure

    Yes, there is a cure for cancer. But like all cures, the cure for cancer is outside the helpless medical profession. The cure for cancer is not a gimmick. The cure for cancer is proven science that all doctors COULD tell you but don't. Your doctor only cares about prolonging your illness to maximize his income. But almost all of you will say that your doctor is different, and that he or she really cares ! OK, I'll play along. But let's get some proof that your doctor really cares.

    If your doctor cares, he would have told you what caused your cancer. Here's how that caring doctor conversation went. Your doctor told you that your cancer was caused by poisons, and told you this :

    Cancer is caused by damage to the nucleus of cells. This damage interferes with apoptosis, which is the natural programmed death of cells. When this process breaks down, cancer cells begin to form. Cancer cells do not experience programmed death as normal cells do. This allows cancer cells to grow and divide; which leads to a mass of abnormal cells that grows out of control and forms tumors. Once these tumors form, they develop blood vessels. These blood vessels carry cancer cells to other parts of the body and form growths. The damage to cells is caused by gene mutations causing cells to be unable to correct DNA damage. Cancer is a result of these mutations which interfere with oncogene and tumor suppression gene function and leads to this uncontrollable cell growth. Carcinogens are directly responsible for damaging DNA and promoting cancer. Free radicals are formed when our bodies are exposed to carcinogens. These free radicals damage cells and inhibit normal cell function. If your family members; especially your parents and grandparents, have had cancer, it's obvious this gene mutation was passed on to you. But even so, this only means cancer forms quicker in these people than those without the family history of cancer. And as soon as your body is exposed to carcinogens, cancer begins to form. So, you can easily see how avoiding poisons is the key to preventing and curing cancer. This is why all cancer patients should get serious about avoiding and eliminating poisons.

    Yep, that's what your doctor explained to you didn't he ! No he didn't. Because he would lose a lot of money by telling you this. Poisons caused your cancer. And no doctor is going to tell you that, beyond mentioning cigarettes and alcohol, because the doctor knows that if you stop poisoning yourself, your cancer is going to fade away ! So doctors have all these ways to treat your cancer and the symptoms that come with cancer. But no doctor is ever going to cure you of cancer or anything. You might want to explain to yourself WHY you think doctors COULD cure you, when no doctor has ever studied cures in medical school. As a matter of fact, and I do mean fact, doctors don't even practice medicine nowadays. But is all this about doctors going to cure you ? Answer – NO ! What this talk about doctors is for, is to adjust your attitude that made you sick in the first place. And if you don't get your attitude adjusted to the realities of science and facts, then you only need to make sure your funeral coverage is paid up to date. And even IF doctors told you the cure for cancer, as I am going to do, they still couldn't cure you. And neither can I ! But I know someone who CAN cure you. And it's the same person that made you sick in the fist place.........YOU ! Yes YOU are the one who can cure YOU. YOU can learn to face the fact that poisons are NOT safe, no matter how often the FDA tells you they are certified safe. Your parents told you poisons were bad for you. But you got all grown up and told everybody that you will do as you please, and that nobody is going to tell you what you CAN and can NOT eat ! But you forgot to tell yourself that YOU are the one who is going to have the cancer those poisons cause.

    So now it's time for YOU to clean your mess up and get to thinking outside that tiny bubble where you trusted your government and the corporations, all the way to cancer or some other chronic disease or diseases ! Diseases are only chronic because you trust doctors with NO cures, to cure you ! Pretty crazy, huh ? I mean really; do you take your car to the grocery store to have a new muffler put on ? No you don't ! So why are you going to doctors for cures, when doctors have no cures and didn't even study cures in medical school ! Yep, the cure for cancer is easy to understand and do. But you can't cure yourself as long as you are waiting on doctors and the medical profession to find the cures for cancer that already exists ! But plenty of you will walk for the cure for cancer, share cancer posts on Facebook in support of finding the cure for cancer that already exists. But the thing you never ever do is, share the cure for cancer with others !

    In the City I live, there's all the big buzz about the new cancer care center they are building. And boy do doctors CARE about cancer. Yep, doctors care about keeping your cancer around so they can maximize their income off your suffering and pain, instead of telling you how to cure yourself of cancer. But there will never ever be a cancer CURE center in this town ! Everything has to be threaded through money. Cures help people and save their lives. But cures take millions and billions of dollars of income from the medical profession. And that's why all cures are Dead On Arrival with doctors and the medical profession. And until cures start being taught in medical school, cures have no chance of being a part of the work of doctors and the medical profession.

    So you have got to decide IF you want to live. And if you do, you can go ahead and cure yourself WHILE you still go to the doctor and follow all the quackery they have invented over the past 75 years, as doctors and the medical profession turned their backs on all cures and all medicine in the history of this planet.

    Do you understand that 100% of the drugs your doctors prescribes you are removed naturally by your body ? Your body begins to remove all drugs the moment they enter the body. That's why you have to keep taking them every day. But if doctors used real medicines, your body would put those real medicines to use in your body and only remove a small part of that real medicine. So am I saying to NOT take the drugs doctors prescribe you ? NO I am not. What I am saying is that even the drugs your doctors prescribe you that do help you in some temporary way, are still poisons to your body that have to be completely removed. And to do that, your body uses up its own energy. Let me explain this a little more.

    Your body only has so much energy. Your body needs energy to digest food, remove toxins, perform body metabolisms and repair damaged cells. You have got to learn to force your body to spend as much of its energy repairing damaged cells as you possibly can. Remember, cancer is caused by poisons damaging the nucleus of cells; which prevents the natural programmed death of cells. But if you stop stuffing those poisons down your throat, there won't be any poisons to cause cancer or any other chronic diseases !

    I had a nice awakening to these scientific facts shortly after doctors told me I would be dead from chronic kidney disease by 2008 or 2009. I was talking to a nurse at the hospital and she mentioned that her husband had chronic kidney disease. I asked her what he was doing for his kidney disease. She said he was using ginger packs placed on his back next to his kidneys; and those ginger packs were soaking the poisons out of his kidneys. Now when she told me this, I got all excited and couldn't wait to start using the ginger packs to get those poisons out of me. But as I was trying to track down the ginger roots, I started what if I don't put those poisons IN my body in the first place. Then there would be no need to soak them OUT of my kidneys ! And that got my head to thinking a 100 miles an hour !

    I started examining everything I ate and drank and everything my body comes in contact with; all the way from the food I eat, the water I drink and bathe in, and the personal hygiene items we all use, like soap, shampoo, conditioner and my underarm deodorants. And even though I have been an Organic Gardener for the past 30 years, still, I saturated my kidneys with so much poison in my drinks, that they failed. Lots of people said Watch what you eat. But no one ever said Watch what you DRINK or Watch what you shower in. And not doing that is what took out my kidneys after having arthritis, bleeding gums, intestinal bleeding and acid reflux for 20 years. Not to mention all the headaches I had all my life, like anybody else. I cured myself of all that and more. As a matter of fact, I cured myself of every chronic disease and medical condition I had, by doing what I am going to be telling you in the chapters called Poisons in Your Water, Poisons in Your Drinks and Poisons in Your Food. But when it comes to a disease like cancer, you

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