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Engineering, Science and Antigravity: Challenging the Challenges
Engineering, Science and Antigravity: Challenging the Challenges
Engineering, Science and Antigravity: Challenging the Challenges
Ebook171 pages2 hours

Engineering, Science and Antigravity: Challenging the Challenges

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About this ebook

Dr. Douglas Vandenberghe, a professional engineer, introduces several antigravity devices/machines and phenomena reported by inventors and researchers such as Nikola Tesla, T. Townsend Brown, J.L. Naudin, Viktor Schauberger, and John Hutchison. A modified version of T. Townsend Brown's Electrokinetic Apparatus (United States Patent No. 3 187 206) is experimentally investigated. The data and observations from these experiments form a basis for an antigravity field/force hypothesis that is extended to the development of energy models describing mass, charge and their related fields. These conceptual energy models offer an explanation for the inherent properties of mass, the electron, the proton and the field/force generating interactions associated with Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, Coulomb's Law and the forces arising from (electro)magnetic field interactions with a moving charge. The energy models, which are graphically illustrated, are integrated with the data and observations from the experimental investigations to explain antigravity - the electrical generation of a manmade gravity-like field that interacts with the mass of the device to generate a propulsive force and the electrons on the device's surface to alter its electrical characteristics. Social and scientific attitudes towards antigravity and related phenomena are discussed and suggestions for future research shared.

Release dateSep 25, 2012
Engineering, Science and Antigravity: Challenging the Challenges

Douglas Vandenberghe

Dr. Douglas Vandenberghe, a professional engineer, began his career in the nuclear industry as an assistant reactor shift supervisor. He went on to develop nuclear reactor components and computer simulations of reactor shutdown systems and loss of coolant accidents for the CANDU nuclear reactor. He integrated his energy research with his antigravity interests at the University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, and conducted a series of antigravity experiments. To explain his test results he completed a critique of mainstream science's long standing mechanical and electrical laws and developed a conceptual energy based model, the Zero Point Energy model. This model, which links mass and electricity together, offers an explanation for science's widely accepted mechanical and electrical laws, explains his experimental results and many of the claims made by other antigravity researchers. This research is documented in his eBook, ENGINEERING, SCIENCE and ANTIGRAVITY Challenging the Challenges.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Interesting review of a select T.T. Brown apparatus and why it seems to produce an unexpected force.

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Engineering, Science and Antigravity - Douglas Vandenberghe




Challenging the Challenges

Douglas Vandenberghe

Copyright 2012 Douglas G. Vandenberghe

Smashwords Edition

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Antigravity Inventors and Researchers

The Challenges



The Axial Convergent Capacitor

High Voltage Experiments

Low Voltage Frequency Response Experiments

The Antigravity (Electrogravitic) Hypothesis


The ZPE Model Continuum

The ZPE Neutron (Mass) Model

The ZPE Electron and Proton (Charge) Models

Electric Fields and Electrostatic Forces

(Electro)magnetic Fields and Forces


Closing Remarks


Electrical Devices and Machines

Mechanical Devices and Machines

Natural Phenomena




The Electric Field / Electrostatic Force Analysis

The (Electro)magnetic Field / Force Analysis

About the Author



These investigations explore the seemingly impossible - the generation of an antigravity field / force for the purposes of vehicle propulsion. I humbly acknowledge the ignored and almost forgotten inventors and researchers that have worked in this area before me. Their contributions, recorded by their patents and the written and verbal accounts of their accomplishments, have provided me with much needed insight and guidance.

During the course of this research many friends, family members and colleagues have freely offered comments, suggestions and support. Their advice and experience is gratefully acknowledged and their encouragement over the years will never be forgotten.

I especially would like to acknowledge and thank Mr. K. Hutchence, Mr. P.K. Gupta and Mr. D.R. Buehler for their friendship and the contributions that they made during the formative stages of these investigations. Mr. K. Hutchence’s practical suggestions and advice related to the area of electrogravitics provided me with much needed direction. Mr. P.K. Gupta’s enthusiastic and energetic participation during the early phases of the experimental investigations will never be forgotten. His contributions provided direction to the experimental work that followed. Mr. D.R. Buehler’s enthusiasm and idealism with regard to his own personal research related to electrogravitics brought a broader perspective to these experimental investigations.

I thank Dr. Larry I. Hein for the discussions on antigravity that we had over the years. We may not have agreed all the time but they were always enjoyable and thought provoking.

Finally, a very special thanks to my wife and family for their patience and support.

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Electrical, mechanical and electromechanical devices and machines that are claimed to exhibit antigravity characteristics are presented. One such device, T.T. Brown's electrokinetic apparatus (US Patent No. 3 187 206), is modified and experimentally investigated. The experimental results combined with a critique of mainstream science form the basis for the development of generic energy models describing mass and charge, the electron and the proton. These models, which assume the existence of Zero Point Energy, offer some explanation for the properties inherent to mass and charge, science's basic mechanical and electrical laws, antigravity and many of the antigravity devices and machines that have been reported. Possible relationships that could exist between antigravity, gravity and unexplained geophysical phenomena are discussed. Suggestions for research that integrates antigravity with science in a mutually synergistic manner are shared.

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Antigravity, the generation of a gravity-like field / force to counter the effects of gravity, has been an enduring subject of science fiction writers. However for many of us our first experiences with this phenomenon was a fairy tale that we gladly embraced, The Night Before Christmas penned by Clement C. Moore in 1822. The thought of gravity defying reindeer pulling a sled full of toys and St. Nicholas through the sky was just too much to resist, even when we were disillusioned with the truth. This fairy tale has been further popularized by a host of writers and vocal artists and we continue to support it to this very day.

Leaving the comfort of our imagination we find that levitation can be associated with almost all major world and shamanic religions. Reports of saints involuntarily levitating during religious raptures have been supported by an impressive number of eye witness testimonies. St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) was observed on many occasions, usually in deep prayer, rising anywhere from a few feet to as high as the ceiling of a room. St. Joseph of Cupretino (1603 –1663) has gone into history as the flying saint. Before the Court of the Inquisition in Naples he underwent three trials. But even in front of the Judges he went into ecstasy and rose from the ground. Not having the courage to condemn him they sent him to the Vatican Court in Rome. This time Joseph was questioned in the presence of Pope Urban VIII, and such was Joseph’s joy to find himself before the Vicar of Christ, he went into ecstasy and flew high over the heads of the Pope and the united Cardinals. On seeing this marvel with their own eyes they all became admirers of this humble little brother.

The list of people capable of levitation doesn’t end with the Roman Catholic Church. On June 6, 1936, Indian yogi Subbayah Pullavar levitated for four minutes in front of 150 witnesses. He was in a state of deep trance, and once back on the ground, his limbs couldn’t be unbent at first. In 1984 an African witch-doctor, Nana Owaka, in Togo levitated and was captured on film by a German film crew. After meditating a full day he placed dry leaves and twigs in a circle and sat in the middle. A villager then lit the circle of twigs as the sun was setting and the flames rose upwards. Drums began beating wildly and Owaka stood and rose straight upward and hung as if suspended for a full minute before falling back to earth.

Daniel Dunglas Home (1833–1886), a Scottish–American spiritualist, had a triumphant career as a medium. In his drawing room séances furniture moved for no apparent reason, ghostly hands appeared, and furniture and Home himself would levitate in the air. One of his most famous levitations occurred at a séance in front of three witnesses. Home was alleged to have levitated out of the third storey window of one room and return through the window of an adjoining room.

A grander example of levitation is evident in the accounts of Dr. Jarl, a Swede. While visiting a Tibetan monastery southwest of the capital, Lhasa, he was taken to a meadow facing a high cliff. About 250 metres up the face of the cliff was an entrance to a cave where monks were building a stone wall. Meanwhile, embedded in the ground 250 metres from the foot of the cliff, was a large rock slab with a bowl-shaped depression in it. A block of stone, 1.5 metres long, 1 metre wide and 1 metre high, was manhandled into the depression. Monks with 19 musical instruments, 13 drums and 6 very long trumpets, were arranged in an arc of about 90 degrees, 63 metres from the bowl-stone. The drums, open at one end, were aimed at the stone block. Behind each instrument was a line of monks eight to ten deep. A monk in the middle of the arc began chanting and beating out a rhythm on a small drum, and then, the other instruments joined in. After four minutes the large stone block began to wobble and float into the air, rocking from side to side. All the instruments were trained on the stone as it rose upwards at an accelerating rate until it finally crashed onto the ledge at the entrance to the cave. The monks continued to perform this feat at the rate of 5 or 6 stones per hour. Although levitation of the stone block appears to be some kind of acoustic phenomenon, the role of the 200 or so monks behind the instruments suggest some form of psychokinesis may be involved. That is, the chanting with musical accompaniment could serve to coalesce and focus a trancelike meditative state within this large group to demonstrate that antigravity could go well beyond levitation of a single person or the movement of small objects. Dr. Jarl’s account of the Tibetan monks raising large stone blocks 250 metres in the air is considered to be an accurate record of what he observed.

Many ancient megalithic structures around the world incorporate tight fitting stone blocks weighing at least 100 tons that were transported from quarries over 10 km away. Such structures would include

>> the pre-Incan fortresses at Ollantaytambo and Sacsayhuaman in the Peruvian Andes

>> the ruins of Tiahuanaco near Lake Titicaca in Bolivia

>> the Great Pyramids of Egypt

>> the Roman temple of Jupiter at Baalbek in

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