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Unfolding The Mysteries Of The Kingdom
Unfolding The Mysteries Of The Kingdom
Unfolding The Mysteries Of The Kingdom
Ebook41 pages45 minutes

Unfolding The Mysteries Of The Kingdom

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The kingdom or dominion of God was never designed to be viewed in a distant or archaic manner, but it was designed to be infused in the heart of the believer transforming them forever. Once a person realizes this he or she will understand that the divine mysteries in the kingdom of God that operate on a set of different principles than that of this world.

PublisherRyan Coats
Release dateOct 9, 2012
Unfolding The Mysteries Of The Kingdom

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    Unfolding The Mysteries Of The Kingdom - Ryan Coats




    Unfolding The Mysteries Of The Kingdom

    By Ryan C. Coats

    Copyright 2012 Ryan C. Coats

    Smashwords Edition

    This book is available in print at

    Cover Design: Brandon Halliburton at (

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    Chapter 1

    Dynamics of a Kingdom

    Chapter 2

    Divine Membership in the Kingdom

    Chapter 3

    Citizenship Duties

    Chapter 4

    Benefits of the Kingdom

    Connect with the Author


    Would you believe me if I told you, you were an alien and that the place you reside in one earth is not your home? If you are a believer of Jesus Christ and have received the new birth experience, this is in fact a true statement. Believers are to recognize that they are in this world but not of this world. This means that God allows His people to take up temporary residence on this earthen plane but they belong to a kingdom that’s greater than they could image. I’m not referring to an earthly kingdom that has a human monarch or king but I’m speaking of a divine kingdom where God sits upon the throne. This majestic kingdom is a spiritual realm of governance that cannot be viewed with the naked eye, but with eyes of one’s spirit. The Holy Writ tells its readers in I Corinthians 2:14 that spiritual things are spiritual discerned and unless you have been born again by the water and spirit, you will not be able to truly embrace the concepts and truths that are set forth in book.

    Of course you probably heard of ambiguous language about working for the kingdom or expanding the kingdom but what does that really mean? Once a person has been born again they automatically have a divine membership in a theocracy that allots them many rights, gifts, access to healing, wisdom and privileges that come by virtue of Name of Jesus, the Blood, and covenant relationship. A believer has the right and autonomy to stand upon promises located in the scripture because those are what Christ has promised.

    The theistic God of the scriptures is omni in essence having all

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