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The Ghost Detective
The Ghost Detective
The Ghost Detective
Ebook32 pages28 minutes

The Ghost Detective

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About this ebook

PI Denys Bellami is in his office when a quake shakes the building —his room, his desk, his file cabinet and all his documents tumble down to the centre of the earth. Within seconds Denys becomes a guest of the White Valley, where ghosts reside.
But what about the important investigation he was working on? He makes the case to the Great Light: Max Higging is suspected of having killed two women and he’s courting a third victim...
Well, Denys will be granted to continue his investigation, but the rules of the White Valley apply: he can communicate with any living person on earth, but he won’t be allowed to participate in any physical actions.
It’s a challenge, and a big one, because Private Investigator Denys Bellami has always counted on his physical strength to resolve the most intricate situations...

PublisherRene Natan
Release dateOct 12, 2012
The Ghost Detective

Rene Natan

I always wanted to be a storyteller. At recess time I would gather some of my schoolmates and entertain them with stories—some of my own, others just summaries of books I read. My life, however, took a different turn, and I ended up following a career in information technology (as Professor Irene Gargantini). This over, I reverted to my old passion: plotting intrigues and mysteries and creating romantic or passionate encounters. I took several e-courses on fiction writing and began jotting down my tales. So far I have written nine novels, several short stories and co-authored a novella. The genre varies from romantic suspense (Mountains of Dawn, The Collage, The Loves and Tribulations of Detective Stephen Carlton, The Woman in Black, The Red Manor) to thriller (The Jungfrau Watch, The Blackpox Threat, The Bricklayer, Fleeting Visions). See As an author, my goal is threefold: having fun in writing, entertaining the readers and offering them an uplifting vision at life. Honors Second place, the 2015 Five Star Dragonfly Book Awards for The Woman in Black Silver Medal, the 2015 Global Ebook Awards for The Loves and Tribulations of Detective Stephen Carlton Honorable Mention, Second place, the 2015 Five Star Dragonfly Award for The Woman in Black, Honorable Mention, 2014 San Francisco Book Festival, for Fleeting Visions First place, 2012 Five Star Dragonfly Award for the Blackpox Threat Finalist in the 2011 National Indie Excellence Award for the Blackpox Threat Honorary Mention, 2012 San Francisco Book Competition for the Bricklayer ---------------------------------------- From the Social Media From the Press: From the Frankie Boyer BLOG: frankie-boyers-guest-line-up-for-wednesday-7611.html From KEMW-FM radio station Dr. Jim Lee presents Rene Natan: Interview ----------------------------------------- Review of Mountains of Dawn Romancing the Tone: Review of Rene Natan's Mountain of Dawns By Frank Mundo Mountain of Dawns opens with a bang, literally: an explosion which kills one young woman named Kathy Alcin and injures another named Tanya Caldwell. 22 year-old Tanya Caldwell is an artist, "a dreamer" and a student at the Mackenzie Academy for the V...

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    Book preview

    The Ghost Detective - Rene Natan

    The Ghost Detective

    by Rene Natan

    Copyright © 2012 Rene Natan

    All Rights Reserved.

    Contact: [email protected]

    The Ghost Detective

    Up Above

    I have been chewing my guts over Natalie Norton’s case since the day she entered my office for the first time. That was long before the earthquake dug a crater right under my feet and sucked me, along with my files, deep down toward the centre of the earth. Yes, sir. I am, excuse me, was, Denys Bellami, private investigator—as dead and illustrious as Mickey Spillane. Now I dwell in the White Valley. I have to obey its rules if I want to get back into the game. I quell my impatience by looking at the clouds. They are all amazingly fluffy, similar to each other, yet different. One lies on top of the next; a few join in slow motion, and others rush toward the Great Light at the far end of the horizon.

    Agreed? the Voice repeats, interrupting my musings. The Voice belongs to a liaison angel, assigned to me after my premature departure from earth. He, she or it has no mortal semblance; it’s just a soft, toneless Voice, coming from a little cloud.

    I refrain from grumbling. It’s going to be difficult gathering evidence without being physically present. I just nod.

    You need to become accustomed to being a ghost, the Voice says. You can scare people. You know what happened last time!

    Of course I do.

    I had wandered out of my former client’s house and into the street. I was totally oblivious of being a ghost and had my white, flimsy cape draped around my transparent body. Then it happened. The driver of the garbage truck lost control and crashed against a big maple tree. It had taken a squad of firefighters and several volunteers to clean up the street. And the driver? He wasn’t seriously injured, but he had to stay in the hospital until the doctors managed to convince him that there were no ghosts. It took a full month.

    Unfortunately the Voice is well documented about that little accident.

    Agreed that you won’t descend to earth?

    Yes, yes.

    I know I’m walking on thin ice. I shouldn’t push my luck. It has been difficult to obtain permission to

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