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L.A. Ninja: Fallen Love
L.A. Ninja: Fallen Love
L.A. Ninja: Fallen Love
Ebook304 pages6 hours

L.A. Ninja: Fallen Love

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Gabriel grows up in a rough part of Los Angeles with two loving parents. He is a tough kid and a product of his environment, but also at his core, he has a good heart and the best of intentions.

At 18, with nowhere else to go, Gabriel turns to the military as an escape from the LA ghetto. He meets and falls in love with a beautiful Japanese girl while stationed in Tokyo. Her father takes to Gabriel and teaches him the Way of the Ninja. Upon returning to LA with his new wife, a series of unfortunate and tragic events lead Gabriel on a dark mission, tainting him with the forces of the Universe, testing his capacity for good, and summoning within him, a greater power than anyone could have ever imagined.

PublisherAdrian Huerta
Release dateNov 12, 2012
L.A. Ninja: Fallen Love

Adrian Huerta

Adrian Huerta and his wife live with their dogs in San Diego, California. A graduate of San Diego State University, he has always been a writer at heart, and after working many jobs, he has rolled up his sleeves and got to work on being a novelist. Adrian has dealt with many of the hardships of life, including being raised by a single parent and living in near-poverty. He has persevered through it all, never losing hope, and always striving for a better life. He believes in working hard and following your heart, and that the greatest success in life is love, not money.

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    Book preview

    L.A. Ninja - Adrian Huerta


    By Adrian Huerta

    Published by Feela Finston Books

    Copyright 2014 Adrian Huerta

    Smashwords Edition

    This book is dedicated to Allie, my true love and inspiration for everything good in my life; and to her father, a great friend to me who loves action stories as much as I do.


    Chapter I: Lonely Nights

    Chapter II: Wild and Free

    Chapter III: Graduation

    Chapter IV: New Friends

    Chapter V: Hero

    Chapter VI: Feels Like Home

    Chapter VII: Game Changer

    Chapter VIII: Family Jewels

    Chapter IX: Off to School

    Chapter X: Personal Growth

    Chapter XI: Shinobi

    Chapter XII: Going Back to Cali

    Chapter XIII: Creepin’ on a Come Up

    Chapter XIV: Numbness

    Chapter XV: Transformation

    Chapter XVI: LA Ninja

    Chapter XVII: Talking to the Cops

    Chapter XVIII: Espionage

    Chapter XIX: Sabotage

    Chapter XX: Suspicious Friend

    Chapter XXI: Infiltration

    Chapter XXII: Cover Blown

    Chapter XXIII: The Big Deal

    Chapter XXIV: Unexpected Guests

    Chapter XXV: Recalibration

    Chapter XXVI: Fallen Love

    Chapter I: Lonely Nights

    Gabe Torres sat atop the wall, catching his breath. The rain poured down on him, pelting his helmet in an endless echo. It was impossible to hear anything else. He looked down behind him, and his friend was still making his way up the obstacle. Gabe had so much more time to think now. His life had rapidly become slower, the irony of which had been beyond his comprehension.

    Come on, Miller! You got this! Gabe hollered out to his fellow Marine. He reached out his hand and gripped onto Miller’s sleeve, pulling him up. Gabe then continued down the wall. The training had been rigorous and increasingly nonstop, as advertised. It hadn’t been a problem for him though. He had always been naturally gifted, athletically.

    The good thing about the rain was that it helped drown out the whistling from the drill sergeants. Those fucks were no joke. He could faintly hear one of them now, blowing his whistle, trying to motivate the slobs to move faster. He couldn’t help feel sorry for some of the more pathetic recruits, even though they did sign up for it. He would never admit it to anyone, but he hated hearing them receive their verbal beat downs from the drill instructors. They could be assholes, but he guessed that was their job. The sooner boot camp was over, the better. With only three weeks down, he had forever to go yet.

    Just two months earlier, the year was still 1998, and it was Gabe’s eighteenth birthday. It was a sunny, hot, sweltering summer day in South Central LA, and his best friend, Anthony, was on his way to pick him up so that they could hang out at Universal Citywalk with some other friends. Now, locked up in boot camp, he could remember every detail clearly, as if it were yesterday.

    Gabe walked into the kitchen with his shirt off, fresh from a shower. He cheerfully greeted his mom and gave her a kiss. His athletic, tanned, muscular body gleamed with a light layer of sweat already forming from the morning heat. It was going to be so fucking hot that day.

    She slid a full plate of chilaquiles, his favorite breakfast, over to him. The years had been tough on her with the stress of money problems, but she still looked beautiful, aged only slightly, with a few wrinkles and grey hair forming. He loved her more than anything.

    Good morning, Gabrielito! she said with cheer. She smiled mischievously at him, and he knew that it was because it was his birthday. Gabe tried to play coy, but he couldn’t hold out. He fucking loved his birthdays. His birthdays ruled. He gave in after a few seconds, and a massive Cheshire cat grin came over his face as he went to hug her his tightest.

    Happy birthday, mi hijito! she said, with love expressed in her hug and in the way her voice pitched slightly lower.

    As they broke apart from their hug, he noticed some egg residue across his belly. Ma! he cried out in anger as he brushed it off. He looked at her tired, frayed, blue apron and he rolled his eyes. He hated that shitty apron. It was so old and crusty all the time. She said sorry, and he ignored her as he began ripping into his breakfast.

    He had the male version of her looks, which he knew because everyone told him so, but he didn’t really understand. He was ok with it though, because the girls loved him. They said that he had a baby face, and that his dimples were gorgeous, and his eyes sparkled. He knew he was a ‘pretty boy’, and he found out long before, that it was better to be that than an ugly-ass fool.

    He had long forgotten about the egg on his body. He had a one-track mind. Thanks, Mom, he replied nonchalantly, acting uninterested as he piled up his fork to pitch more food into his mouth. Where’s Dad? The mouthful of hot tortillas and eggs caused him to flinch in surprise by the burn. Mom shot him a look of disdain as he tried to cool off the food in his mouth by opening it wider and breathing through it. Embarrassed, he smiled and chuckled, choking slightly. She laughed.

    Your dad went out for awhile, but he’ll be back soon. She served him a glass of orange juice, which he immediately grabbed and gulped down.

    Oh, ok. Well, me and Anthony are going to Universal to hang out for a couple of hours, ok? He shoved some more hot food into his mouth and looked at her, hoping that he wasn’t shattering any surprise plans she might have had for him that day.

    Oh, really? Ok. You guys should go watch a movie or something. They said it was going to be scorching hot today. He was relieved that he wasn’t ruining their plans. They’d have something, he knew. They always did, but he wasn’t sweating it anyways. He was having fun that day, no matter what.

    Yeah, maybe. Depends on what’s playing, Gabe replied. It wasn’t a bad idea. Getting smoked up with Anthony, and sneaking some beers in and go watch a flick in the ice-cold theatre wasn’t bad at all.

    You know, you could sit down and eat slowly like a normal human being if you want to. His plate was almost cleared now and she cut her eyes at it. The rush to eat had been a pet peeve of hers that both he and his father had shared. Gabe peered back at her with puppy dog eyes and then she let go of her scolding look.

    Ok. Well be home by five, because we are going to have dinner, ok? As she finished her sentence, they could hear Anthony pulling up to the driveway in his loud, sound-bumping car.

    I will, I promise, he said as he took a last bite and ran to get his shirt. Seconds later he was bolting through the living room. I love you, Mom! he shouted out as he left.

    Gabe and Anthony had become pretty close friends over the two years earlier, and they had a lot of respect for each other. Anthony was one of the few guys he knew that just liked to kick it and have fun drinking beer, smoking weed, and chasing girls, but could also do it without getting into too much trouble. They were both still down-ass fools, but there were so many other punks out there with too much to prove. They lived in a tough part of the city, in the heart of gang territory. It was easy to get caught up with those fools, and end up like them, tagging up walls, slanging dope and constantly fighting, and always sure to end up dead or in jail. With Anthony, though, they could have each other’s backs, and look out for each other, and keep each other from getting sucked into the streets.

    What’s up, fool! Gabe said, as he got into the car.

    What’s up dog, happy birthday, fucker! They shook hands and Anthony gave him a crooked smile, probably because it was Gabe’s birthday. Anthony was wearing his LA Dodger Starter cap with a freshly ironed short-sleeved button down shirt. He had a Budweiser 16oz. beer in his lap, and he handed Gabe one that he had in a paper bag under his seat.

    Anthony took a discreet swig as Gabe cracked his brew open. Eh, I gotta birthday surprise for you. That fine-ass girl, Marisol, is going to meet us at Universal, and guess what?

    What? Gabe asked curiously, taking a refreshing swig of the cold beer as they began rolling down the street.

    She is bringing her friend, Larissa. ‘Member that hot-ass one we kicked it with that one time? Anthony held his smile, waiting for Gabe to remember. Marisol said she likes you, fool, so it’s on now.

    Gabe smiled modestly, remembering that Larissa had looked at least ok. Oh, yeah? He remembered the night he first saw her and he remembered making out with her friend. He hoped she wouldn’t remember that part, but he was sure she would.

    Shit, Anthony said. I don’t know how these fine ass bitches are always liking you and shit. You must have some special kind of evil up in your blood.

    Gabe laughed. Whatever, bitch! Don’t hate ‘cause your game’s whack.

    Take it easy, fool, my game’s trump tight. It ain’t my fault that the bitches be knowing how big my chorizo is. They be getting’ scared. Now whatcha! Anthony joked as he turned up the sounds the Tha Dogg Pound. Gabe laughed and lit up a joint. It was going to be a perfect day.

    Thirty minutes later they arrived at the Universal Citywalk and met up with Marisol and Larissa. Universal Citywalk was a lot like a large outdoor mall in LA that happened to be connected to the Universal Studios theme park, although you had to actually pay to get into the park. The Citywalk was free, and full of stores, lots of places to eat, and lots of hang out spots. There was even a movie theatre.

    The girls were already there, standing under the shade outside of the Wetzel’s Pretzels. They were both alright girls, Gabe thought. Marisol had super curly light brown hair and fair skin. She was kind of thick too, but not over the limit, and because she had a pretty face, he thought he could ‘hit it’ if he had to. She and Anthony had something going on anyways, sort of. It was obvious that they liked each other, but Anthony couldn’t close the deal. He should have done that forever ago, but he had no game. Gabe almost laughed as he thought of it. It was so easy.

    Larissa was just in another league, though, Gabe realized as he took in her sights. It was almost like he was seeing her for the first time, because he surely didn’t remember her being that fine. She was blowing him away in that second with her beauty and sharp, seductive eyes. Her long jet-black hair and her tanned Latina skin were just perfect. Her body, too, was no less amazing. She worked it too, and on that scorching LA day, she wore a sexy midriff top with short white shorts and platform sandals. The gorgeous seventeen year-old had everyone’s attention that day, as she tried to play it cool in the shade. She was maybe a ten, he figured.

    Larissa smiled quickly when she saw Gabe walking up, but she then looked away as soon as they made eye contact. Gabe had only met her once before, at a party, but he had ignored her, playing hard to get. It was a sneaky game of cool to play, and he knew it, but it had usually been a successful tactic for him. He couldn’t remember her being anywhere near as smoking hot as she looked today.

    As he approached her, his gaze locked onto her form, and as his eyes took her in, he felt a desperate hunger for her. He followed the smooth skin of her thigh all the way up until it disappeared behind her short shorts, and his pulse quickened. He decided that there would be no playing hard to get this time. He would roll over on his back, on her command.

    Gabe needed a strategy. He watched in amusement as Anthony tried to take Marisol’s hand. He was saying something to her that Gabe couldn’t hear, but he imagined that it was probably the wrong thing. She pulled her hand away from him and Anthony laughed. It didn’t matter. Gabe wasn’t really interested in watching them. He had his eye on his prize.

    Hi, Gabe, Marisol sang out, teasingly. You remember my friend, Larissa, don’t you? She then went back into her world with Anthony.

    Yeah I remember her, Gabe said softly, moving close to her, just a few steps away, squeezing into the same shade of the yellow umbrella. She looked even better close up. Hi, he said, gently. He was trying to be cool, but she wasn’t buying it. She ignored him with indifference.

    I remember you, from Marco’s party, right? Gabe stated, more than asked. He sounded nonchalant, as if he had to try hard to remember her. It was hardly a compliment. Girls never liked the idea that they were so easily forgettable, but it was a tactic meant to show that he was indifferent. It was a tactic that he meant to prove that he was cool, and so accustomed to dating beautiful women that she was just not that important to him. It wasn’t necessarily true. It was arrogant, he knew, but it worked. Sometimes being too nice with the really fine girls made him seem desperate or unworthy. Sometimes, the beautiful women were snobs and thought that they were too good for everyone, and this play was a successful tactic of reverse psychology.

    This might not be one of those times. He could see that his attitude and arrogance only angered her more, and she just ignored him, staring off into the distant crowd of nobodies. He wondered if she remembered that he had gotten a bit too drunk and hit on one of her friends that night at Marco’s party. In his defense, he didn’t know that she was Larissa’s friend until later. The seconds of silence were agonizing. He was losing the game.

    Yeah, I remember you from that night, he went on. It was time for plan b, he decided. I thought you looked so fine, and I was trying to talk to you, but you ignored me… she cut him off.

    Excuse me? she sassed him with attitude, almost yelling as she cut her eyes sharply at him.

    Ok, ok, I’m sorry! Gabe replied in surprise. Her temper was ferocious, but it impressed him and made him want her more. He reached for her hand, flashing her his best puppy-dog face. She pulled her hand away quickly and lifted her eyebrow in disgust. Gabe found it ironic that she was now playing hard to get. He had underestimated her.

    He sighed and decided to just drop the act. It was time for phase three. It was time to just be honest. If this didn’t work, then fuck it, he thought. I don’t know what to tell you, Larissa. I was just acting dumb for no reason that night. I really did want to get to know you. I think you’re so fine, he said, dropping the attitude and the arrogant tone from his voice. I guess I can be pretty stupid sometimes. I’m sorry. He paused to let it sink in.

    And I’m sorry about talking to your friend, Marlene, he went on. She started talking to me first, and I honestly didn’t know she was your friend. Nothing happened anyways.

    She looked at him from the corner of her eye, to see if he’d falter, to see if he was playing her for a fool.

    Please…forgive me, ok? he begged. I really am sorry, can you give me another chance? He gave her a deep look with a subtle smile, and he inched closer to her. Please, just one more chance? he asked again, dropping his voice to a softer tone. He was using all the weapons in his arsenal, and he could feel her giving in. This was his chance. He reached for her hand again, and this time she accepted it. She flashed him a smile, bringing a shot of joy into his heart.

    Ok, she said. I guess you’re forgiven. She eased herself into his personal space, and his spirit vaulted high up into the sky.

    Eh, gimme five bucks, dog, Anthony barked out, breaking their moment. I’m gonna get us some lemonades. Gabe went to reach into his pocket, when he became distracted by some kids standing across the walkway. Three young assholes were playing keep away with another’s skateboard, taunting him and pushing him when he got too close. It was pissing Gabe off, but he then dropped them from his mind.

    I thought it was my birthday, fool! he said, handing Anthony a five-dollar bill. Anthony chuckled and went into the Wetzel’s Pretzels.

    Oh, it’s your birthday? Larissa asked curiously.

    Gabe smiled. Yeah, he said. A gleam of shyness came over him and he felt embarrassed, unable to help but smile and look down towards the ground. She moved closer to him, seriously invading his personal space. He could smell her scent and her faint perfume, and it triggered a rapturous feeling that took him over, driving him into pure lust. His heart began to beat faster. He knew what was coming, and he did his best to play it cool in the scorching heat of the day and his uncontrollable feelings.

    Then I guess I have to give you a birthday kiss, she said softly, closing her eyes slightly as her lips landed upon his. It was a soft pinch of her lips that he took, and then she took hers. He took her bottom lip again and then she opened her mouth, the slightest of openings and he felt just the tip of her tongue. He was about to go with it, and taste her with his, but she closed her lips, stealing one last suckle before breaking apart.

    Damn, girl, he said softly as their foreheads leaned together. That was… he paused.

    What? she said with a soft chuckle.

    That was the baddest, sexiest kiss I ever knew, was all he could say. She chuckled again.

    Happy birthday, she said.


    After deciding to beat the heat by watching American History X in the ice-cold theatre, they found themselves walking back down the promenade. It was still hot, but less so than before. The warmth actually felt good, Gabe had mentioned.

    They were talking about the movie. It was violent, and it revolved around prisons and the life of racial lines and ideals, and how those worlds clash. Gabe liked it. They all did, he could tell from the conversation, and maybe it hit a little close to home.

    Anthony went on, talking about what he thought to be the reality of prison life and how the prisons were ruled by Chicano gangs. He always seemed a little too impressed with the gang system, and with the Guerreros, the gang that controlled their home part of South Central LA. Gabe always told Anthony that he should just go join them and get jumped in, jokingly, of course, but sometimes he wondered if Anthony really wanted that life. Anthony thought they were down for their shit, but then again, he and Gabe also always got into it with those dudes.

    Gabe wondered if he could ever join the Guerreros. He could, of course. He was down as shit. He could fight and slang dope and… What was he thinking? He hated them. He guessed that he was caught in between their world and the world of the good people that wanted good things out of life. Maybe Anthony was just caught in between too. He was really a good person inside.

    What the fuck, fool? Anthony said, suddenly. They were all looking at him.

    What the fuck! Gabe said with a laugh. He went for Larissa’s hand. I was listening, I was just thinking of your mom’s ass on my junk from last night, dog!

    Fuck you! Anthony yelled, positioning himself to spar with Gabe. It was lighthearted. Gabe laughed and took a punch from Anthony in his arm.

    Fuck him though, Marisol added, bothered. I hate him anyways. Gabe had been listening to her story, even while lost in his own thoughts. Her father was locked up for multiple life sentences after going to prison for receiving his third DUI and being in possession of weed. When he got to prison, he hooked up with the wrong people and ended up killing someone. What would have only been one year of time behind bars will turn out to be a lifetime.

    Her shitty reality hung over them like a dark cloud, but it would only be fleeting. That was the life around them. That was life in the ‘hood. They had all grown up fast. Life was precious, but it was taken easily by the streets. They had all seen drugs, gangs, and pride take away a person’s life, and if it wasn’t that, it could just be crossing the path of the desperate at the wrong time. There was only one thing that was for certain. Once the streets took you under, there was no escape.

    Chapter Two: Wild and Free

    Just like everyday before it, Gabe couldn’t wait for the long day of training to end. The early morning jogs, the reciting of Marine Corps orders, and the marching in formation had all been challenging at first, and maybe even kind of interesting, but it was now second nature and very routine, to Gabe. He could feel himself transitioning, both in the way he thought of himself and in how he felt physically. They had not been wrong about turning him into a killer. He could feel it becoming so already, in his innate ability to use a weapon, whether it was his pistol or his hands. Yet, he was still the same Gabe, and every night, he lay in bed, thinking and dreaming. It was the only time that he could free his mind, and he thought constantly, remembering the times that he never wanted to forget.

    As he lay in his bunk, his mind drifted back to the day at the promenade of Universal Citywalk. It was one of his favorite memories, and he went to it constantly. He could still smell Larissa’s sweet perfume. Her flowing hair and seductive eyes captivated his mind, still, and regret filled his soul over what could have been, but never was. He considered her to be marriage material. He would come back from her when it was all over, he told himself.

    Yeah, fuck that, Gabe had told Larissa, Anthony, and Marisol that night at the promenade. He told them how he had an escape route from the life on the streets of LA, in his decision to join the Marines. He remembered the look of surprise and deflation that grew across Larissa’s face. He sighed in his bunk, thinking about her and his decision. He didn’t fully think it was regret, but he hoped that the real reward would come after boot camp.

    Anthony was naturally against it, and said so openly. He said he understood why Gabe wanted to join, but Gabe wasn’t so sure. He tried to tell Anthony that he knew there was something better out there in the wide world, and he wanted to at least try to find it, because if he didn’t, he could always just come back. He knew that Anthony couldn’t imagine a life better than what the one they were in. Anthony wanted to kick it and party forever. He never wanted to grow up. He never yearned for anything more. He was still a good friend though, and he said that he’d always

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