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Enchanted Freedom
Enchanted Freedom
Enchanted Freedom
Ebook70 pages1 hour

Enchanted Freedom

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About this ebook

Enchanted Freedom focuses on a teenager called Sam. He is having a hard time at home when suddenly it all comes to a head.

Something unexpected and unusual happens that will shape him for the rest of his life.
He has encounters with the bad the good and the wonderful and experiences love for the first time.

There are tears, battles, love and victory.

Join Sam and he battles his demons and forges friendships that will change his life forever.

(There is no graphic sex scenes in this book but does contain some bad language and mild violence)

PublisherMaria Mahoney
Release dateJan 1, 2013
Enchanted Freedom

Maria Mahoney

I am just a girl who has lots of imagination and wants to share it with everyone :)

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    Book preview

    Enchanted Freedom - Maria Mahoney

    Enchanted Freedom

    By Maria Mahoney

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2013 by Maria Mahoney

    All Rights Reserved.

    Chapter 1

    Sam and the stone.

    Sam had long shaggy blonde hair, blue eyes and was quite the athletic type. He lived with his mum Zoe and his sister Emily; his dad had died many years ago in a terrible car accident when Emily was just a baby. Sometimes his mum looked at him as if he was to blame and was bitter towards him, but despite that as it was just the three of them they tried to look out for each other. They were not wealthy by any means and life was sometimes a struggle but despite all of the sadness in Sam’s life he remained quite a cheerful young lad even though deep inside he was broken and alone. Sam was always out and about playing with his mates and having a lot of fun, he was very close to his family and always tried to look out for them. This week had been a pretty hard for Sam, he had been at college studying for his exams when he got into a huge fight, his best friend Alan had come down with the a sickness bug, his mum had been nagging him constantly about him not getting involved with the family and then to top it off it was his sister Emily’s Birthday and he had totally forgot to get her anything. He was fed up and needed to get out away from it all, he decided that after dinner he would go for a walk and try to decide what to get Emily at such short notice, he let his mum know what he was doing and she gave him some money to get himself a drink whilst he was out call me if you need me, and don’t forget your coat his mom shouted from the kitchen.

    He decided to go down to the Rec, this was his favourite place ever since he was a little boy and it was fairly near to his house. The Rec was a huge field and on it was a park with lots of trees, then right at the end there was a really steep hill with a small brook running along the bottom of it, but his favourite part of it was the small bridge and nearby farm with horses stables. This was where he usually went with Alan to hang out, it was there secret place and they built a den with a rope swing on top of a huge bit of grass by the brook and named it Devil’s Island. They got up to all kinds of stuff on Devil’s Island, if they weren’t shrimping they were camping out or practicing stuff they had learnt at scouts years ago either way he always went there, even if it was just to sit and think and have some quiet time.

    He was in a world of his own whilst he was walking, he was thinking hard about all the sadness in his life and prayed that one day he could give his mom and sister a better life than they has already endured all these years, he thought to himself how life had been tough and he just wanted to be free from all of that and have fun and be really happy again, he wanted her to admit she blamed him for the accident, this played heavily on his mind. Just then he spotted something gleaming at him, he bent down to take a look, it was a beautiful shiny stone sparkling in the sunlight. He leaned in to pick it up but as soon as his fingertips touched the stone the whole world seemed to change, he was filled with immense happiness unlike anything he had ever known and then sky turned the brightest of colours like nothing he had ever seen before. Sam was so surprised that he dropped the stone wondering what had just happened. Suddenly the world went back to normal again and he felt like a huge grey cloud had sat on his shoulders and made him feel like bursting into tears. Hesitantly he reached for the stone once more, picked it up, looked at it and thought how pretty it was and placed it carefully into his jacket pocket. Not sure what to do next he continued to walk further on towards the brook totally lost in his train of thought, it was then that he came upon something even more strange.

    Chapter 2

    The Cave

    As he continued to walk toward the brook he had to look twice, it would seem what Sam had stumbled upon was a secluded lagoon with a cave embedded in the rocks. He had never seen anything quite so beautiful; the water was an amazing shade of green and the sky shone the brightest blue and the sand was the softest white with the odd pebble and shell dotted around. He was amazed; he had been coming here for years and had never come across this before. What was happening to him? Was he lost? Was he going mad?

    Sam decided to look around just to make sure he hadn’t totally lost his mind, after the week he’d had anything was possible. He went over to the

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