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Me, Myself & Food: Conquering The Struggle Against Overweight And Obesity Without Dieting
Me, Myself & Food: Conquering The Struggle Against Overweight And Obesity Without Dieting
Me, Myself & Food: Conquering The Struggle Against Overweight And Obesity Without Dieting
Ebook73 pages53 minutes

Me, Myself & Food: Conquering The Struggle Against Overweight And Obesity Without Dieting

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About this ebook

Me, Myself & Food: Conquering The Struggle Against Overweight And Obesity Without Dieting by award-winning author and nutrition researcher Diana Hunter provides a frank and easy to read "outside the box" look at the causes of weight gain and how to easily and effectively deal with them once and for all. Hunter's approach is simple, yet highly informative, providing much-needed information on this escalating national issue with a combination of wit, personal anecdotes, and solutions.

Topics covered include (per back cover copy):

• The real tools you need to lose and maintain weight—and how to use them effectively.
• A smarter way to use your willpower.
• Why diets fail—and how to avoid the diet trap.
• What you really need to know about nutrition to get and stay slim.
• Easy strategies for managing social and on-the-go eating.
• Ten proven tips for effective, beat-the-system food shopping.
• The inside scoop about food advertising.
• Why diet and exercise is such a winning team.
• How to be a lean machine for life.

Release dateMar 5, 2013
Me, Myself & Food: Conquering The Struggle Against Overweight And Obesity Without Dieting

Diana Hunter

Diana Hunter is an award-winning author, nutrition researcher, and college instructor who holds a degree in food science. Her background includes certification in food safety and management as well as studies and awards in the behavioral sciences. Her previous literary achievements include FoodSmart: Understanding Nutrition in the 21st Century and The Ritalin-Free Child: Managing Hyperactivity & Attention Deficits Without Drugs, a Parents' Choice Approval Award winner. She has been seen and heard on hundreds of network stations throughout the country as part of her acclaimed "Be FoodSmart" National Tour, and has presented at numerous colleges, universities, bookstores, libraries, and nutrition-related venues. Founder of the FoodSmart Alliance, she is also the developer of FoodSmart Nutrition, a course currently offered at various colleges. Ms. Hunter's goal is to help educate others about nutrition and health on a global scale, with a focus on helping those with weight issues and debilitating illnesses. She is a firm believer in the idea that health reform, rather than healthcare reform, will lead to a healthier society, and that preventive care is the key to achieving it.

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    Book preview

    Me, Myself & Food - Diana Hunter

    What Others Are Saying About Me, Myself & Food:

    Me, Myself & Food is a strong addition to health and wellness collections, not to be missed.

    -- Midwest Book Review

    One of the best books I have ever read about food, dieting, and changing food habits. I hope it helps millions like it has helped me.

    -- Phyllis Duckett

    A very helpful, informative guide when you are transitioning from junk food into health.

    -- Evita Ramparte, Health Journalist


    Conquering The Struggle Against Overweight & Obesity

    Without Dieting


    Diana Hunter

    Smashwords Edition

    * * * * *

    Published on Smashwords by:


    Consumer Press

    Fort Lauderdale


    [email protected]

    Telephone: (954) 370-9153

    Me, Myself & Food

    Copyright 2012-2013 by Diana Hunter

    ISBN: 978-1-891264-76-4 (eBook)

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights reserved under copyright listed above, no part of this publication may be a) reproduced, b) stored in or introduced into any type of retrieval system, or c) transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior full written permission of both the copyright owner and the above-listed publisher of this book.

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    This ebook is licensed for your personal use only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.



    The author, publisher, and any and all affiliated parties with regard to the production of this book shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person, property, entity, or organization whatsoever with respect to any loss or damage whatsoever caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, by the information contained herein. This book is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering nutritional, medical, or other professional service. If medical advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of an appropriate professional should be sought. Although all efforts have been made to ensure correctness, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for errors, omissions, or inaccuracies. If you do not agree with the above statements you may return this ebook to the publisher for a full refund. Cover individual is a model.

    Common sense is a virtue. If you are clinically obese, have any other form of health problem, are on medication of any kind, have a family history of any type of disease, or are pregnant or attempting to become pregnant, be sure to consult fully with one or more qualified medical professionals before making nutrition-related lifestyle changes. Good health is a team effort that begins with, and is directed by, you. Even if you believe yourself to be in good or relatively good health, having a qualified medical professional monitor your progress can be an asset. In addition, due to the ever-changing and debatable nature of nutrition, information contained in this book may not reflect every up-to-the-minute perspective.

    Table of Contents

    About The Author



    Chapter 1: The Self Factor

    Chapter 2: Overweight: Prelude To Obesity

    Chapter 3: Willpower: A Better Way To Use It

    Chapter 4: Learning About Nutrition: A Benefit With Benefits

    Chapter 5: Avoiding The Diet Trap: How To Eat Right For Life

    Chapter 6: Shopping Effectively: Ten Tips To Beat The System

    Chapter 7: Social & On-The-Go Eating: Strategies For Managing Meals

    Chapter 8: The Exercise Connection: Why Physical Activity Is Essential

    Chapter 9: Media, Moms & Models: Staying Realistic

    Chapter 10: Success For Life: How To Achieve Permanent Change

    About The Author


    Diana Hunter is an award-winning author, nutrition researcher, and college instructor who holds a degree in food science. Her background includes certification in food safety and management as well as studies and awards in the behavioral sciences.

    Her previous literary achievements include FoodSmart: Understanding Nutrition in the 21st Century and The Ritalin-Free Child: Managing Hyperactivity & Attention Deficits Without Drugs, a Parents' Choice Approval Award winner. She has been seen and heard on

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