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Bible Scriptures To Combat The Spirit Of Depression
Bible Scriptures To Combat The Spirit Of Depression
Bible Scriptures To Combat The Spirit Of Depression
Ebook17 pages17 minutes

Bible Scriptures To Combat The Spirit Of Depression

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About this ebook

This eBook is dedicated to everyone who is struggling with depression and anxiety. There are millions of people who are suffering from these conditions on a daily basis and many do not know how they will make it through each day. The good news is any stronghold can be destroyed because the word of God is quick, powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword.

PublisherAlicia Grant
Release dateMay 22, 2013
Bible Scriptures To Combat The Spirit Of Depression

Alicia Grant

Alicia Ellison Grant is the daughter of Jessie and King Ellison Jr. She was born in Walterboro, South Carolina. Alicia is a graduate of Barber-Scotia College. She majored in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing. She graduated cum laude. Alicia is the wife of Calvin Grant and the mother of three beautiful children and one precious grandson. and granddaughter. One day while Alicia was attending Barber-Scotia College she was in her communication class, her instructor returned her assignment in which she had received an A. He stated to her that this would make a great story. Alicia smiled, told her instructor thank you, and she never thought about it until years later. Upon graduating Alicia started writing again. In 2007, Alicia started freelancing. She discovered herself writing articles and poetry for different online websites. This adventure started as a hobby, but then blossomed into her first collection of short stories. Alicia is also an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, a gospel recording artist, songwriter, and poet.

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    Bible Scriptures To Combat The Spirit Of Depression - Alicia Grant

    Bible Scriptures To Combat The Spirit of Depression

    Alicia Grant



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    This book is dedicated to everyone who is struggling with depression and anxiety. There are millions of people who are suffering from these conditions on a daily basis and many do not know how they will make it through each day. The good news is any stronghold can be destroyed because the word of God is quick, powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword.

    Author’s Preface

    The word of God tells us in James 4 v 7-Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. You do not have to live your life in a dark hole or with a

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