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The Raw Cure: Healing Beyond Medicine
The Raw Cure: Healing Beyond Medicine
The Raw Cure: Healing Beyond Medicine
Ebook673 pages10 hours

The Raw Cure: Healing Beyond Medicine

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Please read the review from Plant Powered Living:

People are finally catching on. There is no way around the fact that the consumption of meat, eggs, the variety of products made from dairy, and foods containing toxic chemicals and refined ingredients trigger the most common diseases afflicting humans.

While we remain fearful of nuclear accidents, wars, floods, fires, tornadoes, typhoons, hurricanes, earthquakes, and car crashes, the truth is that the vast majority of people in commercialized civilization are more likely to die from the symptoms resulting from their dependence on prescription drugs, living a toxic lifestyle, and making poor dietary choices. Chief among those bad choices are eating meat, dairy, eggs, refined and fatty foods, and foods containing synthetic chemicals.

Meat, eggs, and dairy products are not ideal food sources for humans. We have simply been lied to by the multi-billion-dollar industries that are responsible for producing these low-quality foods, as they continue to profit from products that are the result of the mass-breeding, mistreatment, and killing of harmless, sentient beings that can feel pain just as much as we can.

The truth is that eating meat, dairy, eggs, and refined and chemically-altered foods is deleterious to our health. The common degenerative and chronic diseases we are afflicted with today are directly linked with the food choices we make.

By eating more raw fruits and vegetables, removing animal products and junk foods from our diet, and making healthier lifestyle choices we will soon find that we no longer need the vast amount of what we call 'healthcare'. We will drastically reduce the costs associated with surgery and our dependence on toxic, synthetic chemical drugs. Incidence of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and obesity will plunge, and we – and Earth – will be much healthier.

Rather than choosing to be ignorant of the truth, it is time for us to take back our health, empower ourselves, gain compassion, and quit contributing to these acts of cruelty we call 'animal farming'. Doing so will greatly reduce our use of fossil fuels that are destroying life on Earth.

Using medical studies, and reliable scientific research, the author provides strong evidence that the link between nutrition and disease is more paramount than we once believed it to be. You will learn about why the foods we have been conditioned to enjoy are truly sickening us, and how to successfully wean these from your diet, while replacing them with more enjoyable, and nourishing food choices.

This book exposes the truth, and will guide you on your journey to take back your health.

In the Kindle version, links are provided throughout the content of the book that will direct readers to free viewings of films such as Forks Over Knives, Fat, SIck, and Nearly Dead, Earthlings, Vegucated, The Beautiful Truth, and many more. The kindle also directs readers through links to various medical studies, scientific data, and other useful articles and sites.

PublisherJesse Jacoby
Release dateMay 29, 2013
The Raw Cure: Healing Beyond Medicine

Jesse Jacoby

Jesse Jacoby is a holistic health coach, plant-based nutrition consultant, and personal trainer who enjoys spending time with his family, navigating what remains of the North American forests, observing wildlife, organic farming, playing in nature, preparing raw organic plant-based meals, raising awareness about environmental issues, running the trails in the state parks, exercising, reading and researching, acquiring knowledge, writing, playing guitar, coaching others back to health, and helping everyone around him elevate their consciousness and pursue their passions. His wish is to one day live in a compassionate world where people no longer eat animals; wild animals roam free without hunters trying to shoot them; oil is obsolete and remains underground; logging is banned; dams are removed from the rivers; GMOs and food chemicals are erased from the food supply; prescription drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol disappear; cleaning chemicals, herbicides, and pesticides are banished; hemp and bamboo are the only natural resources used for production; all corporations and industries collapse and we resort back to small family-owned businesses; war is a fairy tale; mainstream media delivers the truth; wealthy people actually care for the underprivileged and use their resources to end poverty; indigenous tribes live free without corporations threatening their survival; sonar testing is not allowed in the oceans and humans do not impede on marine life; and money does not rule our lives. Jesse is the author of the popular holistic health book, The Raw Cure: Healing Beyond Medicine – 2nd Edition (Due to be published Fall 2017), and Eating Plant-Based: The New Health Paradigm. He also authored, My Quest To Conquer What Matters, Dirty Dairy (Winter 2017), and Society's Anonymous: The True Twelve Steps To Recovery From What Brings Us Down. You can contact Jesse by email: [email protected] or Instagram: @therawcure

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The Raw Cure - Jesse Jacoby

The Raw Cure: Healing Beyond Medicine

How Self Empowerment, A Raw Vegan Diet, and Change of Lifestyle Can Free Us from Sickness and Disease

By: Jesse J. Jacoby

Smashwords Edition

Copyright ©2013 Jesse Jacoby

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, with the exception of brief quotations embodied in critical articles, blog posts, or reviews.

Soulspire Publishing

Fort Bragg, CA, 95437

ISBN: 978-0-9885920-1-8

Library of Congress Control Number: 2012921011

Dewey CIP: 641.563 OCLC: 213839254

Cover art, font, and layout are all original art by Jalen Jacoby.

The book has been edited by Kylene Gott.

Available through most major retailers.


I am not a medical doctor. I chose not to go that route. I believe synthetic medicine is one of the most unnecessary poisons created. It is not possible to cure anything with the use of drugs, medicine, or medical treatment. These options will only treat symptoms of disease. The creation of, and dependence on, synthetic medicine and the money-making machine that it is, has caused disease and the sickness industry to grow uncontrolled. The rate of deaths due to the negative effects of these drugs is skyrocketing. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported 82,724 total deaths in the year 2010 from adverse effects of prescription drugs alone. Additionally, the Journal of the American Medical Association has documented a staggering 700,000 emergency room visits annually from adverse drug events.

In the United States, any natural cure for cancer has not been accepted. Cancer patients are instead forced to undergo chemotherapy. Medical doctors who steer their clients away from chemotherapy and warn about the dangers associated with chemo are often stripped of their medical license. A perfect example would be Dr. Tullio Simoncini, an Italian-born physician who cures cancer using an alternative method. Dr. Simoncini had his medical license revoked because other physicians, drug companies, and academic societies that could not eradicate cancer using harmful radiation and chemotherapy were suffering enormous cuts in their profits as a result of his protocol for curing cancer. This is pretty scary when you consider that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 568,668 deaths from cancer in the year 2009. Many of the processes to alleviate disease are not being revealed to us. With that being said, I must inform you that very little of what I mention in the following pages has been approved or supported by the American Medical Association or the FDA. Nothing I have included as remedies or cures for any type of disease is meant to replace a prescription from a medical doctor. I am simply relaying alternatives to poisoning your body with poor food choices, synthetic drugs, and dangerous procedures. I have formulated these alternatives from my experience as a raw nutritionist, my research of medical studies, and studying the natural healing processes of the body.

My intention with this book is to educate you on how you can bypass prescription drugs, reach an optimal level of health through a natural, plant-based diet, and refrain from contributing money to the medical industry. I am not claiming to have a cure for any disease, I am suggesting that a change in diet and a change in lifestyle could strengthen the natural defense mechanisms in your body to the point where your body will heal itself. Therefore, the author is not liable for any decisions you make after reading this book. If you feel like you are sick to the point where you must see a doctor, by all means go see one. I suggest however that you see a Naturopathic Doctor who can guide you through an all natural healing process.


Title Page





Good Health Is The New Cool


There Are Two Types of People In This


Enjoying Life

The Fourteen Healthiest Things You Could

Ever Do

The Fourteen Habits That Are Killing You

The Raw Cure In A ‘Nutshell’

Lesson One: Why Food Is Important



Eating Organic- A Wise Decision

What Is GMO and Why Should We Avoid It?

Zap It


Why Go Raw?


Food Additives

Processed Foods

Fast Food

Subway: Eat Processed

Soda Is a Mixture of Deadly Chemicals

Dining Out

Top Eight Reasons For Going Out to Eat

Is Meat a Toxic Food?

The Protein Myth

Wait, Those Plants Are Alive!

I Can Eat Eggs, Right?

Pizza Is Disguised Disease

Is Cheese Addicting?

Dairy – Do We Really Ingest the Secretions

from another Animal?

We are Eating Glue

What about Fish?

Sweets Turn our Spirits Sour

The Starch Molecule

Coffee- Osteoporosis in a Cup

The Downside of Soy

What is Gluten?

Is Peanut Butter Okay?

Why Cooked Oils Are Bad

I Heard Fat Was Healthy?

Are You Drinking Good Quality Water?



Healthy Grocery List

Unhealthy Grocery List

The Four Basic Food Groups

The Real Food Pyramid

The Food Pyramid of Disease

Balancing your pH

Alkaline Foods

Acid Forming Foods

Living Foods

Easily Digested Foods

Organic Foods


Fresh Juices

Blended Drinks

Where Do I Get My Carbohydrates?

Where Do I Get My Protein?

How Do I Get the Right Fats In My System?

Vitamins, Supplements, and Mineral-Rich


Balancing Minerals

Food Combining

Eat the Seeds

Let’s Talk About Supplements

What about Vitamin B12?

The Dangers of Inorganic Calcium

The Chemical Free Solution


Chapter 4: EAT YOUR WAY TO


Putting It All Together

What Do I Need to Get Started?

Is There a Particular Diet I Can Follow?

The Typical Vegan’s Dilemma

Vegan Endurance

Cellular Regeneration

Too Much of a Good Thing Is Not That Good

Sunlight Is In Our Food

A Meat Eater’s Story

There Is a Place for You Here

Lesson Two: We Are Being Deceived



Pharmaceutical Lies and Marketing Schemes

Drugs That Do Not Work

Antibiotics for Viral Infections

Vaccines Cause Disease

Chemical Drug Dens and Surgery Factories

Why I Chose Not To Be a Medical Doctor

What Many Doctors Do Not Know

The Problem with Specialists

The Only Thing Genetic is Ignorance



The Standard American Girl’s Dilemma

The Confusion of the Standard American Guy


There Is No Profit in Healthy Seniors

The Hoarding of the Mentally Challenged

Aspartame and the Credibility of the FDA

Fluoride and the Ulterior Motives of the ADA

Where Are These Donations Really Going?

They Want Our Pets Too

Our Ignorance Is Destroying Us

That Deadly Drink of Alcohol

Smoke Your Last Breath Away

Is It Really That Hard To Quit?

Beauty Products

Did You Scare the Sun Away?

What Type of Person Are You?

Lesson Three: The Cycle of Disease

I Never Trusted the Doctor

Healing Mission - Jamie Sams

(Excerpt from Earth Medicine)


The Cycle of Disease



Candida Overgrowth

Poor Health Delivers a Positive Message

Levels of Sickness

Pasteurization and the Relation to Germs

Evolution Was Not Meant To Be This Way



We Already Know Too Much



The Acne Solution

Crohn’s Disease

She Already Knows

Chapter 10: CAN WE REVERSE


Cancer- The Losing Battle of Choice

Why the Pink Ribbons

Prostate Cancer Can Be Beaten

The Diseased Heart

Why Is My Cholesterol High

Bone Strength

Diabetes- The Magical Disappearing Act

Tooth Decay

Help Me with My Anxiety

Getting Past Anemia

Wait, I Forgot My Alzheimer’s

Where Has My Vision Gone?

Libido Funk

Please make this Migraine Go Away

ADHD and Nutrition


Lyme Disease

The Cold Remedy

Skin Is a Mirror of the Internal Organs

No More Pain

How Could I Be Allergic to Food?

Say Goodbye to That Inhaler

From MS to Normal

Fiber and Diverticula

The Thyroid Solution

Your Liver Is Not Your Enemy

Be Good to Your Colon

Give Your Kidneys a Chance

Blood Purifying

It Is Never Too Late

Lesson Four: We Can Change

Healing the Poisons – Jamie Sams

(Excerpt from Earth Medicine)

Chapter 11: WHAT CAN WE DO?

Going Vegan

The Ground Is Diseased

Plant Your Way to Happiness

Breaking Away from Tradition

Every Act Must Come From Love – Jamie

Sams (Excerpt from Earth Medicine)




Reversing Obesity

Internal Cleansing

What Is a Coffee Enema?

Lymphatic Drainage

Oxygen Bath

Chapter 13: UNITING AS ONE

The Leaders of the Revolution

Kindness Trust

Celebrity Influence



Our Economy at Its Strongest

Longevity Retreats



How Will the Government respond?

Criminal Charges


Just Walked Away

My Vision for the Future

Recommended Resources

About the Author





This book is dedicated to my brother Darin who was a victim of the negligence, human experimentation, and ignorance of the psychotropic drug industry, pharmaceutical industry, and the court system from the age of twelve until his death at the age of twenty-two.

Darin was administered psychotropic drugs in junior high school and was eventually court-ordered into taking them. Because of this heinous government intrusion, he was left to battle with pharmaceutical poisoning from childhood until his death eleven years later. He always felt better without the drugs, but when he refused to take them, he was either hospitalized or they would put him in a straight-jacket and force feed him drugs to sedate him as part of their wicked experimentations.

As an angel of truth, Darin was the most peaceful spirit I have ever known. He was courageous all the way until his moment of death where he held his arms wide open and took on the power of a passenger train going at full speed. For someone to be in that much pain and that much suffering to end his life in that way says a lot about his reality. In the end, he was defeated. He did all he could to fight his way out, but unfortunately the crooked laws in this society protect the medical and pharmaceutical industries to preserve their profits and allow for these tragic events to occur.

In tribute to Darin’s life, I have dedicated my life to finding ways to end the greed inspired plots of the medical elite and change the ways of the world. All over the world, millions of people are being misdiagnosed and dying from the negative effects of medicine.

I saw the light and I was not dumbed-down or brain-washed by the doctors. At the same time they prescribed him these drugs, they also tried convincing me that I needed them. I refused, and devoted my existence to helping in any way I can to shut down this cycle of abuse and make sure nobody else has to suffer the way my brother suffered – or my family has suffered from his misfortunes.

Thank you Darin for sharing your strength, your courage, and your love with me and the rest of the world.

James Darin Jacoby




My life has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs. On my journey, I have encountered some truly amazing people. I have been blessed with good health, a brilliant mind, a longing and desire to seek the truth, great athletic ability, a deep connection with nature, and a joy for living. For this I have to thank my higher power who guides me each day and instructs me through every lesson of life.

I was given the gift of a loving family and raised with encouragement. This helped me to build confidence, and for all of this I have to start by thanking my parents.

My Father, who labored each day in the hot sun and through cold winters while my mother was finishing her degree, made sure we had food to eat, and provided a roof over our heads. After a long day of work, he would still come home and prepare fresh meals for us so we could eat food from nature to build strong bodies and minds. He never imposed any of his ways or beliefs on us, but he found ways to express his discontent for things we did, which he did not agree with. Something that many people do not understand is that you cannot tell a child not to do something if you are doing it yourself. He was never an alcohol drinker. When I had my days of drinking at a young age, he always told me that it was terrible stuff and he would point out the people who were drinkers and let me see for myself where they would end up in life. From seeing this, and from his leading by example, I credit him for my abstinence from alcohol and my disapproval I have of alcohol. Thank you, Dad, for instilling these values in me and for always being there for me. My dad also introduced me to the natural healing world by teaching me that processed foods contain toxic chemicals. Because of his influence, I was eating organic even while attending high school.

My Mother spent each day with us throughout childhood and taught us the ways of living. She nurtured us, she read to us, and she even volunteered to be the class mom so she could be involved in our schooling as much as possible. She demonstrated love in the most appreciative way. Because of her I am the person I am today. She was never a cigarette smoker and she was disgusted by cigarettes. When I was ten or eleven years old, she caught me with cigarettes, and to discipline me, she made me write her an essay on the dangers of smoking. Maybe this is what led me to my love for learning, accumulating knowledge, and researching. I never smoked again. Thank you, Mom, for never giving up on me and for always being fair. I have to thank her as well for supporting me through college and for always welcoming me back home whenever I decided I wanted to go a different route in life. She guided me through the college years and always found ways to make any endeavor or opportunity that presented itself to me, possible.

I would also like to thank the rest of my family. My brother Jalen, who is a brilliant young man, is near the top of his class, and very artistic and talented. He designed the cover for this book. My sister, who has always been one of my favorite people in life, and who believes in me always. To all of my other relatives; thank you for your support throughout the years.

I have to thank all of my teachers, mentors, and friends who have guided me and supported me over the years. Especially Kylene Gott, Tamara Jazwinski, Dave Shutters, Frank Ardito, and JC Santana. Thank you Kylene for editing this book as well and for helping me shape it into what it is.

Thank you to all of the pioneers of natural healing and all of my teachers in the raw food world. I have to start by thanking John McCabe who is a wonderful person and went out of his way to motivate me to finish this book and sent me a copy of his book, Igniting Your Life, at just the right time to kick-start my motivation. If you need a good book to motivate you, his is the one you want. Thank you John, for not only going out of your way to help me, but for helping the thousands of others you have reached out to. Without his motivation, this book would not be what it is.

I’d like to acknowledge the works of my idols in the natural healing and raw food world. They are: Dr. Michael Greger, Philip Wollen, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Max Gerson, Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Robert Morse, Charlotte Gerson, Karyn Calabrese, Dr. Ross Horne, Dr. Gabriel Cousens, Dr. Ann Wigmore, Dr. Hereward Carrington, Dr. John Tilden, Arnold Ehret, Dr. Linus Pauling, Dr. Aris Latham, Dr. Norman Walker, Dr. Bernard Jensen, Dr. Herbert Shelton, Rhio, Natasha Kyssa, Cherie Soria, Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram, Mimi Kirk, Dr. Douglas Graham, Sapoty Brook, Dr. Matthias Rath, Steve Meyerowitz, Dr. Udo Erasmus, Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, John Robbins, Dr. Brian Clement, Dr. Andrew Saul, Dr. Paul Bragg, Patricia Bragg, Dr. Russell Blaylock, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Patrick Holford, Dara Dubinet, FreeLee, The DurianRider, and I am sure there are many more. It is because of all of these people that my path to natural healing was made possible.

I have to acknowledge all of the animal activists who dedicate their lives to helping end the Animal Holocaust that is taking place. I would like to honor the folks who put together the film, Earthlings, and I urge everyone to view this film to witness the truth about the way animals are being treated. I’d especially like to acknowledge Gary Yourofsky, an educator and activist, who is doing wonderful things to enlighten all of us to the devastating truth behind what happens to the animals that are being raised in horrible factory farms and slaughtered for meat.

Thank you to every person who breaks the links on the chain by eliminating all animal products from their diet. By going vegan, you help save Earth. Thank you Philip Wollen for everything you do, and for creating the Kindness Trust. Thank you John Robbins for the EarthSave foundation and for your book, The Food Revolution, which has really helped raise awareness to the dire need for us all to shift the way we are eating and be at peace with the animals.

Thank you to all of the organic farmers in the world. You are heroes to our civilization.

Finally, I want to thank all of those negative people who have come and gone from my life, for they have shown me exactly who I do not want to, and never will be.


When properly nourished, flowers blossom.

Without nutrients, they wither and die.

To reach the sunlight, they dance, move, and sway.


In society, we have been through all of the different cools. It has been cool to smoke, cool to drink, cool to eat fast food, cool to drink milk. In school, the coolest kids seemed to have the most processed junk foods packed in their lunches. In college, the cool guys went out and partied their lives away — and many of them failed out because of this. Over time, all of these entities we labeled as cool turned out to be the exact opposite. They all led to sickness, premature aging, debilitation, and unnatural deaths.

We have not yet advertised good health as being cool. Today, good health is the new cool. To be healthy is the only way to be cool. This is the attitude we all should do our best to abide by:



Let there be magic in all that you do, it is part of the promise that life made to you. Mike Dooley

I have spent years of my life diligently researching the work of the best hygienists, natural healers, medical doctors, and raw nutritionists who have ever lived. I cannot count the number of sleepless nights I’ve encountered while exploring medical studies, reading books, taking notes, writing out my ideas, and embedding the knowledge into my mind. I have dissected nearly two-hundred books in the field of study, and through all of this, I think it is safe to claim that I have discovered my passion. From my work with several hundred consultation clients, who I educated on optimal nutrition, and witnessed heal from degenerative disease, I have become an expert. Although I went through college and spent those years of my life filling my head with everything I needed to learn for my degree, I realized that none of what they taught me is applicable to what I learned on my own through experience and abiding by nature’s laws.

As a certified raw nutritionist, nutritionist, lifestyle and weight management consultant, personal trainer, and holistic health coach, I can safely say that I learned far more through my own studying than I did in any educational institution. The world of raw nutrition and raw foods fascinates me more than anything. I never imagined I could open a new book every day and feel surrounded with positive energy, positive people, and creative new ideas, even while being alone. My path to natural healing has granted me this privilege.

On my journey to absorb as much knowledge as possible and reach my optimal level of health, I have enjoyed many of the greatest experiences of my life. Many of these I have been able to generate on my own. Using my mind, imagination, and instinct, I have identified ways to defy science and the dependence on medicine, while abiding by nature’s processes, to reach an optimal level of health.

The quest to reach my current level of health consists of many trials and errors. I have experimented on myself by eating an array of foods, mixing up combinations, and also by observing how I feel when adding a little heat to the food I eat. Through all of these encounters, I feel I have discovered the very best way to eat. In this book I share many of my discoveries.

As I continue to eat the foods from Earth and experience the greatest joys possible, I learn the truth about our society and civilization. I have discovered the truth about disease, sickness, and the reasons we are developing heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and other degenerative diseases. I found that, whenever we purchase processed items from stores, we are eating chemicals rather than foods. I realized that the pharmaceutical industry controls much of our economy and that the reason many of us are sick is because they govern the food industry, medical industry, and parts of the government itself. The fact that the Food and Drug Administration clarifies on their website that they do not review or approve any drug advertisements before they are released, nor do they ban ads for drugs that have serious risks, should tell us enough in itself.

All over television there are pharmaceutical ads glamorizing the use of prescription drugs. In major cities you find a prevalence of drug stores. In an August 2007 New England Journal of Medicine article, it was documented that the total spending for all drug-related marketing is at $29.9 billion annually, with around $4.1 billion of that being spent on direct-to-consumer advertising. When you divide this number, the total comes out to more than $11 million a day. These misleading advertisements, along with all of the profits being made, contribute to us getting sicker by the minute.

My ultimate goal in life is to find a way for a new revolution of people to come together and shift our economy and level of consciousness by developing our own industry similar to the pharmaceutical industry. We will do everything they did to attain the power they have, however we will profit from the well being and good fortunes of our people by spreading good health in the form of education, knowledge, raw foods, organic farming and gardening, and peace between all living creatures. By uniting as a civilization, standing up for our rights, and speaking out against the Animal Holocaust, prescription drugs, chemical additives, fast foods, genetically modified crops, and the laws that keep us sick, we can erase the pharmaceutical, meat, food, dairy, and egg industries’ plot to destroy Earth while they lay back, collecting trillions of dollars in profits from our misfortunes, sickness, and premature death.

To help me achieve this goal, and to help you be a part of this revolution, I want to show you how simple it is to adapt a healthy lifestyle. I want you to understand that diseases and conditions such as cancer, emphysema, heart disease, diabetes, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, and all of the others that we are plagued with as a society are not necessary and largely can be reversed or, at least, greatly reduced. No person should ever have to rely on toxic chemical drugs for much of anything – outside of emergency procedures. Not only is it unrealistic to believe eating pills will protect you from your death, it is not a valid belief. Pills and drugs often make things worse, have serious side effects, and lead you closer to debilitation and death.

In this book, I will properly inform you of what food is. I will educate you on what you are currently eating juxtaposed with what you should be eating. I will guide you through the cycle of disease; how it begins, how to eliminate it, and how to disease-proof your body so you will lower your risk of ever being sick again. I will introduce you to a new community of people who are compassionate, loving, and dedicated to making the world a better place. I will awaken you to the truth behind the medical, pharmaceutical, dairy, egg, meat, and mass-marketed food industries. I will present you with evidence that the consumption of animal products is directly linked to a majority of the diseases and conditions that many are suffering from. I will teach you that being sick is not a medical issue and that many of the medical doctors, who are relying on toxic drugs to go along with risky and invasive surgeries, have no idea how to make you better or cure you of what is causing your body to degenerate. This does not mean all doctors cannot help you. If you go to a doctor for any reason, consider doctors like Caldwell Esselstyn and T. Colin Campbell, who are featured in the extraordinary, eye-opening documentary Forks over Knives. Put your trust in doctors such as John McDougall, Neal Barnard, Michael Greger, Richard Oppenlander, Jeff Novick, Doug Lisle, Thomas Lodi, Gabriel Cousens, or Robert Morse.

I want to raise awareness to the fact that our current way of living, and the structure of our economy is damaging the health of our children and future generations. The food that is served to our children is often deleterious to their health, and the majority of food products being advertised to target children are leading to the behavioral problems, learning disorders, weight issues, and degenerative diseases – including cancer and diabetes – that are afflicting them. To assure that we end this battle to avoid being sick, and to reach an optimal level of health, we must first educate our youth about the importance of eating real food, and the dangers associated with eating animal products.

These are my views on life. I hope you enjoy and learn from them. After reading this book you should see the world from a different perspective. You will no longer want to eat other living creatures. You will no longer desire food containing synthetic chemicals. You will be more in tune with nature. Life will feel brand new. You will look better, feel better, and live more efficiently.

Please enjoy the journey, prepare to improve your life from every angle, and remember, our children, and a healthy environment, are our future.

There are two types of people in this world:

There are those who win, and those who spend their lives not understanding the concept of winning. Some of us see the big picture and we go places in life, while others lay around in the small frame watching others do great things, wondering why they could never get where those others fought to be.

To win in life, you do not always need to be victorious over opponents, or win the race to acquire the most stuff. Winning is about finding that very thing you are passionate about, winning is about finding your life's purpose, eating the best foods nature has to offer, having compassion for all living creatures, being important in the life of a child, spreading knowledge to as many people as you can, and spreading love everywhere you go.

Some people fail to look further than what is already in front of their eyes, while some choose to dig deep and uncover the truth no matter how costly or how difficult it may be to conquer. I choose to win, and in doing so, I make the world a better place.


Good health is about being able to fully enjoy the time we do have. It is about being as functional as possible throughout our entire lives and avoiding crippling, painful, and lengthy battles with disease. The enjoyment of life is greatly compromised if we cannot see, if we cannot think, if our kidneys do not work, and if our bones are fragile or broken. – Dr. T. Colin Campbell, The China Study

After reading this quotation, I think of all of the people who try to pressure others into poisoning their bodies with meat, processed foods, refined foods, cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs saying, Come on, you only live once.

When I read this quotation, I think of all of the people who act like I am crazy when they realize I do not eat mixtures of chemicals that they refer to as food, but instead, I eat real, wholesome, raw foods. They often say, come on, you might as well enjoy life while you are living.

Enjoy life? And then I look at the shape of their bodies. I look at the discoloring of their skin and the blemishes on their faces. I look at their prematurely aged features and their clear signs of poor health. I see glimpses of what were once beautiful lives that have faded, as I watch them take another drink of alcohol, I see them smoke another cigarette, I witness them find pleasure from the dead flesh of some poor animal, and stuff their faces with fast food poison.

If I had to guess, I would imagine they do not enjoy their low levels of energy, they do not enjoy constipation or irritable bowel syndrome; they do not enjoy living life without any vibrancy, without any joy, without any passion. I assume they do not enjoy waking up every morning with hangovers from the depletion of their B vitamins after drinking alcohol. They surely cannot enjoy coughing themselves to sleep at night and waking up coughing every morning because of cigarette smoking. I imagine they feel there is something lacking, unknowing that it is because of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are lacking in their foods. I assume they do not like cancer or heart disease. They are simply living to die. This is not what I would consider enjoying life.

So to throw an accusation at me or anyone else following a raw food diet claiming we do not enjoy life because we instead choose to indulge in the best food on Earth, possess the best health, and neglect the poisons which contribute to The Dumbing Down of Society is absurd. I choose to live freely, away from poisons of the mind, poisons of the soul, and poisons of the spirit. I live to learn, spread knowledge, love, create passion, and to share my positive energy with all of nature. This is what it is like to truly enjoy life.

The 14 Healthiest Things You Could Ever Do

– Never start smoking

– Quit smoking if you already do

– Refrain from using prescription drugs

– Refrain from drinking alcohol

– Avoid eating fast foods, processed foods,

and fried foods

– Avoid eating meat, dairy, eggs, whey, and

other animal products

– Refrain from using opiates or cocaine

– Exercise daily (running, yoga, qigong,

circuit training, biking, ball games)

– Administer colonics or enemas as needed

– Drink good water

– Eat organic, raw foods

– Grow at least some of your own food and

support local organic farmers

– Abide by a regular sleep pattern

– Keep your home air fresh with living house

plants in each room

The 14 Habits That Are Killing You

– Eating meat (beef, chicken, pork, fish, etc)

– Medicine and pharmaceutical drugs

– Smoking cigarettes

– Consuming dairy products (milk, cheese,

ice cream, whey, yogurt, butter, etc)

– Drinking alcohol

– Using opiates and/or cocaine

– Wearing suntan lotion or sunscreen

– Eating processed and/or fast foods

– Eating foods that contain processed sugars,

and/or bleached and gluten grain flours

– Coffee and sugary coffee drinks

– Chewing gum

– Consuming fried, sauteed, and cooked oils

– MSG, artificial sweeteners, and other


– Microwaves, ovens, grills, broiling, and

cooking your food


The most amazing thing about The Raw Cure philosophy is that we can prevent and reverse many diseases by simply eliminating a few things from our diet and incorporating real food into our everyday lives.

No matter what degenerative condition you may have, you can reverse or greatly reduce this condition by removing the following things from your life:

– Meat and all animal flesh

– Dairy and all dairy products

– Eggs

– All Processed foods

– All fast foods

– All sodas and processed drinks

– Cigarettes and nicotine

– Alcohol

– Fried oils

– All clarified sugars and artificial


– All flours

– Gluten grains

– All chemical, pharmaceutical drugs

– Beauty products containing parabens

and sulfates

By removing these items from your diet and incorporating real, organic raw foods, you will vastly reduce your chances of experiencing degenerative diseases and seasonal illnesses, and you will live a much more vibrant, healthful life. You will begin the process of removing the overload of toxins that have been stored in your body for years. In doing so, you will experience a boost in energy, a positive outlook on life, a healthy physique, more mental clarity, and a level of satisfaction you may have never felt before.

You may ask, is it really this simple? The answer is yes, the chemicals that are being added to processed foods and are lurking in meat, dairy, eggs, cigarettes, chemical drugs, beauty products, and alcohol, and the variety of common unhealthful foods are solely responsible for the majority of illnesses in this world. Eliminating these chemicals and deadening foods, and altering our current lifestyle could be the best form of healthcare.

By simply adding the following into your lives as replacements for the items I suggested you remove, you may guarantee yourself a much more enjoyable future:

– Raw, organic fruits, vegetables, superfoods,

nuts, and seeds

– Clean water

– Internal cleansing

– A positive attitude always

– Sunlight

– Nature

– Exercise

– Laughter

– Love

– Education and practicing talents

– Positive people

You will soon discover that synthetic, over-the-counter, and prescription medications most often complicate things. They largely make things worse. Many of the degenerative diseases today are directly linked to bad dietary choices and nutritional deficiencies. It is important to note that radiation, air pollution, tainted water, bad relationships, and even lack of love also contribute to disease.

Most medical doctors have no clue what optimal nutrition is, as they are not taught true nutrition in medical school. Instead, they are taught chemistry and surgery. A study published in a September 2010 issue of Academic Medicine, titled, Nutrition Education in U.S. Medical Schools, revealed that only twenty-five percent of all medical schools studied offered a dedicated course on nutrition. The students received around 19.6 hours of nutritional education throughout their entire medical school program. The conclusion of their study was that the amount of nutrition education that medical students receive continues to be inadequate.

If you are sick, it can almost always be associated with a nutritional deficiency that comes from eating unhealthful foods, or from toxin overload stemming from the lifestyle choices you make. Because most medical doctors do not include nutrition in their practices, to assist your body through a full recovery, you should either see a raw organic nutritionist or simply change your diet. In addition, avoid seeing a dietitian who follows the absurd and useless USDA food pyramid, and seek someone who studies nature’s medicine, which is plant-based nutrition.

If you do see a nutritionist or dietitian and she tells you it is okay to eat meat or drink milk, thank her for the advice, and do not allow any of the misinformation to absorb into your head. Instead, search for someone else. They are living in the past and believing in antiquated, disproved nutritional theories. They are still living in a world full of medicine, sickness, and disease that lacks compassion and truth, but that depends on misinformation, non-foods, drugs, and surgery. You must find someone who understands food and abides by nature’s laws. The good news is that there are thousands of us out there who can help you. The most convenient helper, though, is a better educated you, fueled by real nutrition, which can only be found in a plant-based diet rich in raw, organic fruits and vegetables.

"It is not so cool to think of yourself as ‘green’ or sustainable because you recycle or you change to energy-efficient light bulbs when you still eat animal products that have a much more profoundly negative impact on our environment." – Dr. Richard Oppenlander, Comfortably Unaware

What ails you or brings you down likely has a nutritional aspect that you have not yet recognized or have neglected. This book is the invitation to open your eyes. We greatly benefit by eating the foods that grow from Earth in their raw and natural state. Without real food we can only live for a few years until we become sick, and in most cases develop a degenerative disease and die.

Once we discover the truth, we do a little research, and we change our ways, it all starts to make sense. We have to dedicate more time to our health and well-being than we devote to worrying about our social status.

Now, let us begin. First, we will discuss the importance of food.

The First Lesson:


The more people I meet, and the more people I observe, the more it dawns on me that most of us will eat anything we are told is food without knowing what it really is. What if I told them they were eating disease? Would they still eat that slice of meaty, cheesy pizza? Would they still stuff their faces with fast food, french fries, burgers, bleached gluten grains, and chemical-laden soft drinks? Would they still eat hot dogs if they knew that, in addition to causing pancreatic cancer, the chance of developing leukemia and colon cancer also skyrockets by a large percentage from eating them?

The sad truth is that many people are already aware that the reason why we have so much disease in the world is because people are contining to eat poisonous food. They simply do not know any other way to eat. The way the economy is structured makes it easiest to eat whatever is most convenient, cheap, fast... and, unhealthful.

It does not help that the most popular forms of entertainment, including TV shows, films, sporting events, carnivals, and amusement parks are saturated with poor food choices, and are financially supported by the companies that create these foods and chemical drugs. The advertisements you see all over these events and on TV shows for fast food and pharmaceutical drugs are paying for the entertainment to take place. Seeing these poor quality foods makes it seem as if the food is okay to eat. Good, healthy foods are not to be seen on advertisements at these events.

The food that is most nourishing is not readily available to most people, especially those living in poor neighborhoods. So instead of vibrant health, they are filled with vile foods and depend on toxic drugs in attempts to make them healthful. They are filled with chemical poisons in the form of processed foods, synthetic food additives, and farming chemical residues, and are handed over to the fate of the medical industry. Their food choices become the beginning of their end.


Food is that material which can be incorporated into and become a part of the cells and fluids of the body. Non useful materials, such as chemical additives and drugs, are all poisonous. To be a true food, the substance must not contain useless or harmful ingredients. – Dr. Herbert Shelton, Food Combining Made Easy

Many people do not eat real food. In fact, many have no idea what they put into their bodies each time they eat. What the average American considers to be food is often a mixture of some sort of over-processed material with a variety of extracts and chemicals. This is not the material that we want becoming a part of the cells and fluids of the body. We want the nutrients from foods that

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