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Womenology 101
Womenology 101
Womenology 101
Ebook94 pages

Womenology 101

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

My name is Steve Kader. Let me start off by saying that I am not a PUA (pick-up artist.) I am, simply, a man who has travelled extensively and had the privilege of coming in contact with millions of women, over the last two and a half decades. I proudly served my country for nearly 10 years and received very specific training, which has improved my communication skills, greatly. I work on those skills every day and absolutely love it. I am happy to say that I am still learning, on a daily basis. I am a firm believer that you CAN teach an old dog new tricks.
While in the Army, I worked in several different capacities, to include;
* Basic Patrolman
* General Crimes Detective
* Linguist for the Spanish and German Languages
* Hostage Negotiator
* Interview/Interrogations Specialist
* Polygraph (lie detector) Examiner
I was also extensively trained in Body Language, Human Dynamics, and Psychology. All of this knowledge was very practical, when it came to my dealings, with women. And since my honorable discharge, I have received 5 separate certifications in the Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy field, which helped as well.
When I worked with the Chippendales, I was the show's emcee and manager. I was also a featured dancer and a vocalist. The group consisted of 8-10 gentlemen. All the men, in the show were kick-ass guys who absolutely loved and adored women. I learned a lot from my fellow showmen and we had a lot of amazing experiences. I can undoubtedly say that I've seen things that would make Tommie Lee blush. Our show had audiences which were exclusive to women. And believe me, when you have thousands of turned-on women, in the crowd, all on the same sheet of music, the energy is unbelievable. As the show's emcee, it was my job to open up the show, with an opening monologue, and get the juices flowing. We would have crowds of women, ranging anywhere from hundreds to thousands, per show. The age range would be from 21-99 years old. Believe me when I tell you, women get much crazier than men do, in these types of shows.
Here is an example. Picture a man in a strip club, watching a girl onstage, spinning around a pole to slow seductive music. Generally, his demeanor is cool and calm, as he smoothly places the tip into the garter of the girl. This man will conceal how excited he is and may display a half smile and give a subtle wink to the girl. He remains subdued for two reasons, he doesn't want to look un-cool or overly anxious and he doesn't want to overstep his boundaries. Why? Because he thinks he may have a chance with this girl AND because there is a 300lb bouncer within 20 feet of where he is sitting, waiting to pounce on him, if he is inappropriate. Now, here's how it goes down, when the Chippendales come to your town. Imagine a showroom, VFW hall, or stadium, 100% jam-packed with screaming women for two solid hours. I have invited a few of my friends to check out the show from the side-lines and they all said that they had no idea that women acted that way. I have also done thousands of Private Bachelorette parties and birthday parties, for women and it gets even crazier, at those events. Imagine walking into a room, where women are literally throwing money at you, trying to grab your goodies, flashing their goodies, offering sexual favors, and competing for your attention, the entire night. There is nothing like it. I used it as an opportunity to learn as much as I could. This is the first book of it's kind to be written by a Chippendale, a word which is synonymous with "expertise on women."

Release dateNov 12, 2013
Womenology 101

Steve Kader

Steve Kader was born in Chicago, but grew up in Wheeling, West Virginia. Directly after High School, he joined the US Army Military Police Corps. While in the Army, he travelled the world, attended College, and learned both the Spanish and German languages. Steve proudly served his country for 10 years and received an honorable discharge. After the Army, he moved to Los Angeles, California, where he became involved in acting and fitness modeling. Steve has had numerous television and film appearances. While in Los Angeles, he auditioned for and was hired by the World Famous Chippendales. Steve worked for the East Coast Chippendales for more than 10 years. He was the show's Emcee and manager, as well as a lead dancer and vocalist. After the Chippendales, Steve became the GM for his family's string of Gentlemen's Clubs in Hollywood, California. He has also dealt Casino Blackjack on the Strip in Las Vegas, Nevada. He currently works as a consultant and a speaker, specializing on several topics, to include bettering men's relationships with women. For the past 25 years, he has travelled the entire world and met every type of woman, imaginable. Steve has made it a solid point to learn as much about women as possible. Steve is also a trained Clinical Hypnotherapist.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    May 14, 2021

    It was written by a man who truly understands women.

Book preview

Womenology 101 - Steve Kader

Womenology 101

What Every Man Wants to Know About Women

by Steve Kader

Published by Kader Publications

Copyright © Steve Kader 2013

Smashwords Edition

All rights reserved. For copyright purposes, the Author requests that you do not redistribute this book. Copyright infringement is a violation of federal law and subject to severe civil penalties and sanctions. It can also be a violation of federal criminal law. Under federal copyright law, copyrighted works may not be copied, published, disseminated, displayed, performed or played without the permission of the copyright holder, unless such use is deemed to be fair use under the law.

ISBN: 978-0-9911952-1-3

Table of Contents

About Steve Kader


Chapter 1: The K.I.S.S. Method

Chapter 2: Be You-nique

Chapter 3: He Said, She Said

Chapter 4: How Women Think, What They Fear

Chapter 5: Rapport and Approach

Chapter 6: Four Important C-Words

Chapter 7: Body Language

Chapter 8: 101 Lines, Songs, and Dates

Chapter 9: 101 Interesting Facts about Women

Chapter 10: Perspective and Energy

Chapter 11: Hypno-Stuff (what I’ve learned, as a hypnotist)

Chapter 12: My Top Ten Tips

Chapter 13: In Closing

Bonus Audio and Video Material ((2 Workout videos, 5 Self-hypnosis Modules, and Full Audio-book)

About Steve Kader

Steve Kader was born in Chicago, but grew up in Wheeling, West Virginia. Directly after High School, he joined the US Army Military Police Corps. While in the Army, he travelled the world, attended College, and learned both the Spanish and German languages. Steve proudly served his country for 10 years and received an honorable discharge. After the Army, he moved to Los Angeles, California, where he became involved in acting and fitness modeling. Steve has had numerous television and film appearances. While in Los Angeles, he auditioned for and was hired by the World Famous Chippendales. Steve worked for the East Coast Chippendales for more than 10 years. He was the show’s Emcee and manager, as well as a lead dancer and vocalist. After the Chippendales, Steve became the GM for his family’s string of Gentlemen’s Clubs in Hollywood, California. He has also dealt Casino Blackjack on the Strip in Las Vegas, Nevada. He currently works as a consultant and a speaker, specializing on several topics, to include bettering men’s relationships with women. For the past 25 years, he has travelled the entire world and met every type of woman, imaginable. Steve has made it a solid point to learn as much about women as possible. Steve is also a trained Clinical Hypnotherapist.

I have had the honor of meeting literally millions of women, in the past 20 years. I greatly respect them and have created this book for the purposes of bettering our relationships, with them. I am sure you will have as much fun reading it as I had writing it. Enjoy!

This book gets right to the heart of how a man should treat a woman. I would consider it a must read! IF you are a man, looking to improve your relationships with the women in your life, then use this as your go-to. Also, I like the idea that this book isn't a 'How to Score type of book. Being a Woman, I can relate to all of Steve's advice on how to approach a woman, the right way- and not blow it. Also, I love how he interviewed 101 women to get their response to those 10 crucial questions that every man wants answered. Very simple and informative, yet witty. Highly recommend it.

Written by: Barbara Koval

Barbara Koval has been in the entertainment business for over 30 years. She is a world-class dancer, singer, and actress. She has worked along-side such greats as Prince, Madonna, and Michael Jackson. She is a true professional and a dear friend.


Let me start off by saying that I am not a PUA (pick-up artist.) I am, simply, a man who has travelled extensively and had the privilege of coming in contact with millions of women, over the last two and a half decades. I proudly served my country for nearly 10 years and received very specific training, which has improved my communication skills, greatly. I work on those skills every day and absolutely love it. I am happy to say that I am still learning, on a daily basis. I am a firm believer that you CAN teach an old dog new tricks.

While in the Army, I worked in several different capacities, to include;

* Basic Patrolman

* General Crimes Detective

* Linguist for the Spanish and German Languages

* Hostage Negotiator

* Interview/Interrogations Specialist

* Polygraph (lie detector) Examiner

I was also extensively trained in Body Language, Human Dynamics, and Psychology. All of this knowledge was very practical, when it came to my dealings, with women. And since my honorable discharge, I have received 5 separate certifications in the Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy field, which helped as well.

When I worked with the Chippendales, I was the show’s emcee and manager. I was also a featured dancer and a vocalist. The group consisted of 8-10 gentlemen. All the men, in the show were kick-ass guys who absolutely loved and adored women. I learned a lot from my fellow showmen and we had a lot of amazing experiences. I can undoubtedly say that I’ve seen things that would make Tommie Lee blush. Our show had audiences which were exclusive to women. And believe me, when you have thousands of turned-on women, in the crowd, all on the same sheet of music, the energy is unbelievable. As the show’s emcee, it was my job to open up the show, with an opening monologue, and get the juices flowing. We would have crowds of women, ranging anywhere from hundreds to thousands, per show. The age range would be from 21-99 years old. Believe me when I tell you, women get much crazier than men do, in these types of shows.

Here is an example. Picture a man in a strip club, watching a girl onstage, spinning around a pole to slow seductive music. Generally, his demeanor is

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