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The Beginner's Guide to Management
The Beginner's Guide to Management
The Beginner's Guide to Management
Ebook46 pages28 minutes

The Beginner's Guide to Management

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About this ebook

This book gives an overview of management, looks at management levels, the core five management functions and common management styles and approaches. It identifies important management skills and personal abilities, offers ideas on what to avoid doing, explores basic business etiquette and the path to competency.

PublisherSue Dwan
Release dateDec 4, 2013
The Beginner's Guide to Management

Sue Dwan

Sue Dwan lives in New Zealand and has her own business - Dwan & Associates. She is a professional certified coach (PCC), a management/business coach, writer (travel, educational and management) and 'doer of interesting projects', at clients' request. She has a particular interest in encouraging individuals to 'get their affairs in order before it is too late to do so' and in 2014 wrote three PDF guidebooks on the topic: Clarify Your Intentions, Clear The Way and Wrap Up Your Business. The first and third book are designed to be downloaded, written in, updated regularly and safely stored until needed. They are available through her website. When Sue isn't working with clients or tied to her desk, she's travelling or planning her next trip.

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    Book preview

    The Beginner's Guide to Management - Sue Dwan

    The Beginner’s Guide to Management:

    A resource for new supervisors, team leaders and entry-level managers

    Sue Dwan

    Dwan & Associates


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2013 Sue Dwan

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Discover other titles by Sue Dwan at

    Cover Image by Microsoft Office

    Used with permission from Microsoft

    Limitation of Liability

    The general information and advice contained in this ebook is offered with the aim of assisting those interested in learning about management. The information is not intended as an exclusive solution, and Sue Dwan, Dwan & Associates Ltd, is not responsible for the application of the principles and steps taken in any undertaking.

    Please note: New Zealand spelling, which is different from American spelling for some words, has been used throughout this text.


    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1 – The Beginning

    Chapter 2 – Management Overview

    Chapter 3 – Planning

    Chapter 4 – Organising and Staffing

    Chapter 5 – Leading

    Chapter 6 – Controlling

    Chapter 7 – What to Avoid

    Chapter 8 – Basic Business Etiquette

    Chapter 9 – The Path to Competency



    One of my life’s passions is to make ‘management stuff’ easy to understand. Years ago, when I first stepped into a junior management role, I was left to my own devices. Through trial and error I eventually discovered how to manage staff and difficult situations; how to address historical, unresolved issues; and how to understand the connectedness between all the separate component parts that comprised a whole organisation. The experience propelled me to embark on a seven year educational journey through night classes and distance learning to discover what I didn’t know; confirm what I did know; and to understand the theory and principles behind good management practice.

    Today I meet many first-time supervisors, team leaders and entry-level managers (collectively called ‘managers’ throughout this book) who were literally ‘dropped’ into their roles with little or no induction, training, coaching or support.

    I encounter managers working under great pressure and under spoken and unspoken expectations that regardless of what happens, "they’ll just get on with it and pick it up as they

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