Introduction to Philosophical Ethics
About this ebook
An Introductory overview of the various divisions of ethics and a practical approach to ethics in religious and non-religious situations.
Concepts evaluated include: Normative Ethics, Deontological Ethics, Metaethics, Altruism, Egoism, Egotism, Utilitarianism, and myriads more.
Domenic Marbaniang
Domenic Marbaniang is Christian writer, musician, and minister.
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Introduction to Philosophical Ethics - Domenic Marbaniang
Copyright 1998, 2012, 2014 Domenic Marbaniang
Published by Domenic Marbaniang at Smashwords
Originally written as a paper for a philosophy class in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of Master of Divinity, Summer 1998.
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Table of Contents
Divisions of Ethics
Applied Ethics in a Naturalistic Autonomous Society
The Absolute Law of God and Christian Ethics
1.1 Definition
The American Heritage Dictionary defines ‘ethics’ as ‘the study of the general nature of morals and the specific moral choices to be made by the individual in his relationship with others.’
Manuel Velasquez, in his Philosophy: A Text with Readings, defines ethics as ‘the branch of philosophy that studies what constitutes right and wrong, good and evil….’ He adds, ‘Invariably all ethical questions involve a decision about what one should do in a specific instance…. Ethical questions are not concerned with what one would do (an essentially psychological concern) but what one ought to do…. in precise usage morals refers to the conduct or rule of conduct by which people live, while ethicsrefers to the study of moral conduct or the code that one follows.’ Also, ‘Taken together, questions of obligation and value form the heart of ethics.’
According to Titus, Smith, and Nolan: ‘Modern usage of morality refers to conduct itself and ethics to the study of moral conduct. We speak of a moral act
and an ethical code.
Ethics is the study of values in human conduct.’
The word ethics
comes from the Greek ethos,
which means character
[1] or the custom or the way of life.
[2] In philosophical parlance, ethics
refers to the study of moral conduct or of the code that one follows; it asks the question: ‘What one ought to do…?’
1.2. Significance
Ethics, as any other field of study, would be useless and meaningless unless it is in response to some ethical question. The existence of this field of study is itself a grand proof that important ethical questions exist. Man is a social being; therefore, any ethical decision he makes has great consequences in society. Ethical questions arise with the problem of making ethical decisions. Following are some of the questions that ethicists usually ask:
‘Who actually makes an ethical decision?’
‘What criteria should I use in making a relevant and meaningful ethical decision?’
‘To whom (or what) do my moral obligations