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Behind Benghazi
Behind Benghazi
Behind Benghazi
Ebook32 pages1 hour

Behind Benghazi

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In the fall of 2012, the administration of Barack Obama was singularly focused on re-election. Obama himself had demonstrated over the entirety of his first term a complete lack of interest in the day to day details of running a government, but now he was in his element... Campaigning! Nothing was going to divert him doing what he did best, winning elections. Unfortunately, he had surrounded himself with others of his political bent and lack of experience who were now tasked, in his self imposed campaigning absence, with making the ship of state appear to be sailing smoothly even as it was slowly sinking.

Nothing was to get in the way of re-enforcing the administration’s talking points of terrorism on the run or the building of unquestioned worship of Obama in spite of his lack of managerial skill and accomplishment. No scandal or crisis was too large to sweep under the rug until after the election. In this setting, providing security against terrorist attack seemed unnecessary as they now believed their own self serving propaganda. Even when the inevitable attack occurred, the focus on re-election could not be side tracked for yet another “dust up” in the Middle East. There was no response, no valiant effort at rescue, no cancelling of business as usual, until the magnitude of the impact on the election was realized.

What then occurred in the White House was the purposeful launch of the biggest deception, the biggest cover up, the biggest lie in the history of the republic. This cover up continues today with an energetic effort to block any information or informed discussion of the inept planning, the inaction, or the deceitful diversion. As a result, the story of Benghazi remains a mystery.

All that changes with “Behind Benghazi”, as the short story fills the extensive gaps between the known facts with a plausible narrative of the events that resulted in the needless deaths of four Americans. It is the story the Obama administration will never tell!

Release dateJan 14, 2014
Behind Benghazi

R.G. Belie, PhD

R.G. Belie, PhD, has worked for over 40 years in the government and private industry as an engineer, technologist, and problem solver. He is now applying his experience and problem solving skills to addressing the pressing issues of the day along with enjoying the pursuit of various types of high quality photography including 3D stereographics, High Dynamic Range, and digital art.

Read more from R.G. Belie, Ph D

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    Book preview

    Behind Benghazi - R.G. Belie, PhD

    Behind Benghazi

    By R.G. Belie, PhD

    A Short Story

    Published by R.G. Belie at Smashwords

    Copyright 2014 R.G. Belie

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents




    Jarrett Memo

    Lead Up

    Best Laid Plans

    Another Little Dust Up

    Cover Up Panic

    Off the Books

    Bold Lies

    Following Days

    Unanswered Questions

    Also by R.G. Belie

    Dedicated to

    Chris, Sean, Glen, & Tyrone

    Four Americans Who Didn’t Have To Die


    Their Families Who Deserve Answers


    The administration has been reluctant to explain the troubling events that surround the 9/11/12 attacks on US interests in Benghazi, Libya. In fact, the administration has done everything in its power to distract, mislead, and block any insight into these events. None-the-less, getting to the bottom of Benghazi is critical to maintaining a republic that values responsible, accountable government. Since the administration has been reluctant to exercise responsibility or accountability, this story ties together the pieces of the Benghazi puzzle to see how an incompetent president and secretary of state successfully manipulated the press and the public to cover up gross dereliction and indecision to regain election. Since the most transparent administration has failed to come clean

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