When Black Preachers Preach Volume 3
About this ebook
If you are one of the few dear people who still love what God calls “sound doctrine,” if you love powerful and exciting preaching that is also biblical, then the book that you hold in your hands is the right book for you. Read it and be blessed and encouraged.
Daniel Whyte III
Daniel Whyte III has spoken in meetings across the United States and in twenty-three foreign countries. He is the author of ten books. He is the President of Torch Ministries International, which publishes a magazine called The Torch Leader. He is also the chairman of the National Association to Save Young Black Men. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Theology from Bethany Divinity College and a degree in Religion from Texas Wesleyan University. He is married to the former Meriqua Althea Dixon, of Christiana, Jamaica. God has blessed their union with seven children.
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When Black Preachers Preach Volume 3 - Daniel Whyte III
When Black Preachers Preach Volume 3
Daniel Whyte III
Published by Torch Legacy Publications at Smashwords
© Copyright 2010 Daniel Whyte III
ISBN: 978-1-4524-4425-3
Smashwords Edition, License Notes
This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of Daniel Whyte III.
Other Books by Daniel Whyte III
The Glory of God
and to the
Glory of Jesus Christ Our Lord
To the preachers, named and unnamed who continue to steadfastly preach Thus saith the Lord
to a lost and dying nation. May the people who read these sermons take heed to the Word of the Lord, and may God raise up many more preachers who will preach it.
When Black Preachers Preach Volume III
Introduction to When Black Preachers Preach, Volume I
Introduction to When Black Preachers Preach, Volume II
1. The Wrath of God Robert Anderson
2. Why I Still Believe in Soul-Winning Tommy Steele
3. How to Rejoice in Suffering Foster Covington
4. Bringing Others to Jesus Carl Bennett
5. The Importance of Reaching the Inner Cities Victor Rivera
6. How to Keep Your Dreams Alive Kevin D. Barnes Sr
7. When the Lord’s Bride and the Pastor’s Bride Don’t Coincide Lynwood Davis
8. Waiting On God Tony Smart
9. Hell! Do We Really Believe It? Daniel Whyte III
Appendix Or Other Significant Stuff
1. On Being Saved
in Black America Daniel Whyte III
2. Things You Ought To Do After You Enter Through The Door Daniel Whyte III
3. Preaching Versus Pastoring Louis Baldwin
4. In Search of a Black Saviour William Banks
I wish to thank the Lord for His mercy and grace, and for allowing me to do such a work as this. I also want to thank all of the preachers included in this volume for standing strong in these perilous times. I want to thank my wife, Meriqua Whyte for helping to proofread and edit this book; my children: Daniella Whyte for helping to proofread and edit this book; Daniel Whyte IV for typesetting this book and for also helping in the proofreading and editing process; and, Danita, Danae`, Daniqua, Danyel Ezekiel and Danyelle Elizabeth for doing a wonderful job typing up the manuscript. A special thank you goes to Bill Hopper of Hopper Graphics for creating the beautiful cover on this volume. May God bless you all.
When Black Preachers Preach
Volume I
The idea and vision for such a book as this one has been in my heart for quite some time now.
In the not too distant past, God began to raise up a fresh and exciting voice in America. That voice is the voice of the black preacher who refused to use God’s sacred desk as a stage for entertainment or as a platform for political causes. Rather, these God-sent black preachers chose to stand boldly and preach "Thus saith the Lord" without compromise, fear or favor. These preachers are not popular, but neither were the preachers in the Bible. No, these preachers may not be popular, but they certainly need to be heard.
This book basically has a three-fold purpose:
A. To bring glory and honor to God and to His Son Jesus Christ.
B. To show honor and appreciation for the older black Baptist preachers who have paid the price, and who have laid the foundation for those of us who have followed. (Of course, all of the older brethren could not be included in this volume, but my hope is that these who are included will represent them.)
C. To reach this generation of Americans, who seem to have lost their way.
The sermons included in this volume were selected based upon how long the minister had been faithfully preaching the Gospel and based upon the impact of the sermon when it was actually preached. You will notice that some of these sermons were stenographically recorded because we not only wanted to get the letter of the sermon,
but the spirit of the sermon,
as well; so that when you read this book, you will feel as though you are actually in the congregation, hearing the man of God, preach Thus saith the Lord.
I believe that if you read each sermon and the significant stuff
in the back of this book, and you take heed to it, you will be convicted, challenged, comforted, and changed.—Daniel Whyte III, South Bend, Indiana
When Black Preachers Preach
Volume II
The first volume of When Black Preachers Preach is dedicated to the honor and appreciation of the older black Bible-believing preachers who have laid the foundation for correct and clear Bible preaching and teaching in the black community of America. Well, this present offering — When Black Preachers Preach, Volume II, highlights some of the most dynamic preachers of our present day. Some of the men included in this volume are pastoring some of the fastest growing Bible-believing churches in America. Also, some of these preachers head up exciting, evangelistic organizations and conferences aimed at reaching black America with the unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ.
These men of God have broken the mold of the traditional black preacher. They have broken away from tradition itself. These men have forsaken the old way of doing black church, and they have chosen to stay clear of the religious confusion that has engulfed black America. These are men who do not claim perfection, but who are being mightily used by God.
As I approach my closing of this introduction to the second volume, allow me to state the four-fold purpose as to why we publish these down-to-earth messages from Heaven:
1. First and foremost to glorify God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.
2. Black America, white America, and whosoever will needs to hear these messages from the Word of God. These are messages that should not be preached into the air and then forgotten.
3. Posterity. Friend of mine, we do not publish these books to make us feel good about ourselves, or for our own personal enjoyment. If the Lord should tarry His coming, I want these books to be available for the generations that will follow. They will need to know that there was a remnant of black preachers who stood for God in these times.
4. And, as we said in the first volume, to reach this generation of Americans, who seem to have lost their way.
If you are one of the few dear people who still love what God calls sound doctrine
; if you love powerful and exciting preaching that is also biblical, then the book that you hold in your hands is the right book for you.
May God use this book to change your life forever, and usher in many children of slaves into God’s glorious