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The Gifts of the Spirit
The Gifts of the Spirit
The Gifts of the Spirit
Ebook29 pages37 minutes

The Gifts of the Spirit

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About this ebook

God gives special gifts to Saints to be used in service for Him. Some are ceased, I answer questions such as: Who has these gifts? How do I get them? Are tongues for today? Does God still heal? What are the best gifts .Gifts discussed: Baptism of the Holy Spirit ,Wisdom, Knowledge, Interpretation of tongues, What gifts are given to the church. A good study of the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Release dateApr 4, 2011
The Gifts of the Spirit

J. Bennett Collins

I, Evangelist Collins was saved at the age of seven in Fayetteville, North Carolina, while kneeling between his mother and brother at family prayer. I was called to preach at the age of fifteen and at seventeen began a full-time ministry. I attended Greenville Bible Institute and took special courses at Bob Jones University. I received a Doctor of Divinity degree from Indiana Baptist College. I have twelve years experience as a pastor and fifty-two years experience as an evangelist. I married Helen Sherrill from Statesville, North Carolina, and we have one child Bill Collins. Bill has two children and five grandchildren. One of Dr. Collins' grandsons, Brian Collins, is a missionary in Singapore. Along with my evangelistic ministry, I am Director of Sermon and Song, Inc, a radio ministry of forty-six years which is heard on more than fifty stations including the Fundamental Broadcasting Network. I have a website: My main desire in life is to preach the gospel and see others come to know his Savior. My books are simply written and true to the Bible. I am evolved in a mission ministry in Pakistan. 100s are coming to know the Lord. Full information is on my web site. When time permits, I like to hack away at golf. If my preaching is no better than my golf game "Have mercy on the congregation" Please contact me if I can be of spiritual help.

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    Book preview

    The Gifts of the Spirit - J. Bennett Collins

    Gifts of the Spirit

    By Dr. J. Bennett Collins

    A Verse-by Verse Exposition of John’s Third Letter


    Copyright 2011 Sermon & Song. Inc.

    Smashwords Edition

    Gifts of the Spirit

    by J. Bennett Collins

    In this Bible study we will consider the gifts of the Spirit. This takes us immediately to I Corinthians 12, 13 and 14. These three chapters are very important in our study of the Word of God and unless we have a clear understanding of these verses we are going to be confused about the phenomenon of spiritual gifts.

    If we are confused about spiritual gifts, it is going to cause us to receive those manifestations that may not be of the Holy Spirit of God at all. So it is very important to spend some time studying what the Bible has to say about spiritual gifts.

    It certainly goes without saying that there have been many confusing statements and much teaching that is totally contrary to the Word of God. We might say right here that we are not defending any denomination nor are we setting ourselves in favor with any particular group. We just want to know the truth of the Word of God concerning the gifts of the Spirit. The gifts of the Spirit mentioned here in these three chapters in I Corinthians indicate that God does give gifts to men.

    There is another mention of the gifts that God gives in Ephesians 4. So before we consider I Corinthians 12, let's make the distinction that needs to be made between these gifts.

    Ephesians 4:7 says, But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. That is plain and not hard to understand. God has given us His grace. We are saved by grace. The most important thing we understand is that salvation is by grace through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ.

    There are two kinds of religion in the world. There is the religion that presents salvation by grace and the religion that presents salvation by works. True religion presents salvation by grace only through the blood of Jesus Christ. False religion adds works to it. However much the people say it is by grace, if they add works to grace, it becomes false religion. Grace then is God's gift to us. We do not deserve it; it is God's unmerited

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