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The Easy Study Bible: John
The Easy Study Bible: John
The Easy Study Bible: John
Ebook263 pages2 hours

The Easy Study Bible: John

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About this ebook

Now there is a Bible translation that is easy to read, understand, and study.

This translation is unique in that it is arranged in a diagram form, which allows for easy identification of each of the points being made in any passage.

Good for Bible Study, sermon preparation, or just easy reading for understanding the Bible.

The entire New Testament has now been released.

Look for the rest of the New Testament books or the whole New Testament in one volume.

Release dateJul 9, 2011
The Easy Study Bible: John

Trennis Killian

Trennis E. Killian has been an Army Medic, high school English teacher, pastor, hospital chaplain, crisis counselor, police chaplain, and pastoral counselor. All of these occupations have helped him to understand how men and women build and keep relationships. He also knows how they repair or destroy those relationships. He has also observed how people interact in all kinds of situations. They also give him firsthand knowledge of how people live and act within each of those types of situations. He writes in all of the following areas: Bible study, Self-Help, Crisis Preparation, and Christian oriented novels. To be able to write so many different kinds of books, he has spent years of intensive study of Greek, an earned doctorate in counseling, and worked in many different occupations. He writes all of his novels under the name T. E. Killian. Because of his varied education and experience, his characters take on the characteristics and personalities of people who work in all of the occupations he knows so well. Having been in many crisis situations over the past thirty plus years, he can write about them realistically. He and his wife, Ann, live in Black Canyon City, Arizona, where he writes fulltime.

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    Book preview

    The Easy Study Bible - Trennis Killian


    The Easy Study Bible

    Trennis E. Killian

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2011 by Trennis E. Killian

    The print edition of this book may be obtained from

    This E-Book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This E-Book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    * * * * * *

    Other Books by Trennis E. Killian

    The Easy Study Bible





    The Four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)

    James (Free E-Book only)

    The Relational Self Help Series

    The Relational Self Help Series addresses most issues of relationships. Here are the titles published to date.

    Beware of Abusive Behavior

    Basic Counseling for Pastors and Other Church Leaders

    Building a Godly Marriage

    Conquering Grief

    Controlling Your Reactions

    Coping with Stress

    Crisis Intervention/Suicide Prevention

    Planning Communication

    Relational Self Help Collection, Vol. I

    There are more books coming in this series, please look for them at:

    Other Nonfiction Books

    Victory over Gambling:

    Leading Compulsive Gamblers to Freedom in Christ

    Victory over Gambling: Workbook


    The Real Beginning

    For information or to purchase one of these titles either in paperback or EBook form please go to the webpage

    * * * * * *

    Table of Contents


    Outline of John

    The Easy Study Bible Diagram Form of John

    The Easy Study Bible Paragraph Form of John


    About the Author

    * * * * * *


    The Easy Study Bible translation, is the result of my twenty-six years in the Gospel Ministry, and from being a high school English teacher before that.

    Many times over my early years as a pastor, I would grow frustrated in my efforts to teach the Bible for understanding to church members who didn't understand the basics of Hebrew and Greek. True, some passages jump out at anyone reading them, no matter which translation they use. My goal has always been that all who read the Bible would not only understand it the way God intended for them to, but also to be able to apply each truth to their lives. That, I think, takes greater understanding.

    When I began teaching a Pastor's Sunday School Class in the early 1990s, I searched for a way to help my class understand better. I felt this was important since the class started out as a New Members Class. Too many new Christians become frustrated at their first attempts to study the Bible.

    Well, the answer came to me from my English teacher background. Do you remember when you had to diagram sentences in your English classes? Please don't run away screaming yet! I know. They were usually painful experiences. I felt the same way when I was a student.

    If you can get past the painful memories, please think about the finished product. Once you diagramed a long complicated sentence, it became much more clear to you. You could understand what was modifying what, and what the action was and what or who was causing it. In other words, it made the sentence much more understandable.

    That is what I began to do with the Bible passages we studied in that class. I took the principles of the sentence diagram and adjusted it to fit verses of the Bible. Immediately, the whole class began to gain a better understanding of each passage we studied.

    Over the years since then, I have used this method constantly, not only in small group studies, but also in church Bible studies with great success.

    One benefit that I didn't expect is that this method helps tremendously in sermon preparation. When I begin to prepare a sermon, I take the focal passage and diagram it. This allows me to see how the verses naturally (the way I think God intended) fall into separate thoughts. Many times, this process will give me all the points of the outline without trying to make the passage say what it does not say.

    Now, let's look at this project. Do we need another translation of the Bible? In a word, No!

    I have long admired the Wycliffe Bible Translators whose goal is to translate the Bible into every language of the world so all will have the opportunity to read God's message to them. I've also admired the Gideons International whose goal is to place a Bible in every hand in the world.

    My goal is a combination of the goals of the Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Gideons International. I want to take God's word and make it easier for everyone to read and understand.

    Now, here is why we need a new translation of the Bible. Simply put, the major Bible publishers do not seem to be interested in a Bible version which is diagramed. Therefore, to avoid infringing on any existing copyrights, I had to start with my own translation.

    You will find The Easy Study Bible translation to be as close to literal as possible while still preserving proper English grammatical structure. This is important to me. I find that many of the modern translations, especially ones that are more literal, are clumsy at best and grammatically inaccurate at worst.

    James Free!

    In order to give everyone an opportunity to sample the Easy Study Bible before purchasing it, the book of James will be available in E-Book version free. It will be available on my webpage, and other online distributors.

    The book of James will soon be included in a new release, which will also contain 1 Peter and 2 Peter.

    I want to hear from you as you use the Easy Study Bible translation. If you have suggestions, corrections, or any comments, please email me at [email protected].

    How to Use the Easy Study Bible

    You may read the Easy Study Bible it the same way you would any other Bible. Each of the releases will have a paragraph version in the back of the book.

    The Easy Study Bible is most effective when used as a study tool. This is where the structure of the diagram allows for better understanding of each passage that you study.

    I will use James 4:7-8 to illustrate how to do several of the actions that were mentioned in the introduction.

    ⁷ Therefore,

    submit to God.

    Resist the devil,

    and he will flee from you.

    ⁸ Draw near to God

    and He will draw near to you.

    Cleanse your hands,


    and purify your hearts

    you double-minded.

    First, if I were writing a sermon on this passage, I can immediately see the perfect three-point sermon in it.

    I. Submit to God

    II. Resist the Devil

    III. Draw Near to God

    Notice how easy that was. Next I would flesh out point II. a little.

    II. Resist the Devil

    He will flee from you

    Next, point III.

    III. Draw Near to God

    He will draw near to you

    How do we do this?

    Cleanse our hands

    Purify our hearts

    You can easily see how to continue from there.

    Second, for those who want to get to the full meaning of the passage, they can easily answer the following questions from the diagram:

    1. What is the subject of this passage?

    Submission to God

    2. How do we do this?

    Resist the Devil

    Draw near to God

    3. What will be the result of this action?

    The devil will flee from you.

    God will draw near to you.

    Do you get the idea? It's easy and fun to study the Bible, especially when you understand it better each time you do.

    Try it out, and if you discover new and different ways to use the Easy Study Bible, please let me know so I can share them with others.

    My webpage will have a whole section devoted to the Easy Study Bible, and one page will be dedicated to reader feedback. There will also be a page of Hints & Tips.

    * * * * * *

    Outline of John

    Chapter One

    The Deity of Christ 1-2

    Christ in the Creation 3-5

    The Forerunner of Christ 6-8

    The Rejection of Christ 9-11

    The Acceptance of Christ 12-13

    The Incarnation of Christ 14-18

    John the Baptist's Testimony 19-28

    The Lamb of God 29-34

    Andrew and Peter Follow Christ 35-42

    Philip and Nathanael Follow Christ 43-51

    Chapter Two

    Christ Changes Water to Wine 1-12

    Cleansing the Temple 13-25

    Chapter Three

    Christ and Nicodemus 1-21

    Christ and John the Baptist 22-36

    Chapter Four

    The Woman at the Well 1-26

    The Ripened Harvest 27-38

    The Savior of the World 39-42

    Christ Is Received by the Galileans 43-45

    Healing the Official's Son 46-54

    Chapter Five

    Healing the Sick 1-15

    Honoring the Father and the Son 16-23

    Life and Judgment 24-30

    Four Witnesses to Jesus 31-47

    Chapter Six

    Feeding of the 5,000 1-15

    Walking on Water 16-24

    The Bread of Life 22-59

    Many Followers Desert Jesus 60-71

    Chapter Seven

    Christ's Brothers Do Not Believe 1-9

    Jesus Secretly Goes to the Feast 10-24

    Christ's Origin from the Father 25-36

    Promise of the Spirit 37-39

    People Are Divided over Christ 40-44

    Debate over Christ's Claims 45-53

    Chapter Eight

    A Woman Caught in Adultery 1-11

    The Light of the World 12-20

    Jesus Predicts His Departure 21-29

    Truth and Freedom 30-59

    Chapter Nine

    Healing the Man Born Blind 1-41

    Chapter Ten

    The Good Shepherd 1-21

    Opposition at the Feast of Dedication 22-42

    Chapter Eleven

    Christ Raises Lazarus 1-44

    The Plot to Kill Jesus 45-57

    Chapter Twelve

    Mary Anoints Christ 1-11

    The Triumphal Entry 12-50

    Chapter Thirteen

    Jesus Washes His Disciples' Feet 1-20

    Jesus Predicts Judas' Betrayal 21-30

    The New Commandment 31-35

    Peter's Denials Predicted 36-38

    Chapter Fourteen

    Christ Is the Way 1-31

    Chapter Fifteen

    The Vine and the Branches 1-8

    Christlike Love 9-17

    Persecutions Predicted 18-27

    Chapter Sixteen

    Predictions of Christ's Death 16-33

    Chapter Seventeen

    Christ Prays for Himself 1-5

    Christ Prays for His Disciples 6-19

    Christ Prays for All Believers 20-26

    Chapter Eighteen

    The Arrest of Christ 1-18

    Jesus before Annas 19-27

    Jesus before Pilate 28-40

    Chapter Nineteen

    Pilate Sentences Jesus to Death 5-15

    The Crucifixion 16-37

    Jesus' Burial 38-42

    Chapter Twenty

    The Empty Tomb 1-10

    Christ Appears to Mary Magdalene 11-18

    Christ Appears to the Disciples 19-23

    Thomas Sees and Believes 24-31

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Christ's Third Appearance to the Disciples 1-14

    Christ Speaks to Peter 15-23

    Conclusion of John's Gospel 24-25

    * * * * * *

    The Easy Study Bible

    In Diagram Form


    Chapter One

    The Deity of Christ

    ¹ In the beginning was the Word,

    and the Word was with God,

    and the Word was God.

    ²He was in the beginning

    with God.

    Christ in the Creation

    ³ All things came into being

    through Him.

    Without Him,

    nothing was created

    that has been created.

    ⁴ In Him

    was life,

    and the life was

    the Light of men.

    ⁵ The Light shines

    in the darkness,

    but the darkness did not comprehend it.

    The Forerunner of Christ

    ⁶ There was a man named John,

    sent from God.

    ⁷He came

    as a witness,

    to testify

    about the Light,

    so that all might believe

    through him.

    ⁸ He was not the Light,

    but he came to testify

    about the Light.

    The Rejection of Christ

    ⁹ The true Light


    coming into the world,

    enlightens every man.

    ¹⁰ He was in the world,

    and the world came into being

    through Him,

    but the world did not know Him.

    ¹¹ He came to His own,

    and His own did not receive Him.

    The Acceptance of Christ

    ¹² But as many as received Him,

    He gave them the right

    to become children of God,

    to those who believe in His name,

    ¹³who were born,

    not of blood,

    nor of the will of the flesh,

    nor of the will of man,

    but of God.

    The Incarnation of Christ

    ¹⁴ The Word became flesh,

    and dwelt among us,

    and we saw His glory,

    glory as of the One and Only Son

    from the Father,

    full of grace and truth.

    ¹⁵ John testified about Him

    and cried out, saying,

    "This was He of whom I said,

    'He who comes after me

    has surpassed me,

    for He

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