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Journaling Tools: Creative, Thought Provoking Prompts, Ideas & Tips (Writing Prompts & Exercises)
Journaling Tools: Creative, Thought Provoking Prompts, Ideas & Tips (Writing Prompts & Exercises)
Journaling Tools: Creative, Thought Provoking Prompts, Ideas & Tips (Writing Prompts & Exercises)
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Journaling Tools: Creative, Thought Provoking Prompts, Ideas & Tips (Writing Prompts & Exercises)

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About this ebook

If you're a journaler who wants to know the secrets to a great journal and how to never run out of ideas then this is the book for you.

In fact, if you want to know how to fill your journals with creative, thought provoking entries, then this new eBook - "Journaling Ideas, Tips & Tools" - will give you the answers to the following challenges many journalers face:

- How to get past the blank page stare.
- How to add creativity and flare to your otherwise bland entries.
- How to get ideas for your daily journal writing sessions.
- How to take your journal to the next level.
- How to get past the boring 'same old' journal entries.
... and more!

So, if you're serious about wanting to never run out of journaling ideas and you want to know how to fill your journals with creative entries, then you need to grab a copy of "Journaling Ideas, Tips & Tools" right now, because journal writing expert, JanMarie Kelly, will reveal to you how every journaler, regardless of experience level, can succeed - Today!

Release dateJan 18, 2014
Journaling Tools: Creative, Thought Provoking Prompts, Ideas & Tips (Writing Prompts & Exercises)

JanMarie Kelly

JanMarie Kelly, a nationally known authority on pet care and pet behavior, began her career as a shelter volunteer. Her love of animals and interest in understanding them led her to delve deeper into animal rescue and behavior. She was a dog training participant turned dog trainer student who eventually became an animal rescue manager. Along the way she consumed every bit of information and viewpoint she could on the canines and felines she had become so involved in rescuing.With three non-fiction books and hundreds of articles written, Ms. Kelly has taken her first love, writing, and began intertwining it with her love of animals. She has written on a variety of topics in the pet field including training, behavior, health, and the benefits of keeping pets. In addition to weekly updates to her website, she writes for thePetConnection, highlights local rescues in online articles, and produces a free newsletter, PawsititivelySafe.Ms. Kelly has always been one who liked to be organized, prepared and as self-sufficient as possible and this mindset has come in quite handy when working with animals. Being prepared and self-sufficient decreases the stress, increases your confidence and significantly aids in dealing with emergencies. She has taken these years of preparedness and not only included them in the pet field, but has also shared her knowledge and insights on sights like American Preppers Network and most recently, The Homestead Bloggers Network.It’s safe to say Ms. Kelly’s life revolves around her three passions; writing, animals and self-sufficiency. She lives and breathes her passions and it is in everything she writes, reads, researches and practices.

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    Book preview

    Journaling Tools - JanMarie Kelly

    Journaling Tools:

    Creative, Thought Provoking Prompts, Ideas & Tips

    (Writing Prompts & Exercises)

    JanMarie Kelly


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © JanMarie Kelly 2013

    Published by Harling House Publishing at Smashwords

    All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author.

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    JanMarie Kelly

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (717)456-0876


    Table of Contents

    Journaling Today

    Journal Types

    Journaling Tips

    Journaling Prompts

    Creative Journal Prompts

    Journal Prompts that Smell

    Other Resources


    Today’s journals are not like the diaries of yesterday, at least in most instances. Unlike the simple recording of a day’s events in the diaries of the past, today, although they can still be a record of one’s life, journals are more about self-exploration. Journaling is a way to get to know yourself inside and out.

    With journaling you can:

    • Get laser focused on what’s really important to you.

    • Work through stressful events

    • Record memories of important events.

    • Work out problems more effectively.

    • Work through your goals and future plans.

    • Preserve and pass along your personal history.

    • Learn more about your talents, skills, dreams and passions.

    Of course there are many types of journals and some are kept primarily to keep track (record) of specific events or behaviors etc., however, many journalers use their personal journals to delve deep within themselves and explore all of the mysteries and wonders that make them who they are.

    Journaling can also be a great idea creation tool. While exploring yourself and your world many bits and pieces of interesting information will be traipsing through your mind just waiting to be harvested and used in your next amazing creation.

    (back to top)


    Ask fifty different journalers what type of journal they keep and you’ll likely get fifty different responses. Since journals are a reflection of those that keep them it is no wonder they come in so many different forms.

    Let us start by stating the two main forms of journals that all journals, regardless of their content, fall under:

    1. Freestyle

    2. Structured

    A Freestyle journal is just what it sounds like, no set rules just a blank page where you mind can wander and record whatever it likes in any form that it likes. Freestyle journals can use prompts, include drawings, or make up its own type of entry.

    A structured journal is also what it sounds like, a little more formal, think Fill-In-The-Blank type journals. A place where you answer questions or a set prompt. (eg. A baby journal/book walking you through your baby’s first year.)

    Now let us walk through some of the many different types of journals that people keep within the two forms mentioned above:

    Diary Style Journal

    This is a record of your life, more or less, for instance the headlines of the day, weather, important life events. Some people will add clippings, ticket stubs, letters, etc. to this type of journal as mementos and keepsakes. This is like a person’s life story (biography) of sorts with all the important happenings to that individual.

    Exercise/Nutritional Journal

    This type of journal is kept by folks embarking on either a new exercise or nutritional program or someone interested in noting which exercises or foods give them the feel and the look they are after. They can also be kept as general health journals to document their health and the contributing factors.

    Dream Journal

    These journals are usually written the first thing in the morning so that the journaler is sure to capture the most details from the dream. Some people like to just note the dreams they have others like to delve into their meanings and use their dream journals to aid in researching the symbolism within the dreams.

    Travel Journal

    This type of journal is usually kept by someone who travels frequently. It can be just a record of where they went and when or a much more detailed account of each trip including the food, people and events they encountered while at each place. These journals can be used to suggest future places to travel to or places to stay/visit if they, or a friend, ever decides to revisit. These journals, like diaries, can also include ‘extras’ within their pages. Things like postcards, photos, restaurant menus, ticket stubs, etc. from each destination.

    Reader’s Journal

    This type of journal may be used by avid readers to track which books they’ve read or plan to read, which books they’ve given as gifts (and maybe even why), pieces of important information from certain books and much more. It can even contain where each book originated from, the price of the book, and whether it is in your inventory or lent out.

    Special Event Journal

    This type of journal would be for a specific period of time covering one specific event or happening (e.g. a wedding, a pregnancy, a job search, renovating your house, etc.) You would keep a very detailed account of everything that was involved in the event and even add things like pictures, brochures, design plans, contracts, etc. Detailing how you felt along the way, what your thoughts were about certain aspects of the events and what you might do differently if the event ever arose in the future.

    Gratitude Journal

    This has become a very popular journal for many. Who doesn’t want to look back on their days and see all the good that they have enjoyed. This journal can be something as simple as listing 2-10 things that you are grateful for each day, to the more in depth recording of why you are grateful for your list of things that day. Some people write in this journal every evening to look back over the day and pick out the good it presented. Others jot down things throughout the day as they occur. This is one journal that can come in handy to lift your spirits on days you may feel things are just not going well, you read through your gratitude journal and you realize just how blessed you really are.

    Group Journal

    This type of journal is not for the private person as it is kept among a certain number of people. It can be something were each member of the group records something about the day, or it could be one that is passed around and each member gets to write in the journal for specific time period. This type of journal can be very enlightening by giving its members the chance to learn a great deal about each other, building stronger understanding and perhaps stronger bonds.

    Self-Help/Development Journal

    Journaling has long been touted as a great way for people to deal with emotions and self-understanding and this type of journal is focused on just that, exploring and hopefully improving one’s state of mind and outlook. It also offers the opportunity to monitor what triggers certain things in your life, as well as your progress to improving.

    Special Projects Journal

    This type of journal can be utilized for either a new large project or for a very detailed project where lots of information is needed and even perhaps changes frequently. This journal would hold all of the information needed for the particular project without having to retain all of the details in your mind. It could also serve to train new people, share insights into what things worked and what things didn’t, and serve as a record as to when things were completed.

    Gardening Journal

    This type of journal can be kept by beginning gardeners or avid gardeners. It can be a record of what things where planted, where they were planted, when, the conditions, and any other imaginable information that the gardener may deem important to repeating their success or avoiding their failure in the future. Many times pictures or sketches will accompany the journal.

    Ideas Journal

    This type of journal is an open sort of journal. A place where you can let your creativity flow and your imagination run wild. Jot down ideas as you have them or sit down as specific times to plan out your future projects and creations. This type of journal is not limited to text, but most certainly would include sketches, doodles, clippings, photos and anything else that may spark the imagination.

    Rant Journal

    This type of journal can be useful to rid yourself of negativity, worries, complaints and stresses. Just sit down,

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