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Innocent Spouse Relief: How You May Not Have To Pay Your Taxes!
Innocent Spouse Relief: How You May Not Have To Pay Your Taxes!
Innocent Spouse Relief: How You May Not Have To Pay Your Taxes!
Ebook20 pages11 minutes

Innocent Spouse Relief: How You May Not Have To Pay Your Taxes!

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Under law a return that is filed as husband and wife makes both parties liable for that return. With this in mind it's easy to see that if one of you does something funky with the return then you're both liable for whatever happens with that return. Cases exist where one spouse is not aware of the problems with the return and just agrees to sign the return as is. Later on after audit, or any other problem, the souse realizes that the return is wrong but they had nothing to do with it. What to do? Well, the IRS addresses these situations based on laws that were passed by Congress. More important is that you may not have to even bother with innocent spouse relief if you can prove that you did not intend to file a return, you signed under duress, or your signature was forged. We'll address the types of innocent spouse relief available, when to select innocent spouse relief, the qualification of each innocent spouse relief section, the form to use, line by line explanation of the form, how to appeal a denial, and Tax Court.

Release dateFeb 21, 2014
Innocent Spouse Relief: How You May Not Have To Pay Your Taxes!

Alan Goldstein

Enrolled Agent Alan Goldstein has decided to share his knowledge across several industries. He is the founder of Alan Goldstein & Associates and Emunah Nes Publishing. As an Enrolled Agent he represents companies and people who have tax problems. As a publisher, he publishes tax related books and conducts seminars on different topics related to taxes. Alan Goldstein, having earned an MBA in finance and licensed to represent tax payers before the IRS, feels strongly of finding a way to break down the complex tax rules and present them in an engaging way. His purpose is to encourage tax payers to properly resolve their tax problems before they escalate. His exposure to diverse cultures and his love for all good things has inspired him to build a business based on placing the client first, protecting the interests of clients, and always dealing in a fair manner.

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