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Let Me Breathe Again
Let Me Breathe Again
Let Me Breathe Again
Ebook176 pages2 hours

Let Me Breathe Again

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About this ebook

Ethan, a dark angel of the Underworld living on earth, is searching day and night for the demon that killed his wife. The same demon that robbed his daughter of a loving mother. Ethan finds himself making deals all over the city, with vampires, the seraphim, and a succubus who likes the thrill of trying to land him in her bed. Bess Jane, the boss of the Supernatural Crime Force, also lends a helping hand.

The more he searches; it’s revealed there’s a much bigger picture than vengeance at hand. The demons are planning something big, something that could destroy them all if they don’t work together to put an end to it.

Set in the mythical city of Celestin.

Release dateJun 21, 2013
Let Me Breathe Again

Isabelle Arocho

Hello everyone, as a self-published author I like to talk to you in my own words so here we go, here's my story:I used to avoid everything pertaining to reading and writing in school because it was never my strong suit. But then something happened when I was fourteen years old, and I found I had a deep passion for telling stories. As far back as I can remember, I would always create stories in my head and call them my made up movies. These are the movies I make into books today.I shied away from telling anyone about my passion for telling stories and kept it to myself for a long time. I learned from reading book after book how to write a proper novel and found the confidence to share my work, first on online communities and now with the world.In 2012 I have decided to take the leap into self-publishing. I write and edit all my work myself, no excuses, but if you see any mistakes I apologize.A little bit more about me...My name is Isabelle Arocho, I’m of Hispanic descent. I grew up in Perth Amboy NJ and now live somewhere in the sticks of FL. I am a woman, sister, daughter. I have a passion for rock music, tons of TV shows, and of course reading when I’m not trying to create my own masterpiece.I write all types of genres including mystery, fantasy, suspense, romance, paranormal, and cop procedurals. I'm always striving to get better and I hope you enjoy my work enough to stick with me on this journey. I have hundreds of characters in my head always in a scene crawling to get free onto paper. I'm grateful for writing because without it I'd just be a crazy nut who talks to herself.I have a few books out now in both Ebook and paperback format. I’m working on several different of ideas to be released soon in all those genres I mentioned above. Visit my personal website,, for more information.PS: Don't forget to review and let me know what you thought about the book you read. I love hearing from you and it helps to know what you think.

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    Let Me Breathe Again - Isabelle Arocho



    Isabelle Arocho

    Copyright 2013 Isabelle Arocho

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s mind and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organization, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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    It was late. I should be at home, not trolling the streets looking for a demon that could be wearing any face he chose. Possession demons were nasty fuckers, and this one happened to be the bane of my existence.

    Most people thought my kind and demons were the same thing, the same race, and that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

    I was part of The Exiled, angels who rebelled against God’s rule. We were also called archfiends, dark angels, or the fallen. Demons and my race resided in the Underworld, thus creating the confusion. Most people, certainly humans, didn’t understand how large the Underworld spread. We controlled one part and the demons control the other part. It was like saying North America and South America; same name, connected land, yet two very different places.

    I had gone through extreme lengths trying to catch Julian—the possession demon—and every time he managed to escape my wrath. I’d to have to go through another extreme if I didn’t find him soon, and this extreme would forever change my life.

    Night time in Celestin City reminded me a lot of the Underworld, there were so many creatures making up the population. Vampires were exposed in the city but packs of werewolves were also there in large numbers, strong magic users too. The only mortius sensate for several continents also lived there. Sensates had a deep bond to Death himself and elements of the dead on earth. I even took advantage of that to try and track down Julian. It wasn’t my best moment but since Emily was killed, I didn’t have time to linger on the aspects that defined right and wrong.

    None of my superiors could get a lead on Julian. Death could only confirm he was on earth, Holly knew it wasn’t only one demon topside attacking both sides who controlled the balance, which led me to right here, right now.

    I was restless with the need for revenge.

    I pulled open the door of Disputandum. The music’s loud beats met you at the door and swept you effortlessly into the atmosphere. The large space was crawling with energy from numerous supernatural beings. Women in skimpy outfits danced around with sex dripping from their pours. I was too angry and too heartbroken to appreciate the displays.

    The bartender asked, Do you have an appointment? he knew I wasn’t there for a drink.

    Anthony arranged it. I met with the first vampire earlier in the week where he told me to consult with Ryan. If you wanted the latest information going on in Celestin, Ryan was your guy.

    Head on back.

    Ryan was respected around the community for his work ethic, his ranking amongst the master vampires, and his over all strength. He just happened to look like a fresh faced college student. Those who don’t know better might underestimate him.

    I didn’t bother with any small talk. We both had better things to do. Your hate for demons is common knowledge.

    And? Ryan shrugged a shoulder and leaned back against his desk. I’m not fond of anything that comes from the Underworld.

    I don’t need you to like me, vampire. We have an enemy in common. What do you know about the pack of demons topside hiding in Celestin? I wanted to rip Julian apart for killing Emily but there was also a bigger matter. Kill one, another takes his spot. Kill them all and you win the war.

    I’ve heard whispers about the conflict but demons know better than to step foot in here. You know if there’s demon trouble, the seraphim are looking into it.

    I fought back a cringe. I’d rather not talk to them. There wasn’t a big difference between me and a seraph except our beliefs. They were the light and I was the dark.

    You may not have a choice. You can go high on the food chain. Matthew is in town. The vampire was good, he seemed to know of my distain for Michael; Matthew’s lower ranking cousin.


    The CPD. He’s been aiding them in the development of the SCF. The supernatural crime force; the governing body that was supposed to keep supernaturals of all kind in check. It sounded like a delusion to me. Any supernatural, even the weakest, would always overpower a human and therein lays the problem.

    If the demon contacts your people for aid—

    They’ll be shit out of luck.

    Contact me. I handed him a card with my number. I have a personal matter to settle with them. I had to let him know it wasn’t just a pissing contest between races. It was personal and every man could understand the need to right a wrong.

    It wasn’t too long ago Ryan lost his progeny. He understood my plight better than I might suspect. I’ll let you know if I hear anything.

    With a curt nod, I turned and left the vampire’s establishment.

    Four years ago I lived solely in the Underworld, only visiting earth when there was a reason given by my superiors. Things were very different now. Emily and I moved topside to give Serena some sort of normal childhood. In the Underworld there was always some disagreement with the other side and hate spewing onto our lands. On earth we could forget all about that.

    I stood in front of the quaint one story home Emily picked out. It was white with pink trimmings of all things. She loved it and that was all that mattered to me. I hated bright colors and I hated the suburbs, I’d rather be home fighting against the conflict, but I loved her and a love struck fool would do just about anything for the woman he loves and their child.

    The yard had fresh flowers planted around the walkway. Serena had taken to gardening as a remembrance for her mother. Serena hoped her mother would be looking down at all the bright colors.

    I tried to ignore the raw ache around my heart. It was always there, constantly beating and reminding me of the loss I’d never be able to replace. I could remember like it was yesterday the first time I laid eyes on Emily.

    I was called in to meeting with the chancellor and she was standing to his right. Her hair was blonde, long over her chest. Her body was lean and curvy wrapped in some fancy dress. Her eyes were a striking blue, wide with inquisitiveness and steady with respect. The chancellor gave me the task of training our new recruit. At the time I found it hard to believe such a woman would make much of a soldier but Emily proved me wrong. She had a way of doing that.

    I stepped inside the house and checked in with Serena. She was asleep on her side, her blonde hair wild over her shoulders much like her mother’s always was. I kissed her cheek and left the house again. I did all my work during the night while she slept. If she woke I’d know it in an instant and would return before she knew I was gone.

    The Celestin Police Department was a dreary building and the night staff looked none too pleased to be working. I walked amongst them hidden from their eyesight. There was a sign addressing anyone needing the SCF’s assistance to visit the conference room on the next floor or to visit the newly established headquarters down the street.

    Inside the conference room a woman sat alone at the head of the table. She was chewing at the tip of her pen and rapidly reading over some file. At first glance she was average and then I noticed the contradicting energy around her. Seraph and demon.

    She stopped chewing on the pen and looked around, she felt I was there. I closed the office door and dropped my shield. Who are you? I asked.

    Her shoulders squared, she was on high alert. My name’s Bess. Now what are you doing here? I wanted to ask her about what race she belonged to but it was none of my business. It had nothing to do with finding Julian.

    I’m looking for Matthew. Everything inside my body protested going to a damn seraph for help. I tried not to think of my superiors’ disappointment if they found out.

    I’m going to need a little more than that. The woman was loyal and wouldn’t risk sending her boss into a battle.

    If I wanted to kill him I wouldn’t come asking you for his address, now would I? You look smart enough and that means you’re trying to figure me out. I need answers and he might have them. That’s all. I felt my patience starting to wear thin.

    Michael’s told me about you and what you did to Holly.

    I didn’t do anything to Holly but keep her in a lovely room. Michael and I don’t get along so he’ll take anything and spin it to where I’m the big bad. Michael’s and my distain for each other had nothing to do with our fighting in opposite sides. It was personal and almost petty. Emily hadn’t always been mine.

    Bess stared at my face while trying to make up her mind. I don’t trust you.

    And you shouldn’t but you should trust that Matthew can take care of himself.

    Demons have been targeting us.

    That gave me some pause. When Michael was complaining did he happen to mention The Exiled are being targeted as well?

    Her pretty face contorted with surprise and confusion. No, he didn’t. Seraphs, archfiends, and a sensate. Julian tried to kill Holly months before he killed Emily.

    I voiced the next part of her thought. What do we all have in common? If you thought I was here on their side to attack Matthew, you’re wrong. I want them dead. Do you believe in the misconception demons and The Exiled is one in the same? We’re not and we’ve had a long battle with them spanning from the beginning of time.

    She motioned for me to sit. I knew our conversation was just getting started.


    Bess Jane had a lot of questions when it came to the Underworld. She knew the demon leaders; brothers named Micah and Oliver by reputation, even of their only sister, Katherine, who had a nasty streak of attacking first and asking questions later. They were called Royal Demons on the hierarchy of their land; The Royal Chain.

    I asked, Why the big interest in the demons world? I knew it had something to do with their scent swimming in her genetic make up.

    They’re targeting us and I like to know everything about an enemy. Her words were true but they weren’t her only driving factor. Again, it wasn’t important for me to try and figure this woman out. I needed her help, after that her problems were her own. The demons have their land and the archfiends have their own all within the Underworld. She stated, coming to understand what I explained minutes earlier.

    Archfiend is derogatory name for my people. We’re generally addressed as the Fallen within our realm or by our proper name; The Exiled. I thought I should point that out before she kept pissing me off with that word.

    Ok. Micah and Oliver govern the demons and that part of the land, the west. Who governs you?

    You have the High Order, we have our own Order run by a section of chancellors. I’ve aided in your confusion and now it’s time you hold up your end of the bargain, sweetheart.

    With a soft nod, she reached for her cell phone. The seraphs have long conformed to human technology and earth’s way of being. If I had to call one of my own people phones wouldn’t be involved.

    Bess told him she needed him to meet her at the office with nothing more. I doubted he wouldn’t show up if he knew I was there, sheer curiosity took care of that. She laid the cell phone on the table, staring at it. I have one more question. Actually two.

    Ask them.

    Why are you telling me all of this? I know we agreed you answer my questions and I get Matthew here, but you haven’t tried to lie once.

    I don’t see the purpose in it. There’s nothing I can tell you that would harm my people and nothing your own race doesn’t know. What’s the second question?

    Your conflict with the demons is constant?

    It’s always present but there are days better than others. Demons see us as banished children from heaven that don’t belong in their realm. They’re wrong. Lucifer was the first angel banished from heaven and he and the others created my heritage.

    You’re not one of the originals?

    No, that would be my father.

    If Lucifer created you, who created the demons? her green bluish eyes were open wide absorbing the knowledge I was feeding her.

    "The biggest myth is Lucifer created hell but the truth is, hell and the demons were there long before he

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