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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Now a major motion picture streaming on Netflix!

The first installment of Scott Westerfeld’s New York Times bestselling and award-winning Uglies series—a global phenomenon that started the dystopian trend.

Tally is about to turn sixteen, and she can’t wait. In just a few weeks she’ll have the operation that will turn her from a repellent ugly into a stunningly attractive pretty. And as a pretty, she’ll be catapulted into a high-tech paradise where her only job is to have fun.

But Tally’s new friend Shay isn’t sure she wants to become a pretty. When Shay runs away, Tally learns about a whole new side of the pretty world—and it isn’t very pretty. The authorities offer Tally a choice: find her friend and turn her in, or never turn pretty at all. Tally’s choice will change her world forever.
Release dateMay 10, 2006

Scott Westerfeld

Scott Westerfeld is the author of ten books for young adults, including Peeps, The Last Days, and the Midnighters trilogy. He was born in Texas in 1963, is married to the Hugo-nominated writer Justine Larbalestier, and splits his time between New York and Sydney. His latest book is Extras, the fourth in the bestselling Uglies series.

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Reviews for Uglies

Rating: 3.9426858676759733 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title to be a very interesting concept that keeps their attention and intrigues them. It is considered the best series ever and makes readers evaluate the meaning of perfection. The book is captivating and hooks readers from the start. The world-building is realistic and believable, with surprising literary metaphors and thought-provoking symbolisms. Overall, readers love this book and highly recommend it.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Some of the most entertaining SF takes an aspect of current life and exaggerates it with interesting results. Tally lives in a future world where all adolescents are "ugly" and live in dorms, going to school and awaiting the ultimate sweet sixteen - surgical transformation into a "pretty" who have years of parties awaiting them. Uglies blow off steam by sneaking out at night and pulling off stunts, but Tally seems to have a knack of getting into more trouble than most. She has adventures with bungee suits, hoverboards, city ruins, and a new best friend. Little by little, she will learn what is behind the strict stratification of her society and what other options are open to her - or not. It's the first of a trilogy and I'm ready to listen to the next one. This one loses a star for the reader's vocal characterizations of some of the characters. Shea's voice was irritatingly flat and toneless, but overall, it was a fun adventure.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I’ve wanted to read the Uglies quartet for years, ever since they showed up on my little sister’s shelves. The series takes place in a post-apocalyptic society where all of humanity is gathered into a few independent cities. In every city, when citizens reach their 16th birthday they undergo a surgery to change them from “uglies” into super-model gorgeous “pretties”. There is, of course, a catch. Both the catch and most of the other plot points were quite predictable, although the motivations of those in charge surprised me; I just don’t feel like they got enough out of it. But the idea was novel and I appreciated that. The world was also very well developed and the details of the procedure by which people became pretty were fleshed out enough to make it very believable.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An excellent dystopian tale of choice, trust, and weeds.

    The Writing and Worldbuilding

    While the writing style wasn't my absolute favorite, it was engaging and managed to make the slower parts of the book not so boring as they had the potential to be. The dialogue felt a bit 2005, but the book was published then, so I can't really hold that against it. I was particularly fond of the motifs and themes of the book, my favorite being the beautiful flowers that are invasive weeds literally choking out all other life, and ultimately even themselves.

    The flowers were so beautiful, so delicate and unthreatening, but they choked everything around them.
    The premise sounded somewhat far-fetched at first, but it is executed so well that by the end, I could really see this as a possible future, which was frightening. The technology was well explained and plausible (at least to me, but I'm no scientist).

    What you do, the way you think, makes you beautiful.
    The Characters

    Tally: She was really consistent, yet still grew a lot, which I really liked. She stayed true to her fundamental person—a person of action, but also thought—and also learned to let go of some of her faults—indecision, selfishness, and even self-consciousness. And me of all people actually liking a female protagonist is really something.

    Shay: I loved Shay. She is fun and spunky, and somewhat of a tomboy, but still maintaining some girlish charm.

    Doing what you're supposed to do is always boring. I can't imagine anything worse than being required to have fun.
    David: Despite being a tad insta-love-y, David was also really great! His insta-love had actual believable reasons, and he was just such a sweet guy!

    Dr. Cable: Specials in general are pretty freaky, but this one in particular was super creepy.


    It definitely wasn't my favorite book ever, but I did really like it, and actually really brought back some appreciation for YA that had been dying in me, so I'm really glad I read it, and I would definitely recommend it. And besides all that, my older sister has been trying to get me to read this series since like 2010, so it was surely time.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I've not read much young adult fiction, so I wasn't sure what to expect going in. I liked Uglies a good deal. Westerfeld does a nice job of using pretty standard plot structures and characters to make something that feels fresh. His prose gets a little melodramatic at points, but I'm guessing that's to ratchet up tension? There's some interesting thematic things going on too. Overall, well-written and interesting. I'm excited to read the next one.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I've had this book and the others in the series sitting on my shelves for months now. I read one great review, went out and purchased them; then I started seeing a lot of mixed reviews.
    Granted, the story starts out slow, can be totally confusing with some of the words used; but overall I believe this is a great story. As a mother of a soon to be teen (9), I am constantly trying to get her to understand that she doesn't have to look like everyone else to be pretty; the Uglies touches on just about the same thing.
    With Tally only counting the days till she can be a Pretty along with her friend Peris, and Shay wanting nothing more than to stay an Uglie, the lines are drawn. When Shay took off, I just knew that something was going to happen to Tally to make it to where she wouldn't get to be Pretty.
    I can't say too much more without giving the story away, but the trip to the Smoke was a wild one and I can't wait to read the next book to find out if David still cares.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    great book to start off a dystopian interest. i just couldn't stop reading. the rest of the series is just as great as well.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The world of the Uglies universe seems rather sickeningly vain and shallow, but it also seems clear that this is extremely intentional. In a world where everything revolves around how you look, why would you not obsess about looking pretty? In fact, it would become everything to you. There's definitely quite an obvious lesson there for the real world too. Yet, as the story evolves, you start to find out that there is indeed something far more serious and sinister beneath the service. It's definitely enough to make me want to read the sequel and see where the story here leads, since it definitely ends on a promising note.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love this book!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Scott Westerfield's "Uglies" is young adult science fiction novel set in a future time in which everyone undergoes a compulsory surgery that turns them into when they turn sixteen. Tally Youngblood yearns to be a "pretty," and she is very nearly there. While biding her time, she becomes close to another "ugly," a girl named Shay. But when Shay runs away to find The Smoke, a community of people who refused to undergo the operation, the authorities send Tally to find her. I she fails in her mission, she will have remain an ugly forever. Although she still wants to be pretty, what Tally finds at The Smoke changes everything.In "Uglies" Westerfield plays upon the insecurities of his readers: what teen wouldn't want to be amazingly attractive and spend all their time partying? But, of course, being pretty is not everything it's cracked up to be. This tension, which exists in our own world, is what makes the story so compelling, and teens will be able to identify. "Uglies" is an intriguing commentary on our own society and where it might be headed. Tally, as a character, is not always very likable, but, nevertheless, readers will feel for her, since they understand the draw of what she stands to lose.The technology in "Uglies" is another aspect of the book that will appeal to teen readers, grades 7 and up. Cool gadgets like hover boards and interface rings add whole new element to the action of the plot. The rules in Tally's world are completely different than ours, so there's no telling how things will go.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Uglies is a great read for young adults interested in science fiction and dystopian worlds. Tally Youngbood, the protagonist, is gutsy, appealing and intelligent. One dilemma Tally faces is whether to become a "Pretty", party endlessly and reunite with her former best friend, Peris. This dilemma is juxtaposed with Tally's desire to jrun away with her new friend to join a rogue community outside her city. Westerfeld brings a fresh perspective and insights into the questions of inner beauty vs. external beauty, what it means to belong to a community, and the role government can play in controlling its citizens.This book could be a great addition to a science fiction lit class. It could also fit into a study of government and government control. It could be used in a wellness/health class as a catalyst for societal expectations of beauty, and how society defines and exploits beauty. Finally, I would recommend this book to library patrons interested in YA science fiction with a compelling main character.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I thoroughly enjoyed this novel, beginning to end. It was just so unique and relatable on a certain level.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is an engrossing novel that delves into the concept of beauty. There is nothing too violent or sexual so it should be appropriate for teens. It is not a difficult read but the concepts are very thought provoking. The three main novels (Uglies, pretties, and specials) are meant to be read together as the first two do not resolve everything and they all build off each other.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Considering this was on my wish list, I was very much looking forward to reading it. I must say, I was greatly disappointed. It started off well, introducing us to Tally and her utalitarian world. The story held my attention for about the first 100 pages before I started to become frustrated with the plot development and the fact that I wasn't connecting to any of the characters.There is one goal: to be a Pretty.Tally longs to join the folks in New Pretty Town and become what society deems as 'perfect'. After the first 100 pages, I started to get bored as the story was just dragging along. There was always constant movement, yet the story was not progressing. Many scenes lacked significance. At times, I felt as if I was in a parked car, and everything around me was moving. Although we get to see Shay and Tally go on adventures, it felt as if the story wasn't going anywhere. I felt as if I could do without those scenes as they didn't add much to the story. I wanted Westerfeld to just get to the point and stop lollygagging.The story just didn't fly off the pages for me. I didn't feel the presence of the character, I didn't particularly care for the romance that was forming between Tally and David nor did I care much for how the story would end. I skimmed a few pages, particularly towards the end, which I don't like to do, as I feel I'll miss out on important information. It's a good concept. It just wasn't executed well. At least, that's how I feel.Westerfeld writes well, but the story just didn't grab me. Uglies was an okay read, but I don't think I'll be continuing on with the rest of the books in the series.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    One of my fave books tht i read back in school, love it!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A very interesting concept that kept my attention and kept me intrigued
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I’ve read this book multiple times over the years. No matter how many times I read it, I still lose myself into the world of the uglies and the pretties.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It is rly great. I love it. I’m like totally reading the whole series.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    ‌The story is powerful; I like how it was presented. Good job writer! If you have some great stories like this one, you can publish it on Novel Star, just submit your story to [email protected] or [email protected]
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this first book in the Uglies series. Tally grew a lot in this book. I wasn’t sure if I would like her at first but I love her! I need the next one now! I would recommend this book!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Uglies was an enjoyable read. I liked the way that the author challenges our concepts of what is "ugly" and what is "pretty." It was fun and entertaining and I can't wait to read the next book in the series. I sure hope it's in at the library tonight when I get there!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    ok. so on top of all the other stuff i have been reading lately, i became thoroughly engrossed in a series which has not let me down in the slightest. this is a bit long winded, but keep in mind it is in reference to reading three books.. and i am trying REALLY hard not to give away spoilers..

    it is hard to write about this book because in the context of the review, the keywords and mannerisms of the characters society seems like nothing but grammar and spelling errors. bear with it though, in the books, you are so washed over with the word use and logic that it actually makes sense in the proper frame.

    the Uglies trilogy (now a quadrilogy?) was very engrossing. Book one, Uglies, describes a world where there is no war. there is no famine, hatred, or turmoil. 200-300 years in the past over population, strip mining, clear cutting, genetic engineering of plants and animals laid waste on everything in the world. humans have rebuilt from the ashes after we destroyed ourselves. our generation is referred to as “the rusties” since everything left from our world is covered in rust and falling apart.

    Tally Youngblood is 15 years old, and only months away from becoming one of the “pretties”. in this world, to remove all of the dangerous human habits of destruction, you are born and raised by your parents, once you hit a certain age (8 or 9 from what i could tell) you are shipped off to school as an ugly. at the age of 16 you are taken from school where you will be put under the knife and remade as a better person. your bones are ground down and or elongated, you have new muscle tissue added to your body, and you have full facial re-constructive surgery. all “pretties” have a choice on how they look, with in the guidelines of the governments rules of morphology. they effectively remove all extremes in height, hair color, skin color, etc. everyone is similar and there is no need for hatred.

    Tally, in waiting for her 16th birthday meets a new friend, Shay, who has no desire to become one of the pretties. a week before their shared birthday/graduation from being uglies, Shay decides to run off to a rumored group of rebels who have shafted the system and stayed ugly, and foregone all efforts to work within the system. Tally however has no desire to join her friend and sticks around for her surge (surgery). her only desire is become pretty and join her friends in New Pretty town, where she can dance and play and enjoy the life she has been programmed to want since birth.

    Unfortunately, Tally is roped into a game of social change. she is scooped up by the fearsome and dangerous police force that acts as bogeymen for the government. Special Circumstances (the Specials) only comes forward when needed, generally letting the local police force take care of everything. This being a “Special circumstance” Tally is forced to follow her friend to the encampment of rebels (the Smoke) and betray her friend, and everyone who has escaped so far. if she does not, she will be denies surge and will forever be Ugly. and in this society, this is the worst thing that could ever happen to you.

    Book one was so good, that i had an itch to move on to book two immediately. i hate doing that. i love to stretch a series out if possible, and draw out the enjoyment from the story line. so when book one was finished, though i really wanted to move on to the second book, i ramped myself down and read the Real Ultimate Power: The Official Ninja book. Book two immediately followed and when finished i lost all self control and my fingers and eyes forced me to read book three next.. it took about two days with my schedule.. two lousy days.. why couldn’t it last longer… i wasted a great book by reading it too soon..

    well, not a waste. damn. it was so good, i had no choice really.. it was in my best interest to read the book. or so i keep telling myself. there is a fourth book. it was written after the trilogy was announced, so it is a bit of an anomaly, thus the trilogy quadrilogy notation above. unfortunately, the book Extras is still in hardback edition, so until it hits paperback, i will have to force myself to wait.. this sucks..

    these books, written by Scott Westerfeld, fall into the teen-fiction category. they are written for teens, but the story line and books themselves do not lend themselves only to teens. being thirty years old, i literally could not stop reading these books. if you need a good break from your normal reading schedule, i would throw these in the mix and read them. they all rank around 300 pages of single space small print, so they are not some little read you would use to sturdy the kitchen table. instead, they are full of vibrant ideas, technology, tattoos that i wish were a reality. there were no obvious plot twists that made me think “why am i reading this” or “how predictable” instead, i was often surprised and left feeling “bubbly” as they state in the book.

    imagine a world full of barbie dolls being slowly destroyed by barbie’s cyber-punk kid sister that has been kept in the closet for years.

    i was sad to come to the end of this series, but glad to know that i will have at least one more book to close it all up in the near future.

    anyone who is interested should note that all three of the first books can be bought in a boxed set for under 20 bucks.. this is how i got sucked into them.. a really good price for a nice story line idea turned into one of the best purchases i have made on books in a while. now, i just have to hope that hollywood has not gotten their hands on the thought of movies. these would be thoroughly ruined and not done justice.. read them before someone fucks them up for you… thats all i have to say on the matter.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I consider myself ugly.. compared to Bella Swan!!! I used to love Twilight and even rated the book a 4*, but after Kristen Stewart played her my hope dashed to pieces. This YA novel hopefully would change all that. No more Kristen Stewart wannabe to play the heroine, not even Jennifer Lawrence! If they want to turn this story into movie, they'd have to find someone like America Ferrera to play Tally Youngblood.Tally lives in a dystopian world where everyone after turning 16 will be allowed to undergo cosmetic surgery and turn themselves into pretties, complete with all the geometrics that comes with it. She has a friend who she loved when they were still both uglies, who took her to snoop on the pretties who live in the New Pretty Town. When he becomes pretty, she is left alone and met Shay, who's not yet turned into pretties and refuses to become one.The government found out that Shay left shortly before the intended operation and forces Tally to look for Shay, or else they would not let Tally to have the operation. Thus Tally's adventure starts and she learns that the world, while it used to be ugly, is a much better one that what the government wants them to believe.The characters in the book bring up the debate to the readers of what considered to be pretty - do you want to be one, or are you proud of being born flawed?One of the weakness of the book is the plot, and the author's depiction of the gadgets used - I had a hard time imagining the surfboard Tally and Shay used to navigate - but in general the main idea is what matters. I would like to see the book being more detailed, instead of skimming through the surface of reader's imagination. Well, do you consider yourself pretty enough? How come nobody bothers to write about smarties, for once? *sigh*
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Full, non-spoiler review courtesy at Book & Movie Dimension a BlogScott Westerfeld is a unique Young Adult Fiction writer. I came across him while reading the Uglies Series. Originally a trilogy but because of its great success later a quartet really. This series deals with lost of Science Fiction elements. It has a more realistic touch in the fiction genre. He has a got this sense of common language and the tone of his stories is similiar to watching Star Wars, The Matrix, Terminator, and Science Fiction films in book form with his own style of writing. His stories because he also has other books besides this series. They are fantastic as well. He weaves good stories that are really comepelling and when they end very grounded.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The day I finished reading Scott Westerfeld's Uglies, a coworker picked it up off my desk. "Uglies?" She asked, with a slight sneer. That sneer only deepened when she read the novel's tagline (in an appropriately arch tone): "In a world of extreme beauty, anyone normal is Ugly."I wish I could have responded that the book was a criticism of societies where "extreme beauty" is prized, but after finishing Westerfeld’s novel, I'm not entirely sure that’s the case. On the surface it certainly seems true. Uglies is the story of Tally Youngblood, who, at nearly sixteen, is about to undergo surgery to make her beautiful. In her world (a post-apocalyptic future, where now-contemporary humans are referred to as "Rusties" and frequently cited for our Rusty and destructive ways), this is what all children do upon coming of age. As in Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron," their society rejects physical differences in favor of a flat standard of beauty. Unlike in "Harrsion Bergeron," they achieve this goal by raising the bar across the board, making everyone beautiful rather than average.And it works. Tally's is a world without war or hunger or disease—particularly self-inflicted diseases like anorexia. As far as post-apocalyptic utopias go, this one is particularly utopic: everything is recycled, no one eats meat, and vehicles are powered by magnets rather than fossil fuels.This creates a two-fold problem, my biggest issue with the book. First, I never believed for a second that Tally’s world was one that could actually ever come to fruition. This is a cotton-candy utopia, bolstered neither by scene descriptions or by Westerfeld's very weak science-fiction conceits. The "science fiction" here (hoverboards, hovercars) was clichéd well before it was featured in Back to the Future II. These days, it just plain doesn't pass muster. This was made worse, not better, by Westerfeld's use of extremely grating invented slang. I couldn't help but be reminded by this review of Margaret Atwood’s Year of the Flood. World-building is a delicate process, and if you're going to try to use language to compliment that, it should be done with both restraint and grace (or done wholeheartedly and immersively, as in A Clockwork Orange or Riddley Walker). All this talk of bubbliness and SpagBol and PadThai and Uglies and Littlies felt neither restrained nor graceful, which made the world that much more difficult to believe.Secondly, I had trouble seeing the dangers supposedly inherent in Tally's world. At the beginning of the novel, Tally meets Shay, another young Ugly, who leads her out of her society and into the world of the Smoke, a group of resistance fighters who have opted-out of the City lifestyle. We learn (through a chapter of awkward info-dumping) that the surgery that makes Uglies into Pretties also makes Pretties stupid and pliant. And yet I couldn't help but wonder if that was a necessary addition to the surgery because Westerfeld hadn’t quite convinced himself (and he definitely hadn't quite convinced this reader) that everyone becoming Pretty and living in utopian cities was really all that terrible of an idea. I also couldn’t help but contrast this with "Harrison Bergeron" again; in Vonnegut's version, over the course of a few short pages, we're utterly convinced of the evils of a uniform society. In Westerfeld's rendering of the same (by now, slightly tired) Aesop, becoming Pretty never really seems that terrible, fundamentally.Perhaps this is because we see the world through Tally's eyes, and Tally is meant to be a traitor to the Smoke and not a true believer. I think this made her a poor choice of point-of-view character, although I found her problematic as a character for other reasons, too. Tally is downright catty toward her friend Shay, despite the fact that their relationship is the most compelling one in the book—certainly more nuanced, believable, and interesting than Tally’s contrived romance with a Smokie named David. There’s a certain ugly (heh) glee in Shay's eventually destruction, not to mention in the way David and Tally both speak and think of her. This made Tally very difficult to empathize with and, more, made her a poor model for adolescent readers. Here, Westerfeld could have given us a still-complex but more functional (and realistic) model of adolescent friendship; instead, he resorts to sexist tropes centered on female competition over men.Despite these problems, the novel still had its moments, particularly in the first section before Tally leaves for Smoke; in those first hundred pages, the novel seemed full of potential. The pacing does suffer a bit in its saggy, slow midsection, but otherwise Uglies is action-packed and fairly compelling. I just wish it had been more convincing, too.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Tally lives in a future society where everyone is turned "pretty" on their 16th birthday via an extensive medical procedure ("the operation") that changes everyone's features to fit what is considered an evolutionary ideal of beauty (e.g., large eyes suggesting vulnerability). But a few weeks before Tally's 16th birthday, she meets a new friend Shay who suggest that there's an alternate -- a better one -- than becoming pretty. There's a secret society that lives off the grid where everyone remains "ugly" for life and thus true to themselves. Tally needs to consider if what she wanted her whole life thus far -- to be pretty -- is really the future in store for her.As dystopias go, this one is pretty lame. Yes, more than halfway into the book, we do finally learn that "the operation" has a huge side effect in that it leaves lesions in the brains of those who undergo it, leaving them "pretty" but also essentially brain damaged, meaning they are more easily kept in check by their overlords ... who don't seem to do anything beyond keep the peace. But it takes so long to get to the reveal, that most of the book is like sort of 'yeah, yeah, boo hoo' to a society that has technological advances yet is friendly to the environment (greener sources of transport, universal vegetarianism, etc.) and where there are no wars. The characters are no more interesting. Tally and Shay, along with numerous other characters, really have zero personality. An obligatory love triangle is included, which has zero passion behind it. All that recommends the book is the plot, which is okay overall, but bogged down with slow-moving sections focused on extraneous details and repetition of the same thing over and over (e.g., Tally repeatedly feeling guilty). The book ends not exactly on a cliffhanger, but clearly with a lot left unexplored, as this book is the beginning of series. I for one am not at all interesting in continuing on with said series. However, the books are popular, so clearly they resonant with someone -- perhaps the teen audience for which they are intended.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    3.5 starsWhen anyone turns 16 years old, they have a surgery they have been anticipating all their lives - they are turned "pretty" and are able to live a life of fun and parties all the time. Tally's best friend Peris turned 16 a few months before Tally, so Tally is lonely without him. She meets Shay, another "ugly", and they hang out until their mutual birthday. Suddenly, close to their birthday, Shay announces to Tally that she doesn't want to turn "pretty" and there is a place they can escape to. She wants Tally to come with her. Tally refuses, but after Shay runs away anyway, Tally is forced to help the authorities find Shay. Will Tally betray Shay? It was good. It's YA, so it's fast to read, and the chapters often end on a note where you want to keep reading. In fact, the entire book ended that way, on a slight cliffhanger, so I hope to get to the 2nd book in the trilogy, Pretties, fairly soon. Definitely an enjoyable read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    YA dystopia novel. Part of a trilogy (which ended up being five books in the entire series. Easy a quick to read, but very heavy handed on the social commentary.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Makes you want to read it till there nothing left to read.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Tally can't wait until her sixteenth birthday--that's when she turns pretty and will be able to join all her pretty friends across the river. But until then, she and the rest of the uglies must remain in their place, leading sheltered lives and never venturing far from the school and dormitories. At least, their not supposed to. A few tend to bend and even break the rules; Tally herself has snuck across the river many a time. Her best friend Peris is lucky; he's already turned sixteen and had the operations needed to make him pretty. Poor Tally is left mostly alone, until she meets and befriends a fellow mischievous ugly, Shay. But Shay isn't so happy about turning pretty. In fact, she would rather stay just as she is. Shay runs away to a hidden, outsider community to ensure that this will never change. Tally once again is left alone. But everything will be better once she is pretty. Except the authorities refuse to turn her pretty until she helps find her friend, and bring her back. The decisions she faces, and the decisions she makes, will change her life forever. The first book in a trilogy, Uglies is wonderful dystopian fiction for young adults. I did want to throttle a character now and then, but for the most part this book was quite enjoyable and I look forward to reading the next two books, Pretties and Specials. Experiments in Reading

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    In this seriously bizarre world that Westerfeld has envisioned, wars, civil unrest, jealousy and alienation are all things of the past - because when a person turns 16 they undergo plastic surgery and are given the qualities of a desirable mate - huge eyes, full lips, even skin-tone, the list goes on. Bones are changed so everyone is the same height, fat is sucked out, plastic cheekbones are inserted under the skin. This is a world that promotes equality and achieves it by eliminating the differences between individuals. And it creeped me out from the blurb onwards. It's frightening because on a basic level it makes sense, but it violates everything I know and believe about being proud of individuality.My favourite aspect of the book have to be the mysterious Special Circumstances people - they sound like a truly scary bunch! With all their special augmentation they behave more like robots than human beings, and I think they creeped me out more than anything else about this world. Dr. Cable is a great villain as the classic evil doctor. I can totally imagine her with her lab coat and maniacal laughing as she operates on Uglies. Another aspect of the world I enjoyed was the society in The Smoke. They are so normal to me and yet at the same time so alien to Tally, and I enjoyed reading how they survive outside of the influence of the cities. One of my favourite scenes is when Tally realises that children used to resemble their parents before the operations. I think it was really well done and showcased exactly how much humanity had lost.Tally is a hard character for me to like - she's in many ways the anti-thesis to other female YA heroines. She hungers for the operation and counts down the days until her birthday. She firmly believes in her society and doesn't understand why Shay, her new friend, wouldn't want the operation.When Tally is blackmailed into journeying to The Smoke, a hidden community of people like Shay who ran away before they could have the operation, she is happy to do it, thinking she will be rescuing Shay from a horrible fate. It is only when Tally reaches The Smoke and learns the awful secret behind the operations that she changes her mind about it all. However, her strong belief in the system is shattered in only a few days - she goes from being disgusted at the uglies to being friends with them, sharing their meals and even kissing one of them. It's all too quick and doesn't make sense given how conditioned she was to her society before.A clever and enjoyable story, Uglies has certainly made an impression on me and now I completely understand what the hype is about. I have the rest of the series sitting on my shelves, so I will be reading it as soon as I can. If you love a good dystopian novel and haven't tried this book yet, then I strongly recommend it to you!You can read more of my reviews at Speculating on SpecFic.

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Book preview

Uglies - Scott Westerfeld

Part I


Is it not good to make society full of beautiful people?

—Yang Yuan, quoted in the New York Times


The early summer sky was the color of cat vomit.

Of course, Tally thought, you’d have to feed your cat only salmon-flavored cat food for a while, to get the pinks right. The scudding clouds did look a bit fishy, rippled into scales by a high-altitude wind. As the light faded, deep blue gaps of night peered through like an upside-down ocean, bottomless and cold.

Any other summer, a sunset like this would have been beautiful. But nothing had been beautiful since Peris turned pretty. Losing your best friend sucks, even if it’s only for three months and two days.

Tally Youngblood was waiting for darkness.

She could see New Pretty Town through her open window. The party towers were already lit up, and snakes of burning torches marked flickering pathways through the pleasure gardens. A few hot-air balloons pulled at their tethers against the darkening pink sky, their passengers shooting safety fireworks at other balloons and passing parasailers. Laughter and music skipped across the water like rocks thrown with just the right spin, their edges just as sharp against Tally’s nerves.

Around the outskirts of the city, cut off from town by the black oval of the river, everything was in darkness. Everyone ugly was in bed by now.

Tally took off her interface ring and said, Good night.

Sweet dreams, Tally, said the room.

She chewed up a toothbrush pill, punched her pillows, and shoved an old portable heater—one that produced about as much warmth as a sleeping, Tally-size human being—under the covers.

Then she crawled out the window.

Outside, with the night finally turning coal black above her head, Tally instantly felt better. Maybe this was a stupid plan, but anything was better than another night awake in bed feeling sorry for herself. On the familiar leafy path down to the water’s edge, it was easy to imagine Peris stealing silently behind her, stifling laughter, ready for a night of spying on the new pretties. Together. She and Peris had figured out how to trick the house minder back when they were twelve, when the three-month difference in their ages seemed like it would never matter.

Best friends for life, Tally muttered, fingering the tiny scar on her right palm.

The water glistened through the trees, and she could hear the wavelets of a passing river skimmer’s wake slapping at the shore. She ducked, hiding in the reeds. Summer was always the best time for spying expeditions. The grass was high, it was never cold, and you didn’t have to stay awake through school the next day.

Of course, Peris could sleep as late as he wanted now. Just one of the advantages of being pretty.

The old bridge stretched massively across the water, its huge iron frame as black as the sky. It had been built so long ago that it held up its own weight, without any support from hoverstruts. A million years from now, when the rest of the city had crumbled, the bridge would probably remain like a fossilized bone.

Unlike the other bridges into New Pretty Town, the old bridge couldn’t talk—or report trespassers, more importantly. But even silent, the bridge had always seemed very wise to Tally, as quietly knowing as some ancient tree.

Her eyes were fully adjusted to the darkness now, and it took only seconds to find the fishing line tied to its usual rock. She yanked it, and heard the splash of the rope tumbling from where it had been hidden among the bridge supports. She kept pulling until the invisible fishing line turned into wet, knotted cord. The other end was still tied to the iron framework of the bridge. Tally pulled the rope taut and lashed it to the usual tree.

She had to duck into the grass once more as another river skimmer passed. The people dancing on its deck didn’t spot the rope stretched from bridge to shore. They never did. New pretties were always having too much fun to notice little things out of place.

When the skimmer’s lights had faded, Tally tested the rope with her whole weight. One time it had pulled loose from the tree, and both she and Peris had swung downward, then up and out over the middle of the river before falling off, tumbling into the cold water. She smiled at the memory, realizing she would rather be on that expedition—soaking wet in the cold with Peris—than dry and warm tonight, but alone.

Hanging upside down, hands and knees clutching the knots along the rope, Tally pulled herself up into the dark framework of the bridge, then stole through its iron skeleton and across to New Pretty Town.

She knew where Peris lived from the one message he had bothered to send since turning pretty. Peris hadn’t given an address, but Tally knew the trick for decoding the random-looking numbers at the bottom of a ping. They led to someplace called Garbo Mansion in the hilly part of town.

Getting there was going to be tricky. In their expeditions, Tally and Peris had always stuck to the waterfront, where vegetation and the dark backdrop of Uglyville made it easy to hide. But now Tally was headed into the center of the island, where floats and revelers populated the bright streets all night. Brand-new pretties like Peris always lived where the fun was most frantic.

Tally had memorized the map, but if she made one wrong turn, she was toast. Without her interface ring, she was invisible to vehicles. They’d just run her down like she was nothing.

Of course, Tally was nothing here.

Worse, she was ugly. But she hoped Peris wouldn’t see it that way. Wouldn’t see her that way.

Tally had no idea what would happen if she got caught. This wasn’t like being busted for forgetting her ring, skipping classes, or tricking the house into playing her music louder than allowed. Everyone did that kind of stuff, and everyone got busted for it. But she and Peris had always been very careful about not getting caught on these expeditions. Crossing the river was serious business.

It was too late to worry now, though. What could they do to her, anyway? In three months she’d be a pretty herself.

Tally crept along the river until she reached a pleasure garden, and slipped into the darkness beneath a row of weeping willows. Under their cover she made her way alongside a path lit by little guttering flames.

A pretty couple wandered down the path. Tally froze, but they were clueless, too busy staring into each other’s eyes to see her crouching in the darkness. Tally silently watched them pass, getting that warm feeling she always got from looking at a pretty face. Even when she and Peris used to spy on them from the shadows, giggling at all the stupid things the pretties said and did, they couldn’t resist staring. There was something magic in their large and perfect eyes, something that made you want to pay attention to whatever they said, to protect them from any danger, to make them happy. They were so… pretty.

The two disappeared around the next bend, and Tally shook her head to clear the mushy thoughts away. She wasn’t here to gawk. She was an infiltrator, a sneak, an ugly. And she had a mission.

The garden stretched up into town, winding like a black river through the bright party towers and houses. After a few more minutes of creeping, she startled a couple hidden among the trees (it was a pleasure garden, after all), but in the darkness they couldn’t see her face, and only teased her as she mumbled an apology and slipped away. She hadn’t seen too much of them, either, just a tangle of perfect legs and arms.

Finally, the garden ended, a few blocks from where Peris lived.

Tally peered out from behind a curtain of hanging vines. This was farther than she and Peris had ever been together, and as far as her planning had taken her. There was no way to hide herself in the busy, well-lit streets. She put her fingers up to her face, felt the wide nose and thin lips, the too-high forehead and tangled mass of frizzy hair. One step out of the underbrush and she’d be spotted. Her face seemed to burn as the light touched it. What was she doing here? She should be back in the darkness of Uglyville, awaiting her turn.

But she had to see Peris, had to talk to him. She wasn’t quite sure why, exactly, except that she was sick of imagining a thousand conversations with him every night before she fell asleep. They’d spent every day together since they were littlies, and now… nothing. Maybe if they could just talk for a few minutes, her brain would stop talking to imaginary Peris. Three minutes might be enough to hold her for three months.

Tally looked up and down the street, checking for side yards to slink through, dark doorways to hide in. She felt like a rock climber facing a sheer cliff, searching for cracks and handholds.

The traffic began to clear a little, and she waited, rubbing the scar on her right palm. Finally, Tally sighed and whispered, Best friends forever, and took a step forward into the light.

An explosion of sound came from her right, and she leaped back into the darkness, stumbling among the vines, coming down hard on her knees in the soft earth, certain for a few seconds that she’d been caught.

But the cacophony organized itself into a throbbing rhythm. It was a drum machine making its lumbering way down the street. Wide as a house, it shimmered with the movement of its dozens of mechanical arms, bashing away at every size of drum. Behind it trailed a growing bunch of revelers, dancing along with the beat, drinking and throwing their empty bottles to shatter against the huge, impervious machine.

Tally smiled. The revelers were wearing masks.

The machine was lobbing the masks out the back, trying to coax more followers into the impromptu parade: devil faces and horrible clowns, green monsters and gray aliens with big oval eyes, cats and dogs and cows, faces with crooked smiles or huge noses.

The procession passed slowly, and Tally pulled herself back into the vegetation. A few of the revelers passed close enough that the sickly sweetness from their bottles filled her nose. A minute later, when the machine had trundled half a block farther, Tally jumped out and snatched up a discarded mask from the street. The plastic was soft in her hand, still warm from having been stamped into shape inside the machine a few seconds before.

Before she pressed it against her face, Tally realized that it was the same color as the cat-vomit pink of the sunset, with a long snout and two pink little ears. Smart adhesive flexed against her skin as the mask settled onto her face.

Tally pushed her way through the drunken dancers, out the other side of the procession, and ran down a side street toward Garbo Mansion, wearing the face of a pig.


Garbo Mansion was fat, bright, and loud.

It filled the space between a pair of party towers, a squat teapot between two slender glasses of champagne. Each of the towers rested on a single column no wider than an elevator. Higher up they swelled to five stories of circular balconies, crowded with new pretties. Tally climbed the hill toward the trio of buildings, trying to take in the view through the eyeholes of her mask.

Someone jumped, or was thrown, from one of the towers, screaming and flailing his arms. Tally gulped, forcing herself to watch all the way down, until the guy was caught by his bungee jacket a few seconds before splatting. He hover-bounced in the harness a few times, laughing, before being deposited softly on the ground, close enough to Tally that she could hear nervous hiccups breaking up his giggles. He’d been as scared as Tally.

She shivered, though jumping was hardly any more dangerous than standing here beneath the looming towers. The bungee jacket used the same lifters as the hoverstruts that held the spindly structures up. If all the pretty toys somehow stopped working, just about everything in New Pretty Town would come tumbling down.

The mansion was full of brand-new pretties—the worst kind, Peris always used to say. They lived like uglies, a hundred or so together in a big dorm. But this dorm didn’t have any rules. Unless the rules were Act Stupid, Have Fun, and Make Noise.

A bunch of girls in ball gowns were on the roof, screaming at the top of their lungs, balancing on the edge and shooting safety fireworks at people on the ground. A ball of orange flame bounced next to Tally, cool as an autumn wind, driving away the darkness around her.

Hey, there’s a pig down there! someone screamed from above. They all laughed, and Tally quickened her stride toward the wide-open door of the mansion. She pushed inside, ignoring the surprised looks of two pretties on their way out.

It was all one big party, just like they always promised it would be. People were dressed up tonight, in gowns and in black suits with long coattails. Everyone seemed to find her pig mask pretty funny. They pointed and laughed, and Tally kept moving, not giving them time to do anything else. Of course, everyone was always laughing here. Unlike an ugly party, there’d never be any fights, or even arguments.

She pushed from room to room, trying to distinguish faces without being distracted by those big pretty eyes, or overwhelmed by the feeling that she didn’t belong. Tally felt uglier every second she spent there. Being laughed at by everyone she met wasn’t helping much. But it was better than what they’d do if they saw her real face.

Tally wondered if she would even recognize Peris. She’d only seen him once since the operation, and that was coming out of the hospital, before the swelling had subsided. But she knew his face so well. Despite what Peris always used to say, pretties didn’t really all look exactly the same. On their expeditions, she and Peris had sometimes spotted pretties who looked familiar, like uglies they’d known. Sort of like a brother or sister—an older, more confident, much prettier brother or sister. One you’d be jealous of your whole life, if you’d been born a hundred years ago.

Peris couldn’t have changed that much.

Have you seen the piggy?

The what?

There’s a piggy on the loose!

The giggling voices were from the floor below. Tally paused and listened. She was all alone here on the stairs. Apparently, pretties preferred the elevators.

How dare she come to our party dressed like a piggy! This is white tie!

She’s got the wrong party.

She’s got no manners, looking that way!

Tally swallowed. The mask wasn’t much better than her own face. The joke was wearing thin.

She bounded up the stairs, leaving the voices behind. Maybe they’d forget about her if she just kept moving. There were only two more floors of Garbo Mansion to go, and then the roof. Peris had to be here somewhere.

Unless he was out on the back lawn, or up in a balloon, or a party tower. Or in a pleasure garden somewhere, with someone. Tally shook away that last image and ran down the hall, ignoring the same jokes about her mask, risking glances into the rooms one by one.

Nothing but surprised looks and pointed fingers, and pretty faces. But none of them rang a bell. Peris wasn’t anywhere.

Here, piggy, piggy! Hey, there she is!

Tally bolted up to the top floor, taking two stairs at a time. Her hard breathing had heated up the inside of the mask, her forehead sweating, the adhesive crawling as it tried to stay attached. They were following her now, a group of them, laughing and stumbling over one another up the stairs.

There wasn’t any time to search this floor. Tally glanced up and down the hall. No one up here, anyway. The doors were all closed. Maybe a few pretties were actually getting their beauty sleep.

If she went up to the roof to check for Peris, she’d be trapped.

Here, piggy, piggy!

Time to run. Tally dashed toward the elevator, skidding to a halt inside. Ground floor! she ordered.

She waited, peering down the hall anxiously, panting into the hot plastic of her mask. Ground floor! she repeated. Close door!

Nothing happened.

She sighed, closing her eyes. Without an interface ring, she was nobody. The elevator wouldn’t listen.

Tally knew how to trick an elevator, but it took time and a penknife. She had neither. The first of her pursuers emerged from the stairway, stumbling into the hall.

She threw herself backward against the elevator’s side wall, standing on tiptoe and trying to flatten herself so they couldn’t see her. More came up, huffing and puffing like typical out-of-shape pretties. Tally could watch them in the mirror at the back of the elevator.

Which meant they could also see her if they thought to look this way.

Where’d the piggy go?

Here, piggy!

The roof, maybe?

Someone stepped quietly into the elevator, looking back at the search party in bemusement. When he saw her, he jumped. Goodness, you scared me! He blinked his long lashes, regarding her masked face, then looked down at his own tailcoat. Oh, dear. Wasn’t this party white tie?

Tally’s breath caught, her mouth went dry. Peris? she whispered.

He looked at her closely. Do I…

She started to reach out, but remembered to press back flat against the wall. Her muscles were screaming from standing on tiptoe. It’s me, Peris.

Here, piggy, piggy!

He turned toward the voice down the hall, raised his eyebrows, then looked back at her. Close door. Hold, he said quickly.

The door slid shut, and Tally stumbled forward. She pulled off her mask to see him better. It was Peris: his voice, his brown eyes, the way his forehead crinkled when he was confused.

But he was so pretty now.

At school, they explained how it affected you. It didn’t matter if you knew about evolution or not—it worked anyway. On everyone.

There was a certain kind of beauty, a prettiness that everyone could see. Big eyes and full lips like a kid’s; smooth, clear skin; symmetrical features; and a thousand other little clues. Somewhere in the backs of their minds, people were always looking for these markers. No one could help seeing them, no matter how they were brought up. A million years of evolution had made it part of the human brain.

The big eyes and lips said: I’m young and vulnerable, I can’t hurt you, and you want to protect me. And the rest said: I’m healthy, I won’t make you sick. And no matter how you felt about a pretty, there was a part of you that thought: If we had kids, they’d be healthy too. I want this pretty person.…

It was biology, they said at school. Like your heart beating, you couldn’t help believing all these things, not when you saw a face like this. A pretty face.

A face like Peris’s.

It’s me, Tally said.

Peris took a step back, his eyebrows rising. He looked down at her clothes.

Tally realized she was wearing her baggy black expedition outfit, muddy from crawling up ropes and through gardens, from falling among the vines. Peris’s suit was deep black velvet, his shirt, vest, and tie all glowing white.

She pulled away. Oh, sorry. I won’t get you muddy.

"What are you doing here, Tally?"

I just—, she sputtered. Now that she was facing him, she didn’t know what to say. All the imagined conversations had melted away into his big, sweet eyes. I had to know if we were still…

Tally held out her right hand, the scarred palm facing up, sweaty dirt tracing the lines on it.

Peris sighed. He wasn’t looking at her hand, or into her eyes. Not into her squinty, narrow-set, indifferently brown eyes. Nobody eyes. Yeah, he said. But, I mean—couldn’t you have waited, Squint?

Her ugly nickname sounded strange coming from a pretty. Of course, it would be even weirder to call him Nose, as she used to about a hundred times a day. She swallowed. Why didn’t you write me?

I tried. But it just felt bogus. I’m so different now.

But we’re… She pointed at her scar.

Take a look, Tally. He held out his own hand.

The skin of his palm was smooth and unblemished. It was a hand that said: I don’t have to work very hard, and I’m too clever to have accidents.

The scar that they had made together was gone.

They took it away.

Of course they did, Squint. All my skin’s new.

Tally blinked. She hadn’t thought of that.

He shook his head. You’re such a kid still.

Elevator requested, said the elevator. Up or down?

Tally jumped at the machine voice.

Hold, please, Peris said calmly.

Tally swallowed and closed her hand into a fist. But they didn’t change your blood. We shared that, no matter what.

Peris finally looked directly at her face, not flinching as she had feared he would. He smiled beautifully. No, they didn’t. New skin, big deal. And in three months we can laugh about this. Unless…

Unless what? She looked up into his big brown eyes, so full of concern.

Just promise me that you won’t do any more stupid tricks, Peris said. Like coming here. Something that’ll get you into trouble. I want to see you pretty.

Of course.

So promise me.

Peris was only three months older than Tally, but, dropping her eyes to the floor, she felt like a littlie again. All right, I promise. Nothing stupid. And they won’t catch me tonight, either.

Okay, get your mask and… His voice trailed off.

She turned her gaze to where it had fallen. Discarded, the plastic mask had recycled itself, turning into pink dust, which the carpet in the elevator was already filtering away.

The two stared at each other in silence.

Elevator requested, the machine insisted. Up or down?

Peris, I promise they won’t catch me. No pretty can run as fast as me. Just take me down to the—

Peris shook his head. Up, please. Roof.

The elevator moved.

Up? Peris, how am I going to—

Straight out the door, in a big rack—bungee jackets. There’s a whole bunch in case of a fire.

You mean jump? Tally swallowed. Her stomach did a backflip as the elevator came to a halt.

Peris shrugged. I do it all the time, Squint. He winked. You’ll love it.

His expression made his pretty face glow even more, and Tally leaped forward to wrap her arms around him. He still felt the same, at least, maybe a bit taller and thinner. But he was warm and solid, and still Peris.


She stumbled back as the doors opened. She’d left mud all over his white vest. Oh, no! I’m—

Just go!

His distress just made Tally want to hug him again. She wanted to stay and clean Peris up, make sure he looked perfect for the party. She reached out a hand. I—


But we’re best friends, right?

He sighed, dabbing at a brown stain. Sure, forever. In three months.

She turned and ran, the doors closing behind her.

At first no one noticed her on the roof. They were all looking down. It was dark except for the occasional flare of a safety sparkler.

Tally found the rack of bungee jackets and pulled at one. It was clipped to the rack. Her fingers fumbled, looking for a clasp. She wished she had her interface ring to give her instructions.

Then she saw the button: PRESS IN CASE OF FIRE.

Oh, crap, she said.

Her shadow jumped and jittered. Two pretties were coming toward her, carrying sparklers.

Who’s that? What’s she wearing?

Hey, you! This party is white tie!

Look at her face.…

Oh, crap, Tally repeated.

And pressed the button.

An ear-shattering siren split the air, and the bungee jacket seemed to jump from the rack into her hand. She slid into the harness, turning to face the two pretties. They leaped back as if she’d transformed into a werewolf. One dropped the sparkler, and it extinguished itself instantly.

Fire drill, Tally said, and ran toward the edge of the roof.

Once she had the jacket around her shoulders, the strap and zippers seemed to wind around her like snakes until the plastic was snug around her waist and thighs. A green light flashed on the collar, right where she couldn’t help but see it.

Good jacket, she said.

It wasn’t smart enough to answer, apparently.

The pretties playing on the roof had all gone silent and were milling around, wondering if there really was a fire. They pointed at her, and Tally heard the word ugly on their lips.

What was worse in New Pretty Town, she wondered? Your mansion burning down, or an ugly crashing your party?

Tally reached the edge of the roof, vaulted up onto the rail, and teetered for a moment. Below her, pretties were starting to spill out of Garbo Mansion onto the lawn and down the hill. They were looking back up, searching for smoke or flames. All they saw was her.

It was a long way down, and Tally’s stomach already seemed to be in free fall. But she was thrilled, too. The shrieking siren, the crowd gazing up at her, the lights of New Pretty Town all spread out below like a million candles.

Tally took a deep breath and bent her knees, readying herself to jump.

For a split second, she wondered if the jacket would work since she wasn’t wearing an interface ring. Would it hover-bounce for a nobody? Or would she just splat?

But she had promised Peris she wouldn’t get caught. And the jacket was for emergencies, and there was a green light on.…

Heads up! Tally shouted.

And jumped.


The siren faded behind her. It seemed like forever—or only seconds—that Tally fell, the gaping faces below becoming larger and larger.

The ground hurtled toward her, a space opening in the panicking crowd where she was going to hit. For a few moments it was just like a flying dream, silent and wonderful.

Then reality jerked at her shoulders and thighs, the webbing of the jacket cutting viciously into her. She was taller than pretty standard, she knew; the jacket probably wasn’t expecting this much weight.

Tally somersaulted in the air, turning headfirst for a few terrifying moments, her face passing low enough to spot a discarded bottle cap in the grass. Then she found herself shooting upward again, completing the circle, so that the sky

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