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Love is a Verb! Secrets Revealed: Why Real Men Get More Than Others
Love is a Verb! Secrets Revealed: Why Real Men Get More Than Others
Love is a Verb! Secrets Revealed: Why Real Men Get More Than Others
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Love is a Verb! Secrets Revealed: Why Real Men Get More Than Others

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In this candid book, author Casino Danova boldly discusses how men are the primary forces behind the quality, length, and sexual intimacy which make up every lasting relationship. Danova reveals the pain and pleasure of his own experiences with twenty-one women over a period of 60 years; how his very first affair with an older woman taught him how to put romance into action.

In explicit detail, he explains how men need to get real. He teaches them, step-by-step, how to find Real Women while avoiding the Bad ones and the Takers. He also has a few words for women about their role in creating a bond with the men who chase them. And, he warns, if you are a man who refuses to change his abnormal behavior in exchange for a great relationship with a sensuous woman, if may be best not to read further.

Danova has the unique ability to get people to want to do more for him than they will do for themselves. In Love Is A Verb, he demystifies those fallacious assumptions about Soul Mates, the origins of Abuse, Virginity, and STDs. He does not hesitate to lay blame at the feet of the instigators!

Casino Danova is a masterful leader of men and his writing proves it. Men will be shocked to learn how their own behaviors prevent them from attaining their deepest desires. This book is a must read for men who want more than their share!

PublisherCasino Danova
Release dateMay 17, 2014
Love is a Verb! Secrets Revealed: Why Real Men Get More Than Others

Casino Danova

Casino Danova has been a therapy instructor for Marriage & Family Counselors, LCSW's and Psychologists since the early 1980s. He holds workshops around the country for professional and lay persons. His unique perspective on love and life has helped thousands of men and women develop long-lasting relationships. He is married, has 7 children and lives in the Pacific Northwest.

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    Book preview

    Love is a Verb! Secrets Revealed - Casino Danova


    Secrets Revealed: Why Real Men Get More Than Others

    Casino Danova



    All Rights Reserved

    Smashwords Edition


    Table of Contents



    On Becoming A Real Man

    You Should Be This Lucky

    Your Feelings Will Get Hurt

    Defining The Opposite Sex

    Who And What Is Real?

    The Sexually Frustrated Woman

    It’s Always The Little Things

    What Makes Real Women Different?

    When My Ideas Will Not Work

    The List

    Books Worth Reading



    It is my great pleasure to dedicate this guide to all the women who took me into their arms and taught me to be the man I am today. You were all beautiful and alluring: Beverly, Cheryl, Emily, Kathy, Carol, Cecelia, Sharon, Terry, Marie, Kim, Michelle, Marleen, Ann, Cindy, Rene, Alice, Bea, Mary, Pam and Barbara. Words alone cannot express my thanks!

    And to Donna, who is now the recipient of each of those mentors who taught me that actions speak louder than words.



    To the typical male, love means sexual desire and pleasure. A woman sees love as everything else.

    How often we’ve heard someone say, If I only knew, or I wish someone had warned me. Those statements must have been what prompted the phrase Old too soon, smart too late. Yet, knowing this, men stumble along like pre-programmed robots. No one can take away the agony that lies ahead as men beat their heads against the wall of love. I can, however, cut a hole between the studs to lessen that pain.

    Like a kindly old grandfather sitting on a park bench with his grandson, I’m offering you a map showing the location of all the man-traps. If you ignore me and still choose to walk aimlessly across that minefield, then that’s up to you. After you’ve hit bottom a few times, you might listen to my wisdom.

    What I am about to reveal should not be interpreted as exaggeration or bravado on my part. Each woman named in my Dedication above is real. I have been mentally, physically and emotionally connected with twenty-one women over the past 60 years. I still remember the first and last names of these women and consider it an honor to have shared a few months or years of their lives.

    Some of you may protest, But, Danova, only good-looking guys get the beautiful women. Not in my book, they don’t! When I look in a mirror, I see an average looking guy who’s been bald since he was in his early thirties, and he’s a bit overweight.

    What set me apart from my buddies was my sincere interest in finding the key to a woman’s heart. I wrote this guide exclusively for men who want more than they’ve ever had before. I can promise you that, if you follow even a few of my suggestions, you will get more than your share of what you’ve been missing.

    In my late teens, I was lucky enough to meet an older woman who taught me that a good woman is most interested in a man’s heart. And, you prove your love every day by being considerate, actively listening to her, and anticipating her moves. You might say that love is like a dance between two minds and two bodies.

    I chose to date, romance, or marry a lot of women because I was drawn to their enchanting view of life and dazzling femininity. Deep below conscious awareness, I’m positive that women are innately aware of male naivety and his never-ending addiction to her charms. While six of the women I dated had marriage on their minds, it took all I had to keep from succumbing to the call of those Sirens.

    If you truly enjoy being around women and wonder why you can’t get past first base, then you need this information. Perhaps you might want to stop at this point and ask yourself whether you want a peaceful, sensual life with a good woman or if you want to continue stumbling along that well-worn path of unrequited love? That decision is clearly in your hands.

    Yes, there will always be women who act as if they’re attracted to a guy’s physical appearance but it’s just that, an act. How often have you seen an average Joe married to a knock-out of a woman? Watch closely—there’s a man who knows that love is an action word.

    For Women Readers Only

    If you’re a woman reading this and come across a man who naturally applies at least four of the items on my list, you may have a keeper. But, don’t rely solely on a few weeks worth of effort on his part. Men are capable of using many tactics to temporarily ensnare a woman.

    I strongly suggest that you date men for a lengthy period of time before considering a life together. This will give you time to see if his actions are real or pretend. If a guy makes a mistake, look at it as just that—a mistake. This will give you ample opportunity to witness the good, the bad, and even his most disgusting habits. No one’s perfect but when something you don’t like becomes repetitious, then you need to pay attention. Don’t ignore it or pretend it doesn’t matter—if you do, you’ll pay a heavy price one day.

    You must take a few moments each day to sit down and relax. That’s when you ask your inner self about the direction of your life. If your answers feel warm and fuzzy, your

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