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Secrets of John Kennedy (JFK) Assassination No One Ever Told You
Secrets of John Kennedy (JFK) Assassination No One Ever Told You
Secrets of John Kennedy (JFK) Assassination No One Ever Told You
Ebook37 pages45 minutes

Secrets of John Kennedy (JFK) Assassination No One Ever Told You

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Who were the people behind the John Kennedy's assassination? What's the motive?

You'll learn why John Kennedy was killed and who had the interest to eliminate him. Also, I'll share the truth about Gandhi's assassination and how it is related to the JFK's.

Get ready to learn some of the most bloody conspiracies in our recent history.

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Release dateJun 14, 2014
Secrets of John Kennedy (JFK) Assassination No One Ever Told You

Greg Norton

I do extensive research on conspiracy and secret societies. My passion is about looking behind the scenes of secret societies and how this phenomenon affects the role of governments and industries around the world.

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    Secrets of John Kennedy (JFK) Assassination No One Ever Told You - Greg Norton

    Secrets of John Kennedy (JFK) Assassination No One Ever Told You

    Greg Norton

    Published by Greg Norton at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2012-2014 | All Rights Reserved!

    This e-book is licensed for your personal entertainment only. This e-book cannot be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you are reading this e-book and you did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

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    The twentieth anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy was on November 21, 1983. Larry Flint, known as the owner of the women’s nude magazine, Hustler, was going to publish an article in another magazine he owned, The Rebel. This magazine is no longer in publication. This would have been a very important article on the period of years during the war. The article was going to include startling information preceding the war from the time period, 1940 to 1945. The US was not even in the war until starting 1941.

    The electrifying article would have uncovered the roles that John J. McCloy, Alan Dellas, Charles Willowbe, J. Edgar Hoover, and Ron Hart Galen; played in the transition of The United States OSS to the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). It would have uncovered information about The United State’s intelligence system and the role that they in this country as they built their power base up.

    Important and unsettling information emerged that specific Nazis had a connection to the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas. The members of the Warren Commission, Alan Dellas and John J. McCloy, who were close with those same Nazis, played a pivotal role in putting the Nazis in the commission. They both worked closely with these Nazi war criminals in the past. John J. McCloy had released many of these Nazi war criminals and he would later come back and play some part in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

    After November, 1983 the conspiracy kept getting worse as more people joined and moved in on the action such as Jigor, Liddy, and Timothy Leary. Mae Brusell termed them the A Team.

    A surprising revelation concerning Larry Flint’s would be article was just revealed recently. A few weeks ago, Gordon Ovelle called David Emry up north on the telephone during a radio program. Off the air, Gordon Ovelle admitted that Yes, I did it Larry Flint.

    Gordon Ovelle and David Emry were there to stop the rebels and to prevent Larry Flint from entering politics. Larry Flint started his work in politics and was eventually shot. A witness noticed

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