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What Is This Country Coming To?: Things Most Sane People Will Not Say Out Loud
What Is This Country Coming To?: Things Most Sane People Will Not Say Out Loud
What Is This Country Coming To?: Things Most Sane People Will Not Say Out Loud
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What Is This Country Coming To?: Things Most Sane People Will Not Say Out Loud

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The author, obviously a man unafraid of criticism for his outspoken opinions that depart from the politically correct American society of today, speaks unabashedly about both very serious issues of the day as well as everyday annoyances that no doubt plague many people. Each brief chapter reflects the opinions of the author and often does so in ways that most people would be very reticent themselves to “say out loud”. The issues discussed range from political correctness and diversity to frustration at drivers who insist on going slowly in the passing lane. This breath of fresh air is very enjoyable regardless of the extent to which the reader agrees with the author on any given issue, is very easy to read, and will give to many readers, validation for their own personal unspoken thoughts and beliefs.
Release dateApr 16, 2014
What Is This Country Coming To?: Things Most Sane People Will Not Say Out Loud

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    What Is This Country Coming To? - Ron Kolins




    Perhaps the most insidious political doctrine of recent history is that of Political Correctness. Political correctness is, by definition, the opposite of correct. If something is correct, it is factual and need not be politically correct. Therefore, political correctness is the belief and, indeed, the insistence upon the belief, that something which is not correct must be believed to be correct. Rubbish! Moreover, it is, at its core, a demand upon everyone to say nothing and do nothing that could possibly offend anyone, including the most irrationally sensitive among us. What this creates is an environment, which denies us one of our most cherished freedoms, namely, freedom of speech. For if you say anything offensive to anyone, regardless of the truth or accuracy of what is said, and regardless of the benign reason for saying it, there is a penalty to pay. It is not a penalty imposed by the courts or the police or any other law enforcement official, but rather it is imposed by that ever growing element of our society which will ostracize and humiliate the speaker or advocate of those unacceptable thoughts and ideas to such an extent that it inhibits, and indeed precludes, anyone from saying or otherwise advocating anything except banalities about the pressing issues of our day.

    Such a barrier to the freedom to speak out deprives our society of addressing its most critical ills in any sort of meaningful way, for if you cannot openly state and describe a problem, how can the process of resolving that problem be undertaken? The answer is, it cannot. By way of obvious example, consider racial issues. These are among the most sensitive in our society so let's not dance around them or pretend that they do not exist. Thus , if you feel there is an issue within the--pick one (African-American , black, people of color)--community, you dare not say so, for you will no doubt offend someone , and more likely, a lot of someones, in that community .You will pay a major price for doing so. Many have lost jobs , friends, respect, and, in turn, been burdened with great emotional distress, simply for saying something that is obvious and, in many cases, something complimentary, but rejected by the community of the sensitive simply because it references that or another minority group. Watch out!

    This problem extends far beyond issues relating to minority groups, of whatever kind. There are many things that cannot be criticized or even discussed lest you run afoul of the political correctness police. Among others this includes, sexuality; religion; women; immigrants, whether legal or illegal; education; governmental benefits; unions; government workers; the homeless ; and a host of others. Now, all of these subjects, to one extent or another, are the umbrellas under which there are a number of cultural and/or social issues which cry out for resolve. Yet they remain unresolved because we cannot state, describe, or even discuss these things without the charge of being selfish, unreasonable, stupid, prejudiced, heartless, and often far worse. The huge cadre of the politically correct, including large segments of the media, will apply their sneers of smugness, arrogance, and dismissiveness to you without thought or consideration, simply because you dare to speak your mind, regardless of how well-meaning and even socially helpful your words and/or suggestions might be.

    Jimmy The Greek Snyder, a sports analyst and commentator of some renown, now deceased, was fired from his television position and hounded into submission when he had the temerity to suggest that blacks (I will refer to the African-American, black, people of color minority hereafter by the use of the word black, simply because I do not think it is now considered in any way offensive and, to be frank, it is the shortest, and thus easiest word to use) were physically able to perform certain athletic feats because of the makeup of their leg muscles. To me, he was saying something complimentary. I wish I were so athletically gifted that someone would find an explanation for my great skill by identifying some physical superiority. I have no idea whether, as a physiological or genetic proposition, what he said had any validity whatsoever, nor do I really care one way or the other. What is astounding to me today, as it was then, was the immediate denigration of Jimmy for having the audacity to offer what I, at least, consider to be a benign explanation of why, in general, blacks can often perform some athletic feat better than whites.

    Don lmus, the radio and television personality, had, for many years, a morning program during which he, together with his crew of Charles, Bernard, and others, made a career out of being a grumpy old guy, an admitted abuser, years before, of both alcohol and drugs, who insulted everyone on the planet and in not very melodious terms. It was an insult kind of program, which also happened to include news and interviews with a number of interesting and nationally known people. You would think that if you were offended by Mr. Imus' form of humor, you would not listen. No one put a gun to anyone's head and forced them to listen to the show if they found it offensive or just not their cup of tea. So one morning a few years ago, the charming Mr. lmus went a step too far. He called some female college basketball players something like nappy haired hos. Not good. I do not defend it. Even lmus can go too far and he managed to do it. Now, given the character and tenor of his program, what he said was, in general, to be expected. However, having really crossed the line with that one, he would also be expected to make the necessary apology publicly, be chastised by his then employer, a media giant which, of course, does not want to ruffle any feathers as that would be, obviously, politically difficult for the short term at least, and then the world would go on. But no, that was not enough to satisfy the offended (properly so) minority group and its self- styled spokesmen, let alone the basketball players. So, a few days later, Mr. lmus was dismissed from his job.

    He was castigated throughout the media from one corner of the country to the other, with each media outlet doing its best to outdo the others by the depth of their shock and dismay, and advertisers stepping over each other to be among the first to withdraw their sponsorship from his program. He was called all sorts of things and thus, not only did he lose his job, but had to absorb constant humiliation from everyone who considered themselves purer and holier than thou. I do not recall many people pointing out that Mr. lmus had, for years and to this day, devoted so much of his time and assets to helping others, and in particular, creating a ranch in New Mexico for extremely ill children to give them hope and, for those for whom hope was not enough, enjoyment during their last days. There is much good to say about Mr. lmus, and even though some might find his style and humor not for them, he has done more to help those in need, and has done and continues to do more good in our society, than the great majority of the self-righteous who were so quick to attack him.

    He is back on the air now, with a morning program on the Fox Business Network that is on the radio and simulcast on TV First, however, he had to do his penance and spent some years without work and in shame. Yes, I repeat, what he said was wrong, not because it was insulting for, as I said, he insulted everyone as a matter of course, and did so equally whether you were white, black, Hispanic, female, male, republican, democrat, or you name it. Here he went a step too far and clearly hurt the people he was targeting. However, I think the consequences and the outcry were also beyond the pale, and thus, there was no avoiding the extreme lash of the politically correct enforcers.

    There are serious problems in America, problems far worse than whatever fate befell Jimmy The Greek, Don Imus, or any other of a large number of individuals who said the wrong thing. In a large segment of the black community there are, among others, the problems of a cultural devaluation of education; a very questionable definition of success; a vast number of illegitimate births; a vast number of fatherless families; endemic violence, drug use and abuse, and other problems of like kind. You know them as well as I do. In the Hispanic community, another large and quickly growing minority within America, there are also a significant number of social problems, which not only impact that community, but, in the broader sense, our entire country. Among their issues are the problems of illegal immigration; excessive children beyond the family's ability to financially raise them; lack of education or even valuing education; violence; drug use; and thus the perpetuation of a huge Hispanic underclass. Then there are family issues that cross all ethnic and racial lines such as latch-key children; financial stress; class disparity; and all the rest.

    We must address these issues, but unless we are willing to express them as issues, and talk about them openly and without fear of recrimination by charges of prejudice and worse, nothing-- I repeat, nothing--will be or can be meaningfully done about them.

    As we go on in this book, I will talk about them, and the consequences be damned.



    (A Necessary Evil?)

    I cannot clearly enough express my disdain for politicians. There is, in my view, no more self-absorbed, self-serving, and self-righteous group of people in this country. I have come to this conclusion for reasons that have led many of you to the same belief, but I have an advantage over many of you. You see, I am an attorney, and my area of practice brought me into very frequent contact with politicians on all levels, federal, state, and local. I have come to know them in that way, some on a personal level, and, for the most part, the better I got to know them the less respect I had for them. They are really all the same, although I suppose they get a little more puffed up the higher they get on the food chain.

    People run for political office for a variety of reasons. Some, to be sure, truly want to do public good; some want the power; some want the attention; some are not qualified to do much of anything else so they want to get on the public dole. Regardless of their initial motivation, however, after a while in office, they almost always gain an overdeveloped sense of their own importance. They revel in the power and begin to believe that they really are omnipotent. People grovel at their feet; rush to curry their favor; provide them with whatever gifts and pleasures they can get away with; and soon, whatever good motives may have gotten them into the job in the first place turn into a compulsion to keep the job . That is first and foremost. Say whatever, do whatever it takes to keep the job. Reelection is the major, and in some cases, the sole reason for doing whatever they do. What other position on earth is largely earned by getting other people to give them money to be used to get them or allow them to keep their job? We actually pay money so that these people have a job, a job they generally use for little other purpose than to perpetuate themselves in that job. It is just a national disgrace.

    This is not to say that some are not well-intention and very good public servants. But think about it, how many people get a job that pays only moderately well, at least on a relative basis, and then, some years later, leave that job with far more wealth and assets than one could reasonably expect a person to have making that same salary? Do you think something is going on here? Duh! Now, not all politicians are on the take or otherwise take inappropriate advantage of their positions. But just having the position allows them to benefit from the largess of others who, for whatever their individual reasons, want to be looked upon by the lord and master with favor. The power of the political vote brings with it the godfather complex as sure as I am writing these words at this moment.

    I don't have any magical way to change this. Human nature is what it is. But there is something that can be changed and really cries out for change, and that is the political cancer of excess partisanship. As it has evolved to today, partisanship has become not only a national disgrace, but the paralyzing potion of our society. The lack of personal courage by elected officials of all stripes, coupled with their zeal to retain their office and the power it gives them, precludes action by government that is now, in 2013, nothing less than imperative and mandatory if America, as we know it, is to survive for very much longer.

    Five years

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