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Tidings of Peace
Tidings of Peace
Tidings of Peace
Ebook386 pages6 hours

Tidings of Peace

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Four Christmas Love Stories in One Book!

Bestselling author Tracie Peterson presents four Christmas love stories from World War II. Moving from the homefront here, to the front line, to the South Pacific, each story in Tidings of Peace features brave men and women trying to find meaning--and love--during the uncertainties of war.

All the danger, difficulties, sadness, and hope experienced on both sides of the ocean is captured in these timeless novellas. the unique Christmas settings will put you in the spirit of the season, showing the miracles and mercy so often found during this time of celebrating Jesus' birth.

Plus, as always, Peterson weaves tender spiritual lessons about God's design through the gentle love stories. The perfect blend of history and romance, Tidings of Peace is sure to grab the readers of Christian fiction readers everywhere.
Release dateSep 1, 2000
Tidings of Peace

Tracie Peterson

Tracie Peterson is the bestselling author of more than 100 novels, both historical and contemporary, with more than 6 million copies sold. She has won the ACFW Lifetime Achievement Award and the Romantic Times Career Achievement Award. Her avid research resonates in her many bestselling series. Tracie and her family make their home in Montana. Learn more at

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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The stories were all based on the same theme war. What was so great was each story was it’s own private compelling story; of love ,war , happiness. Through all of the stories it showed how faith carried each one to truth and Gods plans executed. I’m sure that anyone who starts to read one story will continue to the last. Good reading a joy to read and share . Keep up the good work. Thank you so much GLoria

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Tidings of Peace - Tracie Peterson


San Francisco, December 1942

David knew better than to open the blackout curtains. He likened it to a game of cat and mouse, a nightly ritual he played with the local air-raid patrol, but tonight was different. The charm of the game faded, and now David wanted nothing more than a last glimpse of the shrouded, silent city. The stage—his life—awaited his performance, the final act.

He and Kenny had often talked about coming to San Francisco. He supposed that was why he was here now instead of back in Chicago where he’d been born, raised, and left to fend for himself. Kenny had said San Francisco looked like a jumping kind of place. The kind of place that could have used a good preacher like Kenny, David thought regretfully.

He almost smiled. Kenny would have enjoyed the view from the two-dollar-a-night, run-down hotel. Beyond the serenity of the third floor, David thought of San Francisco as a vast Mecca of obscurity. Like Chicago, it was a town big enough to lose yourself in. But unlike Chicago, San Francisco draped itself in a charm and grace that reminded David of those higher-class women he’d waited on in Weinberg’s Shoe Store before the war.

The slightest movement on the street below caught David’s attention. It was odd how after two weeks in the hotel, David had come to know the movements and routines of most everyone in the area. The action below was none other than Mrs. Mac-something walking her prized Scottish terrier. She always waited until nine o’clock to walk the dog. David glanced at his watch but couldn’t make out much in the moonlight. He didn’t have to see the hands to know that it was nine on the dot. The air-raid Gestapo, as David referred to them, would soon be passing through to make certain no bit of light could be seen from the sad little coastal hotel. Mrs. Mac-something never seemed to mind their chiding that she should be indoors hiding from the enemy rather than walking her dog.

Letting the curtains fall back into place, David switched on the table lamp and instantly locked his gaze on the revolver sitting rather casually atop the dirty bedside table. There, amidst a stale cup of coffee, a flashlight, and two sticks of chewing gum, the revolver seemed to beckon him with a haunting lure.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, David tried to pretend he no longer cared about the idea of using a gun. He hadn’t used a gun in the war. He hadn’t had to. Forced to join the military or go to prison for a long list of violations, David had chosen what he figured to be the easiest way out. He’d joined the navy.

The job had been pretty easy too. He’d eventually been assigned a job as machinist mate, and his supervisor, a chief petty officer with a heart of gold, was Kenneth Bennett. Kenny was the only person in the world to have ever given David the time of day. Kenny had cared about David in a way that no other human being ever had. Even David’s mother and aunt, the only relatives he’d ever known, had been sadly remiss in this area. His mother, a down-on-her-luck woman of Jewish descent, had found herself a victim of both the depression and a wayward husband. And because of both, she had been forced into a life that no one wanted to talk about. The last time David had seen her she was drunk, and his aunt, a stocky, stern-faced matron named Miriam, had screamed insults and damnation upon her until his mother had cowered into a corner of their filthy hovel. While David’s mother cried bitterly, Miriam had loaded up his clothes and, grabbing him possessively, yanked his undersized, nine-year-old frame toward the door.

You’ll never see him again, Miriam had stated firmly to Deborah Cohen. You don’t deserve the boy.

David remembered crying for his mother, but Miriam had slapped his arms as he reached out to break free and return to the crumpled form of the sobbing woman. Miriam had rattled off heated words in a mixture of Yiddish and heavily accented English, all the while forcing him out the door and down the rickety steps of the only home he had ever known. And Miriam had been right. His mother had never seen him again because that night she had died, succumbing to her alcoholism and broken heart.

Miriam hadn’t lasted long after that herself. Fixed in her staunch religious beliefs, Miriam had forced David to attend synagogue and yeshiva, where he was completely humiliated to realize he had no knowledge of his family’s heritage. Ostracized by most and bullied by others, David had learned quickly that the Talmud was of little help to him, but his fists seemed quite capable of getting his point across. When Miriam died three years after that hideous scene with his mother, David realized he was on his own.

Just as he was now.

He crossed the room and sank onto the lumpy mattress. Cradling his useless left arm, he grimaced as pain shot through him. He took a deep but ragged breath. The pain made him feel like crying, but he saw it as a pointless exercise. It wouldn’t end the pain. Only the gun could do that.

He would have preferred sleeping pills or even pain pills, but the doctor at the hospital had worried about David’s mental state, and while he couldn’t keep him on any longer for rehabilitation, he could limit the medication he doled out to David. David could come in every three days to receive another allotment of medication, but that was it.

David had thought of simply saving up his pain pills. He could take them all at once in a grandiose exit. It would be simple and painless. He could almost pretend to himself, and thus maybe fool his Maker as well, that he wasn’t really committing suicide at all, but simply had taken an accidental overdose of medication.

But saving the pills had been impossible. Every time David went more than six hours without them, the pain was too intense. Maybe it was all in his head, maybe not. It seemed strange that almost a year to the date he had received his injuries, the pain was as bad as ever.

He picked up the revolver with his right hand and settled it onto his lap while he opened the cylinder. The loaded cylinder seemed to reassure him that there could be no other choice. He closed it again without ceremony.

Kenny, he said, glancing toward the ceiling, I know this isn’t what you’d want me to do, but you have to understand. He felt tears come to his eyes and angrily refused to wipe them as they trickled down his cheeks.

Someone down the hall switched on a radio and the faint melody of Christmas carols filled the silence. Kenny had loved Christmas. He’d told David over and over how much fun Christmas had been in his hometown of Longview. He’d made David promise that as soon as they could get leave together, they’d go to Longview and spend time with Kenny’s family. If they could make it for Christmas, so much the better.

Deck the halls with boughs of holly. . .

Though the melody was faint, he instantly thought of Kenny and the wonderful description of holiday festivities he’d given David.

"First, my mother and sisters go all out to decorate the house, Kenny had told him. I know you probably think me a little old to enjoy such things, but I’m just a big kid at heart," his superior had confided.

"The whole place will smell like the heart of a Washington forest. My mom will hang fir boughs off the mantel and down the banister, then Pop will go out and cut down the biggest pine tree he can fit in the house." Kenny’s eyes had actually lit up at the memory. David had felt more jealous of those memories than of anything else he’d ever known or seen.

Stretching out on the bed, mindful of the revolver, David ignored the pain in his nerve-damaged arm and instead forced himself to think back on all that Kenny had related.

"We have a piano in the front room and my mom plays the most beautiful music you’d ever want to hear. Why, I believe she could get music out of a turnip," Kenny had joked.

David easily remembered his own comment. "I thought that was supposed to be blood."

Shaking his head, Chief Petty Officer Bennett had laughed like a schoolboy. "Not my mom. She’d want something more productive than blood. Of course, given the state of the world and the fact that America is bound to go to war anytime now, blood might just be the most productive thing after all."

That thought brought back the ugliness and sorrow of the days that followed. David shook his head as if to force the memories to leave him, but they wouldn’t go away. They never had. Not by means of the sleeping pills or pain medication, not even the strongest drink.

December 7 was firmly etched in his memory. Every detail. Every horrible moment. Even the ones David hadn’t actually witnessed were there in his imagination. He tried to forget. God knew—if there was a God—how hard he had tried to exorcise the scenes in his head.

The USS Arizona had been his home with Kenny and thousands of other sailors. His life had been good under Kenny’s guidance. Oh, he had still managed to get into his fair share of scrapes, and more than once he’d insisted on having things his own way, usually with the help of his fists. But just as faithfully his supervisor had bailed him out of trouble. He had become Bennett’s pet project, and while at first David saw this as only an opportunity to abuse Kenny’s concern, the man’s steadfast kindness had caused him to begin thinking twice about his actions.

That’s why it hurt so much to realize he’d never again be able to see Kenny. To tell him he was sorry for sneaking off in the middle of the night to party and carouse the Honolulu hot spots. And he had been sorry. In fact, ever since meeting up with Kenny, David had suddenly found himself to have a conscience. And in the wee hours of December 7, 1941, his conscience had been bothering him something fierce. When he’d finally used up all the cash he had on hand and exhausted any hope of free drinks from the house or his buddies, David had made his way back to the Arizona in a stolen jeep.

Kenny would understand. He would somehow cover for David’s stupidity and keep him out of any real trouble. Kenny would even pray, usually while holding David’s head over the toilet while he got sick from his escapades.

David opened his eyes and refused to remember anything more. He lifted the gun and drew a deep breath. If there was any mercy in this life, it would all be over in a matter of seconds.

"You made me a promise."

For a moment, David nearly jumped up from the bed. He could have sworn he’d just heard Kenny’s voice.

He glanced down at the gun. He would have to hurry. He was losing his nerve. Pain or no pain, it took a special mind-set to do a job like this, and if David remembered even one more detail of his friendship with Kenny, there was no guaranteeing he’d be able to go through with this.

"You promised."

David sat up, his right hand shaking as he struggled to control the gun. I know I promised to go home with you, but you’re at the bottom of Battleship Row. You aren’t even home with your folks, David shouted to the room. If Kenny really was trying to talk to him, he wanted to clear his conscience.

Silence was all that came back to him. Kenny was dead. There were no voices outside the guilty accusations and disappointed suggestions in his own head. Even in this, his final act of life, David was again failing his good friend.

He thought of how important family and home had been to Kenny. He thought of Kenny’s love of God and how special Christmas was to this tall, lanky man with an infectious joy of life. When David had been around Kenny, he could almost believe that life could be good. That something positive could happen and that David could be something other than the loser he’d always been.

I can kill myself in Longview just the same as San Francisco, he reasoned. I can go and meet Kenny’s folks, tell them I was a friend, and then go on my way. What’s a few more days of pain, if it means that I keep my promise to Kenny? It’s the only promise I’ll ever be able to keep.

He looked at the gun, then replaced it on the table. It’s not because I’m chicken, he told the revolver. You’ll get your chance at me. Just like everybody else.

The Christmas season helped to take the edge off the worry and concern caused by the country being at war. Longview’s citizens were no different than those anywhere else. Their sons and fathers, brothers and uncles, friends and acquaintances, were off fighting a war that had rapidly spread to engulf the entire world. And while their loved ones were away, those left behind rationed supplies, took up jobs in defense plants, and longed for the days when the world would once again make sense.

Longview itself wasn’t all that old, as towns went. Positioned along the Columbia River in Washington state, the tiny town had thrived because of the dream its citizens had for success. Birthed in the prosperity of the twenties, the thirties had dealt Longview a difficult blow—as it had most of the country. Wages declined, jobs were lost, and businesses closed down, but the spirit of the people lived on in strength.

Ruth Bennett had witnessed it for herself. Having lived in the area all of her life, Ruth knew well the fighting drive of its people. Neighbors cared about one another and looked in from time to time to make sure things were all right. Doors were seldom locked and children played in the streets until well after dark.

Faith Church, where Ruth and her family attended, had kept faithful watch over its little flock. Through famine or fortune, the church family had grown at a steady, if not miraculous, rate. People were drawn in by the love and genuine concern they found within the doors of the church. But not only that, people were amazed to find that this love and concern followed people home after Sunday and Wednesday night worship services. These were more than Sunday-go-meeting Christians. These were people who practiced what they preached and saw to it that they cared not only for their own but for their community as well. More than one food pounding had kept a family from going hungry, and weekly potlucks throughout the tumultuous thirties had allowed every family to have at least one decent meal a week.

Now the forties stretched before them in an ominous shroud of suffering and death. Life had picked up its pace, almost to a maddening speed, but Longview would do its part for its boys in uniform. Nothing was too much if it meant bringing them home alive. And if they couldn’t bring them home alive, as was often painfully the case, they mourned them alongside the families.

At forty-four, Ruth Bennett was very much an active woman. She’d given birth to five children and had buried three. The most recent, her eldest, was the reason for the gold star in her window. Funny, she could remember as a child working hard for a gold star in memory class at school. Ruth had thought there to be nothing more grand than a gold star, but now she wished she had anything but that emblem in her window.

Gold meant death. Her Kenny was dead.

She glanced up at the living room window from the front porch steps. The banner reminded her that Kenny would never come home again. The star might have said, Well done, you have given your best, but in her heart Ruth felt only pain where Kenny’s memories lived.

Ruthie! Yoo-hoo!

Ruth looked up and smiled tolerantly. Mrs. Mendelson was making her way toward the Bennetts’ front gate. Hello, Mrs. Mendelson. How are you today?

Oh, I’m doing quite well, deary. I just wanted to bring you this fruitcake and wish you merry for the holidays. I’m going to Seattle tomorrow, she said cheerily, and I couldn’t go without making sure you had some holiday treats from me.

How kind of you. A fine treat indeed, Ruth declared with a smile. Mrs. Mendelson made the worst fruitcake of anyone in the entire community, but the woman was nearly eighty years old and it brought her such delight that Ruth would never have said otherwise.

My daughter sent me money for the bus! Mrs. Mendelson proudly declared. She wants me to spend Christmas and New Year’s up there.

Ruth nodded. I think that’s wonderful, Mrs. Mendelson. Of course, we shall miss you while you’re gone. I know you’ll be missed at church, especially in the choir.

The old woman beamed. Well, I was once the most sought-after soprano in Westfield, where I grew up.

Ruth had heard these stories a thousand times if she’d heard them once. It was the reason she mentioned the choir in the first place. The old woman had few laurels to live on, but the choir, her fruitcake, and her beloved family were her crowning jewels.

Oh dear, Mrs. Mendelson said, hearing the four o’clock whistle blow down at the river dock. I must hurry. I’ll talk to you when I get back. She pulled her coat tight with one hand and gave a little wave with the other. You have a merry Christmas, Ruthie!

I will, Mrs. Mendelson. You do the same.

Ruth watched as the old woman toddled off to her small two-story house. Such a sweet old woman! Shaking her head, Ruth glanced down at the fruitcake and made her way into her own house. She could already imagine the comments from her family.

As if on cue, Helen, the baby of the family at thirteen, stuck her head out of the kitchen as Ruthie came through the front door. I saw you with Mrs. Mendelson. That can only mean she’s given you another fruitcake.

What are you complaining about? Rachel declared. The eldest Bennett daughter pulled on an apron as their mother entered the kitchen. You’ve only had to eat them for thirteen years. I’ve been suffering through them for nineteen.

Now, girls, Ruth said, smiling, she means well and it gives her pleasure.

I remember Pop said that even Joe Bloom’s pigs wouldn’t touch the stuff, Helen declared with a giggle.

Nevertheless, we shall honor the kindness, Ruth replied. She placed the cake on the counter and hurried out of her coat.

Rachel Bennett watched her mother with a deep sense of admiration. There was no other woman in the world Rachel respected as much as she did her mother. Leaving the kitchen, Rachel pulled a hanger from the closet. Here, let me, she said. You should warm up by the stove.

Ruth kissed her daughter on the cheek, then turned to see what Helen was up to. Rachel put the coat in the closet and quietly joined the others in the kitchen. She listened as Helen gave an animated speech about her desire to obtain her very own radio.

It would make the perfect Christmas gift, Helen hinted.

Rachel turned away, smiling. Helen had been trying to talk her parents into buying her a radio for the past year. Drawing a large yellow glass bowl from the cupboard, Rachel began sifting flour while Helen continued her plea. Christmas gifts were the last thing on Rachel’s mind, however. Instead, she thought of the war and of Kenny and how lonely it was without him. Of course, he’d been gone from the house for some time, but there were always the letters. And those, coupled with a strong bond of sibling love—a bond even miles of ocean couldn’t break—had given Rachel and Kenny an ongoing relationship that only strengthened. With Kenny’s death, the letters had come to an end, but not the bond of love between them.

Is that the front door? Ruth questioned.

Rachel put aside her memories to listen. She nodded. I think so.

Ruth frowned. Perhaps Mrs. Mendelson forgot to tell me something.

Maybe she’s brought us another cake, Helen offered. She gave her reddish brown pigtails a toss over her shoulder before putting her attention back on the biscuits she was helping to make.

I’ll go check, Mother, Rachel said, putting aside the sifter.

If it’s Mrs. Mendelson, don’t let her in, Helen declared.

Helen, that’s not nice, Ruth replied.

Well, then, Helen replied mischievously, just don’t let her fruitcake in.

Rachel could hear her mother’s and sister’s shared giggles all the way through the house. It was good to hear laughter after so many months of sorrow. The Bennett house was gradually settling back into a routine.

Brushing a bit of flour from her apron, Rachel opened the door, fully expecting to find their fiesty little neighbor. Instead, she found a dark-haired young man standing on the porch. He held his hat in his hands, and behind him a small suitcase rested near the steps. His expression teetered between confusion and panic.

Yes? May I help you? Rachel asked softly. No doubt he was peddling something and was simply new at the job.

Miss, you don’t know me, but I knew Kenny.

Rachel felt the familiar tightening in her chest. Anytime she heard her brother’s name spoken, she felt herself washed anew with sadness. The pastor had said it would pass in time. Grandpa Bennett had said the same. He had experienced the death of children in their infancy, as well as the loss of his beloved wife. He had firmly told them that while they would always feel the loss, the deep sadness would fade in time. Rachel prayed it might be true.

You knew Kenny? she questioned. Then with a smile she added, How nice. Won’t you come inside? I’m sure my mother and father would love to meet you.

I don’t want to impose. I just came up this way because I made Kenny a promise. He wanted me to see Longview, and he especially wanted me to meet his folks.

Rachel felt the sadness fade and a sensation of familiarity replaced it. She could very nearly hear the lines of Kenny’s letters running through her memory as she stared into the face of this stranger. Are you David? Her tone was one of hope.

The young man looked positively stunned. Yes. How did you know?

Oh my! Rachel could only manage to say.

By this time her mother had come to see who Rachel had taken up a conversation with. Who is it, Rachel?

Rachel turned to her mother. It’s David. Kenny’s friend from the ship! She turned to see the same expression of amazement on her mother’s face that she imagined marked her own.

Oh, David! Ruth declared, throwing open the screen door. Why, you just grab up that bag of yours and come inside out of the cold.

He shook his head and sputtered for words. I . . . uh . . . uh . . .

We thought perhaps you had died at Pearl Harbor. No one seemed to be able to give us any information, Ruth continued.

I don’t understand, David replied. Information about what?

Why, about you, Ruth replied matter-of-factly. Now, don’t argue with me. Kenny told us so much about you. He thought the world of you, you know.

Rachel could see by the expression on the young man’s face that he didn’t believe her mother. Stepping back to give him more room, Rachel watched in silence. My, but he was handsome. Kenny had failed to mention that. Then with a smile, Rachel almost giggled aloud at the thought of Kenny sharing such a thought with his sister.

Come on, Ruth encouraged. Bring your things and come warm up inside. We have a fire going just around the corner.

David smiled nervously. Does the mantel have pine boughs decorating it? Pine boughs and red bows?

Ruth looked at him rather oddly and even Rachel was surprised by the question. Why, yes, it does. I suppose Kenny told you all about Christmas in the Bennett house. We don’t have the tree yet, but that’s because Marion, Kenny’s Dad, hasn’t found the perfect one.

It has to be big enough to reach the ceiling, David recited, obviously from memories Kenny had shared, but there has to be room for the star.

Rachel read the longing in his tone. He seemed nothing like the outlandish character her brother had written her about.

Ruth laughed. That’s right. Please come inside, she said again. This time she let her own longing be heard, and Rachel clearly understood her mother’s need.

Yes! Rachel said, rather embarrassed by her own enthusiasm. It would be so wonderful if you would spend some time with us.

David looked at both women as though they had somehow gone daffy, then shrugged and went back for his suitcase. Lifting it rather slowly, he turned and again stated, I don’t want to impose.

Nonsense, Ruth said, settling the matter. She reached out and motioned David into the house.

Rachel eased away from the door to let them pass. In a moment that lasted only a heartbeat, David’s eyes met hers. Something inside Rachel stirred to life for the first time. Her heart nearly broke for the lost look in his eyes. Oh, Kenny had been right. This one was truly wasting away. Life had evidently treated him very poorly.

She closed the door and glanced upward with a smile. It was almost as if Kenny himself had sent them a special Christmas gift. It was almost as good as having Kenny home once again.

David Cohen felt an overwhelming urge to bolt and run from the Bennett house. He’d never experienced such kindness, and it made him most uncomfortable. Surely these people were merely putting on an act for his benefit. They couldn’t really want him around. Of course, if Kenny had only mentioned the briefest details of their friendship, then he could understand. They couldn’t possibly know how he had hurt Kenny time and again by lying and sneaking around. They couldn’t know everything and still want him here.

But as the evening wore on and supper was served, David found Kenny’s sisters, Helen and Rachel, and his dad, Marion, and grandfather George most cordial. They were every bit as enthusiastic about his visit as Ruth had been. With a spirit of true interest they asked him questions and showed concern over his injuries, but never once revealed any pity or disdain.

They laughed and told stories of Kenny and Christmases gone by. David found himself caught up in the conversation, even sharing memories Kenny had related to him while they were in the navy together. The family seemed moved by this, especially Ruth, who would dab at her eyes whenever David told of something particularly meaningful.

Supper had been marvelous in spite of the limitations put on them by rationing. Mrs. Bennett had prepared a marvelous chicken stew, and David had never known anything that had tasted quite so good.

That was wonderful, he told Ruth as she shooed everyone to the living room.

Thank you, David. I’m so pleased you enjoyed it.

Good thing you didn’t serve him any of Mrs. Mendelson’s fruitcake, Helen threw in with a giggle.

Now, Helen, that’s not very nice. Ruth spoke in a reprimanding tone, but nevertheless there was a smile on her face.

Helen bestowed an impish grin on David before flipping her pigtails and heading for the stairs. I have to go memorize my lines for the Christmas play. If you decide to cut the cake, don’t worry about saving me any.

Ruth laughed at this, as did Grandpa Bennett and Marion. Only Rachel refrained, and David felt certain that was because she’d failed to hear what her sister had said. Rachel seemed like something out of a dream to David. She carried herself with a kind of grace and quietness that made her appear almost elegant—regal. Here she was in a simple cotton dress, nothing at all elaborate, and yet she was clearly the most beautiful woman David had ever known. He watched her as she crossed the room to pull the drapes, seemingly caught up in her own thoughts. How come Kenny had never told him just how lovely his sister was? Suddenly unnerved by his thoughts, David searched frantically for something to say.

That . . . ah . . . that chicken stew . . . well, it was just about the best food I’ve ever had, David said. He bowed his head, refusing to look at Rachel for fear she’d read his thoughts.

It helps that we raise our own chickens, Marion Bennett said, plopping into his favorite chair by the fire. We took to raising a lot of our own stuff once rationing kicked in. I’m just glad we’re old farm and logging people. We know how to get by. Rachel, darlin’, don’t worry about switchin’ on the program, Mr. Bennett said as his eldest daughter moved toward the radio. Let’s hear more from Mr. Cohen.

David looked nervously at each of the Bennetts. You can just call me David, he finally managed to say.

Well, then, David, tell us about your injury, Marion suggested, not at all appearing concerned with prying into David’s personal life. "We didn’t hear much after learning about Kenny. I figure you must have

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