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Keeping Chickens and other Poultry
Keeping Chickens and other Poultry
Keeping Chickens and other Poultry
Ebook274 pages3 hours

Keeping Chickens and other Poultry

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About this ebook

More and more people are enjoying the benefits of keeping poultry, and chickens are perhaps the most rewarding of all. This book provides a practical guide to chicken husbandry, from hatching your first chicks to cooking with produce that you know has come from happy, free-range birds.

There are clear step-by-step instructions on how to make your own incubator and chicken coop, as well as advice on introducing a cockerel to the flock, broody hens, dealing with disease and much, much more.

Topics include:
• Anatomy of a chicken
• Choosing chickens
• Feeding
• Pests and diseases
• Eggs
• Ducks, geese and other poultry
Release dateFeb 15, 2011
Keeping Chickens and other Poultry

Vivian Head

Vivian Head is a keen advocate of self-sufficiency, an ardent cook, gardener and author who lives in a country cottage in East Sussex. When she is not busy writing, she tends her allotment and kitchen herb garden, which is also home to her chickens and four beehives.

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    Keeping Chickens and other Poultry - Vivian Head



    There is nothing to beat the sound of contented poultry as they go about their daily life in your garden. There is also nothing better than eating eggs straight from the nest, knowing the birds that laid them weren’t cooped up in some shed for 24 hours a day.

    The majority of us love our dogs and cats, and they don’t even give us anything back except loyalty and affection. Poultry, on the other hand, do. Once you have sat down to freshly-laid eggs for breakfast, you will never again be tempted to reach for that carton on the supermarket shelf. Home laid eggs are so full of flavour because they have not been sitting around for days, or even weeks, waiting for delivery. There is even a difference in the colour of the yolks – a healthy orange instead of that washed-out yellow we are used to. Unlike other pets, poultry do not need to be walked, brushed or fed twice a day. Essentially, all the poultry keeper need do is gather the eggs daily, fill the birds’ food and water containers and change their bedding about once a month. It couldn’t be easier.

    If you take the plunge you will be able to impress your friends and family with truly organic produce. All it will take is a few birds and some organic feed. Research has proved that poultry that are allowed to roam free with access to grass, lay eggs that are higher in Omega-3 and fatty acids and Vitamin E, while also being lower in cholesterol than any shop-bought ones. These are much healthier for you and are very beneficial to your skin and hair.

    Chickens are the easiest poultry to start with. You might think, particularly if you have never been around chickens, that they do not have much of a personality. That is where you would be mistaken. They are quite unique in their own quirky way, and love nothing better than to be in the company of humans. You can indulge them with special treats and, if handled from a chick, are quite happy to be held and petted. They come in so many different varieties that you will be spoilt for choice.

    They are fascinating to watch and have really interesting habits such as dust bathing. This is where they dig themselves a shallow pit in sand or dry soil and wriggle around in it to get the dust between their feathers to keep their plumage free of mites. They also love to sunbathe, so don’t worry if you see them relaxing on your lawn with outstretched wings, they are just taking advantage of the sun’s warmth. By keeping chickens you will be taking one more step towards sustainable living. Think of all the packaging you will save by not buying eggs or chicken from the supermarket. They will also help to eat your unwanted leftovers and their faeces can help give you a nitrogen-rich compost heap. Eggshells are a great addition, too, especially where there is a lot of chalk in the soil.

    Left to roam free in your garden, chickens will get a lot of their own nutrients from a wide variety of sources such as grass, worms, snails, ants and other insects.

    Chickens will quite happily live with other birds such as ducks and geese, and they are a cheap and rewarding hobby. Remember, though, they can live to a ripe old age of 15, so they are going to be around for a long time if you don’t intend them for your dinner table. They will probably only lay for about four to five years, however, before their laying capabilities go into decline.

    If, after reading this book, you decide you would like to take up keeping chickens as a hobby, please bear in mind they are escape artists. They seem to have an uncanny knack of finding any weakness in fences. They will also need to be locked up at night to keep them safe from predators, but they will always go back to their coop as soon as they sense dusk, so catching them is not normally a problem. They need natural daylight to produce eggs, so make sure you let them out as soon as possible in the morning.

    Finally, despite their many merits, keeping chickens in your back garden is still relatively uncommon. So now is the time to amaze your family and friends by picking up your favourite chicken and cuddling it. They will probably be shocked to see it fall asleep in your arms as you tenderly stroke its comb and wattles. Also imagine their surprise when you show them bright green eggs from your Ameraucana hens.

    Here are just a few simple tips to think about before you take up your new hobby:

    • Find a bird vet before buying any birds.

    • Make sure you know someone who will happily ‘birdsit’ for you when you want to go away from your home for more than a day.

    • Read a book on keeping chickens.

    • Make your neighbours a prime consideration so keep the area your chickens live in as clean as possible.

    • Check on local rules and regulations regarding livestock.

    • Consider very carefully before buying a rooster, as the noise and trouble they create is usually not worth it.


    Most of us, when we think of chickens, envisage the farmer’s wife taking out her kitchen scraps to a few hens pecking around the yard. The remainder of the time was spent foraging and scratching in the dirt to supplement their diet. They probably didn’t lay many eggs, but they were certainly contented birds – far removed from the battery hens now bred to cope with modern-day demands.

    The domestic chicken has evolved from the Red Jungle Fowl (Gallus gallus) of southern and southeastern Asia. These jungle fowl lived in flocks, which had a dominant male and a definite social pecking order. Our domestic chickens have many things in common with their distant relatives, who spent their time scratching round their indigenous habitats searching for food. At night they would seek shelter in the forests or when danger threatened. They have little natural oil in their plumage, so chickens try to stay out of the rain as much as possible, as their feathers cannot readily shed rainwater.

    For a long time the only recognizable breeds of domestic fowl in Britain were the Dorking and the Old English Game. The Dorking is believed to have been introduced by the Romans, while the latter was primarily bred as a fighting cock. In fact, for centuries, the main reason for keeping or breeding chickens was for fighting.

    The original farm hens were dual purpose, being bred for both their laying and meat qualities. Gradually, through selective breeding, these characteristics were developed separately. Lighter breeds were produced for their egg laying, while the bigger, heavy breeds provided more meat.

    Little by little other breeds were introduced from Europe and from the East. Some of the best breeds were produced in North America around the turn of the twentieth century, perhaps the most notable being the Rhode Island Red and the Leghorn.

    After World War I, many ex-servicemen started their own poultry farms as the demand for fresh food increased. These were always free-range and it was quite common to see large fields filled with grazing hens. As demand increased, so more intensive methods were developed. In the 1950s and 1960s, the preferred method was deep-litter, where many hens were housed together indoors on bedding of straw or shavings.

    This progressed in the late 1960s and 1970s to the system we have today – the intensive battery farming. This is where hens spend their lives – one laying season – in tiny cages being denied the pleasure of foraging for their own food or experiencing any daylight.

    For centuries, cock fighting was one of the main reasons for keeping poultry.

    In recent years there has been a lot of negative reaction towards this method of keeping chickens, and we are again seeing a resurgence of part-time farmers and smallholders who keep chickens for their eggs, meat and quite simply for their own pleasure. Hopefully, one day consumers will give preference to free-range over the desire to buy cheap produce.


    • The chicken was the first domestic animal to be mentioned in recorded history. It is referred to in ancient Chinese documents as the ‘creature of the west’.

    • Romans considered chickens to be sacred to Mars – their god of war – and built chicken cairns (a mound of stones in the shape of a chicken) to worship him.

    • The Gauls considered the rooster as a symbol of courage.

    • In Christian religious art, the crowing cock symbolized the resurrection of Christ.

    • Buddhists believe that the first enlightened animal was the Tibetan chick of Chidarti.

    • The Trobriand Chicken People from Papua New Guinea are one of the first human societies to be based on the chicken.

    • The cock was the emblem of the first French Republic.

    • The Wild Man of Rhode Island was the first man to pluck a live chicken in order to tar and feather another man.

    • One punishment for an adulterous wife in medieval France was to make her chase a chicken through town naked.

    • It is illegal to eat chicken with a fork in Gainesville, Georgia.


    In the past ‘free-range’ was a general description, meaning that poultry were allowed to roam at will over the fields and pastures. It was once very popular with farmers who would allow the birds to graze on the stubble after they had harvested their crops. The birds obtained much of their food this way, as well as ridding the fields of insect pests and unwanted weed seeds. A hen house was always provided for shelter and when it was time to move on to a new field, as the grazing became exhausted, the house would be moved with them.

    This system was very popular as for most of the year the birds found their own food, which meant that feeding costs were greatly reduced. They helped build up the fertility of the soil, especially where other livestock were grazed, as their pecking and scratching would help spread the nutrients from their own and the livestock’s droppings. There were disadvantages, of course – the losses to foxes and other predators were high. Also eggs were often laid in hidden nests and frequently got missed when it came to collecting. Finally, cold winters killed off many hens, meaning that egg production could dwindle to virtually nothing.

    Today, free-range means much the same as it always did, although poultry usually has their space in a garden, an orchard or a smaller field. It is only when eggs are sold with the label ‘FREE-RANGE’ on them, that the situation changes. In fact, free-range is a specific term. Current regulations demand that any eggs offered for sale with the label ‘free-range’ must come from flocks which are kept under the following conditions:

    • The hens have to have access to open-air runs during daylight hours.

    • There must be sufficient vegetation on the ground where the hens forage.

    • The maximum number of birds must not exceed one to every 10 square metres.

    • The interior of the hen house must conform to certain standards.

    These regulations were introduced to allow prosecution if the birds were not kept in satisfactory conditions.


    Probably, like a lot of people, you are concerned about the amount of chemicals that go into food these days, especially if you have young children. More and more people have started to grow their own vegetables, so the next logical step seems to be to keep two or three hens in your back garden. You will soon learn that it is surprisingly easy and very pleasurable as well. It is becoming increasingly popular, probably because hens make such charismatic and endearing family pets. It is a hobby that your children can easily become involved in, especially when they can get their hands dirty mixing together the food from household leftovers. You can also be safe in the knowledge that hens are not unhygienic. On the contrary, they will spend hours just cleaning themselves.

    As you get to know your chickens you will soon discover that each one has an individual personality or characteristic. At the end of a hectic day, there is nothing more relaxing than to stand and watch your chickens strutting around the garden, fending for themselves.

    Before you go out and buy your first hens, you will need to be aware that you must devote a certain amount of time each day into looking after them, just as you would with a dog or cat.

    You will need to consider where you are going to keep them, whether you have a friendly neighbour who will feed them when you are away, and how secure the site is against foxes, etc. Even if you live in the middle of a city, this is still a major consideration as there are a surprisingly high number of urban foxes these days.

    Provided you have fewer than 50 hens, there is no need to register them with any authority. More than this number, and you are considered to be running a commercial venture and must be registered. But, at the beginner stage, two or three hens would be adequate to get you started and see if this is really the hobby for you.

    Your neighbours will be another consideration, because there is no point in causing unnecessary upset if they are adamant they do not want to live next door to any livestock. You can probably win them round though, when you tell them that chickens don’t smell and that they will actually eat slugs and other pests from the garden. Provided you don’t buy a rooster, who will no doubt wake them and you up at the crack of dawn, a few bantams running round the back garden shouldn’t cause any problems at all. You can always keep neighbours sweet by giving them a carton of fresh eggs each week, as well.

    Your hens will soon pay for themselves. If, say, you have three hens, you can expect them to lay as many as 600 eggs a year – they will be large, extremely fresh, and would have cost far more to buy. You can do the sums yourself by checking the cost of eggs in your local supermarket.

    Thanks to the current trend for keeping poultry, there are now complete starter kits including housing, feed and the hens themselves. So if you are still keen there is nothing to stop you.


    Keeping hens in urban areas is becoming increasingly popular, but a slightly different approach is required there. At the outset, it is advisable to check that you are allowed to do so. Even if you are a home-owner the deeds of your property might forbid the keeping of livestock.

    If you are a private tenant, each landlord will have his or her own rules on the matter, so you will need to check your tenancy agreement carefully.

    If you reside in public housing, there are usually no restrictions, but again it is advisable to check with your local authority first.

    Wherever you live you will need to demonstrate at all times that you are taking the utmost care of your hens’ welfare. Make sure you change their bedding and clean their runs regularly and dispose of any waste products sensibly.

    As space will be more of an issue than in the country, you might like to consider one of the smaller breeds of chicken – many come in ‘bantam’ size, which are approximately a quarter of the size of some of the larger breeds. The Buff Orpington (below) is a good choice for beginners, as are the Cochin bantams. Both breeds are great layers, nice natured and make excellent pets. If you are in any doubt as to what breed to buy, you can always visit a fellow urban dweller who keeps chickens and seek their advice.

    Beginners always ask how much space a chicken requires. The rule of thumb is to allow 4 square feet inside the coop for each chicken and 10 square feet outside. Always allow your chickens to roam freely if you can, provided you have a safely fenced-off yard or garden. Hens usually like to stay fairly close to their coop, and as long as you provide them with regular food and water, they shouldn’t look to wander.

    As roosters can be noisy, it is not advisable to keep them if you have neighbours close by. You might also like to check online for any plants that could be toxic, as chickens love to eat greenery – either dig it up or fence it off.


    In the initial excitement of receiving your new hens, you might overlook a few important points, so with this in mind it is a good idea to check the following:


    Have you made sure that your garden or yard is completely secure? This is very important because hens can behave like those birds in Chicken Run! Not only should the area be designed to keep your chickens in, but it should be secure enough to keep people and predators out. It is a good idea to try to keep your hen house out of sight; the less attention you draw to it the better. Not only will this ensure your hens are less of a nuisance to your neighbours, but it will keep prying eyes away from your

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