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Chambers of Horror
Chambers of Horror
Chambers of Horror
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Chambers of Horror

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'What I want is an off the shelf sex partner. I want to be able to use a woman whenever and however I want. And when I'm tired or bored I simply want to put her away.'
- Leonard Lake

Jeffrey Dahmer
who was obsessed with dead animals when he was younger, later got sexual satisfaction from eating his victims as he felt like they became a part of him.

John Wayne Gacy toured the children's wards in hospitals, dressed in a clown costume of his design, but beneath the exterior, laid the killer of 30 boys and men.

Rose West met Fred West when she was 15. Even before marrying in 1972, violence, rape, incest, torture voyeurism and paedophilia were already part of a normal day for the couple.

Chambers of Horror is a study of the warped thinking that went into some of the world's most macabre crimes, as well as a clinical examination of the purpose-built rooms, hidden spaces, and soundproof dungeons prepared for victims, including quotes from the criminals.

From the massive 'Murder Castle' once used by Dr. H. H. Holmes to prey upon those attending the 1893 Chicago World's Fair to the hand-tooled box under the bed where Cameron Hooker kept his 'sex slave', Chambers of Horror covers famous cases of the past along with many from the modern age. John Marlowe takes the reader on a disturbing journey through a world of murder and mayhem, providing insight into evil and the motivations of monsters.

Release dateApr 1, 2011
Chambers of Horror

John Marlowe

John Marlowe is a crime writer who lives in Ontario. The author of The World's Most Evil Psychopaths and Evil Wives he is currently working on an annotated edition of the 1950 pulp exposé Montreal Confidential.

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    Chambers of Horror - John Marlowe


    In the middle of the 19th century, a French immigrant to London constructed what she called her 'Chamber of Horrors'. Its contents were both horrific and shocking. Visitors to the room encountered severed heads on stakes, blood-covered victims and menacing murderers whose crimes were so horrendous that their names are remembered even today. Anna Marie Tussaud ('Madame Tussaud') made a great deal of money from this grisly chamber, which capitalized on the public's thirst for the macabre.

    Electrical engineeer Josef Fritzl used his DIY skills to construct an underground prison for his daughter

    Nothing much has changed since that time. The public's fascination with the ghastly and the gruesome continues unabated. It can be seen in the tourists who hunt for 10 Rillington Place or who have their pictures taken in front of Marc Dutroux's seven houses. Madame Tussaud's chamber still exists, although it has expanded to become more gruesome than ever, and wax museums bearing her name have spread around the world.

    Many other chambers of horror have been built since the time of Madame Tussaud, but some of them have not been restricted to the display of waxworks. In 1983, for example, serial killers Charles Ng and Leonard Lake constructed a special chamber within a concrete bunker, in which they tortured, raped and killed an untold number of women. Austrian electronics engineer Josef Fritzl was no less heartless and calculating when he held his daughter prisoner in a series of specially-built subterranean chambers. She remained there for 24 years while her father sexually abused her on a daily basis. Some of the children she bore were also imprisoned.

    Depraved as these men were, their actions are overshadowed by the sheer scale of the crimes that were committed by H. H. Holmes, the medical doctor who built over one hundred windowless rooms in a vast Chicago 'castle'. Within their soundproofed walls he tortured, mutilated, raped and murdered his many unsuspecting victims.

    A lot of the monsters in this book did not go as far as building special chambers in which to perpetrate their ghastly crimes: their violent acts were committed in everyday rooms within their own unassuming houses. Fred West and his wife Rosemary dedicated a specific area of their home to their activities, while David Parker Ray set aside several rooms in his rural New Mexico bungalow. Each of the rooms was fitted with a range of implements that matched a specific type of torture, but none of them were as well-equipped as the semi-trailer that was parked in his front garden.

    Ray called the trailer his 'Toy Box', while Fred West referred to the cellar he had adapted for rape as 'the Torture Chamber', but most of these degenerates had no special names for the rooms in which they committed their crimes. More often than not, their chambers of horror were simply known as 'the bedroom', 'the kitchen' or, ironically, 'the living room'.

    What happens to these houses and apartment buildings once their secrets are revealed? Abduction, torture and murder can have a very negative effect on property values, yet most of them are still standing. There are some exceptions. The home Karla Homolka once shared with husband Paul Bernardo, a charming little house facing Lake Ontario, has been torn to the ground. Its destruction was prompted by the memory of the horrific crimes that had taken place within its walls.

    The house in which Fred and Rosemary West carried out their abominable crimes stood empty for years after its occupants had been taken away in handcuffs and their children had been removed. In 1997 it was sold at auction for a bargain price and three years later it was sold for a second time. The buyer planned on renting it out, but with no takers the three-storey house was eventually demolished. A very attractive walkway has been built in its place.

    The rubble from 25 Cromwell Street was taken away and pulverized at a secret location, far from the public gaze, because it was thought that the fragments would have attracted the wrong sort of attention. During its years of notoriety the house had been the target of souvenir-seeking vandals, who had taken pieces of the property as mementoes.

    Number 10 Rillington Place – once the most notorious address in England, if not the world – stood for nearly two decades after its tenant, John Reginald Christie, was arrested. Once the bodies had been taken away and the investigation into the murders had been concluded, the house was again rented out. The address gained a whole new set of tenants, who seemingly had no qualms about using a kitchen that had once contained three putrefying bodies. In 1970, a film, 10 Rillington Place, was made about Christie's crimes, but the tenants refused to vacate the premises so the film crew had to use Number 7 instead. The scene of Christie's infamous activities was demolished in the following year, but that was only because it was part of a massive redevelopment project. Camera crews were swiftly dispatched to film its destruction.

    John Marlowe

    Montreal, Quebec, Canada


    Bathroom Bloodbath

    At the corner of 20th Street and 6th Avenue in Manhattan stands an impressive Gothic Revival building. Designed by the respected 19th-century Anglo-American architect Richard Upjohn, it owes its existence to William Augustus Muhlenberg, a Protestant Episcopal clergyman. The building began its life as the Church of the Holy Communion – John Jacob Astor and Cornelius Vanderbilt were among its parishioners.

    Party animal Michael Alig was a flamboyant gossip with a taste for celebrity

    The Reverend Muhlenberg hoped that the building would provide 'an oasis of Christian activity in the city'.

    There was certainly a lot of activity. For over one hundred years, the church played an important role in the advancement of women, minorities and the poor within the community. By 1976, however, its once large congregation had dwindled to such an extent that it merged with two neighbouring parishes. The deconsecrated building became a drug rehabilitation centre and then a nightclub called the Limelight. Finally, in 1996, this former oasis of Christian activity became linked with one of New York's most talked-about murders.

    The guilty party, Michael Alig, was born on 29 April 1966 in South Bend, Indiana. His mother, a German immigrant, had a certain flair that made her stand out in the modestly-sized Midwestern city. Her eccentrically decorated home was filled with faux European furniture, for instance. Michael was equally unconventional. He liked to wear women's clothing – something his mother encouraged – and he immersed himself in television shows like Dark Shadows. Despite the bullying he had to endure as a gay teenager, Michael was an outstanding student. A flamboyant gossip with a taste for celebrity, he did not attempt to hide his sexuality.

    The Limelight club attracted bizarre birds of paradise to what had once been an oasis of Christian activity

    Avant-garde creatures

    With a population of roughly 300,000, South Bend was Indiana's fourth-largest city, but it was too small for Michael. After graduating from high school, Michael left for New York City, where he attended Fordham University. He did not graduate, but then he did not graduate from his next school either. By 1983, New York's club scene had brought his studies to a halt.

    Michael did not just want to be a part of New York's nightlife – he wanted to be one of its guiding lights. He started by sweeping floors, bussing tables and running errands for Danceteria and the Palladium, the two most prominent clubs in 1980s New York. While he was doing this he came into contact with a number of avant-garde creatures of the night such as Ernie Glam, Richie Rich, Kenny Kenny, the beautiful transexual Amanda Lepore and James St James. Michael often showed up wearing trousers that had been cut away to expose his buttocks. He was brilliant at attracting attention to himself. Each year he held a Filthy Mouth Contest at which participants would try to outdo one another in screaming obscenities. He also led lightning-strike parties. Participants would suddenly descend on a McDonald's or a subway station, where they would hold illegal parties. Alig and his followers became known as the Club Kids.

    Village Voice gossip columnist, Michael Musto, who saw these things and much more, once described Alig and the Club Kids as 'terminally superficial' with 'dubious aesthetic values'. They were 'master manipulators, exploiters, and, thank God, partiers'. He compared them to the Manson Family. The Club Kids were a perfect fit for Geraldo, The Joan Rivers Show and other voyeuristic talk shows.

    'I think you want to have a good time in life and not hurt anybody,' said Joan at the end of their first television appearance.

    The Club Kids were paid to be seen. They were living accessories.

    Michael's highest point came with Disco 2000, a hedonistic event that he held every Wednesday at the Limelight. It was an evening fuelled by a mix of alcohol and drugs, which had the 'Unnatural Acts Review' as its focal point. No one quite knew what to expect. Spectators were able to witness a range of bizarre acts, from a man drinking his own urine to a woman rubbing herself against an amputee's stump. All of this happened within the walls of what had once been the Church of the Holy Communion.

    An 'Emergency Room' was set up, in which 'doctors' and 'nurses' would prescribe ecstasy, ketamine and marijuana to their 'patients'. Prescriptions were filled by attendant dealers. The blatant presence of drugs would have surprised no one – it was right there in Michael's flyers. The Club Kids had even talked about drug use on The Phil Donahue Show.

    One of the people selling drugs at the Limelight and other Club Kids venues was twenty-something Andre Melendez. The son of Colombian immigrants, this former male prostitute turned up shortly after the Club Kids' appearance on The Joan Rivers Show. His standard white outfit included aviator goggles, a white cap and wings, which made him particularly easy to spot in dark nightclubs lit by black lights.

    Andre – or 'Angel', as he fancied himself – never quite fitted in with the other Club Kids. Alig's close friend James St James declared that the drug dealer strutted around the former Church of the Holy Communion as if he were 'God's Own Cousin'. And then there were the ridiculous wings, those dingy old wings, 'always knocking off my wig or spilling my drink. Oh, he was such a nightmare!' Another thing that rubbed James up the wrong way was the fact that Angel was every bit the businessman. Where other dealers were perfectly happy to cut the Club Kids some slack, sometimes filling 'prescriptions' for free, Angel was a stickler for being paid.

    As the Limelight's notoriety grew, it became the target of repeated raids by the authorities. Angel was now a liability. Tossed out and forbidden to return, he would sometimes rely on Michael for a place to sleep. It was not that the head of the Club Kids was being generous – it was just that he appreciated the convenience of having a supply of drugs close at hand. On more than one occasion, when Angel was out, Michael and his room-mate Robert 'Freeze' Riggs skimmed the dealer's drugs and cash without ever saying a word. At other times, Michael failed to pay for his drugs.

    Club Kids and other denizens of the Limelight: (from the left) Alig, Richie Rich and Nina Hagen, plus others

    Savage attack

    By the morning of 17 March 1996, which was a Sunday, the drug dealer could no longer contain his annoyance. Unfortunately, his visit to collect from Michael did not come at the best time. Michael's expensive Riverbank West apartment in no way reflected his financial status. The rent was paid by his employer Peter Gatien, the owner of the Limelight. Michael Alig spent every cent he ever got his hands on, so he had no money.

    Standing in his bedroom, Michael denied that he owed Angel so much as a cent. After all, he had allowed the dealer to stay in his apartment rent free. Angel went over the top at that point. He attacked Michael vehemently, destroying a glass cabinet in the process. Freeze had been asleep in his own bedroom, but the commotion jolted him awake. After grabbing a hammer he rushed to help Michael. He then hit Angel on the head, but the blow only made Angel even angrier. When the dealer made a lunge for the hammer, Freeze struck him again. Angel then turned his attention back to Michael, which is when Freeze hit him for a third time. At this point he collapsed.

    A partygoer saw Angel's arm dangling from the bathtub and assumed a guest had passed out

    Michael and Freeze failed to agree about what happened next. Freeze claimed that Michael began choking the unconscious Angel, before putting a pillowcase over his head. The autopsy report indicated that the dealer had indeed died of asphyxiation, not the hammer blows to the head. Michael admitted that they then stole some drugs from the lifeless Angel, which they ingested before relaxing for a few hours. When the effects began to wear off, the pair tried to revive Angel, even going so far as to immerse him in a tub of cold water, but they noticed no air bubbles when they held his head under the surface.

    Convinced that Angel was dead, Michael began pouring drain cleaner into his mouth, thinking that it would work as an embalming fluid. With Freeze's assistance he then sealed the dead man's mouth with duct tape, so that the liquid would not escape.

    The pair did not know what to do next, so they took the rest of Angel's drugs. After that they spent countless days in a narcotic haze – Freeze put the number at 'five to seven' – during which they held parties in their Riverbank West apartment. Killing Angel had solved so many problems. Not only had Michael erased his debt but he now had the money that Angel had been carrying on the day he died. With this considerable sum he was able to decorate what had been a sparsely furnished flat.

    Michael's partying guests luxuriated in rooms that combined the baroque with the neo-classical. The only reminder of the apartment's grimy past came in the form of the growing stench that emanated from one of the bathrooms. One partygoer happened to see Angel's stiff arm dangling from the bathtub, but he assumed that a guest had passed out. No one even faintly suspected that Michael's new-found wealth had resulted from a homicide.

    After a while, Michael began telling his friends about the murder. How could he not? Michael liked to talk, he liked to gossip, he liked to shock and most of all he liked being the centre of attention. The people he told did not know what to think. James St James believed Michael, while others thought he was trying to spread a rumour as part of an elaborate publicity stunt. Independently of Michael, another rumour was in circulation.

    It was being whispered that Michael was planning a 'Welcome Back Angel' theme party.

    If any such party was being planned, it could not have been held in Michael and Freeze's flat. After two weeks of lying in the tub, Angel's body was giving off a nearly unbearable odour. Something had to be done so Freeze was sent off to Macy's, where he purchased two top-of-the-range chef's knives and a cleaver. After he returned, Michael swallowed several bags of heroin and then set to work on Angel. He hacked off Angel's legs and then he wrapped them in plastic and placed them in duffle bags. Freeze tossed them into the Hudson River. For some unexplained reason, Michael also cut off Angel's genitals – what happened to them is unknown. What remained of Angel was put into a large garbage bag. This in turn was placed in a box that had contained the television that Michael had bought with the dealer's money. Freeze threw in some baking soda, hoping that it might absorb some of the foul odour.

    At that point, the pair's judgement seemed to be clouded by drugs. Making no attempt at secrecy, they borrowed a trolley from the doorman and then took the box down in the main lift. When the lift doors opened, they calmly crossed the lobby and called a taxi. After securing the box in his cab's open boot, the driver drove the pair and their heavy package to the Hudson. Michael and Freeze watched the vehicle fade from view before pushing the box and its contents into the river. They were surprised when it floated rather than sank. Some packaging material had been left in the box, which had perhaps made it more buoyant.

    Michael and Freeze might have got away with it if Michael had kept his mouth shut, but the accusations were now beginning to swirl around him. He could not have been surprised when in April 1996 Michael Musto, the columnist who had documented so many of his antics, ran a blind item in The Village Voice. It described how 'Mr. Mess' and 'Mr. Dealer' were fighting over money when in walked 'Mr. Mess #2', who hit 'Mr. Dealer' with a hammer. The five-sentence piece, a remarkably accurate summary of what had taken place in the Riverbank West apartment in the previous month, was picked up by another Voice reporter, Frank Owen. A few issues later, the newspaper published a front-page story about the murder.

    Lost sparkle

    By this time, the suspect was on the run. Michael sold all of the furniture he had bought just days before, borrowed $1,600 from Gatien and headed west with his friend Gitsie. When the drugs Michael had bought for the journey ran out in Colorado, he turned around and made for his mother's house. In June, Michael was drawn back to New York, where he again sought the world's attention.

    He attempted to kick-start his career by hosting a party – but the sequins had lost their glitter. The rumours about Angel's demise hung over him like a cloud, so he found himself ostracized by the party crowd. Some people did show up, but a significant percentage of them were plain-clothes detectives and reporters chasing a murder story.

    Meanwhile, the old television box containing Angel's torso, head and arms had been found washed up on the shore of the Hudson River. After being wrongly identified as those of an Asian male, the remains lay in the morgue for months. However, in November the error was realized and corrected. It soon became clear to the police that the stories that circulated around Michael were not just the outpourings of a publicity-seeking promoter. They managed to locate Freeze and three hours later they had a full written confession.

    Michael had been harder to find, but he was finally picked up when they noticed his name and address on the bulletin board of a friend.

    The party's over

    The case against Michael was hard to mount because there had been another person in the apartment on the morning of the murder, apart from Freeze and Angel. Daniel Auster, the heroin addict son of novelist Paul Auster, had been sleeping in Freeze's bedroom

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