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The Autoimmune Solution: Prevent and Reverse the Full Spectrum of Inflammatory Symptoms and Diseases
The Autoimmune Solution: Prevent and Reverse the Full Spectrum of Inflammatory Symptoms and Diseases
The Autoimmune Solution: Prevent and Reverse the Full Spectrum of Inflammatory Symptoms and Diseases
Ebook544 pages6 hours

The Autoimmune Solution: Prevent and Reverse the Full Spectrum of Inflammatory Symptoms and Diseases

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About this ebook

Over 90 percent of the population suffers from inflammation or an autoimmune disorder. Until now, conventional medicine has said there is no cure. Minor irritations like rashes and runny noses are ignored, while chronic and debilitating diseases like Crohn's and rheumatoid arthritis are handled with a cocktail of toxic treatments that fail to address their root cause. But it doesn't have to be this way.

In The Autoimmune Solution, Dr. Amy Myers, a renowned leader in functional medicine, offers her medically proven approach to prevent a wide range of inflammatory-related symptoms and diseases, including allergies, obesity, asthma, cardiovascular disease, fibromyalgia, lupus, IBS, chronic headaches, and Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

Release dateJan 27, 2015
The Autoimmune Solution: Prevent and Reverse the Full Spectrum of Inflammatory Symptoms and Diseases

Amy Myers, M.D.

Amy Myers, M.D., is a specialist in autoimmune diseases whose career was set in motion by her own experience dealing with autoimmune issues. Myers graduated cum laude from the Honors College at the University of South Carolina and earned her medical degree at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. After completing her residency in emergency medicine at the University of Maryland, she founded the nationally renowned functional medicine center Austin UltraHealth, where she currently serves as its medical director.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I have several pesky autoimmune ailments, thus I had been looking forward to see if this book offered any valuable solutions. But I have to say, no, not for me.Four of the most important chapters are as follows: Heal your Gut, Get rid of Gluten, grains and legumes, Tame the toxins and Heal your Infections and Relieve your stress.1)Heal your gut. I never really found out how to heal my gut. Step 1 was to remove the bad foods and I´ll get to that in the next point. Step 2 was to restore the Good. Here it is suggested to take digestive enzymes, and this might be a good idea, Step 3 is to reinoculate with healthy bacteria, and I have been taking good probiotics for years and also fermented vegetables regularly. Step 4. Repair the gut. Here the suggestions are to take L-glutamine and Omega-3 fish oils. I haven´t been able to get hold of the former as yet, but have been taking krill oil capsules, which Dr. Mercola, I think it was, thinks are preferable to fish oil.2)Get rid of Gluten, Grains and legumes, we are informed of what we must totally exclude from our diet. This turned out to include all food products (except fish) that I use as my source of protein:Gluten (I have excluded this.)All grains –wheat, rye, barley, rice, millet, and oats. Also corn and quinoa though they are technically not grains.Legumes – lentils, chickpeas (i.e. also humus), peas, green beans, and red, white, black and kidney beans.However, Amy explains that gluten-free is not an option either, since these products are loaded with sugar, salt, preservatives, additives and dyes.We must also avoid nightshades i.e. eggplants (which I never eat anyway), potatoes, though sweet potatoes are okay (hurray!) and tomatoes.Also, dairy products are out of bounds, e.g. milk, butter, cheese, goat´s cheese, etc. Also eggs, my main source of protein other than fish. And nuts, peanut butter and seeds, Amy´s diet may be perfect for an inveterate carnivore, since you can eat all the organic meat you might desire, but for me it´s inadequate. At least, at present, since I´m unable to get hold of the organic salmon fillets I usually eat. I can of course eat tinned sardines and anchovies, but I´m not keen on all the BPA you get to consume together with these fish.3)Tame the toxins. There is good information here about getting rid of toxins, cleaning your air and water and buying clean body products. We are informed of the excellence of glutathione, which is “your body´s biggest detoxifier”, but this has proved difficult for me to get so far,4)Heal your infections. I didn´t get much out of this chapter. I myself have to take considerable amounts of garlic every day to deal with interstitial cystitis, since my doctor can´t/won´t (both of these) help me.Amy recommends a 30-day protocol. Avoid all foods she tells you to avoid for 30 days and see if your condition improves. This may well be a good idea, also for me, but I´m afraid I might feel quite weak and faint.She offers many appetizing recipes. I might just try “Hearty Sweet Potato Mash” though I wouldn´t have time to make it for breakfast, as she suggests.The author is a doctor and she herself has an autoimmune disorder, so she needed to find a way to thrive with this ailment, and came up with this system, which she calls “The Myers Way”.To sum up, the book does in fact contain much valuable information, and it may prove useful to many, particularly carnivores. But I won´t go out of my way to recommend it, since I do not feel the author leaves us vegetarians with enough basic, nourishing foodstuffs to thrive on. But it is well-written and informative.

    10 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I am not an expert about nutrition, but this audio provided a lot of realization and learning about my current health condition. I have cold hives, i was not breastfeed, i used to eat organic food in the province and when i moved to the city, my food habit and types changed causing me a lot of illness and skin problem(cold hives). In this audio I learned about breastfeeding, organic foods, organic topical application, healthy gut, autoimmune issue with respiratory and skin problem, lactose intolerance, air filter and humidifier need. Therefore I will have to listen to it again and research further about functional medicine versus conventional.

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The Autoimmune Solution - Amy Myers, M.D.




those with autoimmune conditions.

May you find another way and

a solution in this book.





Part I The Autoimmune Epidemic

1 My Autoimmune Journey—and Yours

2 Myths and Facts About Autoimmunity

3 Your Enemy, Yourself: How Autoimmunity Works

Part II Get to the Root

4 Heal Your Gut

5 Get Rid of Gluten, Grains, and Legumes

6 Tame the Toxins

7 Heal Your Infections and Relieve Your Stress

Part III Learn the Tools

8 Putting The Myers Way into Practice

9 Your Thirty-Day Protocol: Meal Plans and Recipes

Part IV Live the Solution

10 The Myers Way as a Way of Life

11 Navigating the Medical Maze

12 A World of Hope: Success Stories


Appendix A: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Appendix B: Heavy Metals

Appendix C: Toxic Mold

Appendix D: Biological Dentistry

Appendix E: Detoxifying Your Home

Appendix F: Improving Your Sleep

Appendix G: The Myers Way Symptom Tracker


Selected Bibliography



About the Author



About the Publisher

Part One

The Autoimmune Epidemic


My Autoimmune Journey—and Yours

ABOUT TEN YEARS AGO I developed an autoimmune condition—and conventional medicine failed me. I don’t want it to fail you too.

If you’re one of the fifty million Americans suffering from an autoimmune disease, this book is for you. If you’re one of the hundreds of millions of people struggling with an inflammatory condition that puts you at risk for developing an autoimmune disease—disorders like arthritis, asthma, eczema, or cardiovascular disease—this book is for you. And if you’re one of the millions of people whose parent, spouse, sibling, friend, or child is currently coping with an autoimmune condition, this book is for you too. Whether you want to reverse your autoimmune disorder, keep from getting an autoimmune disorder, or support someone who has an autoimmune disorder, this book can change your life.

I’m an M.D. myself, so I don’t like to criticize other doctors, let alone their standard protocols, but the truth must be told: When it comes to the treatment of autoimmune conditions, conventional medicine has failed miserably. The typical weapons of choice are medications that might or might not ease your symptoms; that might disrupt your life with harsh side effects; that often keep you permanently anxious about the possibility of developing an infection; and that might stop working after a few years, causing you to take even more powerful medications. The accepted philosophy is that autoimmune disorders are inevitable, that they can be managed but neither prevented nor reversed. The result is that patients are reduced to complete dependence on their doctors and their prescribed medications, unable to live their lives without constant fear and often without pain.

In these pages, I’ll show you how to use a healthy diet, lifestyle, and high-quality supplements to eliminate symptoms, get off your medications, and enjoy the kind of vibrant, total health you’ve always wanted. I’ll show you why changing your diet and healing your gut can make a world of difference, along with freeing your body of its toxic burden, healing your infections, and reducing your load of stress. I’ll help you take charge of your health, making the choices that support your body and keep you glowing, fit, and full of energy.

Why do I sound so confident? Because over the years I’ve treated thousands of patients with this approach—and I’ve also treated myself. Like I said, conventional medicine failed me, so I had to develop an autoimmune solution, one that would help me overcome the staggering side effects of conventional treatments and enable me to live a busy, healthy life.

If you give me just thirty days, I can help you take back your life too. If you suffer from autoimmunity, I can show you how to reverse your disorder, eliminate your symptoms, and even get off your medications. If you suffer from an inflammatory condition, I can help you heal that condition and keep it from turning into a full-blown autoimmune disorder. If you know someone who is struggling with autoimmunity, I can teach you how to offer your loved one the kind of support and guidance that could make a life-changing difference.

Sound good? Then let’s get started. I can’t wait for you to find your own autoimmune solution.


Before we look at the much-needed alternative, let’s take a quick tour of what most of you or your loved ones are dealing with, or of what you might be dealing with if your inflammatory condition turns into autoimmunity. You might start out bouncing from doctor to doctor because nobody can figure out what’s wrong with you. There are more than one hundred recognized autoimmune conditions and many are not well understood by conventional medicine.

As a result, most doctors and care providers are at a loss if you come in with a collection of autoimmune-like symptoms that don’t quite match a diagnosis they recognize. This problem is compounded by the way conventional medicine has been fractured into so many discrete specialties. If you are diagnosed with an autoimmune condition, you don’t go see an immune specialist (unless you come to see me!). You are more likely shuttled off to a specialist who focuses on the system that is being attacked: a rheumatologist for rheumatoid arthritis; a gastroenterologist for celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis; an endocrinologist for Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and diabetes; and so on. And if you have two autoimmune conditions, as many people do, you are likely to see two separate specialists; for three conditions, three specialists; and so on.

This fragmentation suggests that your problem is a disease of a particular organ, but in fact, it is a disease of the immune system as a whole. All these diseases—despite affecting different organ systems—stem from the same common cause: an immune system gone rogue. My approach is based on getting to the root of the problem: removing the elements that derailed your immune system in the first place and strengthening your immune system rather than suppressing it. That’s why using this approach enables you to reverse and prevent many different autoimmune conditions at once.

Because there is a genetic component to autoimmune disorders, your doctor might be especially concerned if you have a family history of autoimmunity that includes at least one parent, sibling, aunt, uncle, or grandparent. You might have begun searching for answers when you realized that one or more people in your family had a condition like rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, lupus, or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Whether or not you have a family history, you are likely to hear that your genes hold the key to whether or not you will develop autoimmunity, that there is nothing you can do to prevent it and no way to reverse it once it strikes. This can make the search for a diagnosis rather ominous, since at the end of the road is not a promise of health but only the prospect of an ever-worsening disease.

How an Autoimmune Disease Progresses

In most cases, your primary care doctor will send you to a specialist, either with or without a diagnosis—perhaps a rheumatologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, or neurologist. If you have been diagnosed with a painful, debilitating condition such as rheumatoid arthritis—an inflammation of the joints—the specialist will likely tell you that this disorder, like all autoimmune diseases, is irreversible. The joint pain that sent you to the doctor in the first place? Well, that was just the beginning. Eventually it will become so severe, so disabling, that you’ll be in more or less constant pain, and you’ll find it very difficult to move. Forget about enjoying a romantic walk along the beach or taking your grandkids to the amusement park. You’ll be lucky if you can climb a flight of stairs or take a quick drive to the mall.

The specialist will offer you an array of powerful medications to combat your symptoms and ease your pain.

What about side effects? you ask.

Well, yes, these drugs have significant side effects, she replies. They are something you are going to have to learn to live with.

Or perhaps your diagnosis is a milder one, such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, a condition in which your immune system attacks your thyroid and keeps it from producing enough thyroid hormone. Now your specialist has far more cheerful news to share: You just have to take a thyroid hormone supplement every day for the rest of your life. But the medication is inexpensive, you won’t notice any side effects, and even though your dosage will probably keep increasing, life will basically go on as before.

You don’t really like the idea of your thyroid slowly, steadily being destroyed by your own body. Still, the doctor’s suggestions don’t sound so bad—until you go home and do your own research. You soon discover a fact that most doctors don’t share with their patients: Having even one autoimmune condition makes you three times more likely to develop another. What if the next one is something really debilitating, like lupus or multiple sclerosis?


An autoimmune condition is one in which a disordered immune system begins attacking the body’s own tissue. The following symptoms and/or diagnoses could signal either a full-blown autoimmune disease or an inflamed immune system that is at risk of becoming autoimmune:

•acid reflux








•B12 deficiency

•blood clots

•brain fog (difficulty focusing or just not feeling sharp)

•cardiovascular disease


•digestive issues (gas, bloating, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, reflux/heartburn)

•dry eyes



•fibrocystic breasts


•hair loss



•joint pain

•muscle pain

•obesity or excess weight, especially around the middle


•sleep problems (trouble falling or staying asleep)

•swollen, reddened, or painful joints

•uterine fibroids

You ask your doctor about this frightening prospect at your next visit, and she confirms that your research was correct: Having one autoimmune condition triples your risk of developing others. But she also tells you there’s nothing you can do to prevent that from happening. As far as conventional medicine is concerned, your genes are in charge of your sickness, and your doctor is in charge of your health.

Whatever your condition, appointments with a specialist are likely to be brief. Insurance reimburses doctors for fifteen-minute appointments, so that’s usually all they can afford to give you. You have a whole list of questions you’d like to ask, but in most cases, you’ll have just enough time to hear the specialist confirm that there is very little you can do to slow the progression of an autoimmune condition, let alone reverse it. You simply have to take the drugs required by the conventional standard of care and hope that they make some difference without causing too many side effects. If you’re one of the lucky ones, the medications will eliminate all your symptoms. Often, though, you can expect only limited relief. Even if your symptoms disappear completely, the autoimmune storm is still raging inside your body, and you have no idea what its next effects might be.


•you have an autoimmune disorder;

•you suffer from autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or any other condition that is closely related to an autoimmune disorder; or

•you are on what I call the autoimmune spectrum—a path where diet, lifestyle, and/or genetics put you at risk for developing autoimmunity.

Although each of these conditions has different symptoms, they all result from digestive and immune imbalances. By healing your gut and supporting your immune system, The Myers Way is effective in treating all autoimmune and related conditions. It is also an effective way to prevent autoimmune disorders.

Then you learn that even if your doctor can find a drug that works, it might eventually stop working. Best-case scenario: Your doctor finds you another medication, and that too works for a while. Second-best: The new medication saddles you with some disruptive side effects, maybe even painful ones. Worst-case: You embark on an endless journey of frustration, pain, and despair, trying out one powerful drug after another, while your condition grows ever more painful and restrictive, and your life seems to be grinding to a halt.


Recent research suggests that there might be an autoimmune component to autism. Indeed, I have treated children on the autism spectrum in my clinic, and all have benefited greatly from following The Myers Way. If your child is on the autism spectrum, following the program in this book will certainly be helpful.

As your treatment progresses, you learn that the worst side effects aren’t always the medical ones: There is also the personal price you pay for the disease. Perhaps you can’t play with your grandchildren because your joints hurt too much or because the immunosuppressant you’re taking makes you far too vulnerable to a potential cold or flu. Maybe you can’t take that second honeymoon or family vacation you’ve been looking forward to because your muscles ache, you feel exhausted, or you simply feel too weak. You might find yourself taking extra sick days at work or cutting back on your hours. Perhaps you even risk being fired or laid off.

Or maybe it’s your social life that takes the hit. After all, so much of the time you feel exhausted, cranky, and not like yourself. Your friends call, suggesting a dinner, a concert, a hike, or even just a long, cozy chat on the phone. But too often you just don’t have the energy. Maybe you feel too despondent to join in the fun. Or you fear you will become such bad company that your friends, family, and loved ones will eventually grow tired of being with you.

Worst of all, you discover, is the disempowerment. You feel that your body, your health, and your life itself are essentially out of your control. You ask your doctor if there’s anything you can do to make things better—maybe alter your diet? You saw someone on a talk show who said that gluten contributes to autoimmune conditions. Maybe you should give up bread and pasta or try to go gluten-free? Recently a friend sent you the link to an article about a condition known as leaky gut. Should you be finding out more about that?

Again, conventional medicine is very clear. Autoimmune conditions concern the immune system, says your doctor, not the digestive system! Diet makes little or no difference. Demonizing gluten? That’s just a fad. True, some people do suffer from a gluten-related autoimmune condition known as celiac disease, but we’ve already tested you for that and you don’t have it, so gluten is nothing for you to worry about.

Your physician tells you the best you can do is accept your condition, learn to live with your side effects, and hope that your medications continue to work.

Fortunately, there is another way.


Conventional medicine seeks a diagnosis and medicates symptoms. The Myers Way, by contrast, is based in functional medicine, a medical approach that looks at how all the body’s systems interact and seeks to get them all functioning optimally. Diet, lifestyle, environmental factors, and stress are all seen as playing a huge role in either making you sick or keeping you well.

No approach, not even The Myers Way, can cure autoimmune conditions. In medical science, cure means that a disease has been definitely ended, as opposed to remission, when a disease is temporarily ended, or reversal, when a disease remains within your body but shows no symptoms.

Because no one has yet learned how to cure autoimmune conditions, The Myers Way offers you the next best thing: reversal and prevention. The Myers Way relieves your symptoms, helps you get off your medications, and enables you to live a vital, energetic, and pain-free life. It’s not about learning to live with a disease. It’s about creating a lifelong condition of health.

This approach rests on four pillars, each of which has been tested through experimental research and has seen amazing results over my own years of practice as a physician:

1Heal your gut. After all, 80 percent of your immune system is in your gut. The gut is the gateway to your health, so if your gut isn’t healthy, your immune system won’t be either.

2Get rid of gluten, grains, legumes, and other foods that cause chronic inflammation. Inflammation is a system-wide immune response that, in small doses, can actually help you heal. But when inflammation becomes chronic, it stresses your entire body, especially your immune system. If you suffer from an autoimmune condition, inflammation provokes your symptoms and makes your condition worse. If you are on the autoimmune spectrum, increased inflammation can push you over the edge into a full-blown autoimmune disorder.

Gluten—a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and many other grains—stresses your digestive system, putting you at risk for a disorder known as leaky gut, which further burdens your immune system. Many other foods, including gluten-free grains and legumes, also trigger inflammation. That’s why on The Myers Way you will cut out gluten and clean up your diet, thereby healing your gut, soothing your inflammation, and reversing autoimmunity.

3Tame the toxins. Every day we are assaulted by thousands of toxins—at home, at work, and outdoors—and our immune systems feel the burden. If you have an autoimmune condition, or if you’re anywhere on the autoimmune spectrum, the degree of your toxic burden can make the difference between health and sickness.

4Heal your infections and relieve your stress. Certain infections can also trigger an autoimmune condition, as can physical, mental, or emotional stress. In a vicious cycle, stress can also trigger or retrigger an infection, while infections add to your body’s burden of stress. So when you lighten those burdens on your immune system, you go a long way toward reversing your symptoms.

The Myers Way is based in the latest cutting-edge research published in the most respected scientific journals. In fact, I just finished conducting interviews for my Autoimmune Summit ( with forty researchers, scientists, physicians, and teachers from around the country, all of whom agreed with the validity of this four-pillar approach. It is also based on my personal experience as both patient and physician. Unlike conventional medicine, The Myers Way is an empowering and optimistic treatment that offers you the chance to live a vibrant, energized, and pain-free life.

Yes, you can play with your grandchildren again. Yes, you can slow, stop, and even reverse the progression of your disease, eliminating your symptoms, freeing yourself from pain, and reducing or even eliminating your medications. Yes, you can become the vital, energetic person you used to be—or, if you’ve been suffering from your condition since adolescence, you can become the confident, healthy person you’ve always wanted to be. And, yes, you can manage your condition yourself.

After you have completed thirty days on The Myers Way, you will feel significantly better, and within a few months, you should be symptom-free. Some of you might need the help of a functional medicine practitioner to achieve full recovery, but in most cases, this book is all you need.

I’ve used this approach with thousands of my patients, and I have seen it work. In fact, people come to me from across the country—often at considerable effort and expense—because they are so eager to find another, better way of treating autoimmune disorders. They are not happy with the conventional care their own physicians have offered them; they want an autoimmune solution. The Myers Way is that solution: an effective, long-term approach to reversing and preventing autoimmune disorders.

I’ve also used The Myers Way on myself. For years I struggled with an autoimmune condition that launched me into my own painful search for a better type of treatment. In the end, I had to invent my own solution.


I couldn’t believe this was happening to me.

I was lying in bed, clutched in the grip of a panic attack. I wanted desperately to continue with my second year of medical school. But I was struggling with the nightmarish symptoms of Graves’ disease, an autoimmune condition in which the thyroid gland attacks itself and overproduces its own hormone. Awful as the symptoms were, the helplessness was worse—the feeling that my life was no longer my own.

The first signs had shown up early into my second year of medical school at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans. As happens with most autoimmune disorders, I had no idea what was going on. For the first time in my life I was seized by panic attacks. Despite barely exercising and consuming massive quantities of pizza and oatmeal cookies, I was shedding weight like a marathon runner. I went from a size 4 to a size 0 within a few months. Yeah, that sounds like the ideal weight-loss plan, but in fact, it was terrifying to suddenly drop so much weight for no apparent reason. I was always in a mild sweat. My heart never stopped racing. My mind was racing too, partly from the disease and partly because I was just so scared. I never knew when a panic attack might strike. My legs were so weak, they shook every time I went down a flight of stairs. When I picked up a pen to take notes in class, my hand shook with a tremor I could barely control.

Then the insomnia kicked in. I tossed and turned, night after night. If you’ve ever had insomnia of your own, you know what a torment it can be to lie awake for hours at a time, crazed with exhaustion and yet unable to fall asleep. Soon, the prospect of facing another sleepless night becomes almost as bad as the insomnia itself. I felt as though I were living in a prison of anxiety, dizziness, and fatigue. "There has to be a solution," I told myself as I stared miserably at my peacefully sleeping dog, Bella. But this was my life now, and I couldn’t help wondering whether this would always be my life.

Finally, my tremor got so bad that my friends noticed it. They were alarmed and convinced me to go see a doctor—who quickly brushed aside my concerns.

I think this is just stress, she said briskly. You’re a second-year medical student, and it’s very common to think you have every disease you’re currently learning about. I wouldn’t worry about it.

Painful as her response was, it provided a valuable lesson. Today, when a patient comes to me in tears, insisting that there’s a part of her story that her physician has overlooked, I am always ready to hear her out. You know your own body better than I do, I tell my patients, wishing that first doctor had said something similar to me.

At least I knew enough to trust my own instincts. After all, I’d been through plenty of stressful times in my life, and I’d never responded like this. Like the feisty Louisiana woman I had been raised to be, I demanded a full workup and lab testing.

It turned out my instincts were right on the money. I wasn’t just panicking over courses and exams. I wasn’t mysteriously going insane. I had an actual, diagnosable condition: Graves’ disease. Finally, my misery had a name.

Graves’ disease is a condition in which the thyroid overperforms. It enlarges to up to twice its normal size, producing all the symptoms I had been suffering from: racing heart, tremors, muscle weakness, disturbed sleep, excessive weight loss. Learning the name of my condition was just about the last comfort I got, however, because the conventional medical treatments for Graves’ were pretty terrifying. There were three choices on the menu, and none of them seemed like the route to a happy life.

The first and least invasive choice was to take a drug known as propylthiouracil (PTU). The PTU was supposed to stop my thyroid from working so hard and keep it from overproducing the hormone.

That sounds good, right? Then I looked at the side effects. Here’s just a partial list: rash, itching, hives, abnormal hair loss, changes in skin pigmentation, swelling, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, loss of taste, joint or muscle aches, numbness, and headaches. A less common but still possible side effect related to the therapy is a condition known as agranulocytosis, which is a decrease of white blood cells, bringing with it infectious lesions of the throat, the gastrointestinal tract, and the skin, along with an overall feeling of illness and fever.

Okay. What were my other options?

Well, basically they were two different ways of destroying my thyroid gland. I could have it removed surgically. Or I could have a procedure known as thyroid ablation, which involves swallowing a radioactive pill to kill the gland.

Despite my enrollment in a conventional medical school, I believed there were other roads to health besides medications and surgery. For example, nutrition was clearly instrumental in short-term and long-term health.

When I was a kid, my mom made much of our food from scratch: whole-wheat bread, plain organic yogurt, granola and oatmeal cookies, and peppers and tomatoes that she grew right in our own garden. We didn’t go in for packaged, processed foods; we barely had any canned foods in our cupboards. We always ate our meals together, as a family—mostly 1970s health food, like brown rice, tofu, sprouts, and vegetables. We rarely got sick, and I was proud of the healthy diet that kept us well. At age fourteen, I even became a vegetarian.

Then my mom got cancer.

She was only fifty-nine at the time, and I was only twenty-nine. I had just spent two exciting years as a Peace Corps volunteer in rural Paraguay and was back in the States, completing my prerequisites for medical school. When I got the news about my mom, I simply couldn’t believe it. My mother had always been the vision of health. She looked ten or fifteen years younger than her actual age, jogged three miles each day, and even taught yoga. But out of the blue she had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, a disease for which conventional medicine has no cure.

That was a real wake-up call for me. I discovered that you can be doing all the right things—or what you believe to be the right things—and still get terribly ill.

To some extent this is because most serious illnesses are multifactorial. Genetics plays a role. So does our toxic environment. We don’t have perfect control over the conditions that create our disorders.

I also discovered—although not for several more years—that our healthy family diet had actually been poisoning us all. The whole-wheat bread, grains, and legumes that formed the basis of our family meals were full of inflammatory chemicals that might well have triggered my mom’s cancer, worsened my father’s autoimmune disease (a condition known as polymyositis, marked by joint pain and muscle weakness), and set me up for my own health problems.

Meanwhile, Mom’s illness made it crystal clear how completely resistant most conventional doctors are to any unconventional approach, especially when it concerns nutrition, supplements, or something natural. When I asked Mom’s doctor about some new healing foods I had learned of, her doctor simply scoffed, mocking the very idea that nutrition could play a major role. Your mom could put a watermelon in her ear and jump up and down on one foot, and that might help too, but it probably won’t, he told me. As I prepared for medical school, I understood that this response would be typical of the mind-set I would encounter. My plan from the start had been to become an integrative physician who viewed the body as a whole and used diet and natural approaches as much as possible. Mom’s experience simply confirmed just how difficult it would be to integrate these two approaches.

Meanwhile, conventional medicine could offer my mother nothing except chemotherapy, which they didn’t even expect to provide a cure, only to delay the inevitable. My mother died less than five months after she was diagnosed. I entered medical school the following year—and one year later I was suffering from Graves’.

I now know that besides diet, stress is a big factor in the development of autoimmunity. The stress of my mother’s death had clearly helped to trigger my Graves’ disease. But there were other factors involved as well:

Diet. As a vegetarian, my diet was based on lots of gluten, grains, and legumes, as well as dairy products, nuts, and seeds. These seemingly healthy foods had actually inflamed my system, setting me up for problems with my immune system. If, like many people, I had a genetic predisposition to autoimmunity, this diet would virtually ensure that my predisposition would turn into a full-blown disease.

Leaky gut. My carb-heavy diet set me up for a condition known as small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), which in turn created leaky gut, in which my intestinal walls became permeable, with dangerous consequences for my digestive and immune systems. (You’ll learn more about leaky gut in chapters 4 and 5.)

Toxins. Heavy metals are another factor in triggering autoimmune conditions, and I had had a lot of exposure to mercury: through the weekly vaccinations I got in the Peace Corps, in all the canned tuna I loved to eat, and on an extended stay in China, where the air pollution is loaded with heavy metals. Had I reduced my exposure to mercury, I could have lightened my toxic burden and perhaps my immune system would not have gone out of whack.

Infections. Certain types of infections are another risk factor for autoimmunity. And guess what. I had had one of them: the Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), which had given me a bad case of mononucleosis when I was in high school. The EBV is also implicated in chronic fatigue syndrome, which is why people who suffer from that condition are also at risk for autoimmune disorders.

If I had known then what I know now, I would have understood how many risk factors I had—and I would have known how to use diet, gut healing, detox, and stress relief to prevent my condition. Had I still succumbed to an autoimmune disorder, I would at least have been able to treat myself, easing my symptoms, regaining my health, and avoiding the horrific options offered by conventional medicine.

But this was back in the year 2000, and functional medical approaches were in their infancy. My conventional doctors gave me the three unpleasant options, and as far as I knew, those were the only choices I had.

Hoping for a better way, I went to a traditional Chinese doctor and started taking lots of herbs in the form of terrible-tasting brown powder. They didn’t seem to do much good, plus I was concerned that if I ever needed emergency treatment, the ER docs would have no idea about potential cross-reactions—they wouldn’t even know what I had been taking. Despite my growing lack of faith in conventional medicine, I did not want to abandon it entirely.

So, reluctantly, I opted for the PTU. I got my first lesson in the potentially disastrous side effects when I developed toxic hepatitis a few months later as the prescription drug started destroying my liver. The condition was so severe, I was sent for extended bed rest and nearly had to drop out of medical school.

My choices were now surgery or ablation—remove my thyroid or destroy it. Meanwhile, I was still eating my healthy grain-based diet, which was still causing my immune system to attack my thyroid.

I chose ablation and said good-bye to my thyroid, a choice I regret to this day. If only I had known about functional medicine, I might still have my thyroid today, living symptom-free and healthy with my body intact.

At the time, though,

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