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Hadoop Beginner's Guide
Hadoop Beginner's Guide
Hadoop Beginner's Guide
Ebook1,003 pages7 hours

Hadoop Beginner's Guide

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In Detail

Data is arriving faster than you can process it and the overall volumes keep growing at a rate that keeps you awake at night. Hadoop can help you tame the data beast. Effective use of Hadoop however requires a mixture of programming, design, and system administration skills.

"Hadoop Beginner's Guide" removes the mystery from Hadoop, presenting Hadoop and related technologies with a focus on building working systems and getting the job done, using cloud services to do so when it makes sense. From basic concepts and initial setup through developing applications and keeping the system running as the data grows, the book gives the understanding needed to effectively use Hadoop to solve real world problems.

Starting with the basics of installing and configuring Hadoop, the book explains how to develop applications, maintain the system, and how to use additional products to integrate with other systems.

While learning different ways to develop applications to run on Hadoop the book also covers tools such as Hive, Sqoop, and Flume that show how Hadoop can be integrated with relational databases and log collection.

In addition to examples on Hadoop clusters on Ubuntu uses of cloud services such as Amazon, EC2 and Elastic MapReduce are covered.


As a Packt Beginner's Guide, the book is packed with clear step-by-step instructions for performing the most useful tasks, getting you up and running quickly, and learning by doing.

Who this book is for

This book assumes no existing experience with Hadoop or cloud services. It assumes you have familiarity with a programming language such as Java or Ruby but gives you the needed background on the other topics.

Release dateFeb 22, 2013
Hadoop Beginner's Guide

Garry Turkington

Garry Turkington has 14 years of industry experience, most of which has been focused on the design and implementation of large-scale distributed systems. In his current roles as VP Data Engineering at Improve Digital and the company's lead architect he is primarily responsible for the realization of systems that store, process, and extract value from the company's large data volumes. Before joining Improve Digital he spent time at Amazon UK where he led several software development teams, building systems that process the Amazon catalog data for every item worldwide. Prior to this he spent a decade in various government positions in both the UK and USA. He has BSc and PhD degrees in computer science from the Queens University of Belfast in Northern Ireland and a MEng in Systems Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology in the USA.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I'm a data architect and modeler. I'm not a programmer. I was looking to get an overview to understand how Hadoop would influence the way I architect and model. I read the first chapter and haven't got a clue.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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Hadoop Beginner's Guide - Garry Turkington

Table of Contents

Hadoop Beginner's Guide


About the Author

About the Reviewers

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What this book covers

What you need for this book

Who this book is for


Time for action – heading

What just happened?

Pop quiz – heading

Have a go hero – heading

Reader feedback

Customer support

Downloading the example code




1. What It's All About

Big data processing

The value of data

Historically for the few and not the many

Classic data processing systems


Early approaches to scale-out

Limiting factors

A different approach

All roads lead to scale-out

Share nothing

Expect failure

Smart software, dumb hardware

Move processing, not data

Build applications, not infrastructure


Thanks, Google

Thanks, Doug

Thanks, Yahoo

Parts of Hadoop

Common building blocks



Better together

Common architecture

What it is and isn't good for

Cloud computing with Amazon Web Services

Too many clouds

A third way

Different types of costs

AWS – infrastructure on demand from Amazon

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

Simple Storage Service (S3)

Elastic MapReduce (EMR)

What this book covers

A dual approach


2. Getting Hadoop Up and Running

Hadoop on a local Ubuntu host

Other operating systems

Time for action – checking the prerequisites

What just happened?

Setting up Hadoop

A note on versions

Time for action – downloading Hadoop

What just happened?

Time for action – setting up SSH

What just happened?

Configuring and running Hadoop

Time for action – using Hadoop to calculate Pi

What just happened?

Three modes

Time for action – configuring the pseudo-distributed mode

What just happened?

Configuring the base directory and formatting the filesystem

Time for action – changing the base HDFS directory

What just happened?

Time for action – formatting the NameNode

What just happened?

Starting and using Hadoop

Time for action – starting Hadoop

What just happened?

Time for action – using HDFS

What just happened?

Time for action – WordCount, the Hello World of MapReduce

What just happened?

Have a go hero – WordCount on a larger body of text

Monitoring Hadoop from the browser

The HDFS web UI

The MapReduce web UI

Using Elastic MapReduce

Setting up an account in Amazon Web Services

Creating an AWS account

Signing up for the necessary services

Time for action – WordCount on EMR using the management console

What just happened?

Have a go hero – other EMR sample applications

Other ways of using EMR

AWS credentials

The EMR command-line tools

The AWS ecosystem

Comparison of local versus EMR Hadoop


3. Understanding MapReduce

Key/value pairs

What it mean

Why key/value data?

Some real-world examples

MapReduce as a series of key/value transformations

Pop quiz – key/value pairs

The Hadoop Java API for MapReduce

The 0.20 MapReduce Java API

The Mapper class

The Reducer class

The Driver class

Writing MapReduce programs

Time for action – setting up the classpath

What just happened?

Time for action – implementing WordCount

What just happened?

Time for action – building a JAR file

What just happened?

Time for action – running WordCount on a local Hadoop cluster

What just happened?

Time for action – running WordCount on EMR

What just happened?

The pre-0.20 Java MapReduce API

Hadoop-provided mapper and reducer implementations

Time for action – WordCount the easy way

What just happened?

Walking through a run of WordCount


Splitting the input

Task assignment

Task startup

Ongoing JobTracker monitoring

Mapper input

Mapper execution

Mapper output and reduce input


The optional partition function

Reducer input

Reducer execution

Reducer output


That's all there is to it!

Apart from the combiner…maybe

Why have a combiner?

Time for action – WordCount with a combiner

What just happened?

When you can use the reducer as the combiner

Time for action – fixing WordCount to work with a combiner

What just happened?

Reuse is your friend

Pop quiz – MapReduce mechanics

Hadoop-specific data types

The Writable and WritableComparable interfaces

Introducing the wrapper classes

Primitive wrapper classes

Array wrapper classes

Map wrapper classes

Time for action – using the Writable wrapper classes

What just happened?

Other wrapper classes

Have a go hero – playing with Writables

Making your own


Files, splits, and records

InputFormat and RecordReader

Hadoop-provided InputFormat

Hadoop-provided RecordReader

OutputFormat and RecordWriter

Hadoop-provided OutputFormat

Don't forget Sequence files


4. Developing MapReduce Programs

Using languages other than Java with Hadoop

How Hadoop Streaming works

Why to use Hadoop Streaming

Time for action – implementing WordCount using Streaming

What just happened?

Differences in jobs when using Streaming

Analyzing a large dataset

Getting the UFO sighting dataset

Getting a feel for the dataset

Time for action – summarizing the UFO data

What just happened?

Examining UFO shapes

Time for action – summarizing the shape data

What just happened?

Time for action – correlating of sighting duration to UFO shape

What just happened?

Using Streaming scripts outside Hadoop

Time for action – performing the shape/time analysis from the command line

What just happened?

Java shape and location analysis

Time for action – using ChainMapper for field validation/analysis

What just happened?

Have a go hero

Too many abbreviations

Using the Distributed Cache

Time for action – using the Distributed Cache to improve location output

What just happened?

Counters, status, and other output

Time for action – creating counters, task states, and writing log output

What just happened?

Too much information!


5. Advanced MapReduce Techniques

Simple, advanced, and in-between


When this is a bad idea

Map-side versus reduce-side joins

Matching account and sales information

Time for action – reduce-side join using MultipleInputs

What just happened?

DataJoinMapper and TaggedMapperOutput

Implementing map-side joins

Using the Distributed Cache

Have a go hero - Implementing map-side joins

Pruning data to fit in the cache

Using a data representation instead of raw data

Using multiple mappers

To join or not to join...

Graph algorithms

Graph 101

Graphs and MapReduce – a match made somewhere

Representing a graph

Time for action – representing the graph

What just happened?

Overview of the algorithm

The mapper

The reducer

Iterative application

Time for action – creating the source code

What just happened?

Time for action – the first run

What just happened?

Time for action – the second run

What just happened?

Time for action – the third run

What just happened?

Time for action – the fourth and last run

What just happened?

Running multiple jobs

Final thoughts on graphs

Using language-independent data structures

Candidate technologies

Introducing Avro

Time for action – getting and installing Avro

What just happened?

Avro and schemas

Time for action – defining the schema

What just happened?

Time for action – creating the source Avro data with Ruby

What just happened?

Time for action – consuming the Avro data with Java

What just happened?

Using Avro within MapReduce

Time for action – generating shape summaries in MapReduce

What just happened?

Time for action – examining the output data with Ruby

What just happened?

Time for action – examining the output data with Java

What just happened?

Have a go hero – graphs in Avro

Going forward with Avro


6. When Things Break


Embrace failure

Or at least don't fear it

Don't try this at home

Types of failure

Hadoop node failure

The dfsadmin command

Cluster setup, test files, and block sizes

Fault tolerance and Elastic MapReduce

Time for action – killing a DataNode process

What just happened?

NameNode and DataNode communication

Have a go hero – NameNode log delving

Time for action – the replication factor in action

What just happened?

Time for action – intentionally causing missing blocks

What just happened?

When data may be lost

Block corruption

Time for action – killing a TaskTracker process

What just happened?

Comparing the DataNode and TaskTracker failures

Permanent failure

Killing the cluster masters

Time for action – killing the JobTracker

What just happened?

Starting a replacement JobTracker

Have a go hero – moving the JobTracker to a new host

Time for action – killing the NameNode process

What just happened?

Starting a replacement NameNode

The role of the NameNode in more detail

File systems, files, blocks, and nodes

The single most important piece of data in the cluster – fsimage

DataNode startup

Safe mode


So what to do when the NameNode process has a critical failure?

BackupNode/CheckpointNode and NameNode HA

Hardware failure

Host failure

Host corruption

The risk of correlated failures

Task failure due to software

Failure of slow running tasks

Time for action – causing task failure

What just happened?

Have a go hero – HDFS programmatic access

Hadoop's handling of slow-running tasks

Speculative execution

Hadoop's handling of failing tasks

Have a go hero – causing tasks to fail

Task failure due to data

Handling dirty data through code

Using Hadoop's skip mode

Time for action – handling dirty data by using skip mode

What just happened?

To skip or not to skip...


7. Keeping Things Running

A note on EMR

Hadoop configuration properties

Default values

Time for action – browsing default properties

What just happened?

Additional property elements

Default storage location

Where to set properties

Setting up a cluster

How many hosts?

Calculating usable space on a node

Location of the master nodes

Sizing hardware

Processor / memory / storage ratio

EMR as a prototyping platform

Special node requirements

Storage types

Commodity versus enterprise class storage

Single disk versus RAID

Finding the balance

Network storage

Hadoop networking configuration

How blocks are placed

Rack awareness

The rack-awareness script

Time for action – examining the default rack configuration

What just happened?

Time for action – adding a rack awareness script

What just happened?

What is commodity hardware anyway?

Pop quiz – setting up a cluster

Cluster access control

The Hadoop security model

Time for action – demonstrating the default security

What just happened?

User identity

The super user

More granular access control

Working around the security model via physical access control

Managing the NameNode

Configuring multiple locations for the fsimage class

Time for action – adding an additional fsimage location

What just happened?

Where to write the fsimage copies

Swapping to another NameNode host

Having things ready before disaster strikes

Time for action – swapping to a new NameNode host

What just happened?

Don't celebrate quite yet!

What about MapReduce?

Have a go hero – swapping to a new NameNode host

Managing HDFS

Where to write data

Using balancer

When to rebalance

MapReduce management

Command line job management

Have a go hero – command line job management

Job priorities and scheduling

Time for action – changing job priorities and killing a job

What just happened?

Alternative schedulers

Capacity Scheduler

Fair Scheduler

Enabling alternative schedulers

When to use alternative schedulers


Adding capacity to a local Hadoop cluster

Have a go hero – adding a node and running balancer

Adding capacity to an EMR job flow

Expanding a running job flow


8. A Relational View on Data with Hive

Overview of Hive

Why use Hive?

Thanks, Facebook!

Setting up Hive


Getting Hive

Time for action – installing Hive

What just happened?

Using Hive

Time for action – creating a table for the UFO data

What just happened?

Time for action – inserting the UFO data

What just happened?

Validating the data

Time for action – validating the table

What just happened?

Time for action – redefining the table with the correct column separator

What just happened?

Hive tables – real or not?

Time for action – creating a table from an existing file

What just happened?

Time for action – performing a join

What just happened?

Have a go hero – improve the join to use regular expressions

Hive and SQL views

Time for action – using views

What just happened?

Handling dirty data in Hive

Have a go hero – do it!

Time for action – exporting query output

What just happened?

Partitioning the table

Time for action – making a partitioned UFO sighting table

What just happened?

Bucketing, clustering, and sorting... oh my!

User-Defined Function

Time for action – adding a new User Defined Function (UDF)

What just happened?

To preprocess or not to preprocess...

Hive versus Pig

What we didn't cover

Hive on Amazon Web Services

Time for action – running UFO analysis on EMR

What just happened?

Using interactive job flows for development

Have a go hero – using an interactive EMR cluster

Integration with other AWS products


9. Working with Relational Databases

Common data paths

Hadoop as an archive store

Hadoop as a preprocessing step

Hadoop as a data input tool

The serpent eats its own tail

Setting up MySQL

Time for action – installing and setting up MySQL

What just happened?

Did it have to be so hard?

Time for action – configuring MySQL to allow remote connections

What just happened?

Don't do this in production!

Time for action – setting up the employee database

What just happened?

Be careful with data file access rights

Getting data into Hadoop

Using MySQL tools and manual import

Have a go hero – exporting the employee table into HDFS

Accessing the database from the mapper

A better way – introducing Sqoop

Time for action – downloading and configuring Sqoop

What just happened?

Sqoop and Hadoop versions

Sqoop and HDFS

Time for action – exporting data from MySQL to HDFS

What just happened?

Mappers and primary key columns

Other options

Sqoop's architecture

Importing data into Hive using Sqoop

Time for action – exporting data from MySQL into Hive

What just happened?

Time for action – a more selective import

What just happened?

Datatype issues

Time for action – using a type mapping

What just happened?

Time for action – importing data from a raw query

What just happened?

Have a go hero

Sqoop and Hive partitions

Field and line terminators

Getting data out of Hadoop

Writing data from within the reducer

Writing SQL import files from the reducer

A better way – Sqoop again

Time for action – importing data from Hadoop into MySQL

What just happened?

Differences between Sqoop imports and exports

Inserts versus updates

Have a go hero

Sqoop and Hive exports

Time for action – importing Hive data into MySQL

What just happened?

Time for action – fixing the mapping and re-running the export

What just happened?

Other Sqoop features

Incremental merge

Avoiding partial exports

Sqoop as a code generator

AWS considerations

Considering RDS


10. Data Collection with Flume

A note about AWS

Data data everywhere...

Types of data

Getting network traffic into Hadoop

Time for action – getting web server data into Hadoop

What just happened?

Have a go hero

Getting files into Hadoop

Hidden issues

Keeping network data on the network

Hadoop dependencies


Re-creating the wheel

A common framework approach

Introducing Apache Flume

A note on versioning

Time for action – installing and configuring Flume

What just happened?

Using Flume to capture network data

Time for action – capturing network traffic in a log file

What just happened?

Time for action – logging to the console

What just happened?

Writing network data to log files

Time for action – capturing the output of a command to a flat file

What just happened?

Logs versus files

Time for action – capturing a remote file in a local flat file

What just happened?

Sources, sinks, and channels




Or roll your own

Understanding the Flume configuration files

Have a go hero

It's all about events

Time for action – writing network traffic onto HDFS

What just happened?

Time for action – adding timestamps

What just happened?

To Sqoop or to Flume...

Time for action – multi level Flume networks

What just happened?

Time for action – writing to multiple sinks

What just happened?

Selectors replicating and multiplexing

Handling sink failure

Have a go hero - Handling sink failure

Next, the world

Have a go hero - Next, the world

The bigger picture

Data lifecycle

Staging data



11. Where to Go Next

What we did and didn't cover in this book

Upcoming Hadoop changes

Alternative distributions

Why alternative distributions?


Free and commercial extensions

Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop

Hortonworks Data Platform


IBM InfoSphere Big Insights

Choosing a distribution

Other Apache projects






Other programming abstractions



AWS resources

HBase on EMR



Sources of information

Source code

Mailing lists and forums

LinkedIn groups




A. Pop Quiz Answers

Chapter 3, Understanding MapReduce

Pop quiz – key/value pairs

Pop quiz – walking through a run of WordCount

Chapter 7, Keeping Things Running

Pop quiz – setting up a cluster


Hadoop Beginner's Guide

Hadoop Beginner's Guide

Copyright © 2013 Packt Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

First published: February 2013

Production Reference: 1150213

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

Livery Place

35 Livery Street

Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-84951-7-300

Cover Image by Asher Wishkerman (<[email protected]>)



Garry Turkington


David Gruzman

Muthusamy Manigandan

Vidyasagar N V

Acquisition Editor

Robin de Jongh

Lead Technical Editor

Azharuddin Sheikh

Technical Editors

Ankita Meshram

Varun Pius Rodrigues

Copy Editors

Brandt D'Mello

Aditya Nair

Laxmi Subramanian

Ruta Waghmare

Project Coordinator

Leena Purkait


Maria Gould


Hemangini Bari

Production Coordinator

Nitesh Thakur

Cover Work

Nitesh Thakur

About the Author

Garry Turkington has 14 years of industry experience, most of which has been focused on the design and implementation of large-scale distributed systems. In his current roles as VP Data Engineering and Lead Architect at Improve Digital, he is primarily responsible for the realization of systems that store, process, and extract value from the company's large data volumes. Before joining Improve Digital, he spent time at, where he led several software development teams building systems that process Amazon catalog data for every item worldwide. Prior to this, he spent a decade in various government positions in both the UK and USA.

He has BSc and PhD degrees in Computer Science from the Queens University of Belfast in Northern Ireland and an MEng in Systems Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology in the USA.

I would like to thank my wife Lea for her support and encouragement—not to mention her patience—throughout the writing of this book and my daughter, Maya, whose spirit and curiosity is more of an inspiration than she could ever imagine.

About the Reviewers

David Gruzman is a Hadoop and big data architect with more than 18 years of hands-on experience, specializing in the design and implementation of scalable high-performance distributed systems. He has extensive expertise of OOA/OOD and (R)DBMS technology. He is an Agile methodology adept and strongly believes that a daily coding routine makes good software architects. He is interested in solving challenging problems related to real-time analytics and the application of machine learning algorithms to the big data sets.

He founded—and is working with—, a boutique consulting firm in the area of big data. Visit their site at David can be contacted at [email protected]. More detailed information about his skills and experience can be found at

Muthusamy Manigandan is a systems architect for a startup. Prior to this, he was a Staff Engineer at VMWare and Principal Engineer with Oracle. Mani has been programming for the past 14 years on large-scale distributed-computing applications. His areas of interest are machine learning and algorithms.

Vidyasagar N V has been interested in computer science since an early age. Some of his serious work in computers and computer networks began during his high school days. Later, he went to the prestigious Institute Of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, for his B.Tech. He has been working as a software developer and data expert, developing and building scalable systems. He has worked with a variety of second, third, and fourth generation languages. He has worked with flat files, indexed files, hierarchical databases, network databases, relational databases, NoSQL databases, Hadoop, and related technologies. Currently, he is working as Senior Developer at Collective Inc., developing big data-based structured data extraction techniques from the Web and local information. He enjoys producing high-quality software and web-based solutions and designing secure and scalable data systems. He can be contacted at <[email protected]>.

I would like to thank the Almighty, my parents, Mr. N Srinivasa Rao and Mrs. Latha Rao, and my family who supported and backed me throughout my life. I would also like to thank my friends for being good friends and all those people willing to donate their time, effort, and expertise by participating in open source software projects. Thank you, Packt Publishing for selecting me as one of the technical reviewers for this wonderful book. It is my honor to be a part of it.

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This book is here to help you make sense of Hadoop and use it to solve your big data problems. It's a really exciting time to work with data processing technologies such as Hadoop. The ability to apply complex analytics to large data sets—once the monopoly of large corporations and government agencies—is now possible through free open source software (OSS).

But because of the seeming complexity and pace of change in this area, getting a grip on the basics can be somewhat intimidating. That's where this book comes in, giving you an understanding of just what Hadoop is, how it works, and how you can use it to extract value from your data now.

In addition to an explanation of core Hadoop, we also spend several chapters exploring other technologies that either use Hadoop or integrate with it. Our goal is to give you an understanding not just of what Hadoop is but also how to use it as a part of your broader technical infrastructure.

A complementary technology is the use of cloud computing, and in particular, the offerings from Amazon Web Services. Throughout the book, we will show you how to use these services to host your Hadoop workloads, demonstrating that not only can you process large data volumes, but also you don't actually need to buy any physical hardware to do so.

What this book covers

This book comprises of three main parts: chapters 1 through 5, which cover the core of Hadoop and how it works, chapters 6 and 7, which cover the more operational aspects of Hadoop, and chapters 8 through 11, which look at the use of Hadoop alongside other products and technologies.

Chapter 1, What It's All About, gives an overview of the trends that have made Hadoop and cloud computing such important technologies today.

Chapter 2, Getting Hadoop Up and Running, walks you through the initial setup of a local Hadoop cluster and the running of some demo jobs. For comparison, the same work is also executed on the hosted Hadoop Amazon service.

Chapter 3, Understanding MapReduce, goes inside the workings of Hadoop to show how MapReduce jobs are executed and shows how to write applications using the Java API.

Chapter 4, Developing MapReduce Programs, takes a case study of a moderately sized data set to demonstrate techniques to help when deciding how to approach the processing and analysis of a new data source.

Chapter 5, Advanced MapReduce Techniques, looks at a few more sophisticated ways of applying MapReduce to problems that don't necessarily seem immediately applicable to the Hadoop processing model.

Chapter 6, When Things Break, examines Hadoop's much-vaunted high availability and fault tolerance in some detail and sees just how good it is by intentionally causing havoc through killing processes and intentionally using corrupt data.

Chapter 7, Keeping Things Running, takes a more operational view of Hadoop and will be of most use for those who need to administer a Hadoop cluster. Along with demonstrating some best practice, it describes how to prepare for the worst operational disasters so you can sleep at night.

Chapter 8, A Relational View On Data With Hive, introduces Apache Hive, which allows Hadoop data to be queried with a SQL-like syntax.

Chapter 9, Working With Relational Databases, explores how Hadoop can be integrated with existing databases, and in particular, how to move data from one to the other.

Chapter 10, Data Collection with Flume, shows how Apache Flume can be used to gather data from multiple sources and deliver it to destinations such as Hadoop.

Chapter 11, Where To Go Next, wraps up the book with an overview of the broader Hadoop ecosystem, highlighting other products and technologies of potential interest. In addition, it gives some ideas on how to get involved with the Hadoop community and to get help.

What you need for this book

As we discuss the various Hadoop-related software packages used in this book, we will describe the particular requirements for each chapter. However, you will generally need somewhere to run your Hadoop cluster.

In the simplest case, a single Linux-based machine will give you a platform to explore almost all the exercises in this book. We assume you have a recent distribution of Ubuntu, but as long as you have command-line Linux familiarity any modern distribution will suffice.

Some of the examples in later chapters really need multiple machines to see things working, so you will require access to at least four such hosts. Virtual machines are completely acceptable; they're not ideal for production but are fine for learning and exploration.

Since we also explore Amazon Web Services in this book, you can run all the examples on EC2 instances, and we will look at some other more Hadoop-specific uses of AWS throughout the book. AWS services are usable by anyone, but you will need a credit card to sign up!

Who this book is for

We assume you are reading this book because you want to know more about Hadoop at a hands-on level; the key audience is those with software development experience but no prior exposure to Hadoop or similar big data technologies.

For developers who want to know how to write MapReduce applications, we assume you are comfortable writing Java programs and are familiar with the Unix command-line interface. We will also show you a few programs in Ruby, but these are usually only to demonstrate language independence, and you don't need to be a Ruby expert.

For architects and system administrators, the book also provides significant value in explaining how Hadoop works, its place in the broader architecture, and how it can be managed operationally. Some of the more involved techniques in Chapter 4, Developing MapReduce Programs, and Chapter 5, Advanced MapReduce Techniques, are probably of less direct interest to this audience.


In this book, you will find several headings appearing frequently.

To give clear instructions of how to complete a procedure or task, we use:

Time for action – heading

Action 1

Action 2

Action 3

Instructions often need some extra explanation so that they make sense, so they are followed with:

What just happened?

This heading explains the working of tasks or instructions that you have just completed.

You will also find some other learning aids in the book, including:

Pop quiz – heading

These are short multiple-choice questions intended to help you test your own understanding.

Have a go hero – heading

These set practical challenges and give you ideas for experimenting with what you have learned.

You will also find a number of styles of text that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles, and an explanation of their meaning.

Code words in text are shown as follows: You may notice that we used the Unix command rm to remove the Drush directory rather than the DOS del command.

A block of code is set as follows:

# * Fine Tuning


key_buffer = 16M

key_buffer_size = 32M

max_allowed_packet = 16M

thread_stack = 512K

thread_cache_size = 8

max_connections = 300

When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:

# * Fine Tuning


key_buffer = 16M

key_buffer_size = 32M

max_allowed_packet = 16M


thread_stack = 512K

thread_cache_size = 8

max_connections = 300

Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

cd /ProgramData/Propeople rm -r Drush git clone --branch master

Newterms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, in menus or dialog boxes for example, appear in the text like this: On the Select Destination Location screen, click on Next to accept the default destination.


Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.


Tips and tricks appear like this.

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Chapter 1. What It's All About

This book is about Hadoop, an open source framework for large-scale data processing. Before we get into the details of the technology and its use in later chapters, it is important to spend a little time exploring the trends that led to Hadoop's creation and its enormous success.

Hadoop was not created in a vacuum; instead, it exists due to the explosion in the amount of data being created and consumed and a shift that sees this data deluge arrive at small startups and not just huge multinationals. At the same time, other trends have changed how software and systems are deployed, using cloud resources alongside or even in preference to more traditional infrastructures.

This chapter will explore some of these trends and explain in detail the specific problems Hadoop seeks to solve and the drivers that shaped its design.

In the rest of this chapter we shall:

Learn about the big data revolution

Understand what Hadoop

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