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Auschwitz #34207: The Joe Rubinstein Story
Auschwitz #34207: The Joe Rubinstein Story
Auschwitz #34207: The Joe Rubinstein Story
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Auschwitz #34207: The Joe Rubinstein Story

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"A riveting, well-documented account of survival that’s harrowing, inspiring and unforgettable.” —Kirkus Reviews

Seventy years ago Joe Rubinstein walked out of a Nazi concentration camp.

Until now, his story has been hidden from the world.

Shortly before dawn on a frigid morning in Radom, Poland, German soldiers forced twenty-one year-old Icek “Joe” Rubinsztejn onto a crowded, open-air truck. The next day, several around him were dead. From there, things got worse for young Joe—much worse.

Joe arrived at Auschwitz on April 30, 1942. Only now, in his 90s, has he revealed how he survived when so many others perished. His is a remarkable narrative—a unique story of endurance and courage. Barefooted when he was seized by the Nazis, he became one of New York’s leading shoe designers.

Joe’s story bears witness to the ultimate triumph of the human spirit. While the Nazis took everything else, they were unable to take his unassailable joy. His is a story of discovering light in the darkest of places.

PublisherNancy Geise
Release dateApr 19, 2015
Auschwitz #34207: The Joe Rubinstein Story

Nancy Geise

Seven years ago Holocaust survivor Joe Rubinstein told author Nancy Sprowell Geise that he would never publicly share his experiences at Auschwitz and several other of the most notorious Nazi concentration camps. Two years ago he changed his mind.When Nancy began writing Joe’s story, she had no idea the impact it would have on her life as she immersed herself in Joe’s world and his remarkable journey of survival and triumph.Author Nancy Sprowell Geise’s debut novel, The Eighth Sea, became an Amazon best-seller, ranked on Amazon Best Seller List#1 in Historical Fiction and #1 Historical Romance (free Kindle downloads). #1 Historical Genre Literature & Fiction; #1 Religionand Spirituality Fiction (Kindle). The Eighth Sea was a Quarter Finalist of the 2012 Amazon Breakthrough Awards.Nancy Sprowell Geise was raised in Ames, Iowa, and is a graduate of Iowa State University. She and her husband, Doran, have lived in Austin, Texas; Fort Collins, Colorado; and Topeka, Kansas. they have three grown daughters.Nancy divides her time between writing and speaking engagements.Her hilarious and moving life experiences provide great fodder for her writing and storytelling endeavors.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    it's one of the ,most inspiring books I have ever read. A man's struggle to overcome adversity and emerging without bitterness eventually marrying into the bloodline of his oppressor and turning it to bliss.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The attention to detail and the research made it compelling reading despite the subject matter.

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Auschwitz #34207 - Nancy Geise

Auschwitz #34207

The Joe Rubenstein Story

A Remarkable Journey of Triumph and Survival

Nancy Sprowell Geise

Auschwitz #34207: The Joe Rubinstein Story

A Remarkable Journey of Triumph and Survival

Copyright 2015 by Nancy Sprowell Geise. All Rights Reserved.

Published by Merry Dissonance Press, LLC

Castle Rock, CO

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review. Trademarked names appear throughout this book. Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, names are used in an editorial fashion, with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

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1. Biography

2. Historical

3. World War II/Holocaust

Cover and book design by NZ Graphics,

Front cover photo: Courtesy of Nicholas DeSciose

Copyright 2014 DeSciose Productions,

Back cover photo of Joe with tattoo and Author photo:

Courtesy of Crystal Geise, copyright © 2014 Crystalis Photo,

Excerpt(s) from Into that Darkness: An Examination of Conscience by Gitta Sereny,

copyright 1974 by Gitta Sereny. Used by permission of Vintage Books, an imprint of the Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, a division of Random House LLC. All rights reserved.

All Rights Reserved by Nancy Sprowell Geise

and Merry Dissonance Press, LLC

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What People Are Saying About Auschwitz #34207 ...

Nancy did a beautiful job of telling my story and all I went through. It’s unbelievable that I’m still here. Unbelievable.

—Joe Rubinstein, Holocaust Survivor

"Nancy Sprowell Geise has done a remarkable job telling the story of Joe Rubinstein in Auschwitz #34207, and what a story it is. Taken from his home in Radom, Poland, Joe’s experiences in Auschwitz were delivered with unrelenting honesty. A powerful story, worth being told and retold, one of authenticity and integrity, written so very skillfully."

—Michael Berenbaum, Director Sigi Ziering Institute and Professor of Jewish Studies American Jewish University

Author Nancy Geise presents this compelling story of the strength of the human spirit with extraordinary style and simplicity. Joe’s life will help us all keep the promise to ‘never forget,’ as this treasured generation of firsthand witnesses are becoming fewer in number. May this work serve to empower and inspire for generations to come.

—Katharine Teicher, Senior Adult Program Director Aaron Family Jewish Community Center Dallas

A fantastic book! Heartbreakingly descriptive and full of suspense, love, suffering, and victories large and small. It’s an incredible story about a man full of love for life and others. I’ve never read about the Holocaust experiences before from INSIDE the suffocating boxcar rides, fatal separation lines, and frozen barracks like Nancy Sprowell Geise has described. It feels so painfully real, so tragic, and so inspirational all at the same time! It’s a book I'll read over and over again. It is a gift to treasure!

—Sally Robinson, Worksmart USA, LLC CEO

Joe’s story demonstrates the resilience of the human spirit to not only survive but also heal from such great atrocities. This well-written book opens a window to the trauma and suffering experienced by one man that is representative of what so many individuals suffer when hate and evil rule the day. That Joe was able to live a happy and full life after what he suffered points us to the hope we can all have no matter how dire our circumstances.

—Reverend Cindy Frost, First Presbyterian Church, Fort Collins, Colorado

"We’re free. We’re free..." The phrase Joseph and Irene Rubinstein whispered when their harrowing nightmare ended in New York. We’re free. We’re free ... A phrase that few Americans today can truly grasp as well as the torment that seeded it.

Gripping, riveting, appalling, biographer Geise mirrors the voice of Rubinstein as he survives the unspeakable torture and cruelty of the Holocaust ... later to become one of New York’s premier shoe designers. After reading Auschwitz #34207, you are linked with Joseph Rubinstein through a number never to be forgotten."

—Dr. Judith Briles, The Book Shepherd Author and Publishing Expert

"Words do not come easily to describe the strong emotions felt during the reading of Joe Rubinstein’s story of his surviving the Holocaust. My whole sense of being is somewhat more sensitive and more grateful for our blessings in simple, everyday living actions:

... a good hot cup of coffee in the mornings

... good nutritious food each day

... hot water and soap for daily shower

... a warm comfortable bed

... the love and support of family and friends

... the freedom of speech and choices.

And, with each one, I think of what Joe Rubinstein was able to endure. Auschwitz #34207 is a marvelous story."

—Ethlyn Irwin, Retired Occupational Therapist

"Debut biographer Geise (The Eighth Sea, 2012) tells the remarkable story of Joe Rubinstein, a survivor of the Holocaust... With its thorough chapter endnotes, helpful timeline, extensive research citations and suggested discussion questions, this biography may serve as an ideal teaching tool for students of the Holocaust."

A riveting, well-documented account of survival that’s harrowing, inspiring and unforgettable.

Kirkus Reviews

(The complete Kirkus Review can be found at the end of this book.)


This book is dedicated to the millions of Holocaust victims who did not live to share their stories.


Auschwitz #34207: The Joe Rubinstein Story lives because Nancy Sprowell Geise has taken Joe’s memories of his concentration camp experiences and climbed into Joe’s skin with her remarkable storytelling skills to tell his story—a redemptive story for the heart and soul of the world that needs to be told and shared. In this narrative, Nancy becomes Joe. She lives his dreams and his nightmares. What a monumental gift she has given to Joe personally, to his family, both living and dead, and to the conscience of every generation.

There are simply some stories where you are never the same after you have read them, especially the stories that describe people and events that try to kill hope in others. Joe’s story is one of those stories. They can break your heart. But Joe Rubinstein was a survivor and has gone on to thrive joyfully in life. He is now ninety-three years old and is one of the most gentle, loving, and kind human beings you will ever meet. How did what was unbearable become bearable for Joe? How did his years in the concentration camps not take away completely his will to live, his will to endure, his will to hope, even his will to thrive? How did Joe become a renowned shoe designer, a husband, a father, and a grandfather after he was liberated?

From time to time as you read Joe’s story, your anguished souls may have to pause and take time to rest. Honor that, but then return to read more—all the way to the end. For somehow, through the many camp horrors Joe experienced, there remained an inextinguishable warm light in Joe, a flicker of light in the quiet space (as author Nancy Sprowell Geise described) of his ravaged soul. It is a remarkable testimony to the human spirit.

From this sacred flicker of light, I want to light candles of reverence to Joe. I want to embrace him and let him rest for a few minutes in my peaceful arms. I want to tell him that he has given something too precious for words to the human race with the triumph of his amazing spirit, something enduring to humanity, something transcendent in the human condition: HOPE WHEN THE SITUATION SEEMED HOPELESS. Every reader who reads Joe’s story will want to join me in that procession, winding our way to him in a reverential procession of lighted candles, to embrace him and his imperishable spirit.

For me, Joe’s unfathomable story is an affirmation of mystery as truth. This truth is memorably and penetratingly expressed by Peter J. Gomes (1942-2011), appointed in 1974 as Plummer Professor of Christian Morals at Harvard College, when he wrote: Hope is not stoical endurance, although it does help us endure, but whereas endurance has a certain almost fatalistic quality to it, hope itself goes beyond that which must be endured. That must be hope’s greatest power and truth and mystery, that it is unconquerable, because that is the heart and mind and soul of Joe Rubinstein.

John T. Forssman

February 11, 2014

About The Foreword

When considering whom to ask to write this Foreword, my thoughts kept returning to my high school English teacher of many years ago, a man for whom I have the greatest respect and admiration. Mr. Forssman taught extensively on the Holocaust. His insights and reflections touched me so deeply that they have remained with me for decades. I continue to marvel at his mastery of recognizing and developing narrative themes, so central for both writers and readers.

For over forty-three years, Mr. John Forssman taught English and Literature. Many of those years were at Ames High School, Ames, Iowa. He was one-half of the dynamic duo in the English department. The other half was the late and very great, Mrs. Grace Bauske.

I am, and will forever be, eternally grateful to have had the opportunity to sit in their classrooms and those of so many other gifted teachers.

Nancy Sprowell Geise

Ames High School, Class of 1979

Note from the Author

When Joe Rubinstein first asked me to write his story nearly two years go, he was ninety-two and sharing many of these stories for the first time. The sequence of events and some of the facts about places and names are understandably forgotten. He kept no diary, but his memory for detail is remarkable.

In order to be fully present to his life, I wrote as if I were Joe. For instance, when Joe made statements such as, It was frigid or I was very scared, I used such feelings to describe the scenes in expanded detail. The same was true for some of the physical attributes of those he encountered but can no longer recall.

In the Chapter Endnotes I have referenced the places where the events and/or the individuals portrayed were either a compilation of the people he encountered or representative of his broader experiences.

Joe shared that he prayed every day during his time in captivity. Thus, many of his thoughts and prayers in these chapters were expressed by Joe during our many interviews but were sentiments that he shared with me in fragments—rarely in the totality of the way I have written them. At the end of this book, I have included a collection of Joe’s thoughts, in his own words.

One note of caution: this book includes a few heartbreaking and graphic photos. Each of these photos tells its own story, far beyond what I have the ability to put into words. Each is a small glimpse into the atrocities Joe witnessed.

Nancy Sprowell Geise—August 5, 2014

Map of Poland and Germany

Part One


I saw it with ‘mine’ own eyes.

~Joe Rubinstein

Cieszanów, Poland

September 1940

It’s the Swinehund. Someone’s gonna get hurt. The voice behind me was whispered and strained. We had no words bad enough to describe our labor camp commander, Hermann Dolp—Swinehund was as close as we could get.

I let out a long, slow, nervous sigh, relieved that Abram was with another crew and nowhere in sight. The sun was hot overhead. I hoped it was too early in the day for Dolp to be drunk. His wrath was bad enough even when he wasn't.

Dolp’s horse whinnied, shrill and piercing; the kind that would shake even its rider—the kind my father’s horses used to make when they wanted to return to the barn and he wouldn’t let them. I wiped my filthy, sweat-soaked sleeve across my brow, struggling to see through the sun’s blinding glare. Horse and rider had stopped at the edge of the trench where a group of thirty or so of us were digging below. Thick froth dripped from the horse’s mouth, its nostrils flaring wildly against the heat. I didn’t need to see the condition of the horse to know its rider was a brute. We all knew it. My hands tightened around the rough handle of my shovel. Even the rider’s black and tailored uniform assailed its insult against our torn and filthy garments. Our ragtag crew had been digging trenches every day for over a month—trenches for the German army that had invaded our country.

We were mostly Jewish, and since the invasion it was the only work we could find. We weren’t paid in money, but rather in food. I was nineteen. Most of the men were in their early twenties, and some, like my brother Abram, were several years younger.

I wiped again at the sweat running into my eyes.

Without a word, Dolp shifted in his saddle, then pulled a gun out of the holster at his waist. I saw the glint of steel flash in the sun. I heard the distinctive clicking of his trigger.

Several men around me fell to the ground. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breathe. Someone screamed, No! The gun clicked again. Then silence. I heard nothing. No cries, no screams—nothing. I braced for Dolp to turn toward me. Instead, he shoved the pistol into his holster. With a flick of his wrist and a press of his spurs against his horse’s flank he rode away, his horse’s tail snapping hard as if in protest.

I just stood there, the shovel frozen in my hand. (See Chapter Endnotes for additional information.)

The Taking

They told me I had everything I needed.

Then they took me.

~Joe Rubinstein

Radom, Poland 1942

In the quiet space between night and the first light of dawn, the stillness of my world was shattered by a pounding on the door. Moments before, I was sleeping hard, curled beneath a mound of blankets against the unforgiving cold. Sometime earlier in the night I woke, my heart racing, my body trembling. The nightmare had come again—the nightmare of Dolp killing those around me with no more thought than his horse’s tail swishing away a biting fly. Just as I had for nearly a year-and-a-half since it happened, I couldn’t stop the click, click, click of his gun from echoing in my head. I heard it when I was awake and I heard it in my nightmares.

As always, I spent the long night convincing myself that I would feel better in the morning and that I was safe, Abram was safe, and what we had suffered was behind us. Still, I could not shake it, that sense that it was beginning again—a reality worse than any nightmare. I had finally fallen back to sleep when the pounding began.

I sat up, searching the darkness. The shadow of my brother in his bed across the room was still. I heard nothing from the room my mother shared with my younger sister. I was grateful. Mother had looked exhausted the night before. I wanted to get to the door before the knocking could awaken her.

The cottage was dark. Our windows were covered each night for the blackout—required now by the Germans to keep the Allied planes from finding and bombing our city. I had no idea what time it was but sensed it was very early.

The knock came again, more urgent than before. It scared me. Someone at the door at that hour could only mean trouble. I didn’t want trouble. I wanted to ignore them, to go back to sleep, to hide beneath the covers and pretend none of it was happening ... the war, the invasion, the fear, the brutality.

As the oldest male in the house, it was up to me to handle whatever was on the other side of that door. I pushed off the straw mattress and moved across the floor. Wanting to protect my younger brother Abe from whatever was out there, I shut the bedroom door behind me. It didn’t seem like enough.

I moved quickly, my hand trembling as I reached for the front door handle. My palm touched cold metal and with it, a flash of hope—maybe it’s Chaim and Anszel bringing Marsha and the baby. Oh, God, let it be them!

I turned the lever and cracked open the door, the early light of dawn filtering in. My gaze dropped to the floor. It seemed safer somehow not to see all of what was there. A heavy black boot in the shadows greeted my bare toes. I pushed against the door, but a black-gloved hand shoved it open. The slap of frigid air hit my skin so hard I thought I had been struck. I shrank from it. Two German soldiers, shoulder to shoulder, stood before me with machine guns in hand.

Everything tilted. I reached for the door, trying to stop the spinning. I felt small. I had no choice but to look at them. In the soldiers’ faces I could see my future—a future only of darkness.

The pressure in my head was pushing hard against my ears. One of the men was talking. It took me a moment to understand. He was speaking German. I understood enough of the language to know that he was asking about my father.

I couldn’t breathe. How could I speak? When my voice came, it was thin and weak. I stuttered, trying to remember enough German words to make him understand. I said my father was dead. He asked if I had other older brothers living at home. I said no. It was the truth. Anszel was married and had an infant son, and Chaim had not lived with us for months. We hadn’t seen any of them since the ghetto was closed. Mother worried constantly about them but decided that they must be in the second ghetto in Radom.

The other soldier, with his helmet tilted far back on his head, motioned for me to come out the door. I tried to think. The rumors were true then ... rumors of the Nazis rounding up men again and taking them away from the ghetto!

No, please, I begged, I can’t! My mother ... she’s a widow. She needs me!

The man jerked his head toward the outside. My mind raced. This can’t be happening! What do they want from me? I’ve already dug trenches for them! Surely I’m not being taken! What’s my crime? I haven’t done anything wrong!

I wanted to argue with them. I needed to talk to Mother, to tell her not to worry, to tell my sister Laja to be brave and not to cry, to ask Abram to look after them until I could come home. I wanted to shout for them to get word to Chaim and Anszel. Anszel would know what to do. He always did! So many things I wanted to say to my family. I pulled against my undershirt and told them I needed to change my clothes and put on shoes. I need time to speak to my mother! I turned, but strong fingers digging into my shoulders stopped me.

Nein! the man barked harshly. You have everything you need.

I looked at my thin undershirt, pajama bottoms, and bare feet.

All I need? How is that possible? (See Chapter Endnotes for additional information.)

Eye of the Storm

We worked hard and loved one another.

~Joe Rubinstein

I was born in the calm, in the quiet and good times of the 1920s, when the world paused from its madness—between the great and terrible war and the one yet to come.

The Great War and its 37 million casualties had solved nothing. The old ways, the old alliances, and old enmities had only dug deeper into the souls of men. A new order in Europe was held together by the thinnest parchment and fed the cold rage that was building.

If they hadn’t been so weary from the first war, maybe my parents, or grandparents, or somebody would have noticed. They might have felt the pressure of something menacing out there slowly churning and gaining momentum in the misty distance. But in the eye of a storm it is calm—no hint that the worst is yet to come; no hint that the world will once again turn against itself.

When my mother went into labor on that sixteenth day of September, 1920, my parents were overjoyed and relieved that the terrible previous decade was behind them. They didn’t know what the future held, but they were certain that nothing could be worse than what they had come through in the past few years; nothing could be worse than war and losing a child.

One hour after my brother Chaim was born, my cry filled the tiny apartment at #5 Lubelska Street (Lubelska Street was later changed to Zeromskiego. At some point Joe believes they also lived at #9 Lubelska Street.) in Radom, Poland. I was born Icek Jakub Rubinsztejn. My arrival in the world had been a surprise to everyone except my mother and the midwife, who kept their suspicions of twins to themselves, fearing disappointment if they were wrong. Disappointment was the last thing my parents needed after the recent death of their eldest son, eleven-year-old Solomon. (The exact age of Solomon at the time of his death is unknown.)

Mother cried tears of joy for hours after our births. Over and over she whispered prayers of thanks and prayed that we would have long and healthy lives. She was overcome with gratitude that Anszel would again have a brother.

Word of our births spread quickly. My mother’s family, the Kirshenblatts and Wiesmanns, along with my father’s family, had all lived for many years near Radom. Everyone rejoiced in the birth of twins to the grief-stricken Rachel and Ruwin Rubinsztejn. News that we were identical brought even more excitement. If it had not been for a small mole on the tip of my right ear, no one, not even our parents, could have told us apart.


My mother’s name was Reszka, but she was called Rachel. She was eighteen when she met and married my father. At over six feet, three inches tall, he was a young man not easily missed. My grandfather Mendel Wiesmann told me he and my grandmother Ruchla feared that my mother was too young to be getting married. Once they realized how much in love their daughter was with the young Ruwin, they did not interfere. They liked my jovial father, who made his living as a baker, and so they had consented to the marriage.

One year later, Mother gave birth to Solomon.

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