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Vines for Wines: A Wine Lover's Guide to the Top Wine Grape Varieties
Vines for Wines: A Wine Lover's Guide to the Top Wine Grape Varieties
Vines for Wines: A Wine Lover's Guide to the Top Wine Grape Varieties
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Vines for Wines: A Wine Lover's Guide to the Top Wine Grape Varieties

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Riesling, Chardonnay, Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes can make magnificent wines but there are also many other excellent wine varieties that for many of us are rarely experienced. Vines for Wines will expand the wine lover’s knowledge and appreciation of a great range of wines and help to explore their individual preferences for specific varieties, blends, flavours and styles.

This book is based on the highly successful Wine Grape Varieties, which is an aid to identifying grape vines. Vines for Wines, however, focuses on wines from the average consumer’s point-of-view, introducing the different wine grape varieties and the wines made from them, including blends. Each variety is represented by a colour photograph of the grape variety, its current world plantings, wine produced and notes describing the varietal characters for each wine grape variety.

The tasting terms and wine notes for each variety provide a benchmark for the consumer to assess the quality of wines they drink, and to allow them to share and compare their experiences confidently with other wine lovers.

Release dateOct 26, 2004
Vines for Wines: A Wine Lover's Guide to the Top Wine Grape Varieties

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    Vines for Wines - George G. Kerridge


    This book is based on the highly successful guide for professional viticulturists, Wine Grape Varieties, which is an aid to identifying the vines. Vines for Wines, however, focuses on the wines from an average consumer’s point of view, introducing readers to many enjoyable wine varieties that may lie outside their normal experience. The book describes the different wine grape varieties and the wines made from them, including their use in blends. It also includes sufficient wine terminology on taste and aroma to make the average consumer’s experience both enjoyable and enlightening.

    Both Vines for Wines and Wine Grape Varieties were preceded by three earlier works by the late Dr A.J. Antcliff, a Senior Principal Research Scientist at the CSIRO Division of Horticultural Research, Merbein: Some Wine Grape Varieties of Australia (Antcliff 1976), Major Wine Grape Varieties of Australia (Antcliff 1979) and Minor Wine Grape Varieties of Australia (Antcliff 1983).

    George Kerridge (retired), a senior researcher and winemaker at what was then CSIRO Plant Industry, Merbein, combined those three books and comprehensively updated their information to produce Wine Grape Varieties of Australia (Kerridge and Antcliff 1996), which was later revised to become Wine Grape Varieties, revised edition (Kerridge and Antcliff 1999).

    Vines for Wines incorporates revised statistics and information on most of the varieties covered in the original books, plus information on additional varieties. The photographs, taken by Mr E.A. Lawton, are of material from vines growing at the CSIRO Division of Plant Industry (Horticulture Section), Merbein, or, in a few cases, at the Sunraysia Horticultural Research Institute of the Victorian Department of Agriculture, Irymple.

    An enormous amount of research, including physical inspections of vineyards around Australia, was involved in writing the books that underpin this publication. One of the events that inspired their writing was the visit to Australia of the French grapevine identification expert M. Paul Truel. The identity of all varieties illustrated (except Moschata Paradisa and Solvorino, which are names used only in Australia) was confirmed by him, during a visit to Merbein in February 1982. Readers will probably appreciate, from the brief history of wine grapes in Australia contained in this book, just how much uncertainty and confusion there has been about varietal names.

    The statistics on areas of grape varieties in Australia and California provided in this book were taken from recent reports of the USDA and the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The authors would also like to acknowledge the support of Ms Ilma Lo Iacono, Librarian at the CSIRO Horticulture Unit, Merbein, for gathering together the photographs of the grape varieties, and Mr Cliff Heard, a wine judge of many years and now retired, for his contribution to the wine notes.

    George Kerridge and Angela Gackle


    Riesling, Chardonnay, Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes can make magnificent wines but there are also many other varieties that are both interesting and extremely enjoyable to drink. Australia encompasses climates and landscapes suitable for growing most wine grape varieties. As winemakers find new varieties to suit their region and markets, the diversity of wines in Australia grows. This book aims to reveal the many excellent varieties of wines that are now available but for most of us are rarely experienced.

    Wine Flavour and Aroma

    Wine drinking, like many activities, can be as simple or as involved as the individual wishes to make it. It can be as uncomplicated as enjoying a glass with a meal or a friend. It can be as rigorous and technical as a wine show, where the decisions of professional judges often lead to great acclaim for winemakers, wine companies or countries.

    What does the average consumer need to know to enjoy their wine? The short answer is probably not much beyond what they like the smell and taste of.

    The best way to assess a wine is to look at it first, smell it and then taste it. We should select a glass that tapers towards the top, as a glass of this tulip shape retains more of the wine’s aroma. Fill it to about a third, and then look at the colour. Colour varies according to the grape variety and wine type but it is also influenced by a wine’s acidity and its age. Generally, the younger and more acidic the wine is the brighter its colour will be. Acidic white wines appear slightly green, whereas red wines have an intense purple hue. Wines lose colour and flavour as they age excessively and can eventually become brown and smell or taste unpleasant.

    Our sense of smell is just as important in enjoying wine as is our sense of taste. Swirl the wine in the glass, hold it up to the light and look at the colour and the way the wine drains down the surface of the glass. Next, put your nose well into the glass and take a long deep breath. You can repeat this a couple of times before tasting.

    Our sense of taste depends very much on where the wine strikes our tastebuds and how much air is mixed with it. Swirling the wine in the glass and then sucking it into your mouth so that it mixes with air releases the volatiles and heightens the flavours and aromas. You will experience more of these sensations as you breathe out through your nose and mouth. Bitter flavours are tasted on the back of the tongue, sweet flavours on the front and sour or acid flavours on the sides.

    Having experienced the aromas and flavours of the wines, the following section on wine terminology will give you the tools to help share your discoveries with others and to benefit from their experiences as well.

    As you come to enjoy the variety and subtleties of wines you will wish to know more. Wine appreciation courses are a good place to start. The Australian wine industry offers many instructive and enjoyable options to allow people to explore their individual preferences for specific varieties, blends, flavours and styles.

    Wine Terminology

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