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Software Testing Foundations, 4th Edition: A Study Guide for the Certified Tester Exam
Software Testing Foundations, 4th Edition: A Study Guide for the Certified Tester Exam
Software Testing Foundations, 4th Edition: A Study Guide for the Certified Tester Exam
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Software Testing Foundations, 4th Edition: A Study Guide for the Certified Tester Exam

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About this ebook

Software Testing Foundations, 4th Edition provides the information necessary to pass the Certified Tester-Foundations Level exam, version 2011, as defined by the ISTQB; uses a format designed for self-study; and defines technical terms according to the updated ISTQB glossary.

Professional testing of software is an essential task that requires a profound knowledge of testing techniques. The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) has developed a universally accepted, international qualification scheme aimed at software and system testing professionals, and has created the Syllabi and Tests for the "Certified Tester." Today about 300,000 people have taken the ISTQB certification exams.

The authors of Software Testing Foundations, 4th Edition, are among the creators of the Certified Tester Syllabus and are currently active in the ISTQB. This thoroughly revised and updated fourth edition covers the "Foundations Level" (entry level) and teaches the most important methods of software testing. It is designed for self-study and provides the information necessary to pass the Certified Tester-Foundations Level exam, version 2011, as defined by the ISTQB. Also in this new edition, technical terms have been precisely stated according to the recently revised and updated ISTQB glossary.

Topics covered:

  1. Fundamentals of Testing
  2. Testing and the Software Lifecycle
  3. Static and Dynamic Testing Techniques
  4. Test Management
  5. Test Tools
Also mentioned are some updates to the syllabus that are due in 2015.
PublisherRocky Nook
Release dateMar 19, 2014
Software Testing Foundations, 4th Edition: A Study Guide for the Certified Tester Exam

Andreas Spillner

Andreas Spillner is a professor of Computer Science in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Hochschule Bremen (University of Applied Sciences), where he is responsible for software engineering, quality assurance, and programming. He was a founding member and is now an honorary member of the German Testing Board e.V., and he was founder and chair of the German Special Interest Group on Software Testing (SIGIST, "Test, Analyse und Verifikation von Software") from 1990 to 2003. Prof. Spillner was appointed Fellow of the German Informatics Society (GI-Fellow) in 2007.

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    Software Testing Foundations, 4th Edition - Andreas Spillner


    About the Authors

    Andreas Spillner is a professor of Computer Science in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Bremen University of Applied Sciences. For more than 10 years, he was president of the German Special Interest Group in Software Testing, Analysis, and Verification of the German Society for Informatics. He is a honorary member of the German Testing Board. His work emphasis is on software engineering, quality assurance, and testing.

    Tilo Linz is CEO of imbus AG, a leading service company for software testing in Germany. He is president of the German Testing Board and was president of the ISTQB from 2002 to 2005. His work emphasis is on consulting and coaching projects on software quality management, and optimizing software development and testing processes.

    Hans Schaefer is an independent consultant in software testing in Norway. He is president of the Norwegian Testing Board. He has been consulting and teaching software testing methods since 1984. He organizes the Norwegian Special Interest Group in Software Testing for Western Norway. His work emphasis is on consulting, teaching, and coaching test process improvement and test design techniques, as well as reviews.

    Software Testing Foundations

    A Study Guide for the Certified Tester Exam

    Foundation Level

    ISTQB compliant

    4th Edition

    Andreas Spillner

    Tilo Linz

    Hans Schaefer

    Andreas Spillner ([email protected])

    Tilo Linz ([email protected])

    Hans Schaefer ([email protected])

    Editor: Dr. Michael Barabas

    Copyeditor: Judy Flynn

    Translator: Hans Schaefer

    Layout: Josef Hegele

    Project Manager: Matthias Rossmanith

    Cover Design: Helmut Kraus,

    Printer: Sheridan

    Printed in the USA

    ISBN 978-1-937538-42-2

    4th Edition

    © 2014 by Spillner, Linz, Schaefer

    Rocky Nook Inc.

    802 East Cota St., 3rd Floor

    Santa Barbara, CA 93103

    This 4th English book edition conforms to the 5th German edition Basiswissen Softwaretest – Aus- und Weiterbildung zum Certified Tester – Foundation Level nach ISTQB-Standard (dpunkt.verlag GmbH, ISBN: 978-3-86490-024-2), which was published in September 2012.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Spillner, Andreas.

      Software testing foundations / by Andreas Spillner, Tilo Linz, Hans Schaefer. -- Fourth edition.

          pages cm

      ISBN 978-1-937538-42-2 (paperback)

    1.  Computer software--Testing. 2. Computer software--Verification. 3. Computer software--Evaluation. I. Linz, Tilo.

    II. Schaefer, H. (Hans) III. Title.

      QA76.76.T48S66 2014



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    All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission of the publisher.

    Many of the designations in this book used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks of their respective companies. Where those designations appear in this book, and Rocky Nook was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in caps or initial caps. All product names and services identified throughout this book are used in editorial fashion only and for the benefit of such companies with no intention of infringement of the trademark. They are not intended to convey endorsement or other affiliation with this book.

    While reasonable care has been exercised in the preparation of this book, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein or from the use of the discs or programs that may accompany it.

    This book is printed on acid-free paper.


    Worldwide success

    In most industrialized countries, the Certified Tester has gained acceptance as a training and education tool for testers. At the end of 2013, the number of certified testers worldwide was more than 300,000. Chris Carter, president of the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB), says this: I think the scheme has been so successful because we freely offer our syllabi and glossary to the public, which helps to standardize professional terminology. We also offer certifications at a range of levels, from foundation through advanced to expert, allowing testing professionals to be supported right through their careers and keeping them up-to-date with the world’s best practices.

    Certified Testers in some countries

    There are more than 20,000 Certified Testers in Germany, more than 1,000 in Norway, and more than 2,000 in Sweden. Even the small country of Iceland has over 100 Certified Testers. In more and more countries, being a Certified Tester is a prerequisite to being employed in testing or to be a contractor in testing services.

    A 2011 poll (taken in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria) revealed that nearly 75% of the people asked know the ISTQB scheme. More than 70% of them already have a Foundation Level Certificate. About 90% said the training was helpful.

    Ten-year anniversary of the German version of this book

    The first version of this book was published in German in 2002. The first English edition was published in 2006. The German issue is in its 5th edition and the English version is in its 4th edition. This book conforms to the ISTQB syllabus Certified Software Tester—Foundation Level version 2011. Most major changes planned for the 2015 version have been included and are specially marked.

    Ten years is a long time in the IT industry; new developments and paradigms are encouraged and used, and new and improved tools are available. On the other hand, there is some basic knowledge in computer science that does not change. In this book, we have concentrated on generic knowledge and techniques. We have not described techniques whose benefits are yet unknown, or techniques that have to show their practical validity and applicability. The same is true about special disciplines in testing; testing of web applications, testing in agile projects, or testing of embedded or mobile systems, for example. These techniques are not part of the standard foundations. There is other literature about such specialized areas.

    Books for the advanced level

    The Certified Tester training scheme consists of three levels (see Chapter 1). Besides the foundation knowledge (Foundation Level) described in detail in this text, books are also available from Rocky Nook for the syllabus for the Advanced Level. These books are available:

    The Software Test Engineer’s Handbook [Bath 14] (for Test Analyst and Technical Test Analyst)

    Advanced Software Testing—Vol. 1 – 3 [Black 08, 09, 11]

    Syllabi for the Expert Level also exist: Improving the Test Process¹ and Test Management. The syllabi for Test Automation and Security Testing are currently being finished.

    The knowledge is much asked for in the IT world

    The broad acceptance of this training scheme is made apparent by the powerful and continuous growth in ISTQB membership. 47 Testing Boards represent more than 70 countries. Ten years ago, there were a handful of members. Now ISTQB is represented in all parts of the world. The Certified Tester has grown to be a renowned trademark in the IT industry worldwide, and has considerably contributed to improving testing in the software development process.

    Testing is taught at colleges and universities

    The number of colleges that have integrated the Certified Tester scheme into their teaching is impressive. Courses are taught at places like Aachen and Bremen (Germany), Oslo (Norway), Reykjavik (Iceland), and Wismar (Germany). National Testing Boards usually decide which colleges offer these courses. Their relevance is shown by many job advertisements as well as requests for tenders. For personnel in software development it is more or less required to have some basic knowledge about testing, best shown by a certificate.

    Thank you

    We want to thank the colleagues from the German Testing Board and the ISTQB. Without their interest and work, the Certified Tester training scheme would not have received the success and acceptance described above.

    What has been changed

    Why a new edition of this book? This edition contains corrections of faults and clarification of ambiguity, as far as we know them. A special thank you to the readers who have described faults and have asked us about the instances of ambiguity. Furthermore, the terminology has been made more consistent with the improved ISTQB-glossary. This edition of the book is consistent with the syllabus version 2011. The literature list was updated and new books and standards were included. The links to Internet pages were checked and updated. We wish all readers good luck when using the described testing approaches and techniques in practice and—when reading the book is part of the preparation for the Certified Tester examination—good luck with the exam.

    Andreas Spillner and Tilo Linz

    Bremen, Möhrendorf, Germany

    August 2013

    I want to especially thank Michael Barabas from dpunkt.verlag, the publisher of the German book, and Matthias Rossmanith from Rocky Nook for their support in preparing this book. There were a lot of late changes and delays, most of which can be attributed to me. My special thanks goes to Judy Flynn, copy editor at Rocky Nook. Without her help, this book would be much harder to read. She helped me to improve my English, without getting tired of my systematic errors. When translating the German book to English, I especially thought of readers who do not use English as their native language. Many of us use a different language in our life, but English for our business. I hope the book will be comprehensible to such readers.

    I included some planned changes to the ISTQB syllabus. These are specially marked because they will not be included in exams before 2015. Most of them are obvious changes due to development in international standards. When taking the Certified Tester exam, please make sure you know which version of the syllabus is used in your exam!

    Finally, the main goal for this book is that it should teach you how to test effectively and efficiently. You should learn that there is a lot more to learn in the area of testing. As a side effect, you should be prepared to pass the Certified Tester exam.

    Hans Schaefer

    Valestrandsfossen, Norway

    February 2014


    1        Introduction

    2        Fundamentals of Testing

    2.1     Terms and Motivation

    2.1.1     Error, Defect, and Bug Terminology

    2.1.2     Testing Terms

    2.1.3     Software Quality

    2.1.4     Test Effort

    2.2     The Fundamental Test Process

    2.2.1     Test Planning and Control

    2.2.2     Test Analysis and Design

    2.2.3     Test Implementation and Execution

    2.2.4     Test Evaluation and Reporting

    2.2.5     Test Closure Activities

    2.3     The Psychology of Testing

    2.4     General Principles of Testing

    2.5     Ethical Guidelines

    2.6     Summary

    3        Testing in the Software Life Cycle

    3.1     The General V-Model

    3.2     Component Test

    3.2.1     Explanation of Terms

    3.2.2     Test objects

    3.2.3     Test Environment

    3.2.4     Test objectives

    3.2.5     Test Strategy

    3.3     Integration Test

    3.3.1     Explanation of Terms

    3.3.2     Test objects

    3.3.3     The Test Environment

    3.3.4     Test objectives

    3.3.5     Integration Strategies

    3.4     System Test

    3.4.1     Explanation of Terms

    3.4.2     Test Objects and Test Environment

    3.4.3     Test Objectives

    3.4.4     Problems in System Test Practice

    3.5     Acceptance Test

    3.5.1     Contract Acceptance Testing

    3.5.2     Testing for User Acceptance

    3.5.3     Operational (Acceptance) Testing

    3.5.4     Field Testing

    3.6     Testing New Product Versions

    3.6.1     Software Maintenance

    3.6.2     Testing after Further Development

    3.6.3     Testing in Incremental Development

    3.7     Generic Types of Testing

    3.7.1     Functional Testing

    3.7.2     Nonfunctional Testing

    3.7.3     Testing of Software Structure

    3.7.4     Testing Related to Changes and Regression Testing

    3.8     Summary

    4        Static Test

    4.1     Structured Group Evaluations

    4.1.1     Foundations

    4.1.2     Reviews

    4.1.3     The General Process

    4.1.4     Roles and Responsibilities

    4.1.5     Types of Reviews

    4.2     Static Analysis

    4.2.1     The Compiler as a Static Analysis Tool

    4.2.2     Examination of Compliance to Conventions and Standards

    4.2.3     Execution of Data Flow Analysis

    4.2.4     Execution of Control Flow Analysis

    4.2.5     Determining Metrics

    4.3     Summary

    5        Dynamic Analysis – Test Design Techniques

    5.1     Black Box Testing Techniques

    5.1.1     Equivalence Class Partitioning

    5.1.2     Boundary Value Analysis

    5.1.3     State Transition Testing

    5.1.4     Logic-Based Techniques (Cause-Effect Graphing and Decision Table Technique, Pairwise Testing)

    5.1.5     Use-Case-Based Testing

    5.1.6     General Discussion of the Black Box Technique

    5.2     White Box Testing Techniques

    5.2.1     Statement Testing and Coverage

    5.2.2     Decision/Branch Testing and Coverage

    5.2.3     Test of Conditions

    5.2.4     Further White Box Techniques

    5.2.5     General Discussion of the White Box Technique

    5.2.6     Instrumentation and Tool Support

    5.3     Intuitive and Experience-Based Test Case Determination

    5.4     Summary

    6        Test Management

    6.1     Test Organization

    6.1.1     Test Teams

    6.1.2     Tasks and Qualifications

    6.2     Planning

    6.2.1     Quality Assurance Plan

    6.2.2     Test Plan

    6.2.3     Prioritizing Tests

    6.2.4     Test Entry and Exit Criteria

    6.3     Cost and Economy Aspects

    6.3.1     Costs of Defects

    6.3.2     Cost of Testing

    6.3.3     Test Effort Estimation

    6.4     Choosing the Test Strategy and Test Approach

    6.4.1     Preventative vs. Reactive Approach

    6.4.2     Analytical vs. Heuristic Approach

    6.4.3     Testing and Risk

    6.5     Managing The Test Work

    6.5.1     Test Cycle Planning

    6.5.2     Test Cycle Monitoring

    6.5.3     Test Cycle Control

    6.6     Incident Management

    6.6.1     Test Log

    6.6.2     Incident Reporting

    6.6.3     Defect Classification

    6.6.4     Incident Status

    6.7     Requirements to Configuration Management

    6.8     Relevant Standards

    6.9     Summary

    7        Test Tools

    7.1     Types of Test Tools

    7.1.1     Tools for Management and Control of Testing and Tests

    7.1.2     Tools for Test Specification

    7.1.3     Tools for Static Testing

    7.1.4     Tools for Dynamic Testing

    7.1.5     Tools for Nonfunctional Test

    7.2     Selection and Introduction of Test Tools

    7.2.1     Cost Effectiveness of Tool Introduction

    7.2.2     Tool Selection

    7.2.3     Tool Introduction

    7.3     Summary


    A       Test Plans According to IEEE Standard 829-1998

    Test Plans According to IEEE Standard 829-2008

    B       Important Information about the Syllabus and the Certified Tester Exam

    C       Exercises




    1 Introduction

    In recent years, software been introduced virtually everywhere. There will soon be no appliances, machines, or facilities for which control is not implemented by software or software parts. In automobiles, for example, microprocessors and their accompanying software control more and more functionality, from engine management to the transmission and brakes. Thus, software is crucial to the correct functioning of devices and industry. Likewise, the smooth operation of an enterprise or organization depends largely on the reliability of the software systems used for supporting the business processes and particular tasks. How fast an insurance company can introduce a new product, or even a new rate, most likely depends on how quickly the IT systems can be adjusted or extended.

    High dependence on the correct functioning of the software

    Within both embedded and commercial software systems, quality has become the most important factor in determining success.

    Many enterprises have recognized this dependence on software and strive for improved quality of their software systems and software engineering (or development) processes. One way to achieve this goal is through systematic evaluation and testing of the software. In some cases, appropriate testing procedures have found their way into the daily tasks associated with software development. However, in many sectors, there remains a significant need to learn about evaluation and testing.

    Basic knowledge for structured evaluation and testing

    With this book, we offer basic knowledge that will help you achieve structured and systematic evaluation and testing. Implementation of these evaluation and testing procedures should contribute to improvement of the quality of software. This book does not presume previous knowledge of software quality assurance. It is designed as a textbook and can even be used as a guide for self-study. We have included a single, continuous example to help provide an explanation and practical solutions for all of the topics we cover.

    We want to help software testers who strive for a well-founded, basic knowledge of the principles behind software testing. We also address programmers and developers who are already performing testing tasks or will do so in the future. The book will help project managers and team leaders to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of software tests. Even those in disciplines related to IT, as well as employees who are involved in the processes of acceptance, introduction, and further development of IT applications, will find this book helpful for their daily tasks.

    Evaluation and testing procedures are costly in practice (this area is estimated to consume 25% to 50% of software development time and cost [Koomen 99]). Yet, there are still too few universities, colleges, and vocational schools in the sectors of computer and information science that offer courses about this topic. This book will help both students and teachers. It provides the material for an introduction-level course.

    Lifelong learning is indispensable, especially in the IT industry. Many companies and trainers offer further education in software testing to their employees. General recognition of a course certificate is possible, however, only if the contents of the course and the examination are defined and followed up by an independent body.

    Certification program for software testers

    In 1997, the Information Systems Examinations Board (ISEB) [URL: ISEB] of the British Computer Society (BCS) [URL: BCS] started a certification scheme to define course objectives for an examination (see the foreword by Dorothy Graham).

    International initiative

    Similar to the British example, other countries took up these activities and established independent, country-specific testing boards to make it possible to offer training and exams in the language of the respective countries. These national boards cooperate in the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) [URL: ISTQB]. An updated list of all ISTQB members can be found at [URL: ISTQB Members].

    The ISTQB coordinates the national initiatives and assures uniformity and comparability of the courses and exam contents among the countries involved.

    The national testing boards are responsible for issuing and maintaining curricula in the language of their countries and for organizing and executing examinations in their countries. They assess the seminars offered in their countries according to defined criteria and accredit training providers. The testing boards thus guarantee a high quality standard for the seminars. After passing an exam, the seminar participants receive an internationally recognized certificate of qualification.

    Three-step qualification scheme

    The ISTQB Certified Tester qualification scheme has three steps. The basics are described in the Foundation Level curriculum (syllabus). Building on this is the Advanced Level certificate, showing a deeper knowledge of testing and evaluation. The third level, the Expert Level, is intended for experienced professional software testers and consists of several modules about different special topics. Currently, the first four syllabi are being prepared in the ISTQB and the national boards. The syllabi for Improving The Test Process and Test Management are available. Syllabi for Test Automation and Security Testing are on their way. The current status of the syllabi can be seen at [URL: ISTQB].

    The contents of this book correspond to the requirements of the ISTQB Foundation Level certificate. The knowledge needed to pass the exams can be acquired by self-study. The book can also be used to attain knowledge after, or parallel to, participation in a course.

    The overall structure of this book corresponds to the course contents for the Foundation Level certificate.


    In chapter 2, Fundamentals of Testing, the basics of software testing are discussed. In addition to the motivation for testing, the chapter will explain when to test, with which goals, and how intensively. The concept of a basic test process is described. The chapter shows the psychological difficulties experienced when testing one’s own software and the problems that can occur when trying to find one’s own errors.

    Testing in the software life cycle

    Chapter 3, Testing in the Software Life Cycle, discusses which test activities should be performed during the software development process and when. In addition to describing the different test levels, it will examine the difference between functional and nonfunctional tests. Regression testing is also discussed.

    Static testing

    Chapter 4, Static Test, discusses static testing techniques, that is, ways in which the test object is analyzed but not executed. Reviews and static analyses are already applied by many enterprises with positive results. This chapter will describe in detail the various methods and techniques.

    Dynamic testing

    Chapter 5, Dynamic Analysis – Test Design Techniques, deals with testing in a narrower sense. The classification of dynamic testing techniques into black box and white box techniques will be discussed.

    Each kind of test technique is explained in detail with the help of a continuous example. The end of the chapter shows the reasonable usage of exploratory and intuitive testing, which may be used in addition to the other techniques.

    Test management

    Chapter 6, Test Management, discusses aspects of test management such as systematic incident handling, configuration management, and testing economy.

    Testing tools

    Chapter 7, Test Tools, explains the different classes of tools that can be used to support testing. The chapter will include introductions to some of the tools and suggestions for selecting the right tools for your situation.

    The appendices include additional information on the topics covered and for the exam.

    Appendix A contains explanations of the test plan according to IEEE Standard 829-1998 [IEEE 829] and 829-2008. Appendix B includes important notes and additional information on the Certified Tester exam, and appendix C offers exercises to reinforce your understanding of the topics in each chapter. Finally, there is a glossary and a bibliography. Technical terms that appear in the glossary are marked with an arrow [→] when they appear for the first time in the text. Text passages that go beyond the material of the syllabus are marked as excursions.

    2 Fundamentals of Testing

    This introductory chapter will explain basic facts of software testing, covering what you will need to know to understand the following chapters. Important concepts and essential vocabulary will be explained by using an example application that will be used throughout the book. It appears frequently to illustrate and clarify the subject matter. The fundamental test process with the different testing activities will be illustrated. Psychological problems with testing will be discussed. Finally, the ISTQB Code of Tester Ethics is presented and discussed.

    Throughout this book, we’ll use one example application to illustrate the software test methods and techniques presented in this book. The fundamental scenario is as follows.

    Case study, VirtualShowRoom – VSR

    A car manufacturer develops a new electronic sales support system called VirtualShowRoom (VSR). The final version of this software system will be installed at every car dealer worldwide. Customers who are interested in purchasing a new car will be able to configure their favorite model (model, type, color, extras, etc.), with or without the guidance of a salesperson.

    The system shows possible models and combinations of extra equipment and instantly calculates the price of the car the customer configures. A subsystem called DreamCar will provide this functionality.

    When the customer has made up her mind, she will be able to calculate the most suitable financing (EasyFinance) as well as place the order online (JustIn-Time). She will even get the option to sign up for the appropriate insurance (NoRisk). Personal information and contract data about the customer is managed by the ContractBase subsystem.

    Figure 2-1 shows the general architecture of this software system.

    Every subsystem will be designed and developed by a separate development team. Altogether, about 50 developers and additional employees from the respective user departments are involved in working on this project. External software companies will also participate.

    The VSR-System must be tested thoroughly before release. The project members assigned to test the software apply different testing techniques and methods. This book contains the basic knowledge necessary for applying them.

    Figure 2–1

    Architecture of the VSR-System

    2.1 Terms and Motivation


    During the construction of an industry product, the parts and the final product are usually examined to make sure they fulfill the given →requirements, that is, whether the product solves the required task.

    Depending on the product, there may be different requirements to the →quality of the solution. If the product has problems, corrections must be made in the production process and/or in the design of the product itself.

    Software is immaterial

    What generally counts for the production of industry products is also appropriate for the production or development of software. However, testing (or evaluation) of partial products and the final product is more difficult, because a software product is not a tangible physical product. Direct examination is not possible. The only way to examine the product is by reading (reviewing) the development documents and code.

    The dynamic behavior of the software, however, cannot be checked this way. It must be done through →testing, by executing the software on a computer. Its behavior must be compared to the requirements. Thus, testing of software is an important and difficult task in software development. It contributes to reducing the →risk of using the software because →defects can be found in testing. Testing and test documentation are often defined in contracts, laws, or industrial or organizational standards.


    To identify and repair possible faults before delivery, the VSR-System from the case study example must be tested intensively before it is used. For example, if the system executes order transactions incorrectly, this could result in frustration for the customer and serious financial loss and a negative impact on the image of the dealer and the car manufacturer. Not finding such a defect constitutes a high risk during system use.

    2.1.1 Error, Defect, and Bug Terminology

    What is a defect, failure, or fault?

    When does a system behave incorrectly, not conforming to requirements? A situation can be classified as incorrect only after we know what the correct situation is supposed to look like. Thus, a →failure means that a given requirement is not fulfilled; it is a discrepancy between the →actual result or behavior¹ and the →expected result or behavior.²

    A failure is present if a legitimate (user) expectation is not adequately met. An example of a failure is a product that is too difficult to use or too slow but still fulfills the →functional requirements.

    In contrast to physical system failure, software failures do not occur because of aging or abrasion. They occur because of →faults in the software. Faults (or defects or →bugs) in software are present from the time the software was developed or changed yet materialize only when the software is executed, becoming visible as a failure.


    To describe the event when a user experiences a problem, [IEEE 610.12] uses the term failure. However, other terms, like problem, issue, and incident, are often used. During testing or use of the software, the failure becomes visible to the →tester or user; for example, an output is wrong or the program crashes.


    We have to distinguish between the occurrence of a failure and its cause. A failure is caused by a fault in the software. This fault is also called a defect or internal error. Programmer slang for a fault is bug. For example, faults can be incorrect or forgotten →statements in the program.

    Defect masking

    It is possible that a fault is hidden by one or more other faults in other parts of the program (→defect masking). In that case, a failure occurs only after the masking defects have been corrected. This demonstrates that corrections can have side effects.

    One problem is that a fault can cause none, one, or many failures for any number of users and that the fault and the corresponding failure are arbitrarily far away from each other. A particularly dangerous example is some small corruption of stored data, which may be found a long time after it first occurred.

    Error or mistake

    The cause of a fault or defect is an →error or →mistake by a person—for example, defective programming by the developer. However, faults may even be caused by environmental conditions, like radiation and magnetism, that introduce hardware problems. Such problems are, however, not discussed in this book.

    People err, especially under time pressure. Defects may occur, for example, by bad programming or incorrect use of program statements. Forgetting to implement a requirement leads to defective software. Another cause is changing a program part because it is complex and the programmer does not understand all consequences of the change. Infrastructure complexity, or the sheer number of system interactions, may be another cause. Using new technology often leads to defects in software, because the technology is not fully understood and thus not used correctly.

    More detailed descriptions of the terms used in testing are given in the following section.

    2.1.2 Testing Terms

    Testing is not debugging

    To be able to correct a defect or bug, it must be localized in the software. Initially, we know the effect of a defect but

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