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Glory: Pursuing God’s Presence: Revealing Secrets
Glory: Pursuing God’s Presence: Revealing Secrets
Glory: Pursuing God’s Presence: Revealing Secrets
Ebook157 pages3 hours

Glory: Pursuing God’s Presence: Revealing Secrets

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About this ebook

Bill Vincent is an ordinary man with an extraordinary God. If what has happened to him is as great as he tells his story, then you know it will be visitations from above like no other. This book, Glory: Pursuing God's Presence, is one of three book series that are all about finding God and His presence.

One day in 2008, Bill pressed into God with the attitude like I am going to get something from God. In so many ways, he was much like a wining child trying to get a toy from his parent.

The feeling Bill felt that day was like being rescued in the desert after days with no drink.

What began to happen to Bill has changed his life forever. Bill got to a place he couldn't wait to press in. It was like a romance between him and God. He was now in love with God. Bill would run up the stairs like I couldn't wait any longer to be with Him.

Everything you are about to read will truly bless you because Bill's passion for God is a rarity in the Church today. God bless you as you read the rest of Uncovering God's Glory.
Release dateJun 1, 2016
Glory: Pursuing God’s Presence: Revealing Secrets

Bill Vincent

Diving deep into the realms of spiritual awakening, Bill Vincent embodies a connection with the Supernatural that spans over three decades. With a robust prophetic anointing, he has dedicated his life to ministry, serving as a guiding light and a pillar of strength in Revival Waves of Glory Ministries.Bill Vincent is not just a Minister but a prolific Author, contributing to the spiritual enlightenment of many through his diverse range of writings and teachings. His work encompasses themes of deliverance, fostering the presence of God, and shaping Apostolic, cutting-edge Church structure. His insights are drawn from a wellspring of experience, steeped in Revival, and fine-tuned by a profound Spiritual Sensitivity.In his relentless pursuit of God's Presence and his commitment to sustaining Revival, Bill focuses primarily on inviting divine encounters and maintaining a spiritual atmosphere ripe for transformation. His extensive library of over 125 books serves as a beacon of hope, guiding countless individuals in overcoming the shackles of Satan and embracing the light of God.Revival Waves of Glory Ministries is not your typical church – it’s a prophetic ministry, a sanctuary where the Holy Spirit is given the freedom to move as He wills. Our sermons, a blend of divine wisdom and revelation, can be experienced on Rumble, immersing you in the transformative power of the Word: a deeper exploration into our teachings, visions, and the manifold grace of God, visit on a journey of spiritual discovery with Bill Vincent, and let the waves of revival wash over you, unveiling the divine power and boundless love of God!Podcast: sure to check out our new videos Downloads From Heaven!Donate: Bill Vincent (PREACH, TEACH AND PROPHETIC MINISTRY) to your Event: [email protected]

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow. This book has a very lofty goal. Gods glory manifest in us. It is by Gods revelation and not our works except our pursuing and seeking God’s glory. Getting hungry for more of God. “Lord, give grace to me to have that pursuit”.

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Glory - Bill Vincent

Table of Contents

Glory: Pursuing God’s Presence

Book Disclaimer

My Story

Soaking In God’s Glory

The Blood of Jesus and Worship

Intimacy With the Holy Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit!

The Psalmist David

The Fragrance Of Worship

Encounter God

Signs, Wonders & Miracles

Positioning For His Presence

Preparing For Habitation

Altar of Incense

Show Bread

Pressing Through Criticism

Mysteries & Secrets

Increase in 2011-2013

The Fear of Fanaticism

Historical Observation

The Spirit of Criticism

Experiencing God’s Glory



Sowing & Reaping in the Glory

Greater Glory

River of Glory

Do you really want to See His glory?

Uncovering God’s Glory Wrap - Up

About the Author

Recommended Books

Glory: Pursuing God’s Presence

Revealing Secrets

By: Bill Vincent

Copyright 2012 Bill Vincent

Published By Revival Waves of Glory Books & Publishing

ISBN 978-1-304-87360-6

E-Book Distribution: XinXii


Book Disclaimer

Here are tips on reading Bill Vincent’s Books.

Bill writes prophetically as God speaks. The grammar may be pushed but the message is spoken from the heart of God. Bill didn’t want to lose the depth of revelation through extensive editing.

My Story

Wow I can’t believe I am sitting down and typing this right now. These last many months have led to the visions God has given me. As I look to the Lord and feel his presence all over me as I type.


I am an ordinary man with an extraordinary God. If what has happened to me is as great as it feels then you know it will be visitations from above like no other.


I have been a preacher of God’s Word since 1991. I preached and ministered for many years. People got encouraged through personal prophetic ministry. There were some healings and even a couple miracles. This may sound like what ministers want in ministry but there was deadness inside of me. I felt nothing when I preached or worshiped the Lord. I got to the point that I had to have something new and fresh from God.


One day in 2008 I pressed into God with the attitude like I am going to get something from Him. In so many ways I was much like a wining child trying to get a toy from his parent.


I wasn’t really sure on what could happen. I really wanted something fresh and new. There was something in me that was desperate for more of God. The shedding of tears and the screaming to God, I’m through with the ministry if He didn’t give me something fresh and new. I told God that there were only a few sermons left and then if I didn’t have something new and fresh from Heaven, I was done. This went on for days. I would play music and yell for a while, cry for a while and just lie on my bed and wait for I don’t know how long. There was still nothing and the longer it went with the deadness I got more intense toward God and felt like if He didn’t show up, then I was abandoned.


I felt so alone and started to think He wasn’t going to show up. I screamed out God I need you more than anything else. God I’m tired of this and then began to tell God that I loved Him and needed Him. I was in my bedroom and was crying out and all of a sudden a wind blew in my room and I knew it was the King Jesus I was contending for. There was no door open; no window open, the A/C was off. I knew that God let me feel his presence.


The feeling I felt that day was like being rescued in the desert after days with no drink.


I want you to know that as I’m writing this, I feel God’s presence upon me. There are many tears coming as the Lord takes me back to remember. I pray that presence overflows as you read this too.


We have covered how I found God’s glory but there is so much more. I might even repeat myself throughout this book as God leads.


After I felt God’s presence come in my room and knew God had visited me. I didn’t want to stop there. Every day I would go into my bedroom around 8:00 A.M. and begin to press in. I would start to play worship music turn on the computer in case God gave me something to write. I would pray in tongues and really worship the Lord and an hour or two would go by and then I would feel that same awesome Glory I felt before. I would continue to do this every day for hours. Sometimes I would lay on my bed quiet for hours after I felt that presence of God.


What began to happen to me has changed my life forever. I got to a place I couldn’t wait to press in. It was like a romance between me and God. I was now in love with God. I would run up the stairs like I couldn’t wait any longer to be with Him.

I would rush in turn on the computer and begin to play worship music again and again. Every day God would show up.


One thing I began to realize is that the more I did it, the less pressing in I needed to do, to feel the Glory. You need to really receive this. I would press in hours before feeling the presence. After time went by I would press in for about an hour and the presence of God came. Then a half hour to fifteen minutes and the Glory of God would come. One day I opened my bedroom door to press in and God’s presence was there already. It was like God was expecting me. I didn’t have to press in to get Him to come. He was there already. There were weeks like this. God of the Universe was waiting for an average man like me. He wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with Him. WOW! I would just go in and still press in even though He was there already. I wanted to please Him more than any thing.


This book has been prophesied by many. God has been speaking this for a long time. I want you to know that this book is for anyone who loves God and wants more of Him. I know that the things I’m writing in this book works. After finding God the way I had in early 2008, allot has come. I was the main speaker of a Revival at a Church for over two years. This was not just any Church; it was where I was a Pastor. Being a Pastor and leading Revival. For the first months of the Revival the presence was all we had and it was awesome. We kept pressing in and after about six months of revival meetings signs and wonders began to show up. This was so unusual to me. We had thousands of gemstones, gold dust and multi colored dust. This is all signs from Heaven. There were many healed and people received tangible miracles. Testimonies of Cancers healed, tumors removed and very unusual miracles. A boy had received a Word of Knowledge concerning a toe that looked like another toe. This boy got a miracle. You could barely even tell that there was anything there. This is one of many more that God did.


There were ministries who made it their focus to pray against what God was doing. They just believed that the signs and wonders were not from God. They believed they were demonic. I will give some scripture in this book to back up signs and wonders from heaven. I am no longer the Pastor at the Church that had the Revival. I now have a new ministry and I am freer than I have ever been. The main reason I know that all the things I’m writing in this book will work for you is they have worked for me again and again. At every cross road God has been faithful. I’m telling you that as you press into God like I did, things will happen. I will have to say this, that if you find God’s Glory and his manifestations happen, there will be many to say it isn’t right. You will find who your real friends are. I want you to think about this, even with extreme controversy it is worth it for one week in God’s Glory.


God bless you as you read the rest of Uncovering God’s Glory.

Soaking In God’s Glory

I will explain how I came into the experience of soaking in God’s Glory. We will all learn how hunger is rewarded by an awareness of God’s very presence and by an experience of Him that results in the every day practice of the presence of God.

I believe that these coming years will be an incredible season to come up higher and going deeper in our relationship with God. His heart so desires us, His glorious church, to be in a place of intimacy with Him and to walk in holiness.

Ephesians 5:27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

It’s time to come into the embrace of God, pressing into His heart of love and allowing Him to bring conviction of sin so that we can be cleansed and forgiven. God is doing a great thing among us all. It will not come with out a price.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Wow! We’re on the way to becoming that pure, spotless bride that will be a trophy of His grace!

What happened to me in God’s presence can be attributed to a period of many months that I spent soaking in the presence of Almighty God.

It was a time of incredible visitation when I encountered God in what I call the glory liquid honey cloud of His presence. For nearly a year there was grace upon my prayer life where from one to four hours a day, all I could do was lie and be still in His presence. I called it soaking.

All I was doing was positioning myself away from the everyday life and seeking God. Not that I wanted to. I just learned that I had to separate from the busyness to be in God’s Presence. I began by praying in hunger, pressing in for the power of God to bring me revival.

I kept saying, Holy Spirit please come. God You said if I would draw near to you that you would draw near to me. You said if I would seek you and search for you with all of my heart I’d find you.

God I am pressing in violently, aggressively. I’m not letting go.

It was a radical pursuit of God’s presence crying out, seeking. I was desperately in search of the Lord and I was pursuing His glory. It was a time of holy hunger, a time of extreme anxiety.

I was in a holy desperation for Him as a person and I was determined to be deeper in His glory than I had ever been before. I wanted to experience His presence in way that I had never known and I purposed in my heart to have an encounter with Him unlike any other that I have had before. I did everything that I could. I prayed in tongues for hours. I mean prayed! With praise, worship, intercession, supplication I would make my requests known to God. I was pressing in and I wanted a breakthrough. I wanted God and I knew how to sense His presence but I was never satisfied with where I had been the time before. I wasn’t content with what I had seen. I said, Lord I want more. And I pressed in.

The fire was gone, the passion was gone, the newness was gone, the adventure was gone and the excitement was gone.

That was my condition as I cried out in holy desperation, hungry for God before I learned to soak. That’s how I discovered soaking. I found it when I had

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