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The Black Ship
The Black Ship
The Black Ship
Ebook124 pages2 hours

The Black Ship

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Part grimoire and part manifesto, The Black Ship presents the vision of the Pandemonium Mandala, teaches the lore of the emergent Daemonic race and is the blueprint for a culture based on Left-Hand Path principles. It begins with such basics as the invocation of the personal Daemon and new ways of consecrating working tools and personal space before exploring work with Ancestral spirits, the Mysteries of the Lesser and Greater Sabbats, the Sacrament of the Royal Blood of Chaos and the techniques of Transmogrification. It then explores the Daemonic rationale underlying new conceptions of politics, law and the evolutionary implications of space migration. Finally, The Black Ship concludes with a Chaosmological vision of this universe that both relates to and differs from ancient Gnostic teachings, with some new elements that may surprise. New edition with illustrations by Hagen von Tulien.

PublisherSirius Ink
Release dateMay 22, 2015
The Black Ship

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Rating: 4.75 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    An excellent study of the left-hand Path. Easy to understand and apply the methods featured in the book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    One of a kind- need more books like this on the market. Would like to see author's ideas fleshed out more.

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The Black Ship - Malphas


Concerning the

Sovereign Company of Pandemonium

the Royal Blood of Chaos

and the

Dominion of Eternal Night



Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

The Black Ship


I. The Pandemonium Mandala

II. Calling Forth the Daemon Within

III. Tools and Formulae

IV. Taking Dominion

V. Concerning the Ancestors

VI. The Lesser Sabbat

VII. The Work of Book One



I. The Black Sun

II. The Most Sacred and Royal Blood

III. The Role of the Sovereign

IV. Celebrating the Sacrament of Blood

V. The Work of Book of Two



I. A Bridge Across the Abyss

II. Preparing the Vessel

III. The Cultivation of Virtue

IV. Daemonic Integration

V. The Magical Race

VI. The Work of Book Three



I. The Foundations of the Work

II. The Greater Sabbat

III. A Sovereign Company

IV. The Dominion of Eternal Night

V. Chaosmology

VI. The Work of Book Four

© Copyright 2009, 2012, Horngate PM

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, or utilized, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author or publisher, except for brief quotations in critical articles, books, and reviews.

Second edition published by

Sirius Productions

Wilsonville, OR 97070


ISBN: 978-0-9847767-0-2

Book Layout & Pre-Press:

Philip H. Farber

Cover Design & Illustrations:

Hagen von Tulien

First Edition, September 2009

Second Edition, June 2012




The Black Ship

A daemonibus docetur, de daemonibus docet, et ad daemones ducit.

As the building and piloting of a ship represents the culmination and synthesis of numerous arts and sciences, so it is with this work. And yet, as the building and launching of a ship is just the beginning of the journey to explore new worlds, so it also is with this work. The Black Ship is an advanced work that requires and assumes experience in the magical arts and maturity in the principles of the Left-Hand Path. And yet, it is also barely an introduction to the Work that it describes.

The Greater Book is divided into four lesser Books. Each of these four Books, in sequence, represents a deeper level of that Work.

Book One presents the Pandemonium Mandala, which is the beginning and end of this Work and the context in which it is conducted. The revelation of the Pandemonium Mandala and the invocation of the personal Daemon together comprise basic, earthly initiation into Pandemonium, itself. The consecration of working tools and personal space begins the process of manifesting Pandemonium on Earth. Work is then begun with Ancestral spirits, which has many benefits that will be explained. Having worked effectively with this Book, the Magician will have established the foundation of a House within Pandemonium.

Book Two concerns the Royal Blood of Chaos, its origin, nature and cultivation. As ordinary blood is to the biological life of the animal body, so the Royal Blood is to our spiritual Life as Daemonic beings.

Book Three concerns Transmogrification. The practices given here further the reconfiguration of the Psyche and aspects of Being in alignment with the personal Daemon, opening the way for more of the Daemon to come through and manifest in the experience and direction of Life.

Book Four concerns Chaosmic Alchemy. From the transformation of human society into the Sovereign Company of Pandemonium to the transformation of the quality and substance of Matter, Energy, Space and Time, themselves, runs the royal road that leads into the Dominion of Eternal Night, as Daemonkind launches itself into the Darkness and establishes Pandemonium among the stars.

To work with each Book, read through the chapters in sequence before taking action. Then, at the end of each Book, there will be instructions on what to do. You will find that the methods and practices described are not rigid and will be for the most part suggestive, to be interpreted and acted upon in accord with your own unique skill, creativity and genius. However, the four Books and the material within them do follow a progression where things unfold from and build upon what has come before.

May this Book endure steadfast as a Beacon of Black Flame throughout Time, Space and Dream. May the Sons and Daughters of the Royal Blood, the Children of Eternal Night, be ever fatedly drawn to it, and it to them, for the Accomplishment of the Work.









The Pandemonium


Beyond Time and Space, at the Heart of Exis-tence, there shines a Black Sun. It is the Source of True Being and ever boils and blazes forth in the exuburance of its own Ipseity.

And through each seed-ray of obsidian light that emanates from the Black Sun, there comes into being a Daemon. The Daemons are an unfolding, translation and diversification of the Essence and influence of the Black Sun into explicit manifestation. And so, each Daemon has its own unique Will, Desires and Powers.

And the Daemons, together, surround the Black Sun in a Mandala of continual blossoming, the Court of the Black Sun. And, together, the Daemons form a Sovereign Company as the Masters of the Chaosmos. This is Pandemonium, the Abode of all Daemons.

And from Pandemonium, the Daemons transmit their influence upon earthly life and sensual ex-perience. Together, this Sovereign Company co-ordinates plans for the Becoming of Sapient Beings and the realities that will be manifested through the prism of Time, Space and Matter.

For in truth, Sapient Beings are the personae of Daemons. Many of these personae dream unknowing of their Daemonic nature and origin. Some few of

them dream awake, if only for a time. The hour has now come for more dreamers to Awaken to this Truth, the better to dream even greater dreams. These shall be the Initiates of Pandemonium.

As each Initiate becomes more consciously aware of the superconscious dimension of Being that is personified by the Daemon and as the gifts of the Daemon are consciously integrated into the worldly persona, a growing understanding and realization of the Initiate's Essential or True Will and unique Life Purpose will unfold. As more and more Initiates consciously and intentionally effect this process, the Daemons externalize into fleshly manifestation upon the Earth to Remanifest their Company and execute their plans directly. Earth becomes Pandemonium.

And inevitably for such beings, the sky need not be the limit, as the Daemonic race launches itself into the Darkness and establishes Pandemonium among the stars. This shall be the Dominion of Eternal Night.




Calling Forth the

Daemon Within

The Essence of a Daemon is a specific, particularized emanation or ray of the Black Sun. It unfolds and translates specific powers and po-tentialities of the Black Sun into explicit manifestation. At the core of your Being, you are this Daemon which shines in its turn as the Black Sun of a dynamic, inner mandala of divine, human and animal natures and drives within you; like a great Witches' Sabbat dancing around that central Black Flame. These elements are the many identities or sub-personalities that populate your Psyche or soul and make up the many facets of the mind.

For the purpose of practical work, the Psyche can be divided into three levels or aspects. In addition to the Daemon, there are also what can be called the Familiar and the Advocate.

The Familiar is concerned with survival, growth and the general thriving of the life force. It controls all of the automatic processes and functions of the physical body and filters our sensory perceptions so that they do not overwhelm our attention. The Familiar actually controls much of daily life, including all of the routine actions that do not require full, conscious awareness.

It is also what is sometimes perceived as the inner child and is the source of emotional feelings, thus also concerned with emotional survival.

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