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Plone 3 Intranets
Plone 3 Intranets
Plone 3 Intranets
Ebook657 pages3 hours

Plone 3 Intranets

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About this ebook

This is a step-by-step guide, from installing your first Plone instance to deploying your intranet. Each chapter will show you an essential aspect that your intranet should have. However, each chapter is isolated enough to serve as a reference manual for later use. The book is packed with examples and useful screenshots for easy learning. This book is for anyone who needs to build an intranet with no limits on capabilities or features. Even if you don't have previous CMS experience or programming skills, this book is for you. Targeted at beginners with no previous experience with Plone, this book will teach you step by step and at the end you should have a full-featured, reliable, and secure intranet.
Release dateAug 2, 2010
Plone 3 Intranets

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    Book preview

    Plone 3 Intranets - Victor Fernandez de Alba

    Table of Contents

    Plone 3 Intranets


    About the Author


    About the Reviewers


    What this book covers

    What you need for this book

    Who this book is for


    Reader feedback

    Customer support




    1. Introduction to Plone

    What does Plone give me over other CMS solutions?

    First surprise: not PHP, Python

    Second surprise: not RDBMS, the mighty ZODB

    The Plone community

    Public websites, intranets, extranets, and the thin line between them


    2. Getting Started

    Plone versions

    Installing Plone

    zc.buildout requirements

    Quick start for the impatient

    Plone unified installers



    Mac OS X


    Distribute, setuptools, and eggs

    PasteScript and ZopeSkel

    Running buildout

    Buildout directory structure

    Setting up buildout.cfg

    The buildout section

    The extends directive

    The find-links directive

    The zope2 section

    The instance section

    The zopepy section

    Launching Zope


    3. Managing our Content

    Plone visual layout structure





    Anonymous versus logged in

    Content management tabs

    Content structure

    Adding content

    Standard Plone content types

    Content metadata

    Content settings

    Managing content

    Displaying views

    Managing portlets


    4. Configuring our Site

    Plone control panel

    Mail control panel


    Users and groups



    Add-on products

    Content rules



    HTML filtering



    Wiki formatting




    Zope Management Interface

    Control panel

    Database management

    Product management

    Placeless translation service

    Plone site—ZMI point of view

    Installing new add-on products

    As an egg via buildout

    As a Zope 2 add-on product


    5. Managing Users, Groups, Roles, and Permissions

    One vision

    Security entities


    Global and local roles


    Global Zope user accounts

    User self-registration

    Managing users and groups

    The user registration form

    Managing users

    Managing groups

    Recovering user password

    More control: managing ZMI

    Administering users via ZMI

    Administering groups via ZMI

    Administering roles via ZMI

    The sharing tab

    Local role inheritance


    6. Managing Workflows

    Workflow entities





    Assigning local roles to groups


    ZMI workflow management

    Out-of-the-box workflows

    Simple publication workflow

    Community workflow

    Community workflow for folders

    One state workflow

    Intranet workflow

    Intranet workflows for folders

    Workflow diving






    No workflow and multiple workflow use cases

    Some useful workflow tools



    Placeful workflow

    Best practices

    Make an initial blueprint first

    Avoid developing on production servers

    Start from an existing workflow copy

    Use the tools shown for debugging

    Test our workflow


    7. Securing our Intranet

    Global or local roles?

    Using global roles

    Using local roles

    Designing a sustainable role policy

    A policy example

    Restricting the use of the Manager role

    Creating system administrator users for the Zope instance

    Creating additional manager users of the Plone site

    Granting other role permissions restricted to Managers

    Local role delegation

    Allowing non-managers to administer local roles

    Choosing a workflow for our intranet

    Restricting access to authenticated users

    Building an example intranet workflow

    Private state

    Draft state

    Intranet state


    Managing private content

    Creating private sections

    Workgroup areas

    Third-party add-on products

    Adding roles to the Plone UI

    Using a custom product

    Using collective.sharingroles


    8. Using Content Type Effectively

    Designing our intranet information architecture

    Using collections

    Creating a collection

    Table of contents

    Next/previous navigation

    Presentation mode

    Enabling the presentation mode

    Formatting a slide

    Third-party content types—best practices

    A few golden rules

    Ordering the Add new content type menu

    Content type superseding

    Mantaining usability



    9. Intranet Add-on Products

    Calendaring and extended events




    Take advantage of local security and collections




    Form generators




    How it works

    Field types

    Action adapters

    Other content types in a form folder

    Extensibility and third-party products for PFG

    Captcha integration





    Quills portlets

    Configuring the blog




    Discussion board



    How it works

    Adjusting permissions on Ploneboard for intranet use

    Polls and surveys



    How it works

    Adjusting default permissions for polls

    Taking advantage of local roles with polls

    Plone Survey


    How it works

    Adjusting default permissions for surveys

    Document files management

    ARFilePreview and AROfficeTransforms



    Additional software required





    10. Basic Product Development

    Building our own product

    Naming our product

    Creating the egg

    Anatomy of a Plone product egg

    Egg documentation files

    Egg setup files

    Main product content

    ZCML configuration files

    Making the product installable

    The power of GenericSetup


    Importing and exporting a particular product profile

    Comparing snapshots and product profiles

    Importing GenericSetup profiles from a product

    Cloning content types via GenericSetup

    Using a product to configure security

    Defining role map assignment to permissions

    Creating new workflows or modifying existing ones



    11. Content Rules, Syndication, and Advanced Features

    Content rules

    Adding a new rule

    Assigning rules to folderish objects

    Making any content type rule aware


    Enabling folder syndication

    Accessing a secure RSS feed


    Changing versioning policy


    Managing WebDAV access permissions

    External editing

    Installing the External Editor



    Mac OS X

    Enabling external editing

    Modifying helper software


    12. Theming our Intranet

    Diving into Plone's page rendering

    Acquisition from parents

    Plone skins tool

    Skins and layers

    Acquisition in skin layers

    Zope page templates




    Managing viewlets

    Composing a Plone page

    Rendering the page template

    Resource registries

    CSS resource registry

    JavaScript resource registry

    Theming using third-party add-on products

    GloWorm—add-on product for viewlet customization


    Using GloWorm

    CSSManager—add-on product for CSS and basic properties customization


    Using CSSManager

    CSS customization with base_properties sheet

    Changing the logged-in tabs' attributes

    Custom theme add-on products

    Building our own theme add-on product

    Installing the product

    Customizing Plone skin layer resources

    Enabling CSS debug mode

    Customizing the site logo

    Customizing the logo image and adding a new one

    Customizing the plone.logo viewlet

    Customizing Plone CSS

    Resetting Plone CSS

    More about customizing viewlets

    Using Generic Setup to customize a theme

    Theming—best practices


    13. Deploying our Intranet

    Deployment buildouts

    Buildout base configuration

    Adding a versions file

    Caching extended configuration

    Using the newest directive

    Adding ports and hosts names sections

    Adding process owners section

    Changing the ownership of buildout folder

    Common administration tasks

    Backing up and restoring database

    Database packing

    Rotating the log files


    Virtual hosting


    Virtual hosting a root domain

    Virtual hosting a domain subdirectory

    Small intranet deployments

    Monolithic Zope



    Buildout for small deployments

    Small deployments layer diagram

    Medium intranet deployments

    ZEO Zope Enterprise Objects)

    Adding a ZEO server to our buildout

    ZEO clients



    Adding ZEO clients to our buildout

    Load balancer

    Supervisor to rule them all

    Using Supervisor

    Modifying the web server settings

    Medium deployments layer diagram

    Large intranet deployments

    Adding cache to our deployment

    Products.CacheSetup add-on product

    Cache server

    Building and configuring Varnish

    Default VCL configuration template file

    Modifying the web server settings

    Spanning services in separate servers

    Increasing the ZEO client instances

    Updating balancer configuration

    Setting LDAP as an external user database

    Large deployments service layer diagram



    Plone 3 Intranets

    Plone 3 Intranets

    Copyright © 2010 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either expressed or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: August 2010

    Production Reference: 1220710

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    32 Lincoln Road


    Birmingham, B27 6PA, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-847199-08-9

    Cover Image by Faiz Fattohi (<[email protected]>)



    Víctor Fernández de Alba


    Ramon Navarro Bosch

    Enzo Cesanelli

    Leonardo J. Caballero G.

    Matthew Wilkes

    Acquisition Editor

    Rashmi Phadnis

    Development Editor

    Ved Prakash Jha

    Technical Editors

    Madhumita Singh

    Arani Roy

    Conrad Sardinha


    Rekha Nair

    Editorial Team Leader

    Mithun Sehgal

    Project Team Leader

    Priya Mukherji

    Project Coordinator

    Prasad Rai


    Cathy Cumberlidge


    Geetanjali Sawant

    Production Coordinator

    Arvindkumar Gupta

    Cover Work

    Arvindkumar Gupta

    About the Author

    Víctor Fernández de Alba has been an IT architect at UPCnet, the Barcelona Tech University (UPC) IT company since 2001. He has been leading the design and technical architecture of more than 100 projects undertaken by the UPCnet Plone Team since its inception in 2004. He has been teaching Plone to non-technical end users at the university for some time now. This allowed him to use this close experience with users for improved usability of web projects developed by its team. He also writes manuals about Plone targeted to end users.

    The flagship project of UPCnet Plone Team is Genweb UPC. This project allows a fully featured, customized, and end-user ready intranets and public websites to be deployed in few short steps. It has helped to launch more than 200 Plone-powered sites at the university, including departmental web and intranets, university services, faculties, and other entities. In December 2009, the UPCnet Plone Team finished one of its most ambitious projects, and the main website of the Barcelona Tech University became a reality. It was developed focusing on scalability, high performance, and usability, using Plone.


    I would like to thank my wife, Agata. This book wouldn't have been possible without her stubbornness, motivation, endless support, and unconditional love.

    I want to specially thank my beloved mother, father, and brothers who have encouraged me throughout the years to better myself. I am who I am, thanks to them.

    I would like to thank Javier Otero who has been a guiding light in my professional life, point of reference, endless source of knowledge, and above all, a friend. Thanks to Ramon Navarro who showed me the path to the Plone core and shared with me his dark magic. Thanks to both of them, who helped me review the book.

    Finally, I want to remember those people at UPCnet who introduced Plone to me, and gave me the chance to work with it. This is a precious gift from the people who have, in one way or another, contributed to make this book a reality: the Plone community, the UPC Plone team, Vilabobo's team, the Packt Publishing team, specially to Rashmi, Ved, Prasad, and Madhumita, and my official book reviewers. Thanks a lot.

    About the Reviewers

    Ramon Navarro Bosch has been a computer science engineer since 2002 and is currently pursuing his PhD in Low Power embedded software. He has worked in the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) as System Administrator and Software Analyst from 1998 to 2006. During this period of time he has been involved in Samba, OLSR networks, C#-Mono, OpenWRT, Debian, LDAP, and Plone. He wrote a book about Mono development in C# using GTK for the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. After working for a period of eighteen months for a Plone company called Headnet in Aarhus (Denmark), he returned to Spain with good knowledge and community contacts to start a Plone business. During the last three years he has been involved in some community projects (multilingual, bug solving, and local talks) and worked on some big projects for the UPC, such as the main page and the nearly 300 Plones infrastructure. He is also a teacher of software development at the UPC (using Python).

    I thank my family for the support and for buying an Amstrad CPC when I was 10 years old.

    Enzo Cesanelli has over nine years of experience in designing and testing web solutions. His humanist education, along with endless passion for new technologies, led him to focus on information architecture and user experience design.

    Along his path, Enzo met Plone, which quickly became his engine of choice for most of his developed projects, namely, corporate websites, intranets, and web applications. A digital nomad, Enzo has just moved to London to broaden his personal and professional horizons, and to find new projects for Noiza, his communication agency based in Trieste, Italy.

    T.S.U. Esp. Leonardo J. Caballero G. is a native from Maracaibo, Venezuela. He is a graduate of the Academia de Software Libre of Fundacite Mérida as Especialista en Desarrollo en Software Libre and also a graduate of the Colegio Universitario Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín as Técnico Superior Universitario en Informática. Currently he is a member of the CENDITEL Foundation community, where he serves as a Developer of Free Technology. He is an advisor to the Venezuelan government agencies regarding issues of community collaboration and free software development. He has experience in using Free Software since 2002. He has participated as a collaborator in the Internationalization process and Spanish localization in many Open Source and Free Software projects. He is an active contributor in Venezuelan projects, such as CANAIMA GNU/Linux, SAID, and others. Since 2006 he has been in charge of testing tools that facilitate the process of structuring and publishing content. He also contributes to the continuous improvement of source code in several third-party products of Plone CMS, OpenCore Software (used in the website), and recently Django. He is a collaborator to PloneGov communities such as CommunesPlone (Belgiun) and Open eGov (USA). He is a founding member of the Venezuelan Plone community. He has recently reviewed a book for Packt Publishing: Plone Intranet.

    I want to thank God, all saints Ifa/Orisha, my family, Syra Lacruz, and Francisco Palm for their help and patience. I also want to thank CENDITEL foundation for learning and working with Plone, the members of all the communities including, Pythonistas de Venezuela, Plone Venezuela, Plone ConoSur, and Plone for their comments, advice and patience.

    Matthew Wilkes has been working with Plone since 2005, originally at Team Rubber, and as a freelance consultant under the name Circular Triangle. During that time he was involved in every aspect of intranet site creation, from the initial planning stages to optimizing deployed sites to improve performance. He is also an active Plone community foundation member, serving the Plone 4 Framework Team and foundation membership committee, as well as performing documentation reviews and assisting the management of itself.

    Per a tu Àgata,

    la meva nena bonica.


    Plone is a highly extensible Content Management System built on Zope application server, which is written in Python. Plone is very suitable for building intranets. No matter what size, or purpose, it offers a solution to the most common intranet needs, and more. Although it shows its real power in medium and large-scale corporate intranets, we can take advantage of Plone even in small-scale scenarios, such as small work groups, software projects, or research teams.

    If you've never built an intranet before, you don't even have programming skills, or you don't have any experience with CMS, don't worry! This is the most suitable book for you.

    This book will give you a complete overview of how to build and design your intranet, focusing on security and usability. It will guide you through the initial setup, Plone basics, security, and workflow-related topics, and ends with the most common deployment techniques.

    Learn how to make effective use of content type for your intranet. Know how to manage the life cycle of your documents and content in general, using workflows. Manage security and access your content granularly. Learn how to choose the right add-on products for your site, and how to use it in your intranet efficiently. And at the end, know how to deploy your intranet and make your site live.

    This book is targeted at people with no previous experience in Plone. There is no need for any programming experience or CMS knowledge.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Introduction to Plone, introduces readers to Plone, what it is, for what it's used, its main features, and why it is one of the best CMSs to build an intranet.

    Chapter 2, Getting Started, teaches us how to download the software requisites, install them, and run our own instance of Plone, no matter which software platform we may have.

    Chapter 3, Managing our Content, talks about the basics of Plone. Before we advance to building our Plone intranet site, we should know how to manage content, as well as the basics of Plone. This section only outlines the basics of Plone and does not go in depth. However, it gives us sufficient information to have a broad knowledge of Plone.

    Chapter 4, Configuring our Site, covers the most important topics about the advanced configuration of our Plone intranet and other advanced topics. It shows us how to manage our Plone site. We will learn to be confident in managing our site using the Zope Management Interface (ZMI).

    Chapter 5, Managing Users, Groups, Roles, and Permissions, discusses security, and how to deal with it, which is one of the most important topics when building an intranet. In this chapter, readers will learn how security works in Plone, how to manage local users (CRUD operations), and the mechanisms that Plone makes available to users in order to manage their data, such as profile data and passwords. We will also learn about groups and roles, and the basics of Plone security.

    Chapter 6 , Managing Workflows, is a detailed chapter dedicated exclusively to workflows, best practices, and how to manage, create, and modify them.

    Chapter 7, Securing our Intranet, covers topics based on the experience earned whilst working with intranet users and common basic intranet needs.

    Chapter 8, Using Content Type Effectively, covers common intranet use cases and shows us how to deal with them in Plone. We have to be very careful about the content type that we make available to our users. Failing to do so will lead to really difficult migrations, product conflicts, and user confusion.

    Chapter 9, Intranet Add-on Products, covers a suitable stack of products addressed to intranets. It shows the most reliable and fully-featured set of Plone's third-party add-on products. It covers internal blogs, group discussions, wikis, and knowledge bases form generators, surveys and polls, creation of shared calendars, document file helper applications, and so on.

    Chapter 10 , Basic Product Development, is a brief introduction to product development. It does not give an in-depth knowledge, but it aims to introduce the reader to the basics, and to the right resources to learn more about the topic.

    Chapter 11 , Content Rules, Syndication, and Advanced Features, talks about advanced content features such WebDAV, access to bulk upload and download content, content rules, and syndication, amongst others.

    Chapter 12, Theming our Intranet, lists the best practices for theming an intranet, focusing on performance. However, an in-depth chapter about theming is out of the scope of this book. It also talks about basic information with reference to resources where the reader will learn more about this subject.

    Chapter 13, Deploying our Intranet, covers how to deploy our intranet, based on its capacity, its needs, the number of intranet users, and its size.

    What you need for this book

    You will need a Python-enabled environment, which is very easy to set up under Linux and MAc OS X. Windows users should make sure they install all the in order to have a fully functional Python command-line interpreter, such as Linux and MAc OS X users have.

    All code and examples shown should run any platform. You will need internet access to download all the software and dependencies required to run Plone.

    All prerequisites are described in depth in Chapter 2, Getting Started.

    Who this book is for

    This book is for anyone who needs to build an intranet with no limits on capabilities or features. Even if you don't have previous CMS experience or programming skills, this book is for you. Targeted at beginners with no previous experience with Plone, this book will teach you step-by-step, and at the end you should have a full-featured, reliable, and secure intranet.


    In this book, you will find a number of styles of text that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles, and an explanation of their meaning.

    Code words in text are shown as follows: The name of this database is Data.fs.pack.

    A block of code is set as follows:


    recipe = plone.recipe.zope2zeoserver

    zope2-location = ${zope2:location}

    zeo-var = ${buildout:directory}/var

    zeo-address = ${ports:zeo-server}

    When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold: xml:lang=en








    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    $ paster create -t plone3_buildout deployment.buildout

    New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, in menus or dialog boxes for example, appear in the text like this: In the Groups tab we can find a similar functionality as the User tab..


    Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.


    Tips and tricks appear like this.

    Reader feedback

    Feedback from our readers is always welcome. Let us know what you think about this book—what you liked or may have disliked. Reader feedback is important for us to develop titles that you really get the most out of.

    To send us general feedback, simply

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