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UML 2.0 in Action: A project-based tutorial
UML 2.0 in Action: A project-based tutorial
UML 2.0 in Action: A project-based tutorial
Ebook512 pages4 hours

UML 2.0 in Action: A project-based tutorial

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About this ebook

The book is uniquely practical. A richly textured case study is used throughout the book. Although some aspects of the Airport Passenger Services business process are simplified for sake of clarity and efficiency, it provides a comprehensive practical grounding for theoretical UML knowledge. The case study itself was developed in partnership with employees of Zurich Airport. The book was written for business analysts, technical architects and developers. It does not require detailed programming knowledge, nor is prior experience of UML mandatory. It shows how, with UML, simple models of business processes and specification models can be created and read with little effort.
Release dateSep 6, 2005
UML 2.0 in Action: A project-based tutorial

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    UML 2.0 in Action - Patrick Grassle

    Table of Contents

    UML 2.0 in Action A Project-Based Tutorial



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    1. Introduction

    2. Basic Principles and Background

    2.1 Introduction to the Case Study

    2.2 Models, Views, and Diagrams

    2.2.1 What is a Model?

    2.2.2 Why do we Need Models?

    2.2.3 Purpose and Target Group of a Model

    Practical Tips

    2.2.4 Process of Analysis

    Practical Tips

    2.2.5 Diagrams as Views

    2.3 Information Systems and IT Systems

    2.4 The Models of our Case Study

    2.5 History of UML: Methods and Notations

    2.6 Requirement Specification

    2.6.1 Guidance for Decision Making

    2.6.2 Verification

    2.7 UML 2.0

    2.7.1 Overview of UML 2.0

    2.7.2 Effects on the Business System Model

    2.7.3 Effects on the IT System Model

    2.7.4 Effects on the Systems Integration Model

    2.7.5 Conclusion

    3. Modeling Business Systems

    3.1 Business Processes and Business Systems

    3.1.1 What is a Business Process?

    3.1.2 Definition of the Workflow Management Coalition

    3.1.3 Business Systems

    3.1.4 Using UML to Model Business Processes and Business Systems

    3.1.5 Practical Tips for Modeling Business Processes

    3.2 One Model—Two Views

    3.3 External View

    3.3.1 What Benefit does a Business System Provide?

    Business Use Cases


    3.3.2 The Elements of a View

    3.3.3 Use Case Diagrams

    Reading Use Case Diagrams

    3.3.4 Constructing Use Case Diagrams

    Collecting Information Sources—How am I Supposed to Know That?

    Identifying Potential Actors—Which Partners and Customers Use the Goods and Services of the Business System?

    Identifying Potential Business Use Cases—Which Goods and Services can Actors Draw Upon?

    Practical Tips

    Connecting Business Use Cases—Who Can Make Use of What Goods and Services of the Business System?

    Describing Actors—Who or What do the Actors Represent?

    Searching for More Business Use Cases—What else Needs to be Done?

    Editing Business Use Cases—What actually has to be Included in a Business Use Case?

    Documenting Business Use Cases—What Happens in a Business Use Case?

    Modeling Relationships between Business Use Cases—What Activities are Conducted Repeatedly?

    Verifying the View—Is Everything Correct?

    Practical Tips

    3.3.5 Activity Diagrams

    Reading Activity Diagrams

    3.3.6 Constructing Activity Diagrams

    Collect Information Sources—How am I Supposed to Know That?

    Find Activities and Actions—What has to be Done When Actors Draw upon Offered Goods and Services?

    Connect Actions—In Which Order are Actions Processed?

    Refine Activities—Do any Other Activity Diagrams have to be Added?

    Adopt Actors from Business Use Cases—Who is Responsible for Each Action?

    Verify the View—Is Everything Correct?

    3.3.7 Sequence Diagrams

    Reading Sequence Diagrams

    3.3.8 Constructing Sequence Diagrams

    Designate Actors and Business System—Who is Taking Part?

    Designate Initiators—Who Starts Interactions?

    Describe the Message Exchange between Actors and the Business System—Which Messages are being Exchanged?

    Identify the Course of Interactions—What is the Order?

    Insert Additional Information—What Else is Important?

    Verify the View—Is Everything Correct?

    3.3.9 High-Level Sequence Diagrams

    3.3.10 Sequence Diagrams for Scenarios of Business Use Cases

    The Internal View

    3.4.1 The Elements of the View

    3.4.2 Package Diagram

    Reading Package Diagrams

    3.4.3 Constructing Package Diagrams

    Develop an Initial Package Diagram of the Business System—Which Workers and Business Objects Make up the Business System?

    Find Additional Organization Units—Who Else is There?

    Assign Workers and Business Objects to the Organization Units—Who Belongs Where?

    Find Additional Organization Units, Workers, or Business Objects—What Else is There?

    Verify the View—Is Everything Correct?

    3.4.4 Class Diagram

    Reading Class Diagrams

    3.4.5 Constructing Class Diagrams

    Find Classes—Which Classes Exist in the Class Diagram?

    Create Associations Between Classes—Which Classes Deal with Each Other?

    Substantiate Associations—What do these Relationships Mean?

    Insert Generalizations—Can Business Objects be Grouped?

    Verify the View—Is Everything Correct?

    3.4.6 Activity Diagram

    Reading Activity Diagrams

    3.4.7 Constructing Activity Diagrams

    Collect Information Sources—How am I Supposed to Know That?

    Find Activities and Actions—Which Activities Have to be Performed so that the Goods and Services Utilized by Actors can be Provided and Delivered?

    Adopt Actors from Business Use Cases—Who is Responsible for Each Action?

    Connect Actions—In Which Order are Actions Processed?

    Refine Activities—Do any Other Activity Diagrams Have to be Added?

    Verify the View—Is Everything Correct?

    4. Modeling IT Systems

    4.1 External View

    4.1.1 The User View or I don't care how it works, as long as it works.

    4.1.2 The Elements of a View

    4.1.3 Use Case Diagram

    Reading Use Case Diagrams

    4.1.4 Query Events and Mutation Events

    4.1.5 Use Case Sequence Diagram

    Reading Use Case Sequence Diagrams

    4.1.6 Constructing the External View

    Collect Information Sources—How Am I Supposed to Know That?

    Identify Potential Actors—Who Works with the IT System?

    Identify Potential Use Cases—What Can be Done With the IT System?

    Connect Actors and Use Cases—Who Can Do What with the IT System?

    Describe Actors—Who or What do the Actors Represent?

    Search for More Use Cases—What Functionalities does the IT System have to Provide?

    Edit Use Cases—What Actually Has to be Included in a Use Case?

    Document Use Cases—What Happens in a Use Case?

    Model Relationships between Use Cases—What can be Reused?

    Verify the View—Is Everything Correct?

    4.2 Structural View

    4.2.1 Objects and Classes

    4.2.2 Generalization, Specialization, and Inheritance

    4.2.3 Static and Dynamic Business Rules

    4.2.4 Elements of the View

    4.2.5 Class Diagram

    Reading Class Diagrams

    4.2.6 Constructing Class Diagrams

    Identify and Model Classes—Which Classes do We Need?

    Identify and Model Associations—How Are the Classes Connected?

    Define Attributes—What do We Want to Know about the Objects?

    List Required Queries and Inputs—What does the IT System Need to Deliver and Accept?

    Formulate Queries and Inputs—How Exactly Should the Display Look?

    Conduct Information Analysis—Which Classes, Associations, and Attributes Do We Need?

    Consolidate Class Diagrams—How Does Everything Fit Together?

    Verify the Class Diagrams—Is Everything Correct?

    4.3 The Behavioral View

    4.3.1 The Life of an Object

    4.3.2. The Elements of the View

    4.3.3 Statechart Diagram

    Reading Statechart Diagrams

    4.3.4 Constructing Statechart Diagrams

    Identify Mutation Events Relevant for the Object—What Affects the Object?

    Group Relevant Events Chronologically—How Does a Normal Life Look?

    Model States and Transitions—Which States are There?

    Add Actions to the Statechart Diagram—What do Objects Do?

    Verify Statechart Diagram—Is Everything Correct?

    4.4 Interaction View

    4.4.1 Seeing What Happens Inside the IT System

    4.4.2 Elements of the View

    4.4.3 Communication Diagram

    Reading Communication Diagrams

    4.4.4 Sequence Diagram

    Reading Sequence Diagrams

    4.4.5 Constructing Communication Diagrams

    Draft Query Result—What do We Want?

    Identify Involved Classes—Which Classes Do We Need?

    Define Initial Object—Where Do We Start?

    Design Event Path—Where Do We Go?

    Amend Event Path—Exactly Which Objects do We Need?

    Identify Necessary Attributes—What Exactly Do We Want to Know?

    Verify the Communication Diagram—Is Everything Correct?

    4.4.6 Constructing Sequence Diagrams

    Identify Involved Classes—What is Affected by Mutation Events?

    Determine Initial Object—Where does the Mutation Event go First?

    Propagate Events—How is the Mutation Event Forwarded?

    Specify Event Parameter—What do Objects have to Know?

    Verify the Sequence Diagram—Is Everything Correct?

    5. Modeling for System Integration

    5.1 Terminology of System Integration



    Enterprise Application Integration

    Electronic Data Interchange



    5.2 Messages in UML

    5.3 One Model—Two Views

    5.4 Process View

    5.4.1 The Business System Model as Foundation

    5.4.2 Elements of the View

    5.4.3 Activity Diagrams

    Reading Activity Diagrams

    5.4.4 Sequence Diagram

    Reading Sequence Diagrams

    5.4.5 Constructing Diagrams in the Process View

    Determine Interfaces—Between Which IT Systems Should Communication Take Place?

    Identify Involved Systems—Which IT Systems Exchange Information?

    Identify Activities and Control Flow—What has to be Done and Who is Responsible for It?

    Define Messages—Which Messages have to be Exchanged?

    Define Rules—What Influences Actions?

    Verify the View—Is Everything Correct?

    5.5 The Static View

    5.5.1 Elements of the View

    5.5.2 Class Diagram

    Reading Class Diagrams

    5.5.3 Constructing Class Diagrams

    Collect Information Relevant for the Business Objects—What Do We Want to Read?

    Construct Class Diagram—What is the Structure of the Business Object?

    Adopt Classes and Attributes from the Class Diagram of the IT System—What is Present in the Class Diagram?

    Derive Remaining Data Elements—From Where Do I Get the Rest?

    Define Classes and Relationships of the Business Object—Which Class Relationships do We Need?

    Verify the View—Is Everything Correct?

    5.5.4 Transforming Data from the IT System to the Message passenger list

    Transformation of Flight Data

    Transformation of Passenger Data

    5.5.5 Transformation of UML Messages into Various Standard Formats


    UML 2.0 in Action A Project-Based Tutorial

    Patrick Grassle

    Henriette Baumann

    Philippe Baumann

    UML 2.0 in Action A Project-Based Tutorial

    Copyright © 2005 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, Packt Publishing, nor its dealers or distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: September 2005.

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    32 Lincoln Road


    Birmingham, B27 6PA, UK.

    ISBN 1-904811-55-8

    Cover Design by

    Authorized translation from the German Edition:

    UML 2.0 projektorientiert

    © 2004 by Galileo Press

    GALILEO COMPUTING is an imprint of Galileo Press,

    Fort Lee, NJ (USA), Bonn (Germany).

    German Edition first published 2004 by Galileo Press.



    Patrick Grässle

    Henriette Baumann

    Philippe Baumann


    Nilesh Mohite

    Dinesh Kandalgaonkar

    Cover Designer

    Helen Wood

    Technical Editor

    Chris Smith

    Paramita Chakrabarti


    Silvia Saint-Vincent


    Chris Smith


    Paramita Chakrabarti

    Manjiri Nadkarni


    The advantage of this book lies in its restriction to practical matters. Like many innovative subjects in business computing, the development of technical literature about UML takes place in a highly dynamic manner. The economic interests of producers of relevant tools, of consultants, and of authors are obviously directed towards differentiating every topic and constructing individual opinions. However, this leads to a blurring of the essential advantages—especially with UML. The success of this approach lies in its simplicity, its practicality, and its ability to be integrated. Easily comprehensible and carefully coordinated approaches were developed from real-life problems. These approaches get project parties in different positions, as represented in every project by customer and system-developer, to work together productively on a long-term basis. An excess of methodology is counterproductive because it is only comprehensible to the expert and therefore not widely used.

    That is exactly where the authors start. Recognizing the clear advantages of UML, they reduce it to its essential concepts. The authors have the courage to narrow UML appropriately from their own practical experience. The foundation is a pointblank subjective portrayal of their own project experience, which can be confirmed by anyone who has ever attempted professional systems development. Based on this experience, they critically evaluate UML. The result is a handy guide for the use of UML, with countless practice-oriented tips for conquering sub-problems in projects, and checklists to verify goals. The desire is not to present an extensive methodology. On the contrary, the examples are deliberately kept simple, which again helps with the reduction of UML to its essential elements and goals.

    Therefore, a project leader who wants to professionally model, coordinate, and control UML projects, won't be able to find solutions for every particular problem in this book. However, it will significantly ease the process of critically evaluating and selecting appropriate literature and tools. For the practice-oriented realist, this book could be the key to solving daily problems.

    Prof. Dr. Rainer Thome

    Chair of Business Administration and Business Computing,

    University of Würzburg.

    About the Authors

    Patrick Grässle is the co-founder and board member of KnowGravity Inc. ( in Zürich, a leading supplier of MDA and Business Rules know-how. Patrick studied Informatics and Economics at the University of Zürich. In 1986, he built his first model of an IT system using structured analysis and did not stop modeling since then. He has applied UML in many projects. He used and consulted structured and object-oriented methods for system specification. In the nineties, he helped develop the first localized UML trainings in Switzerland.

    The UML-based 'Model Driven Architecture' and the 'Business Rules Approach' absorb his main interest nowadays, but he is still doing UML training and consulting. Patrick can be reached at <[email protected]>.

    Henriette Baumann is the co-founder and board member of integratio GmbH (, based in Zurich. Henriette studied Informatics and Economics and was involved in software development and engineering since the mid-eighties, particularly with the transformation of business requirements in software systems. In 1998, she started with UML business modeling and has used UML in several projects. Today her main focus is on project management and consulting for business analysis, business requirements engineering, and business specifications based on UML, especially for financial service companies.

    Henriette can be reached at <[email protected]>.

    Philippe Baumann is co-founder and member of the board of integratio GmbH (, based in Zurich.

    Philippe studied Informatics at the University of Hagen (D) and was involved in software development and application integration since the mid-eighties. In 1998, he started with UML, and its usage in system integration and electronic data interchange between companies.

    Today he is the project manager and consultant for technical aspects and implementation of software integration using UML. He is also active in the field of implementation and integration of Open Source business software such as ERP and CRM.

    Philippe can be reached at <[email protected]>.

    About This Book

    The OMG Specification states:

    The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a graphical language for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system.

    Modeling is an essential part of large software projects, which also helps in the development of medium and small projects. UML can be used to model a variety of systems: software systems, business systems, or any other system. With its changes and extensions, UML 2.0 now supports the modeling of business processes much better.

    What This Book Covers

    This book shows how, with UML, simple models of business processes and specification models can be created and read with little effort. Most books deal with UML almost in its entirety. However, often lack of time, previous knowledge, or motivation to deal with the topic with the necessary intensity prevents us from understanding the material completely and putting it into action. This book is meant for exactly these cases. It presents UML only partially and in a simplified manner. We put together those parts of UML whose application has proven to be practical.

    Chapter 1 introduces us to UML and lists the advantages of using UML as a Modeling Language.

    Chapter 2 introduces us to the case study. The purpose of choosing a case study is to provide a coherent example through the chapters of this book. The chapter also explains several basic terms and concepts like models, views, diagrams, information systems, methods, and notations. The models and views provided by this book help choose the most suitable model for a requirement specification.

    Chapter 3 discusses the construction of business system models. It explains the benefits of the different views in a business system and discusses the elements of each view. It also provides instructions about how to construct use case diagrams.

    Chapter 4 illustrates how a conceptual model of an IT system can be developed with the help of UML.

    Chapter 5 describes the integration of the IT system into its environment. It discusses how to model the messages that are exchanged between the various IT systems, and the processes that are necessary to exchange these messages.


    In this book, you will find a number of styles of text that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles, and an explanation of their meaning.

    New terms and important words are introduced in a bold-type font. Words that you see on the screen, in menus or dialog boxes for example, appear in our text like this: clicking the Next button moves you to the next screen.


    Tips, suggestions, or important notes appear in a box like this.

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