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PARSNIPS in ELT: Stepping out of the comfort zone (Vol. 1)
PARSNIPS in ELT: Stepping out of the comfort zone (Vol. 1)
PARSNIPS in ELT: Stepping out of the comfort zone (Vol. 1)
Ebook26 pages16 minutes

PARSNIPS in ELT: Stepping out of the comfort zone (Vol. 1)

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About this ebook

Step out of your ELT comfort zone by trying some PARSNIP lessons.

This ebook has 7 lesson plans for ELT teachers that cover Politics, Alcohol, Religion, Sex, Narcotics, Isms and Pork in an engaging and enjoyable style.

Written by Mike JC Smith, Cecilia Lemos, David Petrie, Adam Simpson, Katherine Bilsborough, Noreen Lam, Phil Wade and cover designed by .

PublisherPhil Wade
Release dateAug 7, 2015
PARSNIPS in ELT: Stepping out of the comfort zone (Vol. 1)

Phil Wade

I have been teaching English for over 15 years and writing ebooks for 2.

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    Book preview

    PARSNIPS in ELT - Phil Wade

    Parsnips in ELT: Stepping out of the comfort zone (Vol. 1)

    Written by Mike JC Smith, Cecilia Lemos, David Petrie, Adam Simpson, Katherine Bilsborough, Noreen Lam, Phil Wade and cover designed by Kati Alice Bilsborough.

    Copyright ELTParsnipers 2015

    Smashwords Edition License Notes:

    This free ebook may be copied, distributed, reposted, reprinted and shared, provided it appears in its entirety without alteration, and the reader is not charged to access it.

    Check out the blog designed by Mike JC Smith at:


    Parsnips, it would seem, are full of surprises.

    Did you know, for instance, that their unique flavour comes when the starches change to sugar? Indeed, for centuries before sugar was widely available in Europe, parsnips were actually used to sweeten jams and cakes.

    Lots of mythology and false beliefs surround this fascinating vegetable. People used to believe that eating parsnips would relieve a whole variety of ailments, from toothache right through to tired feet. Despite this, they are a good source of nutrition when consumed in moderation, providing those who eat them with a healthy dose of vitamin C, folate and manganese.

    Be wary, however; appearances can be deceptive! While not directly related to the cow parsnip, which is a member

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