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Do It Yourself Psychic Power: Practical Tools and Techniques for Awakening Your Natural Gifts using Clairvoyance, Spirit Guides, Chakra Healing, Space Clearing and Aura Reading
Do It Yourself Psychic Power: Practical Tools and Techniques for Awakening Your Natural Gifts using Clairvoyance, Spirit Guides, Chakra Healing, Space Clearing and Aura Reading
Do It Yourself Psychic Power: Practical Tools and Techniques for Awakening Your Natural Gifts using Clairvoyance, Spirit Guides, Chakra Healing, Space Clearing and Aura Reading
Ebook303 pages5 hours

Do It Yourself Psychic Power: Practical Tools and Techniques for Awakening Your Natural Gifts using Clairvoyance, Spirit Guides, Chakra Healing, Space Clearing and Aura Reading

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About this ebook

A complete guide to practical tools and techniques for exploring and developing your psychic powers and becoming aware of your own psychic space.

Psychic Power is a practical workbook that teaches you how to tap into and develop the sacred energy that is all around. From using tools, such as crystals, pendulums, candles and stones, through to creating healthy home and work space for working with your natural psychic gifts, and contacting spirits and psychic protection, Natalia O’Sullivan combines ancient wisdom with modern thinking to produce a guide to creating and maintaining your psychic understanding and energy.

Everyone has natural psychic abilities and this book is filled with simple practices and techniques to teach you to connect with yourself, your family, home and business environment, and attune to the sacred and psychic energy all around.

Release dateSep 26, 2013
Do It Yourself Psychic Power: Practical Tools and Techniques for Awakening Your Natural Gifts using Clairvoyance, Spirit Guides, Chakra Healing, Space Clearing and Aura Reading

Natalia O’Sullivan

Natalia O’Sullivan is a renowned spiritual teacher and healer. She also widely contributes to national newspapers and magazines on a range of holistic health issues. She co-authored The Body Shop Book of Wellbeing and Soul Rescuers, and is a regular contributor for Spirit Magazine and Light magazine for the College of Psychic Studies. Together with her husband, Terry, she runs popular sacred healer retreats and shamanic workshops throughout the UK, Spain, Greece, USA, and South Africa.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Dr tunde is the best psychic l've even worked with he was spot on about everything without me needing to tell him anything! And that's what 've like about him he was. Different From other psychics, and after working with him my husband came back. After two months of not being home ? And we are connecting more better now than before! This is the best new year gift that I can ask for having my family back together.Thanks to Dr Tunde on must contact him babatundesolutioncentre1@gmail .com or his WhatsApp mobile number +2348115849683

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Do It Yourself Psychic Power - Natalia O’Sullivan


Introduction to psychic powers

Psychic powers are natural and intuitive – everyone can develop their psychic potential if they wish to. Developing this skill is not only a means of connecting with the spirit world; it helps us achieve greater awareness and control over our destiny.

Psychic awareness is the natural ability to perceive things before they happen – even guessing lottery numbers and winning on a horse race may have its basis in one’s psychic ability. We are all psychics to varying degrees of sensitivity. If we observe nature it’s obvious that animals sense a presence long before it can be seen; this is essential for their survival. We use this same intuitive source – in our work, during competitive sports or business situations – to survive in the modern world. Our gut instinct helps us to connect with a sixth sense, or second sight, which in turn helps us to ‘tune in’ to places and people – both past and future.

There is no need to follow a spiritual path or to have strict religious tendencies to be an accurate psychic, but in most traditions training is required in order to develop accurate psychic skills. Each psychic works on many different energy frequencies and, if we have the necessary skill, these can dictate to us our future profession. Being psychic can be a bonus to the lucky ones and a curse to others.

What qualities make a good psychic?

•  Personality: Psychics tend to be bright, naturally intelligent and extrovert. People with more out-going personalities score more in psychic tests than those who are sombre, shy and reflective.

•  Sensitivity: Do you find that you get easily hurt and are oversensitive to people and atmospheres? Most psychics are also extremely sensitive individuals and even in childhood would have been considered oversensitive.

•  Creativity: Are you artistic? A large proportion of psychics come from an artistic or creative background. Some psychic researchers suggest that this is because psychics, like artists, predominantly use the right-hand side of the brain – the side that is creative and intuitive.

•  Dreams: Do you have vivid and colourful dreams? Dreaming is one of the routes to the subconscious mind. If you are in tune with your inner self, then you naturally become aware of your psychic self during sleep.

•  Perception and sight: Do you see bright lights around living things? If so, this is the ability to ‘see’ the aura, the magnetic field around living things. The aura is known to change shape and colour depending on the mood or energy levels of a person or living thing. If you can see this – and even the colour of the aura – then you are very psychic.

•  Intuition: Do you listen to your intuition? Do you have a gut instinct or can you sense things about people, situations or places. Much of the information that we receive through intuition is gained through sensitivity and connecting through the solar plexus into another person or situation. Intuition is listening to your inner self and hearing advice from the spirit world.

Are You Psychic?

Think not? Well, you may be more psychic than you think. If you trust your natural instincts about things you will begin to realize that these instincts are as natural and normal as any of our five physical senses – the abilities to see, hear, touch, taste and smell.

Our own unique psychic potential utilizes our ability to be able to receive, access and transmit vast quantities of information from our day-to-day life. This takes place within an aspect of our mind that tunes into a psychic or unseen frequency. We can learn to strengthen, access and make use of these abilities, whether it is for the simplest of tasks or a life-threatening situation – for instance, choosing a job or profession, trusting your judgment about a partner or deciding when to have children. The act of being able to see beyond most situations means you can avoid being in the wrong place at the wrong time and avoid making wrong decisions. Psychic awareness is there to help guide and inform you of future problems and opportunities.

Are You Naturally Psychic?

Have you experienced any of the following?

•  Do you frequently phone your mother or friend only to find their number engaged as they are trying to phone you? Or do they say that they were thinking about you when you called?

•  Have you ever decided on impulse to change your route to work, only to discover later that there was an accident or an unusual traffic problem on your customary route?

•  You meet someone new who appears to be ‘perfect’ but something inside tells you that you should distrust them – then later you discover your reservations were justified.

•  You phone a friend on impulse, feeling that there is something wrong and they confirm that there had been a disaster at work, in their love life or a family crisis.

•  Sometimes your dreams are so vivid that you feel they are real, then the next day you find that your dream comes true.

•  You suddenly think of someone you have not seen or heard from in years and the next day you receive a letter, e-mail or call from them.

•  You waken seconds before your baby, despite the fact they are in another room and have no regular sleeping patterns.

•  You book into a hotel and find that there is a bad atmosphere, you cannot sleep and you sense that it could be haunted. When you check it out with the hotel they confirm that the place has been known to be haunted.

•  You have a mother or grandmother who is psychic (psychic abilities run in the family).

•  You have seen lights around people’s heads – perhaps since you were a child and were surprised that other people did not.

•  You have heard voices of dead people or sense someone standing behind you when there is no one there.

•  You can make things happen with thought or intent.

•  You have always been very sympathetic to other people and feel other’s pain and suffering.

•  You possess the ability to make people feel better and can detect a warmth coming from your hands when extending affection or wanting to soothe another’s pain.

•  You sense dangerous moments before they happen or have disaster dreams that come true.

If you recognize four or more of these experiences then your psychic powers are already well tuned. Even if you only relate to one or two of these statements, your psychic abilities are still present. Maybe your natural psychic abilities were present in your childhood but were not encouraged, so you relied on your five physical senses and logic alone.

Being able to connect to your psychic potential enables you to use your intuitive and psychic senses as if they were as natural and normal as using your mind to create ideas and make decisions. To see beyond the reality that you are living gives you the opportunity to be one step ahead. This can allow you to feel comfortable in your own skin – often for the first time. Many people who have been psychic since childhood have been unable to acknowledge the feelings or sensations they experienced as a child or teenager for fear of alarming others.

Being a Psychic

Some of us are using our psychic gifts without even realizing we are doing it. We are aware of the information that we receive through an ‘inner’ sense but do not talk about it – often fearing that other people will not understand.

There is a common misunderstanding that psychic power is something that some people possess and others do not. The reality is more complicated: we all have the ability to be psychic, but some people are just more awake to their powers than others. Everyone has the potential and each individual’s potential is unique.

Awakening these gifts and utilizing them to support your personal and spiritual life is a journey that takes time, support from good teachers and mentors, and discipline. It is your choice whether or not you develop your latent psychic gifts. This is similar to learning how to play an instrument: you must have both the passion and the patience to learn before you can become a talented player.

Opening Up to Your Psychic Gift

Some people are fascinated by human psychological and emotional characteristics, and often their psychic gift will be an ability to tune into a person’s personality and see their weaknesses and strengths. Other people have the gift of vision – of seeing into the past and future of individuals, a place or a situation. We could call them fortune tellers or diviners. They will have a natural vision which will come to them in dreams whilst they are asleep, through daydreaming thoughts and inspirations, or from just having a knowing feeling that something good or bad may happen. Other people see visions: for instance, a place or circumstance causes a deja vu experience that brings forward an inner sight of a situation or circumstance which may have happened or is going to happen.

One of the most accessible methods of psychic development is psychometry – the ability to see psychically by using touch. Many people find it a good first step in encouraging their psychic gifts to open up. In the majority of cases strong psychic abilities tend to be hereditary. They do, however, commonly skip a generation so parents are often uninterested in spiritual or psychic matters and find it strange that a child of theirs should be drawn to study these traditions. Such children learn to be quiet about their ‘strange’ feelings and it is often only when they begin to uncover their gifts that they also discover that a grandparent or great-grandparent was psychic.

Psychic abilities can be separated into nine main categories:

TELEPATHY is the ability to tune in to the thoughts of others and to be able to project your own thoughts into another person’s mind.

PRECOGNITION is a knowledge of events before they take place – enabling you to make predictions about the future.

DIVINATION is the ability to see into the future by using psychic tools such as crystal balls, tarot cards and tea leaves.

PSYCHOMETRY is seeing without eyes – the ability to ‘tune’ into objects to be able to read a person’s character and even tell their past or future.

DREAMING is the ability to tune into psychic frequencies while sleeping and bring the information back into everyday life by interpreting the symbols and images seen in dreams.

SPIRIT COMMUNICATION is the ability to communicate with spirits either by being overshadowed by a spirit’s presence or through direct communication. It is also called channelling or mediumship.

CLAIRSENTIENCE is to be able to smell and sense what is unseen.

CLAIRVOYANCE is being able to see mentally what is happening in a dimension that is unseen or out of sight. It is a term that means exceptional sight.

CLAIRAUDIENCE is the faculty to hear what is beyond the normal range of hearing.

I hear so many stories from people who have had psychic encounters without recognizing them. For example, knowing if a family member or close friend is in trouble without speaking to them first, or averting disaster by listening to their intuition about road traffic. These are simple intuitive responses to your day-to-day life but when you take these innate skills a step further, you will enhance your ability to see through people, hear and feel spirits, see auras and colours in the atmosphere and divine the future.

Connecting With Our Psychic Energy

Mankind is an ancient being and evolution’s long memory is locked away within each of us. Our DNA has encoded within it ancient patterns of behaviour that once helped us survive in a harsh environment. In today’s modern world, most of our inherited behaviour patterns are obsolete and no longer necessary for survival. Yet they still lie dormant in the unconscious, ready to re-animate should they be needed again.

Below the thin layer of brain called the cerebral cortex, where the rational mind functions, lies the 90 per cent of our being that we are unaware of–the primitive, reptilian brain. Within this aspect of the mind lies our subconscious connection with our ancestors and their ancient knowledge. When we are able to access this memory or connection, we are able to draw from the powers within our subconscious mind and this is where that aspect of our spirit talks to us about who we are and what we want from our lives.

Let’s look in more detail at the varying kinds of psychic ability.


Telepathy is an exchange of information directly from the mind of one individual to the mind of another without the need for words to be spoken aloud or any exchange of physical, nonverbal communication such as eye signals, hand gestures or other forms of body language.

We are all telepathic to some degree and go about our daily lives transmitting and receiving information – often without being consciously aware that we are doing so. While we each transmit and receive in different ways, the basic principle is the same: we all act like radios, tuning into information and sending out signals on certain frequencies. Some of us have a greater ability to receive; others are more able to transmit. Some people are on the same frequency and therefore find it easier to receive telepathic messages than others. Many people discover that as they become closer in a physical relationship they begin to connect with that person on a telepathic level. Mothers and daughters have a natural link, particularly as the psychic gift is passed down the mother line from both parents into their descendants.

Our individual telepathic abilities are closely linked to our other psychic gifts. If we are more clairvoyant than clairaudient, for example, then we are much more likely to receive our telepathic information in the form of visual images or symbols than to ‘hear’ the thoughts of other people in our head. A telepathic clairsentient may receive a sense of another person’s physical or emotional state, even at a distance.

Telepathy can operate at short distances or at great ones. We experience short distance telepathy with family members and friends. In these cases, our telepathic abilities become entwined with our other abilities to read and transmit information and to tune into our intuition. For instance, we often know when someone we know well is angry with us, even when they do not express it openly. We may pick up a combination of signals that includes body language, tone of voice, changes in behaviour and clairsentient emotional messages, as well as telepathic thoughts that the person transmits – and we receive loud and clear.

Long distance telepathy can be just as common, though it can appear more remarkable because we do not have the more obvious physical signals to rely on. On many occasions I have thought of a friend abroad and then received a letter or e-mail from them.

Developing Telepathic Communication

Good telepathic communication, when combined with good physical and verbal communication skills, can be very useful for creating harmonious relationships at home and at work. Very few people are so telepathic that they can read another person’s mind as easily as reading a book. To develop accurate telepathic skills takes practice and patience. Begin by trying it out with a friend or a member of your family.

Sit opposite each other and take it in turns. Hold a thought in your mind, just a simple word, and then create an image in your head that symbolizes the word. For instance, think heart – see a red-coloured heart in your mind’s eye. Hold the image for five minutes and project that image to the person opposite you. After five minutes ask them what they saw in your mind. Practise this with the same person over a few days and you will become more confident in your ability to send and receive telepathic messages.

Developing good telepathic skills assists with spirit communication, clairvoyance and clair-audience skills, as accurate transmission of information can only happen when you have clear vision and are able to telepathically tune into people, spirits and places.


This is the ability to see into the future through dreams and daytime impressions. Have you ever dreamed of a future event and it has happened? Have you ever visited a place and felt that you had been there before? Have you ever been at a social event and knew how the evening would turn out? Have you seen into the future and and been able to foretell which of your childhood friends would do well and which would fail? This is precognition.

Nostradamus (1503–66) was the greatest seer in the Western world. To open his vision he would focus his attention on a bowl of water. He would then see pictures projected from his mind and relate these to his knowledge of astrology. In this manner he predicted many major European historical events including the Great Fire of London, Hitler’s rise to power and the nuclear bomb.

To develop this skill you don’t necessarily need to use a bowl of water, a crystal ball or any type of paraphernalia (although these can make things easier for beginners). To practise precognition you need to be able to open your mind and have a focal point on which to fix your attention. I have found that the most sensitive time of day for this type of psychic connection is late at night, when you are tired and unable to focus your concentration on everyday reality. The more tired I am, the more open I become to receive psychic information and to be able to see into the future.

The best form of development exercise for precognition is to work on divination skills using tools such as tarot cards, scrying through crystals balls or a bowl of water, or even reading tea leaves – any form of concentration that opens up your natural ability to see into the future.


All techniques for predicting the future are based on interpreting random events – whether it is the fall of coins or runes, the patterns in sand or smoke stains on a mirror. That random event then takes on a special meaning when we ask it to be our oracle.

The use of tarot cards is a common form of divination. I have studied them since my teens, using them as a tool with which to tune into my clairvoyant skills. I have used these skills to help people work out their personal problems and to help see me through certain challenges and crossroads in my life. The cards are generally beautifully illustrated and it is with the imagery of the illustrations that the magic or power of the tarot lies. Learning about these symbols can take years of practice and reading but once learnt they are never forgotten.

Tarot Cards


At first glance, traditional tarot cards appear difficult to understand. The cards were originally designed when most of the world’s population was illiterate, and much of the knowledge was passed down by Romany oral traditions. The pictures and the symbols told a story and gave inspiration to the diviner, so in essence the cards are simple to read as they work by triggering your own intuition rather than being based on a technical understanding of the symbology within the cards.

Many cards and their accompanying books are overloaded with so much information – including astrology, psychology, world religious symbols, numerology and so on – that I found it was best to choose a set of cards whose colour, texture and tradition I responded to. (I began my journey with the Rider tarot designed by A.E. Waite, a pack based on the European tradition, but now I work with Dakini Oracle cards based on Tibetan Buddhism – choose whatever suits you.)

If you are going to work with the cards on other people, they must be bought for you as a gift. So even if you have chosen them, ask your partner or a friend to buy them for you. Buy the accompanying book with the cards so at least you can study the meanings and format of laying the cards out. Keep your tarot cards in a soft, natural-fibred cloth, preferably red in colour, as this protects them and holds their power.

Before you start practising, get to know the cards. Look at each one and decide what it is trying to tell you. How would you interpret the card in a reading? What does it say about the emotional, spiritual or material conditions of a person? Devote a good deal of time to this before you look up the standard meanings of the cards from the book, as it will help you link your own intuitive response to the cards. When you have decided on your interpretation, compare it with the meanings in your book and you will probably find that your interpretation comes close to the established meaning. Practise on yourself and on close friends and family until you feel comfortable working with them without referring to the book.


In the traditional tarot there are 78 cards, divided into two main groups: 22 Major Arcana, numbered 0-21; and 56 Minor Arcana, divided into four suits. The Major Arcana is the most powerful of the set, symbolizing the journey of the man in the pack, called ‘the fool’, in his encounters with the characters within the Major Arcana set. Some people prefer using only the Major Arcana cards and get to know these first before introducing the rest of the pack. The Minor Arcana is divided into four suits as in a playing card set – Wands, Cups, Swords and Coins.

The cards can be shuffled so that they are upright or reversed (when the cards’ meaning then changes). The cards contain an equal balance of positive and negative so reversing the cards adds little to the overall reading and most of the time I ignore the reverse and work with the meaning only in the upright position. You can do many different types of readings, from simple questions and answers to more elaborate combinations.

It is said that it is impossible to read the tarot for yourself, and unfortunately in some cases this is true as wishful thinking and inner fears and expectations can get in the way. Again, like all psychic gifts, divination skills are to

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