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Entrancing Tales for Change with Hypnosis and NLP
Entrancing Tales for Change with Hypnosis and NLP
Entrancing Tales for Change with Hypnosis and NLP
Ebook158 pages1 hour

Entrancing Tales for Change with Hypnosis and NLP

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About this ebook

There may have been many times when you wished you had it in you to change your life but you didn't think you knew how. Do you want to change something in your life right now? Do you lack motivation and enthusiasm? Do you feel stressed out by fear and regrets? Would you like to move forwards and get on and enjoy your life? Then this book is for you! These Entrancing Tales will debug your subconscious mind and release your true potential. Things you thought you didn't have in you will suddenly reveal themselves to you in the most unexpected ways. Entertaining and easy to read, these hypnotic stories will lead you on a journey of change and you might like to read them more than once and enjoy how they make you feel. By the end of this book, you will notice an automatic change in you. You will see things in a different light. You will have found a way of doing things you once found challenging with ease. All you need to do is find a comfortable place and read one tale at a time.
PublisherMX Publishing
Release dateFeb 7, 2012
Entrancing Tales for Change with Hypnosis and NLP

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    Book preview

    Entrancing Tales for Change with Hypnosis and NLP - The English Sisters



    Change is something,

    we all know about,

    something we all do,

    every day,

    from the moment we take

    our very first breath;

    to this moment,

    breathing in and out,

    right now,

    and yet so many find it so hard

    to change

    something about themselves

    that they are not happy with,

    and that is a mystery.

    The key lies in uncovering

    your true self,

    digging deep within

    to a time

    when change

    is something you do with ease,

    as you change your skin,

    without even realising it –

    happening all by itself.

    As you read this book,

    we would like you to

    keep in mind

    the changes that you

    wish to make,

    and the steps you

    wish to take,

    to become a happier

    and more successful you,

    remembering that

    you don’t have to do

    much at all,

    because you are

    changing all the time,

    like a river is never the same,

    and nor are you.


    water can stagnate,

    and sometimes thoughts can

    twirl and spiral out of control.

    However, a river,

    knows where to flow,

    and so do you,

    once you have made

    up your mind

    to allow your thoughts

    to glow.

    Change the thoughts

    in your mind,

    and your mind will

    breathe new life.

    Easier said than done, you say.

    That’s right.

    To change your thoughts,

    you have to change your mind,

    and think new thoughts,

    like a plant has to produce new cells,

    in order to grow.

    You may, at first, find it hard,

    but as you read,

    you’ll find that time is on your side.

    A butterfly lives only for a day or two,

    and yet, fulfills its due.

    As you are reading,

    changes are taking place:

    your heartbeat slows,

    and you displace those thoughts

    that you no longer need,

    to leave space for new and exciting projects to flow.

    Close your eyes, and go inside,

    and concentrate on your feet,

    and the flow of life

    that runs from the soles of your feet,

    to the tip of your head.

    Allow for feelings to flow

    through your body;

    allow feelings you no longer need

    to leave and float away.

    Notice how light, you start to feel,

    and notice a smile start to reveal,

    deep from within,

    changes, are taking place,

    healing and soothing,

    bathing you now in GLOW.


    Have you ever noticed

    what happens to butter

    if you leave it uncovered in the fridge?

    It appears normal on the outside.

    However, when you taste it,

    it no longer tastes the same.

    If left long enough,

    it will absorb any strong odour

    coming from other foods close by.

    In very much the same way,

    your mind will also absorb,

    just like butter,

    many strong influences

    coming your way.

    You may enjoy butter

    with different flavours

    very much.

    They may indeed

    add an extra touch,

    but then again,

    you may also prefer

    to cover your butter

    and to keep it tasting like butter,

    pure and simple,

    just as it is.

    The choice is yours.

    Lucidota the Glow Worm

    Lucidota was a diurnal glow worm

    who lived beneath a tall tree

    in a tropical land far, far away.

    She spent her time looking for food

    during the day and resting at night.

    She was a glow worm that did not glow,

    but then again that was normal

    for a diurnal glow worm,

    for they only fly when the Sun is high.

    She had heard stories about glow worms

    that had a strange light within them,

    but it was believed to be nothing more

    than a fairy tale.

    When the Sun went down,

    Lucidota would close her eyes

    and fall into a deep sleep,

    like all the other diurnal glow worms.

    This happened every night -

    every night, except for one.

    It was a warm summer’s night

    when Lucidota had the most incredible dream:

    she dreamt that she was getting ready to go out,

    as she did every day,

    only it was not day and the Sun was not high.

    It was night.

    Pure darkness surrounded her, yet she felt no fear.

    Instead, she felt a strange feeling

    of excitement and anticipation

    as she went out into the night

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