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Science, Grade 5
Science, Grade 5
Science, Grade 5
Ebook95 pages1 hour

Science, Grade 5

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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Interactive Notebooks: Science for grade 5 is a fun way to teach and reinforce effective note taking for students. Students become a part of the learning process with activities about ecosystems, body systems, physical and chemical changes, weather, Earth's crust, natural resources, and more! This book is an essential resource that will guide you through setting up, creating, and maintaining interactive notebooks for skill retention in the classroom. High-interest and hands-on, interactive notebooks effectively engage students in learning new concepts. Students are encouraged to personalize interactive notebooks to fit their specific learning needs by creating fun, colorful pages for each topic. With this note-taking process, students will learn organization, color coding, summarizing, and other important skills while creating personalized portfolios of their individual learning that they can reference throughout the year. Spanning grades kindergarten to grade 8, the Interactive Notebooks series focuses on grade-specific math, language arts, or science skills. Aligned to meet current state standards, every 96-page book in this series offers lesson plans to keep the process focused. Reproducibles are included to create notebook pages on a variety of topics, making this series a fun, one-of-a-kind learning experience.
Release dateDec 1, 2015
Science, Grade 5

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    Science, Grade 5 - Sara Haynes Blackwood

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