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Your Alien Ancestry - How It Affects Your Life!
Your Alien Ancestry - How It Affects Your Life!
Your Alien Ancestry - How It Affects Your Life!
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Your Alien Ancestry - How It Affects Your Life!

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Want to know more about off-planet lives? If so, then this new book by The Abbott's explores recently discovered information about off-planet lives and distant alien home worlds. Read about these unique cultures and how they subconsciously affect your daily life including how you live, love, work, use money & relate to other people among other things! Amazing new information for all generations.

PublisherThe Abbotts
Release dateDec 7, 2015
Your Alien Ancestry - How It Affects Your Life!

The Abbotts

Who Are The Abbotts? The Abbotts have self-published over 150 books on many different alien/extraterrestrial, psychic and spiritual subjects including the paranormal, self-improvement, love, relationships and inspiring fiction. They also have another 300 plus books that are being prepared for general release! All of their published books and courses are available through most online book stores, app stores, book retailers and digital libraries. The Abbotts goals for the future includes writing more books and branching out into other forms of mass media including social media, audiobooks, translated books, animation, and films etc. The Abbotts hope that you enjoy their free and low-cost books. And please recommend us to your family, friends and work colleagues. Thank you. Love, Light and hope, The Abbotts Tony J. Abbott and Robyn Abbott. .

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    Book preview

    Your Alien Ancestry - How It Affects Your Life! - The Abbotts

    Your Alien Ancestry

    How it Affects Your Life!


    The Abbotts

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2015 The Abbotts

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this ebook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy.

    Thank you for respecting the hard work of the authors.

    Table of Contents


    The Authors, Tony Abbott, Robyn Abbott, The Abbotts


    Chapter One - Who Are You?

    Off-Planet Quiz, Alien A, Alien B, Alien C, Alien D, Alien E, Alien F, Alien G, Answers

    Chapter Two - Health and Body

    Pleiadian traits, Alien A, * Warning, Taxos, Bellatrix and Pentax traits, Alien B, Sirian traits, Alien C, Orion traits, Alien D, Arcturan traits, Alien E, Andromedan traits, Alien F

    Chapter Three - Work

    Pleiadian traits, Taxos, Bellatrix and Pentax traits, Sirian traits, Arcturan traits, Orion traits, Andromedan traits, Divine Plan Work Exercise

    Chapter Four - Family and Friends

    Pleiadian traits, Taxos, Bellatrix and Pentax traits, Forgiveness Meditation, Sirian traits, Arcturan traits, Lifting the Weight Exercise, Orion traits, Andromedan traits

    Chapter Five - Love and Sex

    Pleiadian traits, Taxos, Bellatrix and Pentax traits, Sirian traits, Now, write down five things that your past lovers taught you, Arcturan traits, Cutting the Heart, Mind and Sexual Psychic Chords, Orion traits, Perfect Partner Dream Manifestation, Andromedan traits, What are Karmic Connections? What are Soul Mates? What are Twin Flames?

    Chapter Six - Money & Power

    Pleiadian traits, Taxos, Bellatrix and Pentax traits, Sirian traits, Arcturan traits, Orion traits, Andromedan traits, Simple Money Manifestation

    Chapter Seven - Causes

    Pleiadian traits, Taxos, Bellatrix and Pentax traits, Sirian traits, Arcturan traits, Orion traits, Andromedan traits

    Chapter Eight - Addictions

    Pleiadian traits, Taxos, Bellatrix and Pentax traits, How to Meet Your Spirit Guides in Meditation, * Note, Sirian traits, Basic Lake Meditation, Arcturan traits, Orion traits, Andromedan traits

    Chapter Nine - Psychic Powers

    Pleiadian traits, Manifesting Meditation, Taxos, Bellatrix and Pentax traits, The Seven Major Auric Layers Diagram, Basic Aura Cleansing Exercise, Sirian traits, Here is a Basic Astral Travel Exercise, Arcturan traits, Scrying for the Future Exercise, Orion traits, Rose Quartz, Andromedan traits, Teacher Guides, Meeting Teacher Guides, * Note

    Chapter Ten - Unusual Aliens

    Alpha Centauri and Albos, Alpha Centauri, Albos, At and Be from Alpha Centauri, Teh of Albos, Zeta Reticuli (The Greys), The Greys, The Whites, Alpha Draconi (The Lizzies), Mintaka, Middle-Earthers, Devas

    Other book titles by The Abbotts

    Who Are You? - Discovering Your Cosmic Origins

    The ‘I AM’ Series

    High Finance - A Spiritual Approach to Money!

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    The Authors


    Tony Abbott has been a professional clairvoyant, hypnotherapist, healer and self-development teacher. He is now a writer and the Managing Director of Divine Publishing Australia an independent electronic publisher & promoter of paranormal & New Age material.


    Robyn Abbott is a former spiritualist minister, hypnotherapist, clairvoyant and social welfare worker who now devotes her time to writing and publishing spiritual, psychic and self-help books.

    The Abbotts have published over 195 books on many different psychic subjects, the paranormal and personal development. All of their books and courses are available through Divine Publishing Australia,


    Many men and women are intrigued by their ancestry and are currently discovering interesting facts about their physical ancestors and how they thought, worked and lived. Whether you find that your great, great grandfather was a convict transported to Australia in the early colonial days or an emigrant from Europe to the New Americas, it can be fascinating to find out how these long-dead relatives have influenced who you are now.

    Then how even more exciting it can be, to discover who your alien ancestors have been and how the lives that they and yourself have spent in other dimensions on alien worlds, have influenced your thoughts, emotions, actions, behaviour and beliefs today!

    This is what this unique book is about, examining how and why we are all affected by our alien past lives and how we can overcome any negative aspects of our personalities and highlight the positive aspects of our alien ancestry! Intrigued? Then read on...

    The Abbotts,

    Tony Abbott and Robyn Abbott

    Eden Park, 2015.

    Chapter One - Who Are You?

    We tend to think that we are quite ordinary human beings with a shared history of evolution, but there is much more to us than our physiological inheritance of a homo sapien, ape-like body.

    Within each of us is a soul body or angelic spirit that enters each new Earth body and inhabits it, for the length of that human life, whether it is for a few hours, thirty years or a century! Many people today accept the idea of reincarnation and reason that if we can enter a foetus at birth once, why can’t we do this, many times.

    Many Eastern religions promote the idea of reincarnation, as they rightly theorize that you can’t learn everything in one lifetime, particularly if it is a short life span. And if the real reason we incarnate into a human body is for knowledge and growth, we need various experiences to aid that spiritual growth.

    Living one life as a pampered, spoilt rich princess or king wouldn’t teach you much about poverty, pain, struggle or finding the common touch. But living numerous different lifetimes as beggars, soldiers, peasants, midwives, courtesans and adventurers would! This way you become a well-rounded and more balanced soul and you can send this personal information back up to the higher dimensional levels.

    By now, you may be asking - Is reincarnation true? Do we have many lifetimes or only one? We believe that you have many lifetimes, opportunities to perfect yourself and grow in knowledge, love and compassion. For one lifetime for many people, would just not be long enough!

    Tony and I remember many of our past lives, some together, some not. We have been rich, poor, male, female, spiritual, atheist and more. All new adventures for growth!

    As hypnotherapists for many years, we have hypnotically regressed hundreds of people who remembered earlier lives. This has helped them to understand about their phobias, life patterns and relationship problems. So it is a very common experience that is both exciting and comforting!

    Surprisingly, the early Christian churches believed in reincarnation and the philosophy was fully accepted up until the fourth century, when it was outvoted by only one vote, at a meeting of senior clergy at Constantinople.

    Now while we were busy hypnotically regressing these clients, many of them began to speak of lives that were lived Off-planet, i.e. in other galaxies and on alien planets and we found that many spoke about advanced civilizations in higher dimensions than our third dimension, on Earth!

    Many of these advanced civilizations lived in the fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions and above! They are kind, benevolent alien cultures who value peace and non-interference in the development of planets such as Earth. There are around 253 other third dimensional planets at our state of evolution.

    Our clients spoke of these former lives with affection and pride and we wondered, much as you are probably thinking now, ‘Why would they leave such heavenly existences to incarnate onto poor, old barbaric Earth?’


    Here is what one man told us under hypnosis, when we asked the same question - "We decided en masse to incarnate to Earth as the generations X and Y, to help civilizations in the third dimension raise their light or vibration up to the fourth and then hopefully, to the fifth dimension! We feel that humans have been stagnant for so long and despite the Baby Boomers efforts in promoting equality, non-racism, ending bigotry and working for universal suffrage, we can do more!

    We came to create Unity and through and by doing so, we can help Earth overcome her many problems and raise her vibration to a higher, more peaceful and balanced one!"

    Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it! And while we can see how these generations X and Y (known as the Starseeds), are adding to the campaigns of the Baby Boomers or Light Workers, There is still much for them to do!

    What is stopping this combined effort

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