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Shorebird Ecology, Conservation, and Management
Shorebird Ecology, Conservation, and Management
Shorebird Ecology, Conservation, and Management
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Shorebird Ecology, Conservation, and Management

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Shorebirds are model organisms for illustrating the principles of ecology and excellent subjects for research. Their mating systems are as diverse as any avian group, their migrations push the limits of endurance, and their foraging is easily studied in the open habitats of estuaries and freshwater wetlands. This comprehensive text explores the ecology, conservation, and management of these fascinating birds. Beginning chapters examine phylogenetic relationships between shorebirds and other birds, and cover shorebird morphology, anatomy, and physiology. A section on breeding biology looks in detail at their reproductive biology. Because shorebirds spend much of their time away from breeding areas, a substantial section on non-breeding biology covers migration, foraging ecology, and social behavior. The text also covers shorebird demography, population size, and management issues related to habitat, predators, and human disturbances. Throughout, it emphasizes applying scientific knowledge to the conservation of shorebird populations, many of which are unfortunately in decline.
Release dateNov 16, 2010
Shorebird Ecology, Conservation, and Management

Dr. Mark A. Colwell

Mark A. Colwell, Professor in the Wildlife Department at Humboldt State University, has been studying shorebirds for nearly thirty years.

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    Shorebird Ecology, Conservation, and Management - Dr. Mark A. Colwell



    The Stephen Bechtel Fund has

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    The publisher gratefully acknowledges the generous contribution to this book provided by the Stephen Bechtel Fund.



    Mark A. Colwell


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    University of California Press

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    University of California Press, Ltd.

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    © 2010 by the Regents of the University of California

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Colwell, Mark A.

    Shorebird ecology, conservation, and management / Mark A. Colwell.

       p. cm.

    Includes bibliographical references and index.

    ISBN 978-0-520-26640-7 (cloth : alk. paper)

    1. Shore birds. 2. Shore birds—Conservation. I. Title.

    QL696.C4C655   2010

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    The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (R 1997)(Permanence of Paper).

    Cover photo: Female American Avocet, Baylands Nature Preserve, Palo Alto, California, by Peter LaTourrette,



    Preface and Acknowledgments

    Part I • Evolutionary Relationships, Anatomy and Morphology, and Breeding Biology


    Diversity and Distribution

    Varied Ecomorphology

    Diverse Social Systems

    Globe-Trotting Migrants

    Wetland Dependence

    Conservation and Management

    Rationale for and Organization of This Book


    Fossil History

    A Brief History of Shorebird Systematics


    Hybridization in Shorebirds

    Biogeography and Communities

    Conservation Implications


    Skeletal and Muscle System

    Integumentary System

    Sensory Apparatus, Foraging, and Digestion

    Digestive System

    Energetics and Thermoregulation


    Reproductive System

    Conservation Implications


    Defining a Mating System

    The Role of Ecological Factors

    Social versus Genetic Relationships

    Parental Care Patterns

    Evolution of Polyandry

    Variance in Reproductive Success

    Size Dimorphism

    Sex Ratios

    Conservation Implications


    Philopatry, Breeding Site Fidelity, and Dispersal

    Spring Arrival Schedules

    Courtship Behavior

    Breeding Densities

    Selection of a Breeding Site




    Chick Growth and Development

    Conservation Implications

    Part II • Nonbreeding Ecology and Demography


    Origins and Evolution

    Migration Strategies

    Physiology of Migration

    Hop, Skip, and Jump

    Populations and Flyways

    Conservation Implications



    Foraging Maneuvers and Habitat Use

    Acquiring Energy

    Food Availability

    Individual Variation

    Conservation Implications


    Shorebird Predators and Their Prey

    Predicting Wetland Use

    Competition and Food Limitation

    Prey Reduction

    Community Ecology

    Conservation Implications


    Quantifying Spatial Distributions

    A Range of Social Organization


    Conservation Implications





    Population Sizes and Trends

    Monitoring Programs

    Limiting Factors

    Human Impacts

    Conservation Implications

    Part III • Management and Conservation


    Decision Making in Wildlife Management

    Wetland Conservation

    Conservation Planning and Implementation

    Wetland Management

    Agricultural Lands

    Salt Ponds

    Sandy, Ocean-Fronting Beaches

    Conservation Implications


    Ethical Considerations and Decision Making

    Do Predators Limit Shorebird Populations?

    Methods of Control

    Conservation Implications


    Definitions of Human Disturbance

    Characterizing Disturbance

    Responses to Disturbance

    Managing Disturbance

    Conservation Implications


    Professional Groups

    Environmental Education

    Ecotourism and Birding Festivals

    Books and Online Resources

    Conservation Implications




    The natural world is a beautiful place, replete with wondrous events and remarkable living things. I count shorebirds among the most beautiful, wondrous, and remarkable things in nature. They are beautiful in their subtle plumages and diverse mating displays; wondrous in migration as they wend their way between Arctic breeding grounds and southern latitudes; and remarkable in their synchronized aerial acrobatics as they respond collectively in a dense, wheeling flock to the threat of predation. These descriptors merely scratch the surface of the world of shorebirds; with a little study and attention to detail, they become all the more alluring to students of avian ecology. Unfortunately, opportunities to marvel at and study shorebirds are diminishing with their declining populations. Collectively, the beauty of shorebirds and their conservation status call for an increased focus on applied ecology.

    I wrote this book for two main reasons. First, I wished to compile what is known about shorebird ecology from the primary literature, so students and professionals alike may have a useful resource to guide their search for information as they seek answers and ask new questions in shorebird ecology. Second, and perhaps more importantly, I hope that the applied emphasis of this book prompts renewed focus by a new generation of biologists, who are faced with the pressing issues of conserving shorebird populations. This book melds the wonder of shorebird biology with the application of our knowledge toward reversing their population decline. As such, shorebirds serve as a metaphor for conservation in general. As we come to know and love something more deeply, we are moved to act to protect and preserve it.

    I came to the study of shorebirds nearly 30 years ago when I started graduate school at the University of North Dakota, working with Lewis Oring. I had been a birder for years and wanted to take the next step in trying to create a profession out of a hobby. Lew offered me a summer research opportunity working on Spotted Sandpipers. That first summer, Lew and Dov Lank, his post-doc on the project, trained me in the ins and outs of avian field ecology. I was steeped in behavioral ecology and enthralled by the social workings of a small population of sandpipers that I came to know by name (that is, by the color band combinations they wore). As a graduate student, I continued this emphasis in studying Wilson’s Phalaropes and other shorebirds breeding amid the prairie wetlands of Saskatchewan. When I went looking for my first academic job, I was fortunate to land a position at Humboldt State University, perched on the shore of a large estuary on the Pacific coast. I shifted gears to studying various facets of the ecology of nonbreeding shorebirds with an emphasis on conservation and management, but I maintained an interest in breeding biology, working on a local population of Snowy Plovers. These experiences have strongly shaped the class I teach at HSU that is focused on the ecology, conservation, and management of shorebirds. This book represents the structural outline for that course. It uses the annual cycle to illustrate the conservation challenges that shorebirds face at virtually every point in the annual cycle.

    Over the years, I have benefitted greatly from working relationships with diverse people who share a love of shorebirds. I am indebted to Lew Oring, who gave me my first opportunities in graduate school and added greatly to my understanding of shorebirds while I was a post-doc; Lew continues to impress me with his deep knowledge of shorebird behavior. Dov Lank and Connie Smith shepherded me through my first field season as a budding field biologist and as a beginning graduate student; to them I owe sincere thanks. I have gained immensely from working with several other professionals over the years, especially Sue Haig, Steve Dinsmore, and Nils Warnock. While at HSU, I have had the good fortune of working with more than 30 graduate students on projects that have greatly enhanced my understanding of shorebird ecology; to them I owe special thanks. Many undergraduate students have contributed to this book by offering helpful criticisms of chapter organization and being a captive audience in the course I have taught each autumn. Several colleagues reviewed and discussed selected chapters with me and occasionally suggested topics that I should include where I would have neglected material. Specifically, I thank Jesse Conklin, Suzanne Fellows, Jim Lyons, Lew Oring, and Nils Warnock for careful treatments of individual chapters; whatever errors or misinterpretations remain are my own. Lastly, I am most indebted to my wife, Tammie, who has steadfastly supported me with her enduring love and companionship for as long as I can remember!


    Evolutionary Relationships, Anatomy and Morphology, and Breeding Biology




    Diversity and Distribution

    Varied Ecomorphology

    Diverse Social Systems

    Globe-Trotting Migrants

    Wetland Dependence

    Conservation and Management

    Rationale for and Organization of This Book

    Why study shorebirds? I’ve occasionally asked myself this question over the 30 years that I’ve been an avian ecologist. At first blush, the answer may not be that scientific: because they’re fascinating! However, the fascination and wonder of shorebirds (or waders as they’re known elsewhere in the English-speaking world) stems from a diversity that seems unrivaled by other bird groups. This diversity is evident across scientific disciplines as varied as biogeography, bioenergetics, behavioral ecology, and evolutionary biology. An additional advantage is that, for the most part, shorebirds provide abundant viewing opportunities in a variety of ecological settings. This makes for relatively easy study by scientists and birders alike. Candidly, I suppose that many of the following observations that characterize shorebirds can be applied, with relatively minor changes, to other avian taxa. This portrayal of shorebirds as ideal and wondrous subjects of study is made more relevant by their population status and need for effective management and conservation. Some of the rarest avian species are shorebirds, and even common ones are experiencing population declines. Accordingly, the relevance of applied ecology is immediate and pressing. Still, their attributes make shorebirds especially alluring subjects for study.


    Ornithologists recognize approximately 215 species of shorebird, unevenly distributed among 14 families in the order Charadriiformes (Table 1.1). To some extent, this diversity may be an artificial human construct, because recent molecular studies suggest the group is polyphyletic (van Tuinen et al. 2004). In other words, the various shorebird families come from two distinct evolutionary lineages. These separate origins may explain the contrasting and diverse life histories and distributions of shorebirds. Regardless, the 14 shorebird families consist of four monotypic families (that is, consisting of a single species) that have restricted breeding distributions and are either nonmigratory (the Plains-wanderer of Australia and the Magellanic Plover of Tierra del Fuego) or undertake relatively short-distance movements between breeding and wintering grounds (Ibisbill and Crab Plover). The most diverse groups, sandpipers and plovers, have broad distributions, spanning hemispheres. Most sandpipers breed in northern regions, and many migrate to the extremes of southern continents. Most plovers, however, are temperate and tropical species, and they are less prone to move long distances between breeding and wintering areas. It is no surprise that families with fewer species tend to be more restricted in their distributions. However, the oystercatchers, stilts, and avocets are nearly cosmopolitan, being absent from only Antarctica and surrounding islands. By contrast, the sheathbills are permanent residents of Antarctica and sub-Antarctic islands; the seedsnipes reside in higher elevations of the Andes of South America.

    TABLE 1.1

    Taxonomic overview of the shorebirds, their diversity, and breeding distributions

    Thus, shorebirds are a diverse group. At least one recent discovery of a previously undescribed woodcock (Bukidnon Woodcock: Kennedy et al. 2001) and the rediscovery of a plover from Southeast Asia (White-faced Plover: Kennerley et al. 2008) have increased the diversity of the group. Shorebirds occupy open habitat at the extremes of latitude, and they range from sea level to high elevations. By comparison, waterfowl (375 species) and raptors (313 species) are slightly more speciose than shorebirds, but they are arguably more uniform in their foraging ecologies, social organization, and behaviors.


    A consequence of cosmopolitan distributions is that closely related shorebirds have evolved in diverse habitats, with consequences for morphological adaptations. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the variation exhibited in body size and feeding apparatus. Among the sandpipers, for instance, mass varies from tiny calidridines (<20 g) to large curlews (>500 g); several other species are much larger (such as stone curlews at >800 g). Most shorebirds meet their daily energy requirements consuming a diet of soft-bodied macroinvertebrates; others consume bivalves, which are ground to a pulp by powerful gizzards. Some larger species, such as thick-knees and curlews, occasionally eat small lizards, fishes, and the eggs of other birds. Pratincoles are insectivorous, feeding on the wing like swallows. Plant material is generally uncommon in the diet of most species, although some Arctic species feed extensively on plant material and fruits late in summer. Recent evidence has shown that some small calidridine sandpipers feeding in intertidal habitats lap biofilm with brushlike tongues.

    To acquire food, shorebirds have evolved diverse bill morphologies and feeding behaviors. Phalaropes use their needlelike bills to facilitate the movement of water droplets that contain prey through the physics of surface water tension (Rubega and Obst 1993). Other bill shapes include spatulate (Spoon-billed Sandpiper), recurved (avocets), and decurved (curlews); only one bird has a laterally asymmetrical bill (Wrybill). Considerable variation and adaptation in bill morphology even exists within species. For instance, individual Eurasian Oystercatchers have one of three bill shapes, each specialized for feeding on different prey. One type is used to chisel open bivalves, a second slits the adductor muscle to open shells, and a third is better suited for probing into soft substrates for invertebrates (Sutherland et al. 1996).

    These diverse bill shapes have been the subject of considerable ecological research, fueled by the supposition that species with similar bill morphologies must experience competition for food. Early on, researchers examined habitat use and aggressive interactions as a means of habitat segregation in dynamic tidal habitats of coastal estuaries (e.g., Recher 1966). More recent analyses of the patterns derived from competition theory have examined mixed species flocks of migrant sandpipers and the minimum size ratio of bills of closely related species (Eldridge and Johnson 1988). Finally, some of the finest examinations of the functional and numerical responses of predators to variation in the density of prey have come from studies of shorebirds, especially large-bodied species that afford easy quantification of intake rate in association with prey density. Notable among shorebirds is the Eurasian Oystercatcher (Goss-Custard 1996), which is an ideal subject for understanding the interrelationships between food availability, foraging behavior, and population size owing to its ease of observation and relatively simple diet of bivalves, mussels, and marine worms.


    The social systems of shorebirds, their mating relationships, and their patterns of parental care during the breeding season as well as their flocking tendencies during the nonbreeding season are intriguingly diverse. This diversity has been the subject of several reviews (e.g., Oring 1982, 1986; Myers 1984; Goss-Custard 1985). Mating systems run the gamut from extreme polygyny in the lek-breeding Buff-breasted Sandpiper and Ruff to classic polyandry in the phalaropes, jacanas, painted snipes, and various sandpipers. However, the mating systems of most species are characterized by monogamy and varying degrees of shared parental care of eggs and chicks. In the sandpipers, monogamy is the rule, but biparental care of eggs and chicks is highly variable. Females typically depart from breeding areas at variable times after their young have hatched and leave parental care to their mates. Coupled with this diversity of social systems is a pattern of reversed size dimorphism, with females substantially larger than male (Jönsson and Alerstam 1990). This pattern is shared with raptors, which has spawned considerable discourse on the evolution of reversed size dimorphism (Jehl and Murray 1986).

    Once they depart from their breeding grounds, most shorebirds typically become much more gregarious. They migrate and winter together in flocks of varying size and density; some species, however, remain solitary throughout the nonbreeding season. The varied flocking tendencies exist both within and among species. As a result, shorebirds have been popular research subjects in weighing the costs and benefits of group living. The attributes that make them ideal subjects include that (1) they are readily observed in open habitats where their foraging behavior is easily quantified, (2) they are common prey of raptors, and (3) they frequently and increasingly interfere with one another’s foraging as the flock’s size increases. Interestingly, when they are not feeding, shorebirds form dense, mixed-species flocks at roosts. This observation alone suggests that predation has played a strong selective role in shaping this facet of their behavior.


    Most shorebirds—and nearly all sandpipers—breed in northern latitudes where environmental conditions are favorable for breeding. There is a seasonal pulse of food in tremendous abundance, which fuels reproduction by adults and the rapid growth of their young. Northern latitudes also tend to have lower predation pressure on the ground nests of shorebirds. But these environs quickly become inhospitable, and shorebirds must depart to temperate latitudes for the winter.

    Most shorebirds undertake short-to long-distance migrations. The exceptions are temperate and tropical species in which some or all individuals in a population migrate short distances. During migration, individuals may spend days, weeks, or months in purposeful, directed movement, with staging at freshwater wetlands and coastal estuaries where they refuel for the next step in their journey. The distance of individual legs of the journey is probably influenced most by the geographical barriers that confront them. For instance, oceanic crossings and passages across inhospitable desert regions (such as the Sahara) are accomplished in a single nonstop flight. When geography and landscape features permit, birds move comparatively short distances among estuaries scattered along continental shorelines. Occasionally, the adaptations for long-distance migrants are nothing short of phenomenal. In the case of the Bar-tailed Godwit, virtually all individuals that breed in western Alaska will stage on the Alaskan peninsula and await favorable weather conditions to carry them nonstop over 11,000 km to wintering areas in New Zealand (Gill et al. 2005). As an adaptation for weight conservation, the godwits’ guts atrophy in the weeks just before departure; they regain their mass and function after arrival in their winter quarters (Piersma and Gill 1998).

    The nature of shorebird migrations varies within species as well. For instance, the various subspecies of Dunlin migrate along distinct flyways. Such information argues strongly for the conservation of separate populations (subspecies) of Dunlin rather than for a single world population. Even within populations of some species, individuals vary in their migratory nature, yielding classic examples of partial migrants. For example, the population of the Snowy Plover breeding along the Pacific coast of North America consists of both migrants and year-round residents (Stenzel et al. 2008).


    For much of the year, most shorebirds are intimately tied to open habitats, especially wetlands. In the Arctic, they breed amid tundra wetlands; in temperate regions they are intimately associated with freshwater and hypersaline wetlands. During migration, they concentrate at coastal estuaries and interior wetlands where they rely on food resources to fuel subsequent movements. Worldwide, wetlands are some of the most threatened habitats. The reliance of shorebirds on wetlands has focused conservation (Senner and Howe 1984; Myers et al. 1987) and management (e.g., Eldridge 1992; Helmers 1992) strategies on these valuable habitats. Accordingly, various international treaties (Ramsar Convention of 1971), federal laws (Migratory Bird Treaty Act, North American Wetland Conservation Act), and programs spearheaded by nongovernmental organizations (Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network) have been enacted or developed to enhance wetland conservation and management. The recent literature also has produced an abundance of papers addressing the management of wetlands for shorebirds and the integration of their needs with those of other wildlife. Humans have degraded wetland habitats through development of port facilities, pollution, overharvesting of bait and shellfish, and other activities that disrupt the normal activity patterns of shorebirds. Because shorebirds occupy these threatened habitats, management and conservation of wetlands are imperative for the maintenance of viable shorebird populations. In some cases, agricultural lands, pasturelands, and commercial salt production ponds provide important habitats that may be functionally equivalent to seminatural wetlands for large numbers of shorebirds.


    The remarkable features that characterize shorebirds are rivaled by the dire conservation status of many species. Several species, such as the Black Stilt of New Zealand and the Spoon-billed Sandpiper of northeastern Russia, are among the rarest birds in the world. Conservationists, ornithologists, and birders worldwide still hold out hope that the Eskimo Curlew persists somewhere in the Canadian Arctic. In the Palearctic, similar hopes prevail for the Slender-billed Curlew, although there have been very few recent sightings. One subspecies of Red Knot was recently proposed for emergency listing as endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act owing to the most precipitous population decline witnessed in the history of avian conservation (Baker et al. 2004; Niles et al. 2008). Although other populations are quite abundant, their numbers are declining worldwide. In fact, nearly 50% of the world’s shorebird populations with known trends are in decline (Zöckler et al. 2003; Thomas et al. 2006). Collectively, these observations have created a growing interest in applied ecology directed at ameliorating the limiting factors that are responsible for the small and declining populations of shorebirds.


    Over the years, the biology of individual shorebird species has been detailed in countless scientific papers and numerous books (e.g., D. Nethersole-Thompson 1973; D. Nethersole-Thompson and M. Nethersole-Thompson 1979; Goss-Custard 1996; Byrkjedal and Thompson 1998). Additional details on species exist in various regional (Cramp and Simmons 1983; Birds of North America accounts) or global compendia (e.g., Johnsgard 1981; del Hoyo et al. 1992), which are invaluable data sources. In the recent past, several general texts have been published, often with multiauthored chapters covering specialized facets of shorebird biology (e.g., Hale 1980; Burger and Olla 1984a, 1984b; Evans et al. 1984). Several ageing and sexing (Prater et al. 1977; Pyle 2008) or field identification (e.g., Hayman et al. 1986; Paulson 2005; O’Brien et al. 2006) guides exist. One recent compilation (van de Kam et al. 2004) has received considerable praise for melding biology with beautiful images that detail the annual cycle of shorebirds. Surprisingly, however, no text or reference has been compiled for shorebirds. By contrast, both waterfowl and raptors have been the subject of books addressing their ecology, conservation, and management (e.g., Bellrose 1976; Ferguson-Lees and Christie 2005; Balldassarre and Bolin 2006). Hence, there seems a clear need for this book.

    I wrote this book based on what I perceived as the lack of a general source of information on the ecology, conservation, and management of shorebirds. I organized the book around a semester-long course that I have taught at Humboldt State University for much of the past 20 years. I begin with a general treatment of the evolutionary relationships of shorebirds, their fossil history, and their contemporary distributions. I then define shorebirds by detailing their anatomy, morphology, and physiology. The discussion of breeding includes chapters on facets of breeding biology that have fascinated biologists for decades, including mating systems, courtship behavior, egg laying, incubation, and nesting ecology. Next is a discussion of migration, with a treatment of flyways and staging areas, and the evolution of migration strategies. The chapters on winter ecology cover foraging behavior, roosting ecology, social organization, and population ecology. The final chapters cover applied ecology with topics on wetland management, managing predation during the breeding season, and disturbance by humans.


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    Baldassarre, G. A., and E. G. Bolen. 2006. Waterfowl ecology and management. 2nd ed. New York: Wiley.

    Belrose, F. C. 1976. Ducks, geese and swans of North America. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books.

    Burger, J., and B. L. Olla, eds. 1984a. Shorebirds: Breeding behavior and populations. New York: Plenum Press.

    ———. 1984b. Shorebirds: Migration and foraging behavior. New York: Plenum Press.

    Byrkjedal, I., and D. Thompson. 1998. Tundra plovers: The Eurasian, Pacific and American Golden Plovers and Grey Plover. London: T & AD Poyser.

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    Cramp, S., and K. E. L. Simmons, eds. 1983. Birds of the western Palearctic. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Delany, S., D. Scott, T. Dodman, and D. Stroud, eds. 2009. An atlas of wader populations in Africa and western Asia. Wageningen, the Netherlands: Wetlands International.

    del Hoyo, J., A. Elliot, J. Sargatal, and N. J. Collar, eds. 1992. Handbook of birds of the world. Vol. 3. Barcelona: Lynx Edicion.

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    Goss-Custard, J. D. 1985. Foraging behaviour of wading birds and the carrying capacity of estuaries. In Behavioural ecology, ed. R. M. Sibly and R. H. Smith, 169–188. Oxford: Blackwell.

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    Hale, W. G. 1980. Waders. London: Collins.

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    Kennerley, P. R., D. N. Bakewell, and P. D. Round. 2008. Rediscovery of a long-lost Charadrius plover from South-East Asia. The Forktail 24: 63–79.

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    Systematics, Phylogeny, and Phylogeography


    Fossil History

    A Brief History of Shorebird Systematics

    Morphological and Anatomical Characters


    Molecular Characters


    Hybridization in Shorebirds

    Biogeography and Communities

    Conservation Implications

    The evolutionary relationships within and among taxa are of immense value in understanding many facets of species’ ecologies. Phylogenies are an essential tool for understanding the evolution of life history traits. Phylogenetic analyses are important because they estimate patterns of ancestry and descent, thus providing a historical framework upon which to test hypotheses regarding the evolution of character traits (Chu 1994). Accordingly, recent analyses of shorebird phylogeny have fostered productive comparative analyses in diverse areas that include the evolution of delayed plumage maturation (Chu 1994), migration (Joseph et al. 1999), and mating systems (Székely and Reynolds 1995; Reynolds and Székely 1997). Evolutionary relationships also serve as the foundation for management and conservation actions directed at evolutionary significant units (such as populations, subspecies, or species). Several recent decisions regarding the distinctness and conservation status of shorebird populations were informed by genetic information, and at the foundation of the flyway concept is the notion that distinct populations should be managed separately. In short, there is good reason to understand the evolutionary origins of taxa, whether it be for theoretical or applied purposes.

    Scientists have long debated the evolutionary relationships among shorebirds. From early studies emphasizing morphological and anatomical characters to contemporary research incorporating molecular techniques, we are closer to understanding the affinities within and among the taxa that comprise the shorebirds. Contemporary shorebirds often have distinct populations that occupy disjunctive ranges, and a treatment of recent geological history is necessary to understand the origins of these subspecies. In this chapter, I summarize what is known about the fossil history of shorebirds and their evolutionary relationships, and how Pleistocene glaciation isolated populations and contributed to the phylogeographic variation observed today among Holarctic-breeding shorebirds.


    A long and heated debate has raged over the origins of birds from reptiles, including the timing and nature of the diversification of modern birds (Neoaves: Feduccia 2003; Chiappe and Dyke 2006; Ericson et al. 2006; James and Pourtless 2009). To some paleontologists, notably Feduccia (1999, 2003), modern birds radiated rapidly into contemporary taxa after the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K-T) boundary, approximately 65 million years ago and coincident with a mass extinction event. According to Feduccia, shorebirds hold a unique place in this explosive diversification, referred to as the big bang theory. He suggested that the earliest fossils in the lineage of modern birds were transitional shorebirds from which all modern birds evolved. Moreover, this ancestral shorebird resembles the present-day thick-knees. To support this, Feduccia drew attention to similarities in the postcranial features of skulls of extant thick-knees that are shared with these ancient shorebirds. Subsequent to this, shorebirds radiated during the early Eocene to form the diverse group they are today, which includes the gulls, terns, and alcids. At least one recent analysis combining molecular and fossil data (Ericson et al. 2006) lends some support to the timing of rapid bird diversification in the early Tertiary; it does not, however, address whether shorebirds were the root of the tree of modern birds. Others, however, contest these views on the timing of diversification. Notably, van Tuinen et al. (2003) criticized Feduccia (2003) for vague descriptions of these ancestral shorebirds. They go on to state that molecular, morphological and fossil data all indicate that the early history of modern birds began in the Cretaceous and did not involve ‘transitional shorebirds’. This view is supported by at least two recent molecular analyses (Paton et al. 2001; Hackett et al. 2008).


    Over the past two and a half centuries, beginning with Linnaeus (1758), taxonomists have analyzed new character sets to reexamine the phylogenetic hypotheses of the affinities of the various groups comprising the shorebirds (Table 2.1). Several authors have provided excellent historical perspectives and reviews of the phylogenetic affinities of shorebirds, notably Sibley and Ahlquist (1990) and Dove (2000). The following is a summary based on these works.


    Not surprisingly, early systematists mostly used external morphology and anatomy to draw conclusions regarding the affinities of shorebirds. These efforts commonly grouped today’s shorebirds with other waterbirds. Early taxonomists (Linnaeus 1758) used bill and foot structure, among other external morphological characters, to conclude that shorebirds were closely related to flamingos, storks, herons, rails, and coots. Others used skeletal features to distinguish shorebirds and other taxa. Huxley (1867), for example, identified two families (essentially plovers and sandpipers) based on the schizognathous structure of the palate. A short time later, Seebohm (1888) used osteological characters to argue that modern-day shorebirds are closely allied with larids and alcids, a conclusion that has been affirmed by recent analyses using molecular data. Even later, Gadow (1892) established a classification based on 40 characters from various organic systems (including integument, skeleton, muscle, and digestive organs) that is essentially unchanged from today’s phylogenies based on molecular data. This classification grouped today’s shorebirds in a suborder (Limicolae) separate from a suborder that included the gulls and alcids.

    TABLE 2.1

    Summary of recent studies assessing shorebird phylogenetic affinities

    Over the past 50 years, attempts to resolve the evolutionary relationships of shorebirds have used (and reused) new character sets, especially molecular data, to evaluate early phylogenetic hypotheses (see Table 2.1). Additionally, the advent of formal hypothesis testing in the form of phylogenetic analyses provided greater rigor to evaluations of hypothesized evolutionary relationships. Strauch (1978) analyzed 63 osteological and seven myological characters and recognized three suborders (Scolopaci, Charadrii, and Alcae). Others (Mickevich and Parenti 1980; Chu 1995) have reanalyzed Strauch’s (1978) data because they disputed his conclusions based on philosophical and methodological grounds. Chu (1995) concluded that there were two main clades: the sandpipers and plovers. Within the sandpipers, five lineages emerged (snipes, tringine sandpipers, calidridine sandpipers, phalaropes, and curlews). Chu (1995) concluded that the Crab Plover (Dromadidae) was closely related to gulls, a conclusion that has been bolstered by recent molecular analyses.


    The patterns of natal down and structure of downy feathers have provided the characters for two studies. Jehl (1968) examined patterns of natal down, which he argued were a conservative character. Using no formal method to group taxa other than a checklist published by Peters (1934), Jehl concluded that there were five shorebird groups (superfamilies): (1) the Crab Plover, (2) jacanas and painted snipes, (3) sheathbills and seedsnipes, (4) sandpipers, and (5) plovers, avocets/stilts, and thick-knees, coursers/pratincoles, and oystercatchers. Of interest, Jehl (1968) drew attention to the unpatterned egg and chick of the burrow-nesting Crab Plover and concluded that it was an outlier among shorebirds. This appears to be supported by the recent molecular evidence suggesting that the Crab Plover is more closely related to gulls, terns, and alcids than to other clades within the Charadriiformes.

    More recently, Dove (2000) examined 38 characters based on microscopic examination of morphology and pigmentation of downy feathers, combined with Strauch’s (1978) osteological data. Her initial findings (based on feather structure alone) confirmed some earlier phylogenetic hypotheses regarding the placement of major groups. For example, oystercatchers and avocets formed a clade with gulls and terns; embedded in this group were the Crab Plover and Egyptian Plover. There were, however, several instances in which members of a genus (such as Vanellus) were scattered among different clades. These problems disappeared when the feather characters were analyzed with Strauch’s skeletal data, which does not constitute an independent test of previous hypotheses based on these osteological data alone.


    In 1990, Sibley and Ahlquist (1990) published their monumental work on the phylogeny of birds using DNA-DNA hybridization techniques. Their results corroborated many earlier hypotheses. The sandgrouse (Pteroclididae) were close relatives of shorebirds. The sandpipers and their allies (seedsnipes, the Plains-wanderer, jacanas, and painted snipes) were distinct from the plovers, thick-knees, oystercatchers, avocets, and stilts. The pratincoles, coursers, and the Crab Plover were more closely related to gulls and terns. These distinctions have been supported by recent molecular analyses.

    The advent of molecular techniques using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA has fostered a wealth of studies that appear close to resolving the phylogenetic affinities among and within the shorebirds (Fig. 2.1). In 2004, van Tuinen and coworkers published a dendrogram based on molecular data from three other studies (Ericson et al. 2003; Paton et al. 2003; Thomas et al. 2004), which offered surprising consensus. In short, this phylogeny confirmed that the shorebirds consist of three clades: (1) sandpipers, including the jacanas, painted snipes, seedsnipes, and the Plains-wanderer; (2) pratincoles and the Crab Plover, which are grouped with gulls, terns, and alcids; and (3) plovers, avocets/stilts, and oystercatchers, which are close relatives of the thick-knees, sheathbills, and the Magellanic Plover.

    FIGURE 2.1. Consensus phylogeny of modern shorebird evolutionary relationships by van Tuinen et al. (2004) based on molecular data from Ericson et al. (2003), Paton et al. (2003), and Thomas et al. (2004). The phylogenetic position of oddball taxa are indicated by dashed lines. See Sibley and Ahlquist (1990) for placement of the Crab Plover (Dromas). This phylogeny is similar to that produced by Chu’s (1995) reanalysis of Strauch’s (1978) phylogeny based on osteological characters, with the exception of the position of the Alcidae, which Chu considered a sister group to all others. Sibley and Ahlquist (1990) arrived at a very similar phylogeny based on DNA-DNA hybridization. The Ibisbill (Ibidorhynchidae) is absent from this phylogeny; it is considered closely related to the avocets/stilts and oystercatchers by Sibley and Ahlquist (1990). After van Tuinen et al. (2004).


    Now that much of the higher taxonomic problems of shorebirds have been worked out, some researchers are examining the finer details of species’ relationships within lineages. Pereira and Baker (2005) examined the affinities of the tringine sandpipers using three independent data sets: mitochondrial DNA, nuclear DNA, and Strauch’s (1978) set of 70 osteological and myological characters. Their analysis indicated that the genera Xenus and Actitis were two basal lineages, distinct from the other 12 members of the shank (Tringa) lineage. The remaining species were an amalgam, with the tattlers (Heteroscelus) and Willet (Catoptrophorus) embedded in the shank lineage. Based on this finding, the American Ornithologists’ Union (Banks et al. 2006) changed these genera to Tringa. Pereira and Baker (2005) also showed that the Nearctic yellowlegs (T. melanoleuca and T. flavipes) and Palearctic redshanks (T. totanus and T. erythropus) were not each other’s closest relative, as was widely believed based on similarities in external morphology (including size, bill shape, and leg color). The Greater Yellowlegs is most closely related to the Palearctic Common Greenshank (T. nebularia), and the Lesser Yellowlegs is sister to the Willet. Similarly, the Spotted Redshank’s closest relatives are the Greater Yellowlegs and Common Greenshank, whereas the Common Redshank is most closely related to a suite of Palearctic species. Lastly, the divergence times of the shank lineage were estimated at Middle and Late Miocene, roughly 14 to 18 million years ago, during a period of marked climate variation across the globe.

    A consensus Bayesian tree obtained by the partitioned likelihood of the combined mitochondrial and nuclear data sets. The numbers at the nodes are the Bayesian posterior probability/maximum parsimony bootstrap value. The bar represents the expected number of substitutions under the mixed model of DNA substitution. This topology is identical to one of three equally parsimonious trees inferred from the same data set. From Pereira and Baker (2005).

    The debate over the evolutionary affinities of shorebird taxa continues. Baker et al. (2007) used Bayesian methods to analyze 90 (of 96) genera, including gulls, terns, and buttonquails. They reached similar conclusions regarding the phylogenetic relationships of major taxa. The shorebirds could be split into two suborders (clades): (1) Scolopaci, including sandpipers, curlews, godwits, dowitchers, snipes, jacanas, painted snipes, and the Plains-wanderer; and (2) Charadrii, including stilts and avocets, plovers, thick-knees, sheathbills, and the Magellanic Plover; the Egyptian Plover (Pluvianus) is distantly related to this second group. The most interesting results suggest the plovers are polyphyletic, with large plovers (Pluvialis) more akin to stilts and avocets than smaller plovers and dotterels. Baker et al. (2007) also used molecular clock dating to estimate that the 14 major shorebird lineages diverged during the late Cenozoic, approximately 93 million years ago. In other words, these lineages survived the K-T boundary (approximately 65 million years ago, in the late Cretaceous), which suggests that many more lineages had originated before the last major extinction event on Earth. The current shorebird lineages likely radiated during the Eocene, when global warming yielded productive ecosystems and a flourishing of Earth’s biodiversity (Baker et al. 2007).

    Hackett et al. (2008) reported on a phylogenomic analysis of all birds based on a 32 kb sequence of DNA representing 19 nuclear loci on 15 different chromosomes in the chicken genome. This analysis found that that shorebirds (and other Charadriiforms) are a sister group to landbirds. However, the relationships among various shorebird families appear quite similar to the results presented by van Tuinen et al. (2004). Collectively, these findings have prompted biologists to refer to shorebirds as a polyphyletic group: shorebirds have a mixed evolutionary origin, and the group is not a cohesive taxon. It also highlights the arbitrary decision to focus this book on traditional shorebirds while excluding gulls, terns, and alcids!

    It seems clear now, after nearly 250 years of evaluation of morphological, anatomical, behavioral, and molecular data sets, that the shorebirds are a polyphyletic group embedded in a clade that includes the gulls, terns, and alcids. Several other taxa, including the sandgrouse (Pteroclididae) and buttonquails (Turnicidae), may be close relatives of shorebirds. In summary, phylogenetic analyses of multiple independent data sets confirm that the order Charadriiformes is monophyletic, consisting of three clades that are commonly recognized as suborders: Lari (gulls, terns, and alcids; pratincoles and coursers, Crab Plover, and buttonquails), Scolopaci (sandpipers, jacanas, painted snipes, seedsnipes, and the Plains-wanderer), and Charardii (plovers, oystercatchers, thick-knees, avocets and stilts, and sheathbills).


    Plate tectonics and changing climates have strongly influenced the Earth’s contemporary patterns of biodiversity, especially in northerly realms (Avise and Walker 1997; Hewitt 2004). Over the last 2 million years of the Pleistocene epoch (1.8 million years ago to 10,000 years ago), shifting climates altered the breeding habitats of shorebirds, especially across northern latitudes. During glacial maxima, ice sheets covered much of the continental landmasses of the north, but remnant tundra persisted in refugia in several locations. During intervening interglacials, warmer climates melted ice sheets, allowing forests to advance north and causing sea levels to rise. Each of these changes effectively reduced the area of tundra habitat in coastal regions of the Arctic. The outcome of these geological events on shorebirds is evident in the genetic differences among populations that were geographically isolated and hence experienced reduced gene flow. These genetic differences often correlate with morphological variation. Today, we see the product of this isolation in the phylogeography (that is, the geographical distributions of genealogical lineages; Avise et al. 1987) of many subspecies of Arctic-breeding shorebird.

    A brief geologic history is essential to understanding shorebird phylogeography. Paleoclimatological data indicate that, until recently, the earth had been cooling for the past 60 million years, with increasingly severe ice ages occurring at 100,000-year intervals (Hewitt 2004). The Pleistocene epoch began 1.8 million years ago and ended 10,000 years ago. During the Pleistocene, earth experienced alternating periods of cooling and warming. Pronounced cooling produced immense glaciers and ice sheets that covered northern landmasses. Some estimates suggest that approximately 30% of the Earth’s surface was covered in ice. These vast inhospitable regions altered the distribution of many boreal and Arctic-breeding species by pushing them south. Even in temperate and tropical regions, however, habitat changes associated with ice ages had an effect on the distribution of biotas (Hewitt 2004).

    Curiously, amid this Pleistocene landscape of ice were several northern areas that remained ice-free. These biotic refugia were sufficiently disjunct to facilitate allopatric speciation, especially among shorebirds. During the last major ice age (Wisconsinan/Weichselian), two large Arctic refugia existed. From 10,000 to 110,000 years before present, Beringia spanned an immense area of northeast Siberia, northwest Alaska, and the Bering Strait. A second, smaller refugium existed in the western Palearctic. During the last glacial maximum (approximately 10,000 to 30,000 years before present), ice covered much of Beringia but several smaller refugia existed. Nested within these 100,000-year ice ages were shorter oscillations, which have been especially cold. Changes of 7° to 15°C occasionally occurred over decades. At least two periods of warming, called interglacials, occurred during the past 250,000 years of the Pleistocene. During the Eemian interglacial (approximately 125,000 years before present) and again in the early Holocene (8,000 years before present), summer temperatures in the Arctic were 4° to 8°C warmer than today. This warming caused a northward shift in boreal forest, nearly to the edge of the Arctic Ocean, at the expense of tundra. Additionally, an increased sea level associated with melting ice, and the isostatic downpressing of the land associated with former effects of glaciation caused substantial flooding in coastal areas. The effect of this alternating warming and cooling on shorebirds probably differed among the species with different habitat preferences. For instance, those favoring wet coastal tundra may have increased in abundance, whereas others breeding in drier habitats may have declined in population size. Collectively, the changing climate, varying coverage by ice masses, and refugia created ideal conditions for allopatric speciation among shorebirds (Kraaijeveld and Nieboer 2000).

    The effects of Pleistocene ice sheets on the differentiation of shorebirds probably varied with species’ breeding latitude and habitat (Kraaijeveld and Niebor 2000). Many species of shorebird breed in the low Arctic zone, and the isolating effects of refugia during glacial periods have influenced their differentiation. By contrast, high Arctic breeding species may have been more strongly affected by climate and habitat during interglacials, when tundra was pushed north and was restricted in its extent.

    The Dunlin is arguably the best example of a Holarctic shorebird whose phylogeography has been resolved within the context of variation in Pleistocene climates and changing tundra habitats (Wenink et al. 1993, 1994, 1996; Kraaijeveld and Nieboer 2000; Wennerberg 2001; Buehler

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