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Yoga Darshana Upanishad
Yoga Darshana Upanishad
Yoga Darshana Upanishad
Ebook97 pages56 minutes

Yoga Darshana Upanishad

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Yoga Darśana Upaniśa belodngs to Sāmaveda. It primarily deals with Aṣṭāṅga Yoga philosophy. The main theme of Aṣṭāṅga Yoga is described in it in the form of dialogue between Lord Dattātreya and Sage Sāṅkṛti. 
There are mainly ten khaṇḍas (parts) in it. In the first part the philosophy of the eight limbs of yoga and the ten yamas are described. In the second part the ten niyams are explained. Nine types of asanas are described in the third part. There is a long explanation of introduction to nāḍīs, the pilgrimage to the Self and the glory of the knowledge of Self-realization in the fourth part. Methods of the purification of the nadis and the self-purification are described in the fifth part. Prāṇāyāma, its methods of practice, results and applications are described in the sixth part. Pratyāhāra, its types and results are described in the seventh part. Dhāraṇā and dhyāna are described in the eighth and ninth parts. The state of samādhi and its results are described in the last tenth part. 
Thus, the major subjects of yoga with its vedantic view are presented in this Upaniṣad, which makes it unique and complete. 

Release dateNov 28, 2015
Yoga Darshana Upanishad

Swami Vishnuswaroop

Swami Vishnuswaroop (Thakur Krishna Uprety), B. A. (Majored in English & Economics), M. A. in Theravada Buddhism, received his Diploma in Yogic Studies (First Class) from Bihar Yoga Bharati, Munger, Bihar, India. He was formally trained under the direct guidance and supervision of Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati in the Guru Kula tradition of the Bihar School of Yoga. His guru gave his spiritual name 'Vishnuswaroop' when he was initiated into the sannyasa tradition. Divine Yoga Institute has published nine books on classical yoga, meditation, and tantra. He has taught Nepalese and foreign nationals the theory and practice of traditional yoga and the yogic way of life for more than twenty-five years.

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    Yoga Darshana Upanishad - Swami Vishnuswaroop


    Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaḥ!

    This book is dedicated to my Guru

    Swami Satyananda Saraswati,

    Founder of Bihar School of Yoga,

    Munger, India.

    -Swami Vishnuswaroop


    Originally, this Upaniśad is called Jābāladarśana Upaniśad, but it is also known as Yoga Darśana Upaniśad. It belongs to Sāmaveda. It primarily deals with Aṣṭāṅga Yoga philosophy. The main theme of Aṣṭāṅga Yoga is described in it in the form of dialogue between Lord Dattātreya and Sage Sāṅkṛti.

    There are mainly ten khaṇḍas (parts) in it. In the first part the philosophy of the eight limbs of yoga and the ten yamas are described. In the second part the ten niyams are explained. Nine types of asanas are described in the third part. There is a long explanation of introduction to nāḍīs, the pilgrimage to the Self and the glory of the knowledge of Self-realization in the fourth part. Methods of the purification of the nadis and the self-purification are described in the fifth part. Prāṇāyāma, its methods of practice, results and applications are described in the sixth part. Pratyāhāra, its types and results are described in the seventh part. Dhāraṇā and dhyāna are described in the eighth and ninth parts. The state of samādhi and its results are described in the last tenth part.

    Thus, the major subjects of yoga with its vedantic view are presented in this Upaniṣad, which makes it unique and complete.

    It is hoped that this book will be helpful for all who are interested to understand the vedantic philosophy of Aṣṭāṅga Yoga.


    Śānti Pāṭha

    शान्ति पाठ

    ॐ आप्यायन्तु ममाङ्गानि वाक्प्राणश्चक्षुः

    श्रोत्रमथो बलमिन्द्रियाणि च सर्वाणि ।

    सर्वं ब्रह्मोपनिषदं माहं ब्रह्म

    निराकुर्यां मा मा ब्रह्म निराकरोत्

    अनिराकरणं अस्त्वनिराकरणं मेऽस्तु ।

    तदात्मनि निरते य उपनिषत्सु धर्मः

    ते मयि सन्तु ते मयि सन्तु ॥

    om āpyāyantu mamāṅgāni vāk prāṇaścakṣuḥ

    śrotramatho balamindriyāṇi ca sarvāṇi /

    sarvaṃ brahmaupaniṣadaṃ māhaṃ brahma

    nirākuryāṃ mā mā brahma nirākarot

    anirākaraṇaṃ astvanirākaraṇaṃ me’stu /

    tadātmani nirate ya upaniṣatsu dharmāḥ

    te mayi santu te mayi santu /

    om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ /

    Om! May my limbs, speech, vital air, eyes, ears, strength, and all the senses be fully developed. All that is revealed by the Upaniṣads is Brahman. May I never deny it. May Brahman never disown me. Let there be no repudiation (from Brahman); Let there be no infidelity from my side. May all the dharmas extolled by the Upaniṣads shine in me Who am intent on knowing the Self. May they shine in me! Om! Peace! Peace! Peace!

    First Part

    Prathamaḥ Khaṇḍa

    Mahāyogī Lord Dattātreya

    दत्तात्रेयो महायोगी भगवान्भूतभावनः ।

    चतुर्भुजो महाविष्णुर्योगसाम्राज्यदीक्षितः ॥१॥

    तस्य शिष्यो मुनिवरः सांकृतिर्नाम भक्तिमान् ।

    पप्रच्छ गुरुमेकान्ते प्राञ्जलिर्विनयान्वितः ॥२॥

    भगवन्ब्रूहि मे योगं साष्टाङ्गं सप्रपञ्चकम् ।

    येन विज्ञातमात्रेण जीवन्मुक्तो भवाम्यहम् ॥३॥

    dattātreyo mahāyogī bhagavānbhūtabhāvanaḥ /

    caturbhujo mahāviṣṇuryogasāmrājyadīkṣitaḥ / 1 /

    tasya śiṣyo munikaraḥ sāṅkṛtirnāma bhaktimān /

    prapacchagurumekānte prāñjalirvinayānvitaḥ / 2 /

    bhagavanbrūhi me yogaṃ sāṣṭāṅgaṃ saprapañcakam /

    yena vijñātamātreṇa jīvanmukto bhavāmyaham / 3 /

    The four-armed Mahāviṣṇu, the guardian of all the beings incarnated in the form of Mahāyogī Dattātreya. Lord Dattātreya is blessed as the lord of yogic empire. His dedicated disciple, the great muni (sage) is famous by the name of Sāṅkṛti. One day Sāṅkṛti reverently asked, Lord Dattātreya, his guru joining his hands together while he was alone. "O Lord! Please explain me about the yoga with eight limbs in detail. By knowing it, may I become a jīvanmukta (liberated from life). -1-3.

    Aṣṭāṅga Yoga Philosophy and Ten Yamas

    साङ्कृते श्रृणु वक्ष्यामि योगं साष्टाङ्गदर्शनम् ।

    यमश्च नियमश्चैव तथैवासनमेव च ॥४॥

    प्राणायामस्तथा ब्रह्मन्प्रत्याहारस्ततः परम् ।

    धारणा च तथा ध्यानं समाधिश्चाष्टमं मुने ॥५॥

    अहिंसा सत्यमस्तेयं ब्रह्मचर्यं दयार्जवम् ।

    क्षमा धृतिर्मिताहारः शौचं चैव यमा दश ॥६॥

    sāṅkṛte śṛuṇu vakṣyāmi yogaṃ sāṣṭāṅgadarśanam /

    yamaśca niyamścaiva tathaivāsanameva ca / 4 /

    pānāyāmastathā brahmanpratyāhārastataḥ param /

    dhāraṇā ca tathā dyānaṃ samādhiścāṣṭamaṃ mune / 5 /

    ahimsā satyamasteyaṃ brahmacaryaṃ dayārjavam /

    kṣamā dhṛtirmitāhāraḥ śaucaṃ caiva yamā daśa / 6 /

    Lord Dattātreya said, "O Sāṅkṛti! I shall explain you the yoga philosophy with its eight limbs. Listen to it. O Brahman! yama and niyama, asana prānāyāma, pratyāhāra, dhāranā, dhyāna and samādhi are the eight limbs of yoga. Ahimsā (non-voilence), satya (truthfulness), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacarya (celibacy), dayā

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