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The Healing Nutrients Within: Facts, Findings, and New Research on Amino Acids
The Healing Nutrients Within: Facts, Findings, and New Research on Amino Acids
The Healing Nutrients Within: Facts, Findings, and New Research on Amino Acids
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The Healing Nutrients Within: Facts, Findings, and New Research on Amino Acids

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Explains how to use amino acids to achieve optimum health and describes their beneficial roles in fighting cancer, Alzheimer's disease, depression, heart disease, and more.
Release dateApr 2, 2012
The Healing Nutrients Within: Facts, Findings, and New Research on Amino Acids

Eric R. Braverman

Eric R. Braverman (born 1957, New York City) is a physician, researcher, and author. He is the medical director of PATH (Place for Achieving Total Health) Medical and coordinator of clinical research for PATH Foundation NY, both of which are located in New York City. Braverman has published journal articles and popular books on the topics of neurology, psychiatry, internal medicine, bariatrics, and preventative medicine.

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    The Healing Nutrients Within - Eric R. Braverman

    Facts, Findings, and New Research on Amino Acids

    Eric R. Braverman, M.D.

    with Carl C. Pfeiffer, M.D., Ph.D., Ken Blum, Ph.D., and Richard Smayda, D.O.

    The information contained in this book is based upon the research and personal and professional experiences of the authors. It is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician or other healthcare provider. Any attempt to diagnose and treat an illness should be done under the direction of a healthcare professional.

    The publisher does not advocate the use of any particular healthcare protocol but believes the information in this book should be available to the public. The publisher and authors are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of the suggestions, preparations, or procedures discussed in this book. Should the reader have any questions concerning the appropriateness of any procedures or preparation mentioned, the authors and the publisher strongly suggest consulting a professional healthcare advisor.

    The Healing Nutrients Within is not intended as medical advice. Its intent is solely informational and educational. Please consult a health professional should the need for one be indicated.

    Basic Health Publications, Inc.

    28812 Top of the World Drive

    Laguna Beach, CA 92651

    949-715-7327 •

    Editor: Cheryl Hirsch

    Typesetter/Book design: Gary A. Rosenberg

    Cover design: Mike Stromberg

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Braverman, Eric R.

    The healing nutrients within / Eric R. Braverman.—3rd ed.

    p. cm.

    Includes bibliographical references and index.

    ISBN 978-1-59120-572-2

    1. Amino acids in human nutrition. 2. Amino acids—Physiological effect.

    3. Amino acids—Therapeutic use. I. Title.

    QP561.B73 2003



    This book is a revised version of The Healing Nutrients Within published in 1987.

    First Edition, Second Edition, Third Edition

    Copyright © 1987, 1997, 2003 by Dr. Eric R. Braverman

    All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the publisher.

    Printed in the United States of America.

    10   9   8   7   6   5


    Preface to the Third Edition

    How to Use This Book

    Section One: An Introduction to Amino Acids

    1.   Amino Acids: The Building Blocks of Life

    Section Two: Aromatic Amino Acids

    2.   Phenylalanine: The Pain Reliever

    3.   Tyrosine: The Addiction Fighter

    4.   Tryptophan: The Sleep Promoter

    Section Three: Sulfur Amino Acids

    5.   Methionine: The Antidepressant

    6.   Homocysteine: The Predictor of Heart Disease

    7.   Cysteine: The Detoxifier

    8.   Taurine: The Seizure Fighter

    Section Four: Urea Amino Acids

    9.   Arginine and Its Metabolites: The Cholesterol Fighters

    Section Five: Glutamate Amino Acids

    10.  Glutamic Acid, Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid, and Glutamine: The Brain’s Three Musketeers

    11.  Proline and Hydroxyproline: The Collagen Constituents

    12.  Aspartic Acid and Asparagine: The Energizers

    Section Six: Threonine Amino Acids

    13.  Threonine: The Immunity Booster

    14.  Glycine: The Wound Healer

    15.  Serine: The Potentiator of Madness

    16.  Alanine: The Hypoglycemia Helper

    Section Seven: Branched-Chain Amino Acids

    17.  Isoleucine, Leucine, and Valine: The Stress Relievers

    Section Eight: Amino Acids with Important Metabolites

    18.  Lysine: The Herpes Killer

    19.  Carnitine: The Heart Tonic

    20.  Histidine: The Arthritis Fighter

    Section Nine: Putting It All Together

    21.  Multiple Amino Acid Abnormalities

    22.  Continuing Breakthroughs in Amino Acids



    About the Authors

    My thanks to Tatiana Karikh, M.D.

    for her valuable medical and editorial expertise

    in the preparation of this book.

    Preface to the Third Edition

    The Healing Nutrients Within, now in its third edition, has been providing health professionals and interested general readers with the latest research available on amino acids for more than fifteen years. When The Healing Nutrients Within was first published, amino acid research was in its infancy. Amino acids and nutritional therapies were controversial and not readily practiced in conventional medicine, let alone found on the shelves of natural food stores.

    Since then, doctors have continued to pioneer and change the face of medicine. Medical school programs like those at Columbia and Harvard are now teaching courses in nutrition. Major health and medical organizations, such as the American Heart Association, the Cancer Society, the Arthritis Foundation, and the American Diabetes Association, are all incorporating diet and nutrition into their medical protocols. And too, more individuals are now taking an active part with their healthcare providers in the maintenance of their health and in the treatment of their health problems.

    Out of this changing environment, amino acids have arrived—big time. News about amino acids is even the stuff of headlines and best-sellers. Research and clinical use are booming worldwide. Amino acids are becoming part of everyday life—helping people sleep better, feel better, and overcome anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. They are in dietary sweeteners. They are part of new anti-aging compounds and weight-loss regimens. They are used in emergency rooms for treatment of medication overdose and liver detoxification. And they are now gaining repute in blood tests, as powerful indicators of mental and physical illnesses.

    The quality and quantity of research and clinical applications have established hard proof that amino acid nutrition is an important element in many medical treatments. The revelations to date make it clear that we have only begun to tap into a vast, uncharted frontier that will surely continue to yield many medical bonanzas for years to come. After all, amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and protein is the building block of the brain. In that way, amino acids are human beings’ most important nutritional building blocks—more critical than any other nutrient, including vitamins, essential fatty acids, and trace minerals—because amino acids help support brain function, which, in turn, runs the body. We are now learning that when the brain is functioning well, the body will follow suit.

    There is growing understanding and acceptance of how imbalances of certain amino acids affect illness and wellness in body and mind. Supplementation with amino acids offers a new strategic medical dimension in the fight against chronic illness. Increasingly, amino acids are becoming not only part of the armamentarium of hospitals and physicians, but also of informed consumers everywhere.

    At the Place for Achieving Total Health (PATH Medical) in New York City, we have been using amino acids in the treatment of many serious illnesses for years. Our continued success and the successes of other physicians new to amino acids show how nutritional science can make the practice of medicine more effective. We achieve our best results in most aggravated cases by combining nutritional supplements, such as amino acids, with medication. We are strong believers in complementary medicine—using the best that both medical and nutritional research has to offer.

    This third edition has given The Healing Nutrients Within a face lift and reflects a comprehensive accumulation of new research and its future implications. As with previous editions, the fundamentals of amino acids are included to give the reader a foundation, as well as a synopsis of verified research findings, on the individual roles of amino acids. As the sheer volume of research on amino acids continues to accumulate, information that is now outdated has been eliminated. Material has been reorganized to make it easier to quickly reference and research, and scientific information has been translated into practical terms for all to understand. A section on guidelines for amino acid supplementation has been added.

    We continue to cover new exciting developments in detail in this revised edition. The updates feature information on many new medically hot topics, including the following:

    •  Arginine has been shown to act similar to, and in some cases replace, Viagra for restoring erectile function and a sagging libido. It has also been found to increase sperm count.

    •  New research measuring the breakdown products of bone in hydroxyproline may prove more advantageous for assessing bone loss than the standard bone density test.

    •  Scientific evidence shows that boosting energy levels in the brain with phenylalanine and tyrosine is key to weight loss.

    •  Melatonin and tryptophan (which, unfortunately, is still available only by prescription) have established themselves as multipurpose nutrients to improve sleep, defuse anxiety, and slow down the aging process. Recent studies show promise for the use of tryptophan in the treatment of autism.

    •  Homocysteine has gained recognition as a major independent risk indicator for cardiovascular disease. New research suggests it may also portend neural tube defects, sickle cell disease, rectal polyps, and liver failure, and may contribute to depression, dementia, and loss of brain function in the elderly.

    •  Research shows how tyrosine can help cocaine and alcohol abusers kick their habits and combat the effects of stress, narcolepsy, chronic fatigue, and attention deficit disorders.

    •  Amino acid blood levels are increasingly serving as important indicators of physical and mental illnesses. They provide major nutritional and biochemical clues for more effective treatment.

    •  Carnitine has been shown to offer significant protection against the common side effects of Depakote, a popular drug used for seizures and psychotic disorders. Its derivative N-acetyl-carnitine may surpass the metabolic potency of carntine in the brain, where it has been found to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

    •  Scientific evidence continues to mount showing N-acetyl cysteine, an amino acid compound, to be perhaps the most powerful detoxifier in the body. It is now found in every emergency room as an antidote to overdose cases and as well can render harmless everyday environmental toxins.

    •  New, modified GABA compounds such as gabapentin (Neurotin) and tiagabine (Gabitril) are producing improved uptake in the brain and appear to be important products in the control of seizures and anxiety disorders. Early studies indicate GABA may also be correlated to a decrease in benign prostatic hypertrophy.

    •  Research with serine compounds shows that blocking serine metabolism may serve to prevent autoimmune activity present in psychoses.

    •  Two amino acids—glutamic and aspartic acids—create additional neurotoxic damage in the brain following stroke. New drugs that block the action of the excitory amino acid transporters (EAATs) have recently been approved.

    •  For years, bodybuilders, weight lifters and athletes believed that branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)—leucine, isoleucine, and valine—enabled them to create bigger and better muscles and improve performance. Accordingly, they led the world in consumption of BCAAs. Now, scientific research has confirmed that they were right. Not only do branched-chain amino acids aid athletes, they also offer promise for staving off muscle loss as we age.

    •  Cranial electrical stimulation (CES), an increasingly popular method of therapy for many conditions, has been found to promote the neurotransmitter functions of amino acids. This represents a major breakthrough in amino acid therapy.

    At this point in time, so much research and clinical experience has occurred that medicine can no longer ignore or minimize the influence of amino acids. We believe that solid nutritional management involves the use of amino acids and offers substantial treatment benefits that can be applied by physicians and by any individual with the guidance of a healthcare professional. Amino acids for prevention of disease and obtainment of optimum health are proven. There is nothing here that is unbelievable.

    The last fifteen years of research has shown that nutrition continues to represent the ultimate recognition that the body is the temple of the holy spirit. Every doctor, every person should be paying attention to their nutritional status or that of their patients because nutrition is a part of every disease and is certainly a vital part of any longer-term preventive course. It is our hope that this new edition will be of continued benefit in helping you understand that the best-stocked drugstore of all still remains in the human body.

    How to Use This Book

    The twenty-four amino acids discussed in this book are divided into eight sections according to their chemical similarities. Amino acids with similar structures participate in the same or similar actions and perform the same or similar functions. Within these sections, each amino acid is discussed individually.

    The information presented is intended to provide a comprehensive review of the uniqueness of each amino acid, its function and metabolism within the body, food sources for, therapeutic use in clinical syndromes, form and absorption, guidelines for supplementation, as well as its latest findings in research for more than fifteen years. Each section about an individual amino acid concludes with a summary where the most important information of the chapter is condensed.

    The back of the book provides an extensive glossary of terms for the layperson and facilitates the use of the book as a textbook for high-school and college-level students. The book can also be referred to by physicians and nutritionists as a guide to using amino acids as therapy for various clinical conditions.

    Lastly, a comprehensive index can be used to find selected topics. The numerous scientific references provided for each amino acid are grouped in a bibliography and can be used as a source tool for expanding your knowledge of amino acids. We believe this book will be a foundation of your library for years to come.


    An Introduction to Amino Acids


    Amino Acids: The Building Blocks of Life

    Proteins are chains of amino acids linked together. The word protein comes from the Greek protos, meaning first, deservedly enough, as it is the basic constituent of all living cells. Protos may also be the root of the name of Proteus, the Greek mythological sea-god who could change form; appropriately, food protein changes form to become human substance after being eaten. The body breaks down dietary protein into amino acids that are then used to build the very specific proteins the body needs.

    Protein is the second most abundant substance in our bodies after water. It constitutes three-fourths of the dry weight of most body cells. It is involved in the biochemical structure of genes, blood, tissue, muscle, collagen, skin, hair, and nails, and is a major constituent of all the many hormones, enzymes, nutrient carriers, infection-fighting antibodies, neurotransmitters, and other chemical messengers in the body—just for starters. This continuous cell-building and regeneration necessary for life requires non-stop supplies of protein.

    Simple proteins made up of two to three amino acids linked together are called peptides. The word peptide comes from the Greek peptos, meaning cooked, a rather poetic way of referring to digestion. Peptides are often no more than digested proteins. Many short-chain peptides are absorbed directly into the bloodstream after eating. New roles for these very small proteins are being discovered daily. For example, many peptides work as neurotransmitters—chemical substances that send messages to and from the brain and help regulate the body—and as natural pain-relieving substances in the brain.

    All protein is made up of different combinations of amino acids. Proteins vary from simple to complex depending on the number, variety, and order of amino acids in the structural chains. In one protein molecule, several to hundreds to thousands of amino acids can be linked together by peptide bonds in a variety of forms, including chains, helixes, spheres, and branched structures, that give the proteins their unique functions and characters. Each protein is designed for a specific purpose and cannot be interchanged. The instructions for making all those proteins are encoded in the DNA in the nucleus of every cell.

    These essential proteins that make up the human body are not taken directly from our diet. The body first breaks down dietary protein into individual amino acids and then reassembles these amino acids to build the specific proteins it needs. Scientists now know that simple protein as peptides can be absorbed immediately, without digestion, into the bloodstream. However, the majority of proteins are composed of longer, more complex chains of amino acids that the digestive system has to break down into absorbable constituents before they can be absorbed. Twenty-four known amino acids are needed by the body to form more than 50,000 unique proteins it needs. It is these amino acids, the primary building blocks of human life, to which we devote this book.


    Like carbohydrates and fat, protein is composed of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. Yet, protein also contains nitrogen. It is because of this nitrogen that protein is able to repair and build tissue.

    While protein is a well-recognized term, the term amino acid can be confusing. Amino acids are made up of a weak acid molecule group—a chemical fragment containing carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen—in conjunction with a strong basic amino molecule group—a chemical fragment containing nitrogen. The mild basicity or acidity of amino acids is too minimal to affect acid-base balance in the body, which is preserved by multitudes of protective buffer systems, and is a misnomer that we hope will cease to confuse our readers.

    More accurately, amino acids can be thought of as useful ammoniated vinegars. Glycine, for example, has a more correct chemical name: alpha aminoacetic acid. Since amino also means ammonia and acetic acid is vinegar, we can call this amino acid ammoniated vinegar. This basic structure found in glycine is common to all amino acids. Smelling salts are usually ammonium carbonate, which can restore sensibility to people who have become faint. When added to salads and other foods, vinegar makes the taste of food more palatable. Similarly, some amino acids can improve flavor by stimulating the mind, controlling depression, or invoking sleep.

    When acid, or vinegar, portions are removed from the amino acids, the basic amines become messengers in the nervous system. When the amine or ammonium portions are removed, the remaining acid can be used for fuel, detoxification, or in many processes throughout the body.

    People often do not realize their need for amino acids, because they are not aware of how busy the human body is. Every second, the bone marrow makes 2.5 million red cells. Every four days, most of the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and the blood platelets are replaced. Most of the white cells are replaced in ten days. A person has the equivalent of new skin in twenty-four days and bone collagen in thirty years. All this continuous repair work requires amino acids.


    Amino acids fall into two basic categories: essential and nonessential. In the human body, the liver produces about 60 percent of the amino acids needed. The remaining 40 percent must be obtained from the diet. Essential amino acids are the nine to eleven amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the body and must be supplied by diet. The other amino acids are classified as nonessential amino acids. Although no less important, these amino acids can be synthesized by the body by combining two or more of the essential amino acids.

    The list of the essential amino acids was begun by scientists in the early 1900s. The main essential amino acids are now known to be lysine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine, and valine. A person would begin to die without ingesting these amino acids daily, although the gut flora (bacteria) provide small quantities of each of them. This actual continuous low level of synthesis is essential; otherwise, symptoms of their absence would be noticed often throughout the day.

    Histidine and taurine are also essential amino acids for early growth and development in premature infants and possibly for all neonates (newborns one month or younger). Preterm babies are also known to require cysteine, because the fetal liver cannot convert methionine to cysteine.

    There are many other amino acids besides the essential ones that the human body normally manufactures. These nonessential, or conditionally essential, amino acids may become essential to a particular individual through an inborn error of metabolism (genetic defect). If an enzyme necessary for the manufacture of a particular amino acid by the body is absent, that amino acid becomes an essential requirement of the diet.

    Nonessential, or conditionally essential, amino acids can also become essential during disease states or stress when there is either increased need and/or increased breakdown of them. Virtually all stress states require more amino acids, some more than others; distinguishing the source of the increased amino acid requirements is often difficult. Burn patients require more amino acids because of oozing wounds, while a schizophrenic patient may have a recently expressed inborn error of metabolism that dictates the need for less wheat gluten or the amino acid serine. Certain cancers can be starved by withholding their favorite amino acids. For example, melanomas consume excessive phenylalanine and tyrosine; reducing these two amino acids in a cancer patient’s diet can slow tumor growth. The understanding and manipulation of required amino acids in the diet are essential in maintaining health and controlling disease.

    Table 1.1 lists the core essential and nonessential amino acids. Many other amino acids occur in humans in very small amounts, but as yet little is known about them. In the future, the list of essential and nonessential amino acids may well be expanded.


    The body’s need for protein and amino acids in the diet is cruelly evident during great famines and throughout several Third World countries. Children suffering from kwashiorkor (malnutrition caused by protein deficiency) with their protruding abdomens, atrophied muscles, and mental retardation vividly demonstrate the essential nature of proteins and amino acids.

    To determine the body’s requirement for essential amino acids, first it is necessary to determine the body’s protein needs. Minimum protein requirements for a healthy adult are based on the sum of the requirements for each of the eleven essential amino acids, plus a sufficient intake of nitrogen for protein synthesis and breakdown. Nitrogen is lost during protein metabolism and in urine, feces, skin, hair, nails, semen, and menstrual discharge. Proper protein metabolism requires that the body maintain a balance between the amount of nitrogen excreted and the amount assimilated.

    There are no universally accepted dietary requirements for protein. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 0.3 to 0.4 grams (g) of protein per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight per day, or about 30 to 40 g for an average adult male weighing approximately 150 pounds. This number assumes a majority of the protein consumed is high-quality protein and contains all or most of the essential amino acids. The current recommendation for dietary intake of protein proposed by the National Academy of Science’s Food and Nutrition Board, which sets the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs), is 44 to 56 g per day. In America, most people eat two to three times the RDA for protein. Even vegetarian diets contain 80 to 100 g of protein per day.

    Newborns and children have higher requirements for amino acids. In percentages, the World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that a newborn infant needs dietary protein that contains 37 percent of its weight in the form of essential amino acids, whereas for an adult, who has lower growth needs, the figure is less than half that, or about 15 percent.

    As long as the body has a reliable source of dietary proteins containing the essential amino acids, it can adequately meet most of its needs for new protein production. Protein requirements are also determined by age group, the degree of stress, energy requirements, and one’s state of health. Considering all these factors, Table 1.2 presents the minimum daily requirements for the essential amino acids for various age groups. Keep in mind that ideal intakes of these essential amino acids are more difficult to determine than their minimum daily requirements.

    Many factors can influence the body’s balance of amino acids and can contribute to deficiencies in one or more of the essential amino acids, even if you eat a well-balanced diet that contains adequate amounts of protein. Poor digestion, infection, trauma, stress, drug use, age, environmental pollution, processed foods, and personal habits such as smoking and drinking are factors that can influence the availability of essential amino acids. Deficiencies of vitamin and minerals, especially of vitamin C and pyridoxine (vitamin B6), which are important for the absorption and transport, respectively, of amino acids, can contribute to deficiencies of essential amino acids in the body.


    Adequate amounts of the essential amino acids should be consumed daily. In order for the body to make the proteins it needs, it must have adequate supplies of the amino acids. The removal of even one essential amino acid from the diet leads rather rapidly to a lower level of protein synthesis in the body, which sooner or later, will lead to some type of physical disorder, and eventually to death.

    Both animal and plant proteins contain the known essential amino acids. The proportion of these amino acids varies according to the characteristics of each protein. Foods that are high in protein typically are high in amino acids. Protein from animal sources—meat, chicken, fish, milk and milk products, and eggs—is of greater nutritional value than protein from plant foods. Animal proteins are considered complete, or high-quality protein because they contain all the essential amino acids, plus the nonessential ones.

    The extent to which a food’s amino acid pattern, that is, its digestibility and composition, matches that which the body can use is expressed in the biological value of that food. The net protein utilization (NPU) reflects the biological value and the digestibility of a protein—in other words, how much of the protein a person eats is finally available to his body. No food corresponds exactly with the body’s required amino acid pattern, but the amino acid content in eggs come closest to the combination required by healthy bodies. The protein in eggs is such high-quality protein that eggs are used as the standard other proteins’ NPUs are rated by. (See The Much Maligned Egg: The Best Amino Acid Food on page 7.)

    Each of the following chapters gives a summary of the foods in which a particular amino acid is most concentrated. Plant foods are generally not considered because of their negligible protein content. Protein from plant food is considered incomplete because one or more of the essential amino acids is present in only small amounts.

    The essential amino acids most commonly lacking in plant foods are lysine, tryptophan, and methionine. All cereals are deficient in lysine; corn and rice are also low in tryptophan and threonine. Soybeans and oils are low in methionine. Legumes are low in methionine and tryptophan; peanuts are deficient in methionine and lysine. Poor-quality meats seem to have higher concentrations of less essential, and sometimes even toxic, amino acids, such as serine and proline. The amino acid profiles for fermented foods, fungi, and other sources of protein are being investigated. (See The Optimal Amino Acid Diet on page 8 for suggestions on how to obtain a well-balanced amino acid intake.)

    The Much Maligned Egg: The Best Amino Acid Food

    Heart disease often involves obstruction of the coronary arteries by fatty plaques, which consist mainly of cholesterol. Cholesterol combines with calcium to become hard, hence the term hardening of the arteries. The plaque that accumulates on the walls reduces arterial volume and results in higher blood pressure and harder work for the heart.

    A well-proven strategy to prevent heart disease is to reduce dietary cholesterol intake. The overall rate of cholesterol intake in this country has dropped from 800 mg a day to less than 500 mg a day in the last ten years. At the same time, consumption of the good unsaturated fats and olive oil has increased by 60 percent. These changes in diet have done more to reduce heart disease than all medical procedures combined, according to Robert Levy of Columbia University.

    Changes in cholesterol consumption have come mainly from reduction in meat intake, which is 40 percent less than fifteen years ago. Egg consumption has dropped only 12 percent, so it is apparent that the reduction in eggs has made little contribution to the decrease in heart attacks. In spite of the almost universal advice to limit the consumption of eggs because of their high cholesterol content, we think it is good to eat eggs, because the egg is a nearly perfect amino acid food. Furthermore, the egg, because of its high lecithin content and other nutrients, does not raise blood cholesterol levels by more than 2 percent.

    Most foods are of lower quality as protein sources than the egg, which is proportionally the most balanced and best source of the essential amino acids. In each food, only one or two essential amino acids are deficient or totally lacking, and these are called the limiting amino acids for that food. The protein will be utilized by the body only to the extent that the limiting amino acid is present. The egg’s superior balance makes its proteins more usable than those of most other foods.

    Careful study of the effect of egg proteins on plasma amino acids shows that egg, like steak, raises lysine, valine, threonine, and leucine to extremely high levels. Yet the ratio to other amino acids is slightly better balanced in eggs than in steak. For example, steak increases the plasma valine to plasma methionine ratio to more than five to one, while for egg, it is only four to one. The egg is slightly better balanced, but not perfectly balanced. Amino acid formulas are now being studied, which may suggest ways to achieve a more balanced rise in plasma amino acids than food itself can provide.

    The National Academy of Sciences has reviewed amino acid protein for high quality and recommends the amounts in Table 1.3 (see page 9).

    The Optimal Amino Acid Diet

    Many people throughout the world adopt a vegetarian diet for religious, ethical, and health reasons. It is beyond the compass of this book to address these issues, but we feel that some discussion is relevant here, as a vegetarian diet can present problems with respect to an adequately balanced intake of amino acids.

    Vegetarians don’t get enough of the core proteins that supply an adequately balanced intake of amino acids. Epidemiologists have suggested that true vegetarian societies cannot adapt to stress as well as meat eaters for lack of nutritional advantages. Most vegetable proteins have amino acid deficiencies and are thus unsatisfactory as a sole source of protein. These deficiencies can be overcome in part by the addition to the diet of other proteins rich in amino acids.

    Part of the problem in a vegetarian diet is not in the toxins in the vegetables, but in the deficiencies they induce. Vitamin B12 deficiency and vitamin D deficiency rickets can occur with vegetarianism. Vegetarian children less than two years old may be shorter and lighter than other children. Vegan (pure vegetarian) diets are well below recommended calcium requirements for females. Lacto-ovo vegetarians, who eat eggs and milk, seem to have less deficiency in zinc, calcium, and vitamin D. Meat, fish, fowl, and liver are concentrated sources of vitamins E, A, and B complex. Furthermore, animal foods are loaded with iron, zinc, and other nutrients.

    The advantages of a high-vegetable diet are increased fiber and beta-carotene, which protect against cancer, particularly colon cancer. A high-vegetable diet is undoubtedly healthy, but probably should not exclude meat and other proteins. We degrade fiber faster on high-meat diets. Beef protein in amounts as great as 55 percent of the diet will not raise cholesterol levels in normal men. The real danger of high-protein, high-meat diets is that they are frequently accompanied by a high consumption of refined carbohydrates. A diet high in vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats may be the best for optimal health. The great contribution of vegetarianism is that it has made us aware of the need to eat more vegetables and fruits and fewer refined carbohydrates and junk foods.

    If sufficient vegetables, whole grains, and fish are eaten, the hazards of meat (produced organically) are lessened. Some meat is necessary for resistance to stress. But excess meat and fat are to be avoided since they are implicated in cancer and heart disease. The threats to our meat and fish supply such as steroids, PCBs, antibiotics, or hormones should be reduced or eliminated. The nutrients, such as cysteine, that protect us against those hazards should be increased. Meat diets should be high in vegetables, whole grains, fish, fowl, eggs, and supplemental nutrients. We believe that this combination is the one that leads to a well-balanced amino acid intake and optimum health for most people.

    We believe the value shown for tryptophan is too low and the value shown for lysine is too high. The FDA has considered regulating the amino acid patterns of protein sources to insure proper quality of diet.

    Another criterion for determining amino acid value is to calculate the percent of usable protein; that is, the proportion of usable protein in relation to the total weight of the food. Meats are 20 to 30 percent usable protein, ranging from lamb at the bottom to turkey at the top. Soybean flour is 40 percent protein; most cheeses are 30 to 35 percent protein; many nuts and seeds range between 20 and 30 percent protein; and peas, lentils, and dried beans are between 20 and 25 percent protein. Whole grains contain a fairly small quantity of protein (12 percent); but so do milk (4 percent) and eggs (13 percent). Thus, in evaluating the value of a protein source, both quality and quantity must be considered. Each of the following chapters in this book provides this information about a particular amino acid, enabling laypeople and dieticians to make sophisticated dietary choices to promote health and alleviate disease.


    Protein and amino acid metabolism is combined with the body’s metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Digestion begins when food is in the stomach where hydrochloric acid and enzymes start to attack the peptide links that join amino acids together. This digestive breakdown of dietary protein continues throughout the small intestine. Once the amino acids are broken down into individual amino acids, they are absorbed into the bloodstream.

    The liver is the primary site of amino acid metabolism. It serves as the primary storage center for amino acids derived from the diet and those recycled from other proteins.

    Approximately 75 percent of the amino acids in the average adult are metabolized for the purpose of creating proteins and nonessential amino acids. The body breaks down excess amino acids into either fat or sugar to obtain energy. Amino acids that are manufactured into sugar are called glycogenic; amino acids that are broken down into fat are called ketogenic. As Table 1.4 illustrates, all amino acids are valuable energy sources.

    Nutritional Interactions

    Proper metabolism of amino acids is dependent upon many diverse interactions within the body. There are four families of essential nutrients: minerals and trace elements, including zinc, magnesium, calcium, and iron are associated with the dairy group; essential fatty acids such as linolenic and linoleic acids come from the fat group, vitamins come from carbohydrates; and amino acids come from protein. Amino acids interact with each of these groups. Total nutrition cannot be achieved without understanding the relationship among nutrients. In each chapter, these relationships are covered in detail.

    Amino acids and vitamins interact in interesting and important ways (see Table 1.5 on page 11). Of all the vitamins, pyridoxine (vitamin B6), is the most important for amino acid metabolism. Pyridoxine is the cofactor (a substance important for the activity of the enzyme) for the important enzymes called transaminases, which transfer amine groups from one amino acid to another. Pyridoxine helps build amino acids (amination) and remove amine groups (deamination). It also assists in the transport of amino acids from the intestines to the blood. A deficiency of pyridoxine in the body produces profound effects upon amino acid metabolism.

    Riboflavin (vitamin B2) and niacin (vitamin B3) are the next most important vitamins required for amino acid metabolism. They contribute to the deamination of amino acids.

    Amino Acid Interactions

    Because many amino acids are absorbed and metabolized in a similar fashion, there is a great deal of competition between molecules. Sometimes, one amino acid can cancel the effect of others. This adds to the overall complexity of using amino acids to treat disease.

    Typically amino acids compete for absorption with others in the same group. For example, the aromatic amino acid group (tryptophan, tyrosine, and phenylalanine) can inhibit one another’s passage into the brain. This competition usually occurs among amino acids with similar structure. Amino acids in each group participate in the same or similar actions and perform the same or similar functions, while dissimilar amino acids are absorbed differently and perform different functions. For this reason, we have divided the twenty amino acids in this book into seven groups according to their chemical similarities. At the beginning of each of the following chapters, we include diagrams of the molecular structure of each amino acid described.

    Table 1.5 lists the nutrients and fellow amino acids that support or hinder the breakdown of a particular amino acid. The details of these interactions are described in each chapter.

    Drug Interactions

    Some amino acids also have complementary or antagonistic relationships with drugs formed from amino acids that are structurally related to them as illustrated in Table 1.6. An example of this is the amino acid tyrosine, the metabolism of which is inhibited by the tranquilizer haloperidol (Haldol) and by the antihypertensive methyl dopa (Aldomet). In contrast, the metabolism of tyrosine is enhanced by the drug levodopa/carbidopa (Sinemet), whose constituents L-dopa and carbidopa are both amino acids. N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), an antitoxic and antimucous agent, is converted in the body to the amino acid cysteine. The anticlotting agent, aminocaproic acid (Amicar), useful in urology, is a normal breakdown product of the amino acid lysine.

    Knowledge of amino acid metabolism has also been critical for the discovery of new drugs. Many analogs that change the structure of amino acids have led, and are leading to, the production of new and exciting drugs. Take, for example, cycloserine (Seromycin), an amino acid antibiotic; Thioproline, an amino acid cancer treatment; gabapentin (Neurotin), an amino acid calming agent; or thyroid hormone, an amino acid hormone.

    Inborn Errors of Metabolism

    Many important clues about amino acid metabolism come from studies of patients with inborn errors of metabolism. All the amino acids discussed in this book are involved in thousands of metabolic pathways—the way in which energy is taken from protein, fat, or carbohydrate—which can malfunction due to genetic disease. Inborn errors of amino acid metabolism typically involve defects or deficiencies in the enzymes required to break down a particular amino acid. The inability to properly metabolize an amino acid often results in excessively high levels of the amino acid that can result in ill health. Two of the more common inborn errors of amino acid metabolism are Hartnup’s disease, which is caused by ineffective absorption of tryptophan from the intestine, and phenylketonuria (PKU), a condition in which the body fails to produce the enzyme required to convert the amino acid phenylalanine into tyrosine.

    Metabolism within the Brain

    The most exciting area of amino acid research is the study of brain metabolism. Essentially, amino acids run the brain. The central nervous system is almost completely regulated by amino acids and their peptides. Communication within the brain and between the brain and the rest of the body’s extensive nervous system occurs through chemical languages by which brain cells or neurons communicate. There are about fifty such languages that neurotransmitters use to transmit message from one neuron, or nerve cell, to a specific organ such as a muscle or gland that releases hormones. Neurotransmitters are powerful chemicals that can regulate numerous physical and behavioral processes, including the cognitive and mental performance, emotional states, and the pain response.

    Many neurotransmitters are composed of amino acids. Amino acids in the form of precursors of neurotransmitters, neurotransmitters, and peptides form the majority of these languages as Tables 1.7 to 1.9 illustrate.

    The brain’s amino acids are now being recognized for their importance, and amino acid therapies are revolutionizing the treatment of psychiatric disease. In each of the following chapters, we describe a particular amino acid’s therapeutic potential in psychiatry and the regulation of brain function.

    Metabolism throughout the Body

    Apart from the brain, amino acids are present and important throughout the body. Muscle, for example, is very high in protein and amino acids. The heart muscles and other organs derive their structure and function primarily from amino acids. When the brain and other organs such as muscles talk to each other, amino–acid-related neurotransmitters are again the primary language. Throughout the body, the amino acids have important functions themselves and serve as precursors for the manufacture of other important substances listed in Table 1.10.


    Table 1.11 on page 16 shows the impact amino acid therapies have on maintaining health and treating disease conditions. Each chapter of this book explains the unique metabolism of a particular amino acid and its therapeutic role in improving health and alleviating disease.

    Amino Acid Therapy

    There are many theories and anecdotal reports on the use of amino acids. We believe that we are the first to document with scientific data the effects of amino acid supplementation on the amino acid profile in plasma or serum (fluid portion of the blood). We have measured plasma amino acids in hundreds of people treated with amino acid supplementation and have studied the changes in blood levels that occur with amino acid therapy and amino acid loading (an experimental process in which one nutrient is given in extremely large doses to overload the system and then to study its effect).

    Amino acids are found in small amounts in plasma and urine. It is their detection in plasma that allows us to correlate the concentration of a specific amino acid in certain diseases where it is deficient, as well as to monitor therapy. This scientific advancement is an extremely important tool for physicians treating metabolic and medical diseases, as well as for those practicing general preventive medicine. Levels of amino acids increase after therapy. High levels of certain amino acids may correlate to successful therapy and may need to be monitored like drug levels are monitored. Hence, therapeutic ranges can be established for treatment of specific conditions.

    Debate continues about which media—plasma or urine—is most useful for studying amino acids. We feel strongly that plasma is best. Studies of twenty-four-hour urinary amino acids tend to show abnormalities in unimportant amino acids that are very difficult to interpret. Moreover, urine is less tightly regulated by the body than blood. We have found that plasma levels are more likely to provide useful information about abnormalities in the major amino acids. We have watched the increase in serum amino acid levels correlate frequently to improvement in clinical syndromes, and blood levels have been useful in monitoring therapy with amino acid supplements.

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