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Ebook30 pages2 minutes


Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Hippopotamus had a spotamus . . . on her bottomus! "It's a blister!" said her sister. "It's measles!" said Weasel. "It's hippopox!" said Fox. But in the end the spotamus turns out to be something hilariously unexpected!

Release dateJan 1, 2014

Jeanne Willis

Jeanne Willis wrote her first book aged five and has now written over 300 titles. She has won numerous awards, including the Children's Book Award, the Silver Smarties Prize and has been shortlisted for the Whitbread Award. As well as her extensive writing experience Jeanne once worked as a reptile vet’s assistant, has owned just about every pet you can think of, breeds exotic beetles and fosters hedgehogs. She has never performed in an animal talent show but she did get married at London Zoo.

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Reviews for Hippospotamus

Rating: 3.499999963636364 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Feb 14, 2019

    Super fun and silly - a hippo trying to figure out what the spot on his backside is and everyone has an opinion. The book is great, until the ending. Ugh - a little too gross for me. I'll still probably work it into a preschool "silly" or "hippo" themed story time as some point and we'll talk about the disgusting ending.[SPOILER ALERT].....The spot turns out to be a piece of gum a little boy has lost and he grabs it off the hippo's backside and pops it into his mouth. Gross!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Oct 4, 2018

    cute story, but i don't like all the nonsense words. it would be a great storytime story if it had less of the fake words. some of them are cute, like bottomus...but then there is a bunch that make no sense to me as an adult.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Oct 4, 2018

    A bit gross and quite silly. Should be a popular read aloud.

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Hippospotamus - Jeanne Willis

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