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Wood Deterioration, Protection and Maintenance
Wood Deterioration, Protection and Maintenance
Wood Deterioration, Protection and Maintenance
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Wood Deterioration, Protection and Maintenance

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Wood Deterioration, Protection and Maintenance provides an up to date discussion of the natural durability of wood, wood degradation processes, and methods of structural and chemical protection of wood. Modern active substances in wood preservatives and the relationships between preservative properties, the anatomical structure and moisture content of wood and protective processes involving pressure and/or diffusion driving forces are fully illustrated.
Release dateAug 8, 2016
Wood Deterioration, Protection and Maintenance

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    Wood Deterioration, Protection and Maintenance - Ladislav Reinprecht


    It is well known that wood has been used since ancient times as a structural material for buildings, as the main or auxiliary material in agriculture and later in industrial products, and as a material for furniture and various artistic products.

    The service life of wooden products depends first of all on the natural durability of the wood species and wooden composites used, but also very significantly on their design, their methods of chemical and modifying protection, their exposure and their maintenance.

    People are able to prolong the lifetime of wooden products based on practical knowledge related to wood-damaging agents (e.g. solar radiation, water, fire, aggressive chemicals, wood-decaying fungi, moulds, wood-destroying insects or marine borers), and also from theoretical studies related to the mechanisms of their action on wood at the molecular, anatomical, morphological and geometry levels.

    The structural protection of wooden products is based first of all on the application of durable wood species and other high-quality materials. Simultaneously, the presence of wood-damaging agents has to be limited by using suitable designs with the aim to reduce contact with rain and other sources of water, to reduce the creation of water condensate, and to reduce the impact of ultraviolet (UV) light and fire. So, for this purpose, suitable atmospheric, moisture-impermeable, UV and fire-retardant insulations are applied.

    Chemical protection of wood is performed with preservatives; that is, mainly with fungicides, toxic and hormonal insecticides, fire retardants and UV-protective finishes that are applied on the wood's surface and also into its depth. Currently, for wood preservatives not only is their efficiency important, but also their effects on human health and the environment. The optimization of wood pretreatment (e.g. debarking, drying, improving permeability) and its chemical preservation technology (e.g. time of dipping, vacuum, and/or pressure) derive from the theoretical principles of flow and diffusion of preservative substances in the capillary structure of wood. Plywood, particleboards and other wooden composites can be chemically treated during their production or subsequently.

    The modifying protection of wood is a prospective mode for improving its resistance against biological agents and dimensional changes. Using active chemical modification, the –OH groups of the lignin–saccharide wood matrix react with molecules of a suitable chemical. This results in a decrease in wood hygroscopicity, and fungi, insects or marine borers then have less interest in this treated wood (e.g. acetylated wood). Thermally modified wood also leads to good resistance to atmospheric factors and biological damage, mainly where there is no contact with the ground.

    Wooden products have to be regularly maintained with the aim to increase their lifetime. However, when they became damaged, a thorough inspection of their actual state is important; that is, the diagnosis of the cause, type, degree and range of their damage. Biologically damaged wood should be sterilized. Subsequently, for restoration of smaller wooden elements are used conservation methods, working with natural and synthetic substances. Load-bearing elements of wooden houses, roofs, ceilings and other constructions can be reinforced with prostheses, splicing, special bracing or other methods.


    The writing of this book was inspired by Mr Gervais Sawyer, editor of the International Wood Products Journal. At the same time I would like to thank the professional members of the Wiley publishing house, personally to the publisher Mr Paul Sayer for finding external examiners and for his important comments, to all the anonymous reviewers for ideas on improving some sections of this book, to the editorial assistant Ms Viktora Vida for painstaking collection and control of individual chapters, to Mr Peter Lewis for careful copyediting work and preparing the manuscript for typesetting, and to the production editor Ms Audrey Koh and the project manager from Aptara Ms Baljinder Kaur for creation of the proofs and stylish press quality files. Finally, I would like to thank my daughter Mrs Judita Quiňones for her help in the first grammar correction of this book.

    Ladislav Reinprecht

    Zvolen, December 2015

    About the Author

    Ladislav Reinprecht is a professor at the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia. He obtained an MSc degree in organic chemistry, a postgraduate degree in mycology and a PhD degree in wood technology. For students and specialists he has written many books and monographs, both in Slovak (e.g. Wood Protection, Processes of Wood Deterioration and Modification, Reconstruction of Damaged Wood Structures, Wooden Buildings – Constructions, Protection and Maintenance, Wooden Ceilings and Trusses – Types, Failures, Inspections and Reconstructions), and in English (e.g. Strength of Deteriorated Wood in Relation to its Structure, TCMTB and Organotin Fungicides for Wood Preservation). His primary research interest lies in the analysis of abiotic and biological defects in wood structure – the conditions for their creation and the methods of their detection, inhibition and prevention. He has published the results of his experimental work in many articles in scientific journals and presented results at various international and domestic conferences.


    Wood Durability and Lifetime of Wooden Products

    Wooden products (furniture, flooring, doors, etc.) and constructions (log cabins, bridges, ceilings, trusses, etc.) produced from various species of wood and types of wooden composites are in practice exposed to different environments, where they can be subjected to more forms of degradation (see Chapters 2 and 3).

    With the aim to suppress the degradation processes in the wood, and also in glues, paints and other materials used for wooden products and constructions, it is desirable to use suitable forms of their structural, chemical and modifying protection so that their lifetime can be suitably increased (see Chapters 4, 5 and 6).

    The service life of wooden products and constructions can be increased by their regular maintenance. However, when degradation processes in wood and/or in additional materials occur and cause damage, appropriate restoration methods should be used (see Chapter 7).

    1.1 Basic information about wood structure and its properties

    The structure of wood and wooden composites (Figures 1.1 and 1.2) and their exposure in conditions suitable for the action of abiotic factors and/or the activity of biological pests (Figure 1.3) are the basic prerequisites for potential damage of wooden products and constructions.

    Diagram: anatomical level has concentric tubes having layers S3, S2, S1, P; morphological level has easly-wood, late-wood, et cetera; molecular level has cellulose, et cetera.

    Figure 1.1 Structural levels of wood (modified from Eriksson et al. (1990) and Reinprecht (2008))

    Source: Eriksson, K-E., Blanchette, R. A. and Ander, P. (1990) Microbial and enzymatic degradation of wood and wood components. Springer Verlag – Berlin Heidelberg, 407 p. Reproduced by permission of Springer

    Image described by caption.

    Figure 1.2 The basic types of wooden composites: (1) glulam (glued joints); (2) prefinished wood (coatings or foils); (3) wood–plastic (fibre reinforcement); (4) fibreboard (dispersion systems); (5) particleboard (macro-dispersion systems); (6) plywood (laminated systems); (7) impregnated wood (penetrations or diffusions). (Note: composite is a multicomponent system of materials consisting of at least two macroscopically distinguishable phases, of which at least one is solid)

    Chart shows wood-degrading factor splits into biological, abiotic; biological to micro-organisms, fungi, et cetera; abiotic to atmospheric, thermal, chemical.

    Figure 1.3 Biological and abiotic wood-degrading factors

    Source: R., L. (2013) Wood Protection, Handbook, TU Zvolen, Slovakia, 134 p. Reproduced by permission of TU Zvolen

    Wood is a biopolymer, created by a genetically encoded system of photosynthetic and subsequent biochemical reactions in the cambial initials of trees (Figure 1.1). Trees consist of approximately 70–93 vol.% of wood, with the rest being bast, bark and needles or leaves. Wood is the internal, lignified part of the stem, branches and roots. The characteristics of wood include: (1) anisotropy, typical in three anatomical directions – longitudinal, radial and tangential;

    (2) inhomogeneity, influenced by the sapwood and heartwood, the early wood and late wood, and so on; (3) specificity, given by the wood species; and (4) variability, given by the growth conditions of the tree of a given wood species.

    Wood is a traditional material, used for producing wooden buildings, furniture, work and sport tools, as well as art works. It is currently an irreplaceable raw material for the production of bio-based composites with the targeted combination of wood particles in various stages of disintegration and pretreatment with a complementary system of adhesives, waxes and other additives (Figure 1.2).

    1.1.1 Wood structure

    The structure of wood (Figure 1.1, Boxes 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4) and wooden composites (Figure 1.2) is defined at four levels:

    primary (i.e. molecular/chemical structure);

    secondary (i.e. anatomical/submicroscopic structure);

    tertiary (i.e. morphological/microscopic structure);

    quaternary (i.e. geometric/macroscopic structure).

    Box 1.1 A basic preview of the geometric structure of wood

    The geometric structure of wood


    The external appearance – shape, volume, colour, the ratio of tangential, radial and facial areas, the proportion of sapwood, heartwood and/or mature wood, the proportion of early and late wood in annual rings, the roughness and overall quality of the surfaces, and so on.

    Diagram of cuboid on left has longitudinal, tangential, radial directions as axes; photograph of knots on right shows two solid dots having parallel curves on either side.

    The macroscopic inhomogeneities – knots, compression or tension wood, juvenile wood, false heart, resin chanals, and so on, together with their type, frequency and state of health (e.g. damage by rot).

    Depends on

    the morphological structural level (i.e. the proportional and spatial distribution of various types of cell elements in the wood);

    the growth defects and anomalies in the wood;

    the mechanical and other loads/treatments of the wood.

    Source: R., L. (2008) Ochrana Dreva (Wood Protection), Handbook, TU Zvolen, Slovakia, 453 p. Reproduced by permission of TU Zvolen.

    Box 1.2 A basic preview of the morphological structure of wood

    The morphological structure of wood


    The individual cells – type, shape, dimensions, slenderness factor, orientation to the pith (longitudinal, radial), thickness of the cell wall, thinning in the cell wall (type, frequency, location), and so on.

    Diagrams of tracheid, bordered pit, libriform, late and early vessel, and parenchyma have different shaped structures.

    The grouping of cells – proportion and location of parenchymatic, libriform, vessel, tracheid and other cell-types in the wood tissues.

    Depends on

    The wood species (Fengel & Wegener, 2003; Wagenführ, 2007; Wiedenhoeft, 2010; Wiemann, 2010):

    Wood of coniferous species has a simple and fairly regular morphological structure. Approximately 90–95% of wood volume is formed of early and late tracheids. Tracheids have a conductive and strengthening function. They are 2–5 mm long (late are approximately 10% longer) and 0.015–0.045 mm wide. Their cell walls, with a thickness of 0.002–0.008 mm, contain a fairly high number of pit pairs, usually 60–100 in early tracheids and 5–25 in late tracheids. Pit-pairs with a diameter of 0.008–0.03 mm are mainly at the end of tracheids on their radial walls. Opened pit-pairs provide interconnection between tracheids, which is used in the transport of liquids into the wood at its chemical protection and modification. Parenchymatic, thin-walled cells form stock tissue with living protoplasm. They are located in radially oriented pith beams and in longitudinally oriented parenchymatic fibres and resin channels. Resin chanals are lacking in some coniferous species (i.e. they are not present in fir or yew wood).

    Wood of broadleaved species has a more complicated morphological structure compared with coniferous wood. Libriform fibres, present in a volume of 36–76%, have a strengthening function. They are relatively short, from 0.3 to 2.2 mm, with a width from 0.005 to 0.03 mm. They have a weak connection with other types of cells due to the small number of simple pit or half-pit thinned areas. Vessels, present in a volume of 20–40%, have a conductive function. Their conductive function is important for the transport of nutrients during a tree's growth, as well as for transport of preservatives and modifying substances into wood. In ring-porous species (ash, elm, hickory, oak), large vessels in early wood have a diameter from 0.2 to 0.5 mm, whilst small vessels in late wood are from 0.016 to 0.1 mm. The length of vascular systems are usually up to 0.1 m, but in some wood species this can even be several metres (e.g. as long as 7 m in oak). They are created from a long, vertical line of vessels connected via openings – simple, reticular or ranking perforations. Cell walls of vessels have circular and spiral thickenings. The conductive function of vessels decreases under the influence of tyloses (i.e. when blocked by outgrowth from the surrounding paratracheal parenchyma). Parenchymatic cells, present in a volume of 2–15%, mainly have a storage function. Longitudinal, paratracheal parenchymata (single-sided, group, vasicentric, etc.) group around the vessels and vessel tracheids and connect to them via single-sided pit pairs. Longitudinal, apotracheal parenchymata do not come into contact with the vessels. In radially oriented pith beams, several parenchymatic cells are combined with a rectangular shape, horizontal or vertical, either in morphological unity (homogeneous beam) or in morphological diversity (heterogenic beam).

    Diagram of coniferous wood on left has resin channel, annual ring, late and early tracheids, pit pair and pit beam; micrograph of closed pit pairs in tracheids on right shows two pits.Diagram of broad leaved wood on left has annual ring, vessel, pith beam, libriform and pith beam; micrograph of vessel blocked by tyloses on right.

    Source: R., L. (2008) Ochrana Dreva (Wood Protection), Handbook, TU Zvolen, Slovakia, 453 p. Reproduced by permission of TU Zvolen.

    Box 1.3 A basic preview of the anatomical structure of wood

    The anatomical structure of wood


    The structure of the cell walls of wood's cells:

    layering (i.e. the individual layers ML, P, S1, S2, S3 – see Figure 1.1);

    proportion and localization of the structural polymers (cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin) and extractives in the individual layers of the cell wall.

    Diagram shows layers like S1, S2, S3, P & ML having lignin 9-11%, 8-10%, 0.5%, 7-9%; cellulose 6-8%, 34-38%, 1-2%, ca 1%; hemicelluloses 4-6%, 12-18%, 3-5%, ca 1% respectively.

    Depends on

    The wood species and the type of cell (Fengel & Wegener, 2003; Wiedenhoeft, 2010):

    Elementary fibrils, formed usually of 40 macromolecules of cellulose, are the basic elements of the cells' walls with a cross-section of ca 3.4 nm × 3.8 nm. Microfibrils consist of 20–60 elementary fibrils. Macrofibrils consist of cellulose microfibrils as well as of hemicellulose fillings and lignin microlayers.

    Microfibrils and macrofibrils form substantial lamellae that are the structural base for individual layers of a cell wall (i.e. the ML, P, S1, S2 and S3):

    – ML → middle lamella, mainly formed of lignin granules;

    – P → primary wall, with a thickness of 0.06–0.09 μm, formed of a high proportion of lignin and cellulose fibrils orientated randomly into a multilayered network;

    – S → secondary wall, with a thickness of 1–6 μm, formed of three separate layers, S1, S2 and S3; these layers differ in thickness, orientation of fibrils and the proportion and structure of lignin and polysaccharides; for example, in the tracheids of conifers the ratio of layers S1/S2/S3 is around 12/78/10.


    The permeability of the wood:

    Cell walls of wood are able to transmit gases and polar liquids. This is due to their microporous structure with vacant pores of size 1–80 nm, as well as due to hydroxyl ( inline OH), carbonyl (C inline O) and other polar groups of lignin and polysaccharides. Macromolecules of polysaccharides in the cell walls repel each other in the presence of polar liquid molecules (e.g. water), which also continuously increase the porosity of the cell wall to a maximum size of ∼80 nm. Therefore, its permeability for diffusion and capillary transports continually increases.

    Micropores in the cell walls of wood – gaps in elementary fibrils (∼1 nm), capillaries in microfibrils (∼10 nm), capillaries in macrofibrils (<80 nm), pores in a pit membrane (<150 nm).

    The mechanical properties of the wood:

    For example, cell walls with a greater proportion of the S2 layer, and also therefore cellulose, provide wood with a greater tensile strength along the fibres.

    Source: R., L. (2008) Ochrana Dreva (Wood Protection), Handbook, TU Zvolen, Slovakia, 453 p. Reproduced by permission of TU Zvolen.

    Box 1.4 A basic preview of the molecular structure of wood

    The molecular structure of wood


    The types and chemical structure of wood components – cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin located in the cell walls, and extractives (accompanying substances) located in the cell walls or also in the lumens.

    The physical–chemical status of wood components – the degree of polymerization, conformation and configuration structures (spatial grouping into globules, rods, helixes), the supramolecular status (crystalline, amorphous), the physical status (glassy, plastic, viscoelastic), the ability to form intramolecular bonds (hydrogen bonds, van der Waals interactions).

    Diagrams show structures for cellulose has b-D-glucopyranose; hemicelluloses has b-D-xylopyranose, b-D-mannopyranose; lignin has phenyl-propane unit.

    Depends on

    The wood species, the type of cell, and the specifics of its composition (Eriksson et al., 1990; Fengel & Wegener 2003):

    Cellulose is a linear polymer consisting of 1,4-β-D-glucopyranose units. These are either arranged into crystalline units (elementary fibrils) or are in an amorphous state.

    Hemicelluloses form branched macromolecular systems of mannanes (in coniferous wood), xylanes (in broadleaved wood) and other polysaccharides.

    Lignin in coniferous woods is a guaiacyl-type based on coniferyl phenyl-propane units (i.e. 15% inline OCH3 groups/C9). Lignin in broadleaved woods is a mixture of guaiacyl-type and syringyl-type, at which lignin of syringyl-type is based on synapyl phenyl-propane units (i.e. 20–21% inline OCH3 groups/C9).

    Terpenes are accompanying biologically effective substances in the wood of more durable coniferous species. Tannins, flavonoids and some other substances play this role in the wood of more durable broadleaved species.


    The durability of the wood:

    hemicelluloses are the overall most unstable component of the wood, mainly against high temperatures and hydrolysis in the presence of acids in the environment or enzymes produced by wood-decaying fungi;

    lignin is not stable when facing oxidation induced by ultraviolet (UV) radiation in exterior, or by peroxidases and other enzymes of white-rot fungi;

    accompanying substances affect the resistance of wood to biological damage; various woods contain different amounts of (1) easily biodegradable substances (e.g. starch, pectin, glycosides and lipids) and (2) substances biologically effective against wood-decaying fungi, moulds or wood-boring insects (e.g. tannins, flavonoids, stilbenes, terpenes and resin acids).

    The preservation and modification of the wood:

    diffusion and fixation processes of preservatives and modifying substances in wood depend not only upon their physical and chemical properties but also upon the molecular structure of the cell walls in the wood;

    modification of the molecular structure of wood (acetylation, etherification, etc.) can increase resistance to biological pests, and the dimensional stability and strength properties can be improved.

    Source: R., L. (2008) Ochrana Dreva (Wood Protection), Handbook, TU Zvolen, Slovakia, 453 p. Reproduced by permission of TU Zvolen.

    The structure of wood significantly determines its natural durability, defined as its resistance to abiotic and biological damages (see Chapters 2 and 3). In this view, the structure of wood also affects the conditions for storing of cut logs and produced timber, the methods and technologies for the structural, chemical and modifying protection of wooden products (see Chapters 4, 5 and 6), as well as the methods and technologies for their maintenance and restoration (see Chapter 7).

    1.1.2 Wood properties

    The properties of wood (Box 1.5) usually worsen due to its damage (see Chapters 2 and 3). The restoration of damaged wood returns its original properties – strength, dimensional stability, aesthetics, and so on (see Chapter 7).

    Box 1.5 A basic preview of the properties of wood

    See also Sections 2.4 and 3.6.


    The wood of broadleaved species commonly used in Europe for products and constructions (Table 1.3: beech, birch, black locust, elm, hornbeam, linden, maple, oak, poplar, etc., 440–800 kg/m3) is usually more dense than the wood of commonly used coniferous species (Table 1.3: cedar, Douglas fir, fir, larch, pine, spruce, 370–530 kg/m3). The density of wood is decreased after being damaged by fire, fungal rot or insect galleries. However, the opposite trend (i.e. an increase of density) is not uncommon in subfossil wood or wood attacked by alkalis.

    Strength properties

    Wood has a relatively high strength in relation to its density when compared with other materials used in construction. The strength properties of wood (compression, tension, bending, hardness, etc.) depend upon its density and structure, which assist us in selecting a suitable type of wood for a particular use. Depolymerization of polysaccharides in decayed or otherwise damaged wood decreases its strength, mainly in its wet state, where the support strengthening effect of hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions already do not apply.

    Graph of strength ranging 0-160 MPa versus moisture content ranging 0-30% has three descending curves for tension, bending and compression from top to bottom respectively.

    Moisture properties

    The humidity of wood adapts to climatic conditions of its exposure. During long-term exposure to air with a relative humidity of 95–99%, wood greatly humidifies and its equilibrium moisture content settles around 28–30%; that is, the fibre saturation point (FSP). The wood also easily receives liquid water via capillary forces, and its maximum moisture depends upon its porosity/density; for example, beech with a density of 600 kg/m3 has a maximum moisture of ∼120%, whereas for spruce with density of 400 kg/m3 it is as much as ∼200%.

    The swelling and shrinkage of wood are processes connected with receiving of bound water until it reaches the FSP (wood swells) and vice versa with its drying when water is released (wood shrinkages). The dimensions of wood change as well as when its moisture changes from FSP to 0%; for example, for common wood species the maximum shrinkages are in a longitudinal direction αL = 0.15–0.65%, a radial direction αR = 2.5–6.7% and in a tangential direction αT = 8.3–14.7%.

    The moisture properties of wood also affect its strength, durability and use; that is, (1) strength of wood usually decreases with increased moisture within the range from 0% to the FSP; (2) resistance of wood to biological damage is usually lower at higher moistures; and (3) frequent and marked changes in the moisture content of wood lead to shape deformation and the creation of cracks.

    Thermal properties

    Wood has relatively good thermal insulation properties. However, it does not resist temperatures over 150 °C for a long time and may ignite. Despite the fact that it is flammable, during fires it is often more stable in terms of shape and strength than metals or plastics are.

    Source: R., L. (2008) Ochrana Dreva (Wood Protection), Handbook, TU Zvolen, Slovakia, 453 p. Reproduced by permission of TU Zvolen.

    1.2 Types and principles of wood degradation

    Wood is more or less susceptible to various forms of degradation (Figure 1.3, Table 1.1; and see Chapters 2 and 3). In wood degradation, the dominant role is played by its molecular structure (Box 1.4). However, its higher structural levels – anatomical (Box 1.3), morphological (Box 1.2), and geometric (Box 1.1) – also have significant roles. Wood can already be damaged during its growth in trees, subsequently at harvesting, during storage and transport of logs and timbers, and also after processing on products and constructions.

    Table 1.1 Types of wood degradation related to the deterioration of its polymers (polysaccharides and lignin) or without their deterioration

    Source: R., L. (2013) Wood Protection, Handbook, TU Zvolen, Slovakia, 134 p. Reproduced by permission of TU Zvolen.

    Changes in structural levels of wood are caused by abiotic agents or energies and biological pests. Subsequently, its strength, hygroscopic, thermal, aesthetic and other properties are also changed, and usually impaired. The intensity and scope of the structural and property changes of wood depend upon the type and mechanism of the degradation process. In the case of some degradation types (e.g. due to weathering or moulds), just surface damage of wood occurs. In contrast, in the case of fire, fungal decay or feeding by wood-damaging insects, wood is degraded to a greater depth, often in full.

    Damage that begins at the molecular structure of wood is the most important for changes in its properties (Table 1.1). All degradation effects in the molecular structure of wood – in its polymers, caused by atmospheric factors, high temperatures, aggressive chemicals and fungal decay – are reflected also at its anatomical and morphological structural levels (e.g. with regard to damage of cell walls and entire tissues), and usually also at its geometric level (e.g. more intensive degradation of sapwood or early wood), and of course in its properties as well.

    Damage that begins only at the upper structural levels of wood is usually less important for changes in its properties. For example, small changes in the density and strength of wood can occur as a result of microscopic and macroscopic cracks created by moisture stresses due to badly regulated drying, although without great changes in its hygroscopicity and colour.

    1.3 Natural durability of wood

    Wood has several implicit advantages in comparison with other materials (e.g. stone, clay, brick, concrete, metals, plastics):

    it is a permanently renewable material source (e.g. it has low impact on the environment and low energetic demands for processing in total);

    it is easily workable;

    it has high strength in relation to density;

    it has low thermal conductivity;

    aesthetically pleasing qualities in products.

    In contrast, wood also has negative properties, reflected by its lower natural durability:




    The natural durability of wood is its inherent resistance to various abiotic factors and biological pests (see Chapters 2 and 3). The natural durability of a defined wood species (and also of a defined type of wooden composite) may be only supposed – it may not be exactly defined. The cause is the complementary effects of many variables. The most significant of these are:

    Differences in the structure of the individual wood species; that is, there is a specific dependence on the age of the wood and the presence of juvenile wood, and also on the climatic, soil and other conditions of tree growth (Table 1.2).

    Table 1.2 Natural durability of wood predetermined by its structure

    Source: R., L. (2013) Wood Protection, Handbook, TU Zvolen, Slovakia, 134 p. Reproduced by permission of TU Zvolen.

    The environment around the wooden product. That is, there is usually a difference between interior and exterior environments, as well as in various exterior climatic zones; there is also an influence of the structural protection of wood used (prEN 16818). For example, weather factors acting on the exterior are more aggressive in a direct contact with the ground or above ground without shelter (Brischke & Rapp, 2008); a northerly orientation is usually more suitable for the activity of wood-damaging fungi, while abiotic degradation of wood surfaces due to UV radiation and temperature changes is stronger in a southerly orientation.

    The natural durability of individual wood species is known from practice; however, it is permanently studied also on the basis of both laboratory and field tests. Several studies on the natural durability of various wood species were elaborated by, for example, Rapp et al. (2000), Van Acker et al. (2003) and Van Acker and Stevens (2003). The natural durability of woods is now based on practical knowledge and experiments assembled in the form of (1) the percentage ratio durability, with regard to a well-known wood species (e.g. to oak heartwood), or (2) durability classes (e.g. by EN 350-2), which rank woods on the basis of their resistance to activity of selected biological pests (Table 1.3).

    Table 1.3 Classes of natural durability of selected wood species in their contact with ground – against rot (modified from EN 350-2)

    Durability classes 1 to 5 are relative; that is, usable only for mutual comparison of durability of the individual types of wood.

    Durability classes are applicable only to heartwood.

    Sapwood of all broadleaved and coniferous species is classified in class 5 (non-durable), unless other data are available.

    a B: broadleaved; C: coniferous.

    The natural durability of individual wood species is influenced also by the pest's interest about the wood, or by the ability of a specific chemical compound to be attacked in the wood. For example, some species of wood-damaging insects attack only wood of conifers and only in interiors – typically, the house longhorn beetle (Hylotrupes bajulus). Woods having tannins or similar extractives (e.g. oak) become black in colour near to a contact with iron nails or screws, but others woods (e.g. beech) are resistant to such colour changes.

    From the point of view of the natural durability of wood against pests, it can be generally stated that this does not depend upon the wood density. For example, the mature or heart parts of beech, hornbeam and other woods having a high density but no biologically active agents (tannins, stilbenes, terpenes, etc.) belong to the less durable species like alder, lime tree and poplar woods that have substantially lower densities.

    A decrease in the high natural durability (resistance to pests) of several exotic wood species (Kazemi, 2003; Yamamoto et al., 2004; Nzokou et al., 2005) or some European woods (e.g. black locust and oak) can occur during their exposure when mainly in a permanently moist environment. Tannins and also other low molecular weight substances, which significantly increase the resistance of woods to biological pests, may be gradually washed out or evaporated from the wood, and thus suffer from a decreased natural durability against fungi or other pests over time. Similar experiences are known for archaeological or subfossil oaks that have lain under a wet ground for several thousand years (Horský & Reinprecht, 1986).

    1.4 Methods of wood protection for improvement its durability

    Wood protection is defined as the set of measures for securing its quality and increasing its natural durability. Protection of wood is carried out from growing interventions by foresters, through suitable tree harvesting, logs and sawn timbers transportation and storage, compliance with technological principles of production and protection of wooden products up to their use in practice.

    Protection of wood can be performed by applying various methods throughout the various stages:

    protection of growing trees (i.e. in the forest) against physiological pests and other factors, which is provided for by foresters (i.e. forest and tree protection);

    protection of harvested wood (i.e. on round-wood yards) and during first-stage processing to sawn timber, veneers, chips and other intermediate products (i.e. the physical – totally wet conditions or quick drying) and possibly also short-term chemical wood protection;

    protection of new wooden products (i.e. use of suitable structural designs and selection of suitable chemical, modifying and other processing) – all these methods of preventive and supplementary wood protection are based on physical, structural, chemical and/or modification technologies (Table 1.4; and see Chapters 4, 5 and 6);

    Table 1.4 Principles of preventive protection of wooden products in order to increase their durability

    Source: R., L. (2013) Wood Protection, Handbook, TU Zvolen, Slovakia, 134 p. Reproduced by permission of TU Zvolen.

    +++: significant application; ++: medium application; +: little (limited, specialized) application; (+): rare application; N: application in practice maybe in future.

    protection of older wooden products – that is, maintenance of wood, or conservation and reconstruction of markedly degraded wood, typically of historical artefacts and constructions (see Chapter 7).

    In general, the objective of wood protection is to create such conditions in its structure and surrounding environment that are unfavourable for the damaging effect of abiotic factors and biological pests. The natural durability of wood can be improved using several methods (Table 1.4). However, it holds true that improvement of the natural durability of wood should be specifically reasonable for every type of wooden product; that is, it is not expedient to unreasonably improve the service life of a wooden product using such technology that evidently burdens the environment and the protected wood becomes harmful to the health of people and animals.

    1.5 Service life prediction of wooden products

    Wooden products and constructions wear in time both physically (i.e. due to the impact of defects caused by various wood-degrading factors) and morally (i.e. due to the changed demands of humans regarding their functionality, aesthetic aspects, etc.).

    The service life means the period of time after installation during which a building or its parts meets or exceeds the performance requirements (ISO 15686). Similarly, the service life of log cabins, trusses, ceilings, windows, doors, furniture and other products made of wood is defined by the time for which they should meet the function, technical and aesthetic requirements under the supposed conditions of application. Their service life can be defined also as the time after which they get to a so-called terminal condition (i.e. they become unusable). The service life is a variable value since it is determined from supposed exposure conditions that are not always fully implemented (Van Acker et al., 2014). Moisture content of wood is frequently used as an input variable to modelling conditions and the resulting risk of decay, and then also of the service life prediction of wooden products (Brischke & Thelandersson, 2014).

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