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Ebook240 pages4 hours


Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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When their car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, Dee, her boyfriend Luke, and Luke’s brother, Mike, seek help in the nearby town of Purity Springs. But as they walk the vacant streets, the teens make some disturbing discoveries. The seemingly deserted homes each contain a sinister book with violent instructions on disciplining children. The graveyard is full of unmarked crosses. Worst of all, there’s no way to contact the outside world. When Purity Springs’ inhabitants suddenly appear, Dee, Luke, and Mike find themselves at the mercy of Elijah Hawkins, the town’s charismatic leader who has his own plans for the three of them. Their only hope for survival is Elijah’s enigmatic son, Joseph. And his game may be just as deadly as his father’s . . .
Release dateNov 8, 2014

Trisha Leaver

Trisha Leaver is the co-author of Creed and lives on Cape Cod with her husband and children.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I would like to thank Flux & NetGalley for granting me a copy of this e-book to read in exchange for an honest review. Though I received this e-book for free that in no way impacts my review.Goodreads Teaser:"Three went in. Three came out. None even a shadow of who they once were.When their car breaks down, Dee, her boyfriend Luke, and his brother Mike walk through a winter storm to take refuge in a nearby town called Purity Springs. When they arrive, the emergency sirens are blaring and the small farming town seems abandoned. With no other shelter, they spend the night in an empty house.But they soon discover that not everything in Purity Springs is as it seems. When the town's inhabitants suddenly appear the next morning, Dee, Luke, and Mike find themselves at the mercy of the charismatic leader, Elijah Hawkins, who plans to make Dee his new wife. Elijah's son, Joseph, offers to help them escape . . . but the price of his help may be more than Dee and her friends can bear."This is one hell of a psychological thriller. From the very beginning the story grabs you and pulls you in, much like what happens to the protagonists. Dee is the central character of the story, which is told from her point of view. This adds to her complexity, giving her more depth than Luke and Mike. That's not to say the brothers are lacking, simply that we see them in relation to Dee, and are not privy to their thoughts.Joseph is a strange cross between protagonist and antagonist. Depending upon which character he is interacting with determines which role he fills, yet ultimately he is almost as much a victim of circumstance as the three outsiders. For in Purity Springs, population 149, everyone who isn't a resident is an outsider. In fact the town is pretty much a character itself, for it has a very distinct personality and behavioral patterns just like an individual. However it isn't the nicest of towns, or at least not if you aren't from one of the founding families.After their car runs out of gas on a lonely stretch of road, the three young friends decide they must walk to the nearest town to buy some gas, and maybe find a ride back to their car. The boys try to convince Dee to wait in the car, but she's not having anything to do with being left behind or with the threesome separating. As soon as it is suggested all she can think of is every bad slasher flick her boyfriend Luke has made her sit through with him. Yet as they get closer to the town she begins to rethink the whole plan, wondering if they should have waited in the car for a passing motorist. That's how creepy Purity Springs is. Not only are the emergency sirens blaring with no sign of dangerous weather, but the entire town is eerily deserted. The progression of frightening events keeps building as the story expands, with each event that much more disturbing. That is until things hit the wall of just plain horrific. As the three friends try to navigate their way through the increasingly dangerous situation they've found themselves trapped in they are forced to trust Joseph, though they have every reason not to. Yet Dee finds herself drawn to Joseph, for she alone recognizes something in him that only she can understand. That recognition may well prove to be the downfall of the three friends.The authors did an excellent job of keeping the pacing, the arc of the story, and the characters growth well matched. The story builds to a horrifying crescendo, only to have things inevitably crash to the ground, shattering all that came before. While there are a few details that don't quite fit the premise of Purity Springs, they are small enough and few enough to make virtually no difference to the overall story. In fact they really only come to mind after completing the book, when you might find yourself repeatedly replaying specific scenes. Despite those holes in the tapestry of the story, this is one book you will want to get comfortable before you begin (a cozy seat, a beverage at hand, a box of tissues, etc.), because once you start reading you won't stop until you've reached the end. Even then it will linger with you long after you've finished it. Easily one of the best psychological thrillers I've read all year!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The first third of this book was exactly what I was hoping it would be. Dee, her boyfriend Luke, and his brother Mike set off on a road trip, heading towards Dee's surprise for her and Luke's anniversary. But when their car runs out of gas, they find themselves forced to hole up in a small, mysterious town.This town has all the makings of a horror movie, a cult, or possibly both. There are identical books in each house full of terrifying rules, sirens that won't stop sounding, and absolutely no sign of another living soul. The graveyard has a freshly dug grave, and there is a stockpile of Welcome to Purity Springs signs where the population number keeps going down by one.Where the book started to lose me was when it was revealed what was happening in the town. The explanation just didn't seem to live up to the build up. And even more than this, was the book's unrelenting bleakness. After the beginning of the book, there was not a single spark of lightness, or even a smile. This made it very difficult to power through and finish the book. I think I only finished it because I was already far enough into it that I felt like I should, and because I was hoping there would be some sort of happiness, even if the resolution was tragic.I wanted to like this book so much more than I did, which is probably another reason I was determined to finish it. I know there are a lot of readers out there who enjoyed it, and I can definitely see why. It's a scary, interesting young adult thriller that is well-written in many parts. If I had known going in just how dark it would be, and how far it would veer from the thriller it began as, I might have liked it more because I would have lacked such high expectations. Then again, had I known, I might not have picked it up at all.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Chalk it up to my love of horror novels if you must, but Creed just didn't deliver on the creep factor that it promised. I've seen so many rave reviews of this book. Reviews that praised the tension that was built, the gore factor, and even the writing. Now that I've finished reading, I can honestly say that I don't agree with any of them. This was like watching a B-horror movie unfold, except without any of the redeeming qualities that make them fun.

    I felt nothing for these three characters. No terror, no remorse, not even the tiniest inkling of emotion. What I did feel, in spades, was frustration. Dee, Luke and Mike were cardboard cutouts of what teens should be. Their flat personalities never allowed me to get close to them at all. Even Dee, who had a horrible childhood and should have felt like a stronger female character to me, felt fake. I kept waiting for her to lash out. To take all her frustration and do something big. It never came to that.

    A story like this has so much potential. A city that looks abandoned but holds so many secrets. A fanatical villain who will stop at nothing to keep those secrets. Plus, three teens who have no idea what they're walking into. In a perfect world, I'd eat this story up in a heartbeat. The way it was executed in Creed just left a lot wanting for me. Nothing about this book caught me up. I wasn't connected to it at all. Even the gory parts, the parts that should have made me feel disturbed or sad, they elicited nothing from me.

    Now, again, I do read a lot of horror novels. It's distinctly possible that I've reached a point where I am no longer the audience for this book. However, keep in mind that I also wasn't a fan of the writing or the characters either. I'll leave the decision up to you, as to whether Creed takes a spot on your reading list or not. It definitely wasn't for me.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This one read out like a B movie. Entertaining for the most part, but then you’re left empty and at times it felt like you were cheated out of a potentially good story. It was over so quickly hence why you get the feeling you were cheated. Which is too bad. The plot had promise, but it fell short.It started off well. Just enough to get your attention, the creep factor was all set. A breadcrumb trail was set up and it was good enough to keep the plot going steady. Considering the length of the story, you don’t really have the time to connect with the characters, which is all right. I suppose the same would be said of characters in a horror movie. You’re just there to see their untimely end ;)Despite there being a shocking moment in the book, it wasn’t enough to redeem the plot. There were so many unanswered questions and a rather drab mediocre last third of the book. You wanted to know so much and yet nothing much was produced. I’m not sure if that was meant to be a teaser but it was disappointing. It was a quick read, this could be considered something to read in between books, or a light one to pass the time. Nothing eye opening or any wow factor will redeem this one. You’re not going to miss much if you pass this on.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

    In Creed, three teenagers – Dee, Luke and Mike – on their way to a concert get stranded outside of Purity Springs, an isolationist enclave of Fundamentalist Christians who treat all outsiders as a lesser form of life, perpetually damned to hell. The sinisterly charismatic leader Elijah chooses Dee to be his next wife, going so far as to rename her Rebekah and to create a bogus family history for her. As Dee endeavors to resist, she learns that Luke and Mike are being held hostage against her good behavior. If she doesn’t comply, Elijah insists that it will be their blood on her hands. The only chance she has of escaping is through the aid of Elijah’s son, Joseph, who recognizes his father for the megalomaniac that he is but lacks the backbone to stand up to him. Dee plays along with Elijah’s game as best she can, but it’s only when she realizes that Luke and Mike’s lives are at stake does she manage to fight back.

    Co-authors Trisha Lever and Lindsay Currie employ a recognizable template: teens in danger from an unstoppable monster. The too-perfect town with its creepy secrets. Bloodshed and torture, as well as perverted versions of Christianity. We’ve seen this all before.

    And that’s where I have a problem with Creed. How do I rate a book that certainly has serviceable writing and a well-paced sense of dread, and yet leaves me craving for the unexpected? The story unfolds pretty much as I expected, and when I got to the end, I thought, yeah, that’s about it. Nothing new, nothing that pushes the imagination.

    Here’s the thing: Lever and Currie’s villain is certainly aggravatingly sanctimonious with a good splash of sadism. They keep him offstage until about halfway through the book, but you get the sense of his presence in the town, so the authors’ use of anticipation makes Elijah’s appearance that much more dreadful. And yet, there he is – a sadistic villain on a power trip. Nothing new.

    For the most part, Dee has spirit and a healthy dose of defiance. But her helplessness is irritating when it should be eliciting the reader’s sympathy. It seems as though she submits to Elijah’s authority because Joseph keeps warning her that his father is a monster and she should bide her time. I realize that she fears for the safety of Luke and Mike, but I kept expecting her to fight back more.

    Not surprisingly, the end is bleak. I can’t decide if that was a choice in storytelling or that the authors couldn’t come up with something more compelling.

    In the end, Creed is easily readable and that’s about it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    If you are a lover of horror, this book is for you. But I hope you take my advice and don’t read it for a bedtime story! Just imagine … three went in and three came out, and see how many blind corners you can turn getting to the end! I truly have no idea how anyone can dig into the depths of pure evil and write such a novel. The situation is unspeakable, the characters are indescribable and the writing is absolute brilliance.

    What happens in Purity Springs is the stuff of living nightmares and I hope you’ll get your copy and tell me how you feel once you’ve read Creed by Trisha Leaver and Lindsey Currie.

    I wish I could rate this higher than five, but five blistering hot cups of the blackest coffee I have available to Creed! (my coffee in a cup is the equivalent of stars)

    ~ Patricia, Room With Books ~ © Nov 10, 2014
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I don’t know how I feel about this book but I did read it in one day. The pages turned easily as I needed to know what would happen next. I love psychological thriller, horror type books and wanted to love this but something did not quite jell. Was it that the characters themselves didn’t ring true? Or was it the setting? Or was it the writing? Or was it the intended audience? I still don’t know.The plot was okish, but like most horror films or books many of the characters made loads of ill-conceived and illogical choices (a bit like running up the stairs when they should be going out the front door!). However, the town within with they found themselves was really creepy – the most creepy thing of the novel, apart from a certain Elijah who brought me out in goose bumps. He was so creepy yet it is also understated.The main character Dee was a damaged girl whose back story was only partially revealed and when it was, it was done very slowly. Even though readers are supposed to empathise with her I found her unlikeable and was annoyed by her constant dependency on Luke and then her constant terror at the situation. This novel started with a strong idea, ideal setting, some disturbing elements, and had a seriously deranged antagonist, but the characters couldn't close the deal for me; they were fairly flat lacked substance and surely one of them would or should have made better choices throughout this book. Only one character (and a minor one at that) had this reader rooting for them and caring about the potential outcome. I thought the ending was unsatisfactory and left unanswered questions. In short a book that had loads of potential but was eventually a huge let down.Full Disclosure: ARC received from Netgalley for an honest review.

Book preview

Creed - Trisha Leaver



The car rolled to a stop on the side of the dirt road. I swore, frustrated that I’d left my jacket at home rather than cover up my new shirt. The rain we’d been driving through had quickly turned to ice, leaving the edges of the country road glossy and slick. It was cold and wet out there. And now I had to walk. Without a coat.

Luke yanked his earbuds out and tossed them onto the dashboard, then slammed the car into park. Not that it was going to go anywhere in drive. It had pretty much sputtered itself to a slow death.

Where are we? I asked, stepping out of the car. My feet slid out from under me, and I had to grab onto the mirror to keep myself from falling.

No idea, Luke said as he tapped the gas gauge to see if he could get it to move. Probably somewhere between Watertown and Albany.

Way to narrow it down, I said, popping the trunk in search of a sweatshirt or jacket. "That’s what … a three-hundred-plus mile range you’ve rattled off?

I turned to Luke’s brother, Mike, hoping he’d been paying better attention. Where are we?

Mike shrugged. No clue, Dee. Sorry.

I sighed. Not that I’d been watching the signs either. I’d spent the last hour with my head buried in my Spanish book, more worried about Monday’s test than directions.

I rifled through my bag in the trunk, looking for something warm to throw over my shirt, but it wasn’t like I’d packed for hiking. All I had was a pair of heeled boots, some jeans, a silky thing that couldn’t even pass for pajamas, and no one to blame but myself. It’d been over four years since I’d had to worry about having a just-in-case bag packed, and I’d gotten lazy. Or maybe too comfortable. Now I was looking at a case of frostbite as punishment.

I reached for Luke’s duffel bag and pulled out a pair of boxer shorts, a toothbrush, and a string of condoms. Seriously? That’s what you packed? I giggled as I shoved the condoms back into the bag, praying Mike hadn’t seen them. Luke’s choice of items was perfectly fine with me.

Luke smiled, his grin more devious than sorry. It’s not like you gave me any idea where we were going or what you had planned. What else was I supposed to think?

Nothing. He’d pretty much nailed it.

Mind if I borrow this? I asked as I pulled on one of Luke’s practice shirts. I gave it a quick sniff and decided the brown patches were actually dirt from the football field. Old dirt at that. It was warm, the fabric soft as if it had been recently washed, and it smelled 100 percent like him.

I snuggled deeper into the fabric. Something about this small part of him surrounding me made me feel safer and less on edge. What time did we leave?

Two, maybe two thirty, Mike responded. Why?

No reason, I said as I climbed back into the car and dug myself into Luke’s shoulder. It was a little past five, which meant we’d been on the road for about three hours. The concert was at seven in Albany, so I assumed we were about halfway there. But we’d stopped twice. Once because Mike had to pee, the second time because my stomach was growling louder than the engine. I figured about five minutes for the first stop, more for the second—the whole Twinkie vs. Ding Dong debate at the gas station and all—so that would put us about …

Who was I kidding? I had no clue where we were.

Leaning over Luke, I jammed the keys back into the ignition. I barely had enough time to get a look at the gas gauge before it died again, leaving us in frozen silence.

How is it that we stopped at a convenience store two hours ago, ended up with a pound of Twinkies, and not a single one of us thought to get gas?

Luke’s mouth turned upward into one of those sexy, lopsided grins that usually got him off the hook. Don’t look at me. I’m map-guy, remember? Once we pulled off the highway, I had to focus on the directions. Gas … supplies … Twinkies, that was all you and Mike.

He fumbled around on the floor of the car and pulled up the crinkled map. I-90 was jammed with traffic, so we’d pulled off about an hour ago, hoping to make better time. Unfortunately for me, map-guy and gas-guy couldn’t co-exist.

You know how you asked me why colleges don’t allow hot plates in the dorm rooms? Mike teased.

Yeah, why? Luke replied.

Well, you’re the reason.

I fought off a grin as I watched Luke think, his fingers tapping against his leg. Luke was brilliant, could solve an advanced calculus problem with very little effort. He had every play for the last three football games stored in his head and had scored a full academic ride to college. It was the simpler things like gas gauges and programing the DVR that threw him off. It was one of the thousands of details I loved about Luke. Somehow, it was both cute and irritating at the same time.

If you’re saying that an unattended hot plate is a greater fire risk than, say, an iron or a candle, then you’re wrong. I gotta think that, statistically speaking—

Let it go, I said, cutting Luke off. If we were betting on odds, then statistically speaking it’d be Mike and his bong that burned down the dorm.

Luke turned to me, his eyes softening as he took in my shivering state. Sorry, Dee. I was listening to music and zoned out. I didn’t even think about gas.

It’s not your fault, I groaned.

It wasn’t his fault; it was mine. You’d think after four years of living with the Hoopers, I would’ve learned to keep the gas tank full. They were old, old enough to be my grandparents, which meant each time their Buick left the driveway for the two-mile trek to bingo it came back with a full tank of gas. No exceptions. Mr. Hooper would scold me seven ways to Sunday if he knew we’d run out of gas, then he’d take Luke’s car to the station himself and fill it up. I’d be embarrassed and Luke would feign guilt, but neither of us would’ve complained.

The Hoopers had taken me in, a ward of the state with no home and no real family to speak of, and made me feel like one of their own. They didn’t need to, and God knows the miserable four hundred and fifty dollars a month the state paid them didn’t begin to cover my expenses, but they still let me stay. For that, I’d sit there quietly and let them rant about how irresponsible it was for us to get stuck on the side of the road because of something so stupid.

Mike leaned into the front seat and scanned the horizon. It’s no biggie. We’ll call a tow truck.

I fished my cell phone out of my pocket and stared at the screen. No signal. I don’t know what I was expecting; there hadn’t been a signal since we’d pulled off the highway.

It was getting dark, there wasn’t a person in sight, and we had no clue where we were. Great, now all we needed was a skinny, pale girl in a bikini, a big guy in a mask sporting a chain saw, and a sheriff turned zombie and we had the makings for a perfect horror movie.

No signal, I said, holding up my phone for Mike to see. Try yours.

Nothing, they both said in unison.

Wiping the thin layer of fog from the window, I looked out into the vanishing daylight. Except for the three-foot-high stalks of dying crops shaking gently in the wind, I saw nothing. Heard nothing.

We’re in the middle of Nowhere, New York, with a good fifty-mile walk to the last gas station we passed, I said, inching closer to Luke. We need a plan, or we’re going to miss …

I trailed off, not wanting to ruin Luke’s surprise. He had no clue where we were going. No idea I’d been scraping money together for the better part of five months to get him those concert tickets.

Miss what? Luke asked, pulling me closer. He dropped a line of kisses on my neck, his breath heavy and sweet in my ear. He was taunting me, trying to get me to spill my secret.

Nothing, but we need to get back on the road, I said, unwinding myself from his grip.

Luke eased back, dropping that happy-go-lucky attitude of his. It’d taken him a long time to get to this point with me, to recognize the fear in my voice and understand that I wasn’t the defiant, hardened foster kid everybody assumed I was.

Relax, Dee. It’s gonna be fine. Luke pulled his jersey around me tighter, his gaze lingering on the number three—his number—on my chest, and a look of appreciation lit up his face. Looks better on you than me.

It actually looked best rolled up in a ball at the foot of his bed next to my shoes and jeans, but I didn’t say that. Not with Mike listening from the back seat.

Stay here, Luke said as he slipped on his gloves. There’s got to be a town nearby. Mike and I will go find some gas.

I stared at him, my mind racing through a thousand juvenile scenarios. Each of them ended up with me hacked to pieces by the local crazy man. Yeah … no. I’m going with you.

I cocked my head, daring Luke to challenge me. He smiled, shrugged out of his jacket, and wrapped it around my shoulders. His fingers wound tightly into mine and

I sighed, feeling a momentary sense of peace. Luke would walk through hell for me, and, given the walls I’d made him tear down when we first started dating, I had no reason to doubt him now.

The hazy possibility of a town shone through the sleet, the lights barely visible from where we sat. Even if Luke was right and we were close to another gas station, I doubted we’d make it there before we froze to death.

I forced myself to open my door again, the wind cutting through me like a steel blade. Luke was already rummaging through a black bag in the trunk. He found a flashlight and flicked it on, the narrow beam illuminating the side of the road.

Let’s go, he said. The sooner we find gas, the sooner we can get back on the road.

I looked at Luke, my gaze landing on what appeared to be a tire iron lodged in his left hand. You bringing that? I asked, suddenly wishing we’d decided to sit in the car, blow off the concert, and flag down the next person who drove by.

Sure am, Luke said.

I shook my head and fought the urge to laugh. There was zero chance of someone helping us now. I mean, who in their right mind was going to stop for three kids, especially one carrying a tire iron?

I glanced back toward the car, unnerved to see that it was quickly fading away behind us. We’d barely walked a quarter-mile, and yet our car was already veiled in ice. I put my hand in Luke’s, praying that the town was closer than it looked.


The town definitely wasn’t as close as it looked. My feet hurt and my fingers were numb by the time we hit the outskirts. I probably would’ve sat down right there on the side of the road in a pile of muddy slush had it not been for the annoying siren echoing through the silence.

What is that? I asked, my head pounding in time with the two-beat wail.

Sirens, Mike replied.

Yeah, thanks, I got that, I muttered, then turned to Luke. I meant, why are they going off?

Luke shrugged and scanned the area, same as me, in search of a mushroom cloud, a tornado, a wall of water … anything that would explain why the emergency sirens had been set off. Except for a bank of gray clouds hovering in the distance, the horizon was clear. No sign of a deadly storm, a world-ending apocalypse, or a zombie attack. Absolutely nothing.

Not only that, but as far as I could tell, there was nobody around to warn. What looked like cars were up ahead, but they were stationary—no blaring horns or mufflers. Had it not been for the two expensive-looking tractors and a set of fresh tire tracks lining the road, I would’ve assumed the town was abandoned.

Don’t worry, Luke said, squeezing my hand tighter. We’ll hit the first gas station we see, grab some gas, and get back on the road. He leaned in and ran his hand across the back of my neck, drawing me closer. Maybe you want to tell me what the big surprise is now? I may find that gas a little faster if I had something to look forward to and all.

Not gonna happen, I said and pushed him away. He turned to Mike, no doubt planning to bait his younger brother for information. I held my hand up, warning Mike to keep his mouth shut. Don’t you even think about it!

Mike slapped Luke on the shoulder, bracing himself for the punch that would undoubtedly follow. Sorry, but the boss says no.

Luke’s chuckle felt forced, like he was trying to keep the conversation light despite the fact that the sirens were getting louder by the minute. Yeah? And when did you start taking your orders from her?

Mike grinned, that stupid, mischievous twinkle marring his eyes. "I don’t, but we both know you do. Walls are thin back home. Really thin."

Shut up! I shouted, picking up my pace. There were some things I’d rather not think about, and Mike listening to me and Luke … yeah, that was one of them.

The first shadow of a building appeared, the sleet making its brick exterior shine with a coldness that crept into my soul. I stopped at the base of the steps and stared up at the words engraved above the door: Purity Springs Savings and Trust. Next to the bank was a grocery store and across the street was a dry cleaner, a small café, and what appeared to be a string of white-clapboard community buildings connected to a chapel.

I stopped in the middle of the street and tugged Luke to a halt beside me. Other than the sirens blaring in my ears, it was still. Dead. No howling dogs, no crying children, no cars speeding away from impending danger.

I shuddered. The vacant street, the splatter of slush against concrete, the ancient-looking buildings all hovered around us. It was seriously creepy, and I fumbled in my purse for the tiny canister of mace I always carried. Not that there was anybody to spray. The place was a ghost town.

Where is everybody? I wondered out loud.

No clue, Luke yelled, competing with the sirens. Not sure I care, either, he added, pointing down the street.

I had to squint in order to make out the faint sign about a quarter-mile up. It wasn’t the words, but rather the familiar-

shaped rectangles jutting up from the ground that gave it away. Gas station, I squealed and took off running.

The sun was about to set, the orange glow painting the streets in a dim light. For as deathly silent as this place was, I could’ve sworn I saw shadows. They were nothing more than flashes of black darting behind the buildings, but they were there. My rational mind knew it was probably just the last bit of sunlight changing positions. But logical thinking was no match for my imagination, and I found myself squeezing the small canister of mace, my hand sweating as I melded it with my palm.

Mr. Hooper had given it to me the week I came to live with them. I was barely thirteen and trusted nobody, including myself. I hadn’t seen my parents for over a year at that point. The state had finally taken me away from them permanently when my father’s interest in me went from a simple punching bag to something else. I’d been bounced between three different foster homes and kicked out of two residential programs when the Hoopers finally agreed to give me one last shot. That last shot came with a lot of rules and weekly, court-mandated counseling, but eventually the Hoopers wore me down and got me talking when all I wanted to do was hide.

Mr. Hooper tucked the mace into my hand the day I started school, told me the first step to getting beyond my past was to take control of my present. I took it because having that small weapon made me feel less like a victim and more like a girl you didn’t want to mess with. Now the mace came with me everywhere.

Turning back, I scanned the street for Mike. He may have been the third wheel on this trip, but he was Luke’s brother, and at the end of the day, he was always good for a few laughs. That and he had our concert tickets in his wallet.

You see Mike anywhere? I asked.

Luke circled his hand in the direction of everything and nothing. Yeah, he’s fine. He’s checking the place out, same as us.

I sighed and searched the empty street once more. We had to stay together; it was stupid to be splitting up like this.

Relax, Dee. There’s no on here, Luke said. They probably evacuated when the sirens went off. I’m sure it’s nothing more than a false alarm.

I shrugged and kept going, wanting to get out of this place as soon as possible. This town, with its eerie silence and deserted streets, made me feel weak, like I was being watched … cornered. And I hated that feeling.

Sensing my unease, Luke tugged me to a stop and forced me to look at him. "I’m

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