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The Gospel of Love and Peace: Essene Books I - IV
The Gospel of Love and Peace: Essene Books I - IV
The Gospel of Love and Peace: Essene Books I - IV
Ebook347 pages6 hours

The Gospel of Love and Peace: Essene Books I - IV

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These teachings are unique, because they do not refer to a specific culture, they refer to man and his relationship to his co-beings and his relation to God. They do not demand a specific moral life according to exact rules how to live. They just express a spiritual ethics.
The Gospel of Peace, unlike other documents or interpretations of biblical texts, explains the expression “Heavenly Father” in a very deep meaning, also because of the fact that it describes “the Earthly Mother” as well.
It does not mean that it proclaims a female God next to a male God. We are still dealing with a monotheistic religion. But in its divine dualism it does not exclude female character in God, nor the female and maternal principle of nature. Therefore it re-connects Christianity with obvious and deeply experienced world views that can be found as universal in all cultures and religions except the three Thora-based Jewish, Christian and Muslim religions.
Let us just assume for a moment a Christianity that is not denying but also worshipping the maternal aspects, not only in some sick romanticisation of virginity and unearthly “purity”, but in its obvious richness, abundance and fertility. A Christianity that regards Earth just as important and divine as it regards Heaven. A Christianity describing the body as a temple for the soul. A Christianity that communicates with Heaven and Earth … — Well, here it is!
For the first time all translations of the Essene scripts in one volume, revised, newly arranged and edited by Dr. Jörg Berchem. With many illustrations by Caspar David Friedrich, Rembrandt, Leonardo da Vinci and Gustav Doré.
(including: Book 1 The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book One, Book 2 The Unknown Books of the Essenes, Book 3 Lost Scrolls of the Essene Brotherhood, Book 4 The Teachings of the Elect and Banus The Essene The essene Code of Life)
Release dateSep 9, 2016
The Gospel of Love and Peace: Essene Books I - IV

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    This is a missing link in the living word of our FATHER, MOTHER and SON.

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The Gospel of Love and Peace - Books on Demand



Chapter 1

From the Essene Book of Moses²

The Ten Commandments

And Mount Sinai was altogether in smoke because the Lord descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly.

And the Lord came down upon Mount Sinai, on the top of the mount: and the Lord called Moses up to the top of the mount: and Moses went up.

And the Lord called unto Moses out of the mountain, saying, Come unto me, for I would give you the Law for your people, which shall be a covenant for the Children of Light.

And Moses went up unto God. And God spoke all these words, saying:

I am the Law, your God, which has brought you out from the depths of the bondage of darkness.

You shall have no other Laws before me.

You shall not make unto you any image of the Law in Heaven above or in the Earth beneath. I am the invisible Law, without beginning and without end.

You shall not make unto you false laws, for I am the Law, and the whole Law of all laws. If you forsake me, you shall be visited by disasters for generation upon generation.

If you keep my commandments, you shall enter the Infinite Garden where stands the Tree of Life in the midst of the Eternal Sea.

You shall not violate the Law. The Law is your God, who shall not hold you guiltless.

Honour your Earthly Mother, that your days may be long upon the land, and honour your Heavenly Father, that Eternal Life be thine in the Heavens, for the Earth and the Heavens are given unto you by the Law, which is your God.

You shall greet your Earthly Mother on the morning of the Sabbath.

You shall greet the Angel of Earth on the second morning.

You shall greet the Angel of Life on the third morning.

You shall greet the Angel of Joy on the fourth morning.

You shall greet the Angel of Sun on the fifth morning.

You shall greet the Angel of Water on the sixth morning,

You shall greet the Angel of Air on the seventh morning.

All these Angels of the Earthly Mother shall you greet, and consecrate thyself to them, that you may enter the Infinite Garden where stands the Tree of Life.

You shall worship your Heavenly Father on the evening of the Sabbath.

You shall commune with the Angel of Eternal Life on the second evening.

You shall commune with the Angel of Work on the third evening.

You shall commune with the Angel of Peace on the fourth evening.

You shall commune with the Angel of Power on the fifth evening,

You shall commune with the Angel of Love on the sixth evening.

You shall commune with the Angel of Wisdom on the seventh evening.

All these Angels of the Heavenly Father shall you commune with, that your soul may bathe in the Fountain of Light, and enter into the Sea of Eternity.

The seventh day is the Sabbath: you shall remember it, keep it holy. The Sabbath is the day of the Light of the Law, your God. In it you shall not do any work, but search the Light, the kingdom of your God, and all things shall be given unto you.

For know you that during six days you shall work with the Angels, but the seventh day shall you dwell in the Light of your Lord, who is the Holy Law.

You shall not take the Life from any living thing. Life comes only from God, who giveth it and takes it away.

You shall not debase Love. It is the sacred gift of your Heavenly Father.

You shall not trade your Soul, the priceless gift of the loving God, for the riches of the world, which are as seeds sown on stony ground, having no root in themselves, and so enduring but for a little while.

You shall not be a false witness of the Law, to use it against your brother: Only God knows the beginning and the ending of all things, for his eye is single, and he is the Holy Law.

You shall not covet your neighbour's possessions. The Law gives unto you much greater gifts, even the Earth and the Heavens, if you keep the Commandments of the Lord your God.

And Moses heard the voice of the Lord, and sealed within him the covenant that was between the Lord and the Children of Light.

And Moses turned, and went down from the mount, and the two tablets of the Law were in his hand.

And the tablets were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God, graven upon the tablets.

And the people knew not what became of Moses, and they gathered themselves together and brake off their golden earrings and made a molten calf. And they worshipped unto the idol, and offered to it burnt offerings.

And they ate and drank and danced before the golden calf, which they had made, and they abandoned themselves to corruption and evil before the Lord.

And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf, and the dancing, and the wickedness of the people: and Moses' anger waxed hot, and he cast the tablets out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount.

And it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses said unto the people: You have sinned a great sin, you have denied your Creator. I will go up unto the Lord and plead atonement for your sin.

And Moses returned unto the Lord, and said: Lord, you hast seen the desecration of your Holy Law. For your children lost faith, and worshipped the darkness, and made for themselves a golden calf. Lord, forgive them, for they are blind to the light.

And the Lord said unto Moses:

Behold, at the beginning of time was a covenant made between God and man, and the holy flame of the Creator did enter unto him. And he was made the son of God, and it was given him to guard his inheritance of the first-born, and to make fruitful the land of his father and keep it holy. And he who casts out the Creator from him does spit upon his birthright, and no more grievous sin does exist in the eyes of God.

And the Lord spoke, saying:

Only the Children of Light can keep the commandments of the Law. Hear me, for I say thus: the tablets which you did break, these shall nevermore be written in the words of men. As you did return them to the earth and fire, so shall they live, invisible, in the hearts of those who are able to follow their Law. To your people of little faith, who did sin against the Creator, even whilst you stood on holy ground before your God, I will give another Law. It shall be a stem law, yea, it shall bind them, for they know not yet the Kingdom of Light.

And Moses hid the invisible Law within his breast, and kept it for a sign to the Children of Light. And God gave unto Moses the written law for the people, and he went down unto them, and spoke unto them with a heavy heart.

And Moses said unto the people: These are the laws which your God has given you:

You shall have no other gods before me.

You shall not make unto you any graven image.

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Honour your father and your mother.

You shall not kill.

You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not steal.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.

You shall not covet your neighbour's house, nor your neighbour's wife, nor anything that is your neighbour's.

And there was a day of mourning and atonement for the great sin against the Creator, which did not end. And the broken tablets of the Invisible Law lived hidden in the breast of Moses, until it came to pass that the Children of Light appeared in the desert, and the Angels walked the Earth.

Chapter 2

The Vision of Enoch²

The Most Ancient Revelation God Speaks to Man

I speak to you.

Be still

Know I am God.

I spoke to you

When you were born.

Be still

Know I am God.

I spoke to you

At your first sight.

Be still

Know I am God.

I spoke to you

At your first word.

Be still

Know I am God.

I spoke to you

At your first thought.

Be still

Know I am God.

I spoke to you

At your first Love.

Be still

Know I am God.

I spoke to you

At your first song.

Be still

Know I am God.

I speak to you

Through the grass of the meadows.

Be still

Know I am God.

I speak to you

Through the trees of the forests.

Be still

Know I am God.

I speak to you

Through the valleys and the hills.

Be still

Know I am God.

I speak to you

Through the Holy Mountains.

Be still

Know I am God.

I speak to you

Through the rain and the snow.

Be still

Know I am God.

I speak to you

Through the waves of the sea.

Be still

Know I am God.

I speak to you

Through the dew of the morning.

Be still

Know I am God.

I speak to you

Through the Peace of the evening.

Be still

Know I am God.

I speak to you

Through the splendour of the sun.

Be still

Know I am God.

I speak to you

Through the brilliant stars.

Be still

Know I am God.

I speak to you

Through the storm and the clouds.

Be still

Know I am God.

I speak to you

Through the thunder and lightning.

Be still

Know I am God.

I speak to you

Through the mysterious rainbow.

Be still

Know I am God.

I will speak to you

When you are alone.

Be still

Know I am God.

I will speak to you

Through the Wisdom of the


Be still

Know I am God.

I will speak to you

At the end of time.

Be still

Know I am God.

I will speak to you

When you have seen my Angels.

Be still

Know I am God.

I will speak to you

Throughout Eternity.

Be still

Know I am God

I speak to you.

Be still

Know I am God.



Chapter 3

Witness of the Light

(Fragments from the Essene Gospel of John²)

In the beginning was the Law, and the Law was with God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was Life; and the Life was the Light of men. And the Light shines in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

From the far place in the desert came the brothers, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through them might walk in the Light of the Holy Law. For the true Light does illumine every man that cometh into the world, but the world knows it not. But as many do receive the Law, to them is given the power to become the Sons of God, and to enter the Eternal Sea where stands the Tree of Life.

And Jesus taught them, saying: Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of Heaven.

And one man said: How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb, and be born?

And Jesus answered: Verily, verily, I say unto you: Except a man be born of the Earthly Mother and the Heavenly Father, and walk with the Angels of the Day and the Night, he cannot enter into the Eternal Kingdom. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. And the flesh of your body is born of the Earthly Mother, and the spirit within you is born of the Heavenly Father. The wind blows, and you hear the sound thereof, but cannot tell whence it comes. So it is with the Holy Law. All men hear it, but know it not, for from their first breath it is with them. But he who is born again of the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother, he shall hear with new ears, and see with new eyes, and the flame of the Holy Law shall be kindled within him.

And one man asked: How can these things be?

Jesus answered and said unto him: Verily, verily, I say unto you: We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and you receive not our witness. For man is born to walk with the Angels, but instead he does search for jewels in the mud. To him has the Heavenly Father bestowed his inheritance, that he should build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, but man has turned his back on his Father, and does worship the world and its idols. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into this world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light. For we are all Sons of God, and in us God is glorified, and the light which shines around God and his children is the Light of the Holy Law. And he who hates the light, does deny his Father and his Mother, who have given him birth.

And one man asked: Master, how can we know the light?

And Jesus answered: Verily, verily, I give unto you a new commandment: that you love one another, even as they love you who work together in the Garden of the Brotherhood. By this shall all men know that you too are brothers, even as we all are Sons of God.

And one man said: All your talk is of the brotherhood, yet we cannot all be of the brotherhood. Yet we would worship light and shun darkness, for none there is among us who desires evil.

And Jesus answered: "Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God. Know you that our Father's house are many mansions, and our brotherhood is but a dark glass reflecting the Heavenly Brotherhood unto which all creatures of Heaven and Earth do belong. The brotherhood is the vine, and our Heavenly Father is the husbandman. Every branch in us that bears not fruit he takes away: and every branch that bears fruit, he purges it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Abide in us and we in you. And the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can you, except you abide in the Holy Law, which is the rock upon our brotherhood stands. He that abides in the Law, the same brings forth much fruit: for without the Law you can do nothing. If a man abide not in the Law, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.

And as the brothers abide in the Love one for another, as the Angel of Love does teach them, so we do ask that you love one another. Greater Love has no man than this, to teach the Holy Law one to another, and to love each other as oneself. The Heavenly Father is in us, and we are in Him, and we do reach out our hands in Love and ask you be one in us. The glory which He gave us we do give to you: That you may be one, even as we are one. For your Father in Heaven has loved you before the foundation of the world."

And in this manner did the Brothers teach the Holy Law to them who would hear it, and it is said they did marvellous things, and healed the sick and afflicted with diverse grasses and wondrous uses of sun and water. And there are also many other things they did, the which, if they should be written every one, even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.


Chapter 4

Teacher of the Righteousness

(From the Essene Book of the Teacher of the Righteousness²)

And the Master took himself to the banks of a stream where the people were gathered, those who did hunger after his words. And he blessed them, and asked them whereof they were troubled. And one did speak: Master, tell us, what are those things we should hold of high value, and what are those things we should despise?

And the Master answered, saying: All the ills which man suffer are caused by those things without us; for what is within us can never make us suffer. A child dies, a fortune is lost, house and fields burn, and all men are helpless, and they cry out, ‘What shall I do now? What shall now befall me? Will this thing come to pass?’ All these are the words of those who grieve and rejoice over events which do befall them, events which are not of their doing. But if we do mourn over that which is not in our power, we are as the little child who weeps when the sun leaves the sky. It was said of old, you shall not covet any thing that is they neighbour's; and now I say unto you: you shall not desire any thing which is not in your power, for only that which is within you does belong to you; and that which is without you does belong to another. In this does happiness lie: to know what is thine, and what is not thine. If you wouldst have eternal life, hold fast to the eternity within you, and grasp not to the shadows of the world of men, which hold the seed of death.

Is not all that happens without you, outside of your power? It is. And your knowledge of good and evil, is it not within you? It is. Is it not, then, in your power, to treat of all which does come to pass in the Light of Wisdom and Love, instead of sadness and despair? It is. Can any man hinder you from doing thus? No man can. Then shall you not cry out, ‘What shall I do? What shall now befall me? Will this thing come to pass?’ For whatsoever may come to pass, you shall judge it in the Light of Wisdom and Love, and see all things with the eyes of the Angels.

For to weigh your happiness according to that which may befall you, is to live as a slave. And to live according to the Angels which speak within you, is to be free. You shall live in freedom as a true Son of God, and bow your head only to the commandments of the Holy Law. In this way you shall live, that when the Angel of death comes for you, you can stretch out your hands to God and say, ‘The Communions I have received from you for knowing your Law and walking in the paths of the Angels. I have not neglected, I have not dishonoured you by my acts. See how I have used the eye which sees within: have I ever blamed you? Have I cried out against that which has befallen me, that it desired be otherwise? Have I desired to transgress the Law? That you have given me Life, I thank you for what you have given me: so long as I have used the things which are yours, I am content: take them back and place them wherever you may choose, for yours are all things, even unto eternity.’

"Know you, that no man can serve two masters. You cannot wish to have the world's riches, and have also the Kingdom of Heaven. You cannot wish to own lands and wield power over men, and have also the Kingdom of Heaven. Wealth, lands and power, these things belong to no man, for they are of the world. But the Kingdom of Heaven is yours for ever, for it is within you. And if you desire and seek after that which does not belong to you, then shall you surely lose that which is yours. know you, for I tell you truly, that nothing is given nor is it had for nothing. For every thing in the world of men and angels, there is a price. He who would gather wealth and riches must run about, kiss the hands of those he admires not, waste himself with fatigue at other men's doors, say and do many false things, give gifts of gold and silver and sweet oils; all this and more must a man do to gather wealth and favour. And when you have achieved it, what then do you have? Will this wealth and power secure for you freedom from fear, a mind at Peace, a day spent in the company of the Angels of the Earthly Mother, a night spent in communion with the Angels of the Heavenly Father? Do you expect to have for nothing, things so great? When a man has two masters, either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and also serve the world. Perchance your will goth dry, precious oil is spilled, your house burns, your crops wither; but you do treat what may befall you with Wisdom and Love. Rains again shall fill the well, houses can again be built, new seeds can be sown: all these things shall pass away.

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